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Lurker Wars

Re: Lurker Wars

I anxiously await Momiji's response. I predict some win.

For the record, since my awesome cameo to Lurker Wars, I've been hoping for a new chapter. So one of you two get off you lazy asses or I'll... do something. Sinister. And.. Painful.


I'll just post the angry black man.
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Re: Lurker Wars

*Dickshot's the black guy* Leave the black people out of this or I'll be forced to use my Beretta. :/
Re: Lurker Wars

I'm waiting for a long break so I can start working on it again. Unless YOU wanna do something about it.

I wanna fuck this story in the ass.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

(I don't remember writing that..)
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Re: Lurker Wars

I, under the new title of co-cowriter, do hereby decree a cancellation of this story on the grounds that no one's writing for it anymore. I will take over and revive it sometime mid-May.


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Re: Lurker Wars

Mid-May? Sweet I'll be home, and all my time will be free once more. I can also bring back the ex-lurker chronicles that I have saved on my memory key at home.
Re: Lurker Wars

Hey now, Obe. Just because you don't know that we aren't working on it, doesn't mean someone isn't working on it, if you know what I mean.
Re: Lurker Wars

Well I probably did more than you did in this five year hiatus.
Re: Lurker Wars

Well I probably did more than you did in this five year hiatus.

I almost saved an entire nation!

Then North Korea threatened to kill my famiry, so I stopped.

What about you?
Re: Lurker Wars

XD I love how this is all "get to work!" and none of the actual work done. Seriously, you guys. *snaps a whip!* Stop the bitching and start working!
Re: Lurker Wars

I almost saved an entire nation!

Then North Korea threatened to kill my famiry, so I stopped.

What about you?

Oh so you haven't heard Mo? The Ori blew up North Korea half an hour ago.
Re: Lurker Wars

Which makes all the work you did moot. Meanwhile I did about two paragraphs of writing, which actually now adds up to more than your work.
Re: Lurker Wars

Which makes all the work you did moot. Meanwhile I did about two paragraphs of writing, which actually now adds up to more than your work.

Ooof! Feel the heat, cuz that was a burn...
Re: Lurker Wars

Here's a bit from the next chapter I'm writing, because I now own this story. [Enter Mr. Burns picture and evil laugh here.]

Obeliskos looked down at his minions. Atop his throne, he chuckled to himself as he plotted the attack against the lurkers. Thanks to his intellectuality, he found a cure for AIDS, and thus was the only one not to die from the AIDS infection, caused by Dark and Mo, and Burrito too I guess whatever. He, alongside with his daughter, Boxxy, his wife, Susan Boyle, and his son, Chris-chan, Obe ruled the land, and his wife wink wink olool, with an iron fist. He stepped down from his throne and strode over to his friend Mo's grave. He proceeded to take a piss on it, then did the same with Dark and Oni's grave. "Where is your Scrubs now, faggots? WHERE IS YOUR FUCKING SCRUBS NOW!?" He laughed as he continued along the line of graves and came upon Burrito's - literally. Satisfied, for whatever reason, Obe returned to his room to argue on the internet about how GameFAQs is full of Nintendo fanboys and how Persona 3 and 4 deserve more attention. Sporting his foam pirate hat, he proceeded to find the cure for cancer just a week later. The rest, as they say, is history.
Re: Lurker Wars

Grave news everyone, and you can all thank Burrito for it. We decided to close shop on Lurker Wars. We hate being heckled into doing more chapters, which was the reason why we didn't make more. Because of Burrito, we've finally had enough. All two of those times that you demanded us to work is enough. Lurker Wars is over. No conclusion. No nothing.
Re: Lurker Wars

Indeed, the works of Dark and Mo are over. Now I can take over completely! YOU CAN ENJOY MY LITERARY GENIUS!

Another excerpt:
Obeliskos triumphantly raised his sword over the fallen lurkers, and their adbot backup. Everyone else died because they were fags and pussies. Obe is awesome. He also got a huge harem who had sex with him every hour of every day.
Re: Lurker Wars

I may still bring back my ex-lurker chronicles once I'm home from visiting Sly. I've heard a few people wanting to read it... I may go back though and change it around a bit, or perhaps even rewrite it.

Re: Lurker Wars

Grave news everyone, and you can all thank Burrito for it. We decided to close shop on Lurker Wars. We hate being heckled into doing more chapters, which was the reason why we didn't make more. Because of Burrito, we've finally had enough. All two of those times that you demanded us to work is enough. Lurker Wars is over. No conclusion. No nothing.

How dare you pin your laziness on me, you asshole!?
Re: Lurker Wars

See what I mean, everybody? He insults us, and then expects us to make more chapters.
Re: Lurker Wars

Prior to this:
Grave news everyone, and you can all thank Burrito for it. We decided to close shop on Lurker Wars. We hate being heckled into doing more chapters, which was the reason why we didn't make more. Because of Burrito, we've finally had enough. All two of those times that you demanded us to work is enough. Lurker Wars is over. No conclusion. No nothing.

Were these, in order:
Ah. I see. Well, here's hoping it's full of win, unlike my story which hasn't been updated in forever >.>

*Dickshot's the black guy* Leave the black people out of this or I'll be forced to use my Beretta. :/

So, for wishing you good luck and making an unrelated possibly racist remark you're quitting? God, you're a pushover.