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Re: Hate Thread

No. It means China finally ran out of good things to tell Americans.
Re: Hate Thread

I read some time ago that some chinese restaurants in New York were going to start putting negative messages in fortune cookies.
Re: Hate Thread

I read some time ago that some chinese restaurants in New York were going to start putting negative messages in fortune cookies.

Awesome. I'll have to start stopping throwing those positive cookies at the waiters..
Re: Hate Thread

Actually I've gotten a fortune cookie with a negative saying in it. I think it was supposed to be a joke on my birthday though so that may have had something to do with it.
Re: Hate Thread

Back on topic, I hate strep throat. :I My tonsils look like they're playing host to a Gravemind.

On a different vein, I hate a very specific pot-smoking bum not just because it's illegal, but because he is (was! He's moving out! 8D) my roommate and stinks up the house, giggling so loudly and maniacally with his buddies that one can't watch a movie in peace. Every damned weekend... but soon no more! *victory pose*
Re: Hate Thread

Back on topic, I hate strep throat. :I My tonsils look like they're playing host to a Gravemind.

On a different vein, I hate a very specific pot-smoking bum not just because it's illegal, but because he is (was! He's moving out! 8D) my roommate and stinks up the house, giggling so loudly and maniacally with his buddies that one can't watch a movie in peace. Every damned weekend... but soon no more! *victory pose*

*Final Fantasy Victory Fanfare* You beat the terrible evil roomate! You reach level 2! You gained 100 Gil and a Pheonix Down!
Re: Hate Thread

It was a team effort between myself and my girlfriend. If our wrath is universal, no wonder lesbians get a bad rap. 8D
Re: Hate Thread

Lol at stereotypically annoying pot heads. I usually don't laugh all that much as I smoke. Instead, I devote unholy amounts of time to grinding for those freakishly hard item drops/rewards in my favorite games, because I get bored too quickly otherwise. Also adventuring, lots of adventuring. (as in outdoorsey stuff) Incidentally, I hate when the weather can't make up its mind. It was 88 degrees in Nebraska today, and do you know what tomorrow's temperature will be? 55. Two weeks before that, we had a blizzard, like literally, a fucking blizzard in April.
Re: Hate Thread

pffft... two weeks? we haven't had a blizzard yet but down here we get changes like that in a day.
Re: Hate Thread

Ditto. :D Welcome, more extreme weather change! Please, have a seat!
Re: Hate Thread

I have never taken an illegal substance, and don't plan to.
Re: Hate Thread

I've taken substances while they are currently illegal to me. I don't see why someone shouldn't take a substance just because it's illegal. However, there are very mixed results about long term effects of marijuana. I can't currently make a justifying argument to why I won't smoke marijuana but currently drink aside from the following. I don't have any plans on doing any potential damage to my lungs. My lungs are already shit, I can't afford damaging them. However I have plenty of brain cells to spare. Not exactly an amazing argument, but the best I can come up with right now. But I don't think I'll ever do marijuana or heavier drugs.
Re: Hate Thread

i've never done drugs for myself but i've seen the damage marajuana can do. its very not pretty.
Re: Hate Thread

i've never done drugs for myself but i've seen the damage marajuana can do. its very not pretty.

Directly or indirectly?
Re: Hate Thread

I haven't used marijuana either -- at first from a stubborn stance of 'fuck that, I have better things to do with my weekend!' and now just because I figure that my body doesn't react nicely to most things that other people take for granted (booze and coffee come to mind) so I doubt I'd have fun with weed. I have some friends who've smoked it casually or pretty hard in the past, and they both agree that it's not all that exciting. X3

As for long term effects, I'm not exactly convinced that it's incredibly horrible to the body (as far as smoking goes, there's far worse that you can put into your lungs than pot!) and my girlfriend's family has smoked it for years (darn hippies! X3) and they're all doing pretty well. It seems more like a matter of 'been there, done that, bored -- let's do something useful with our lives' than what pot has to offer. I'm sure it's great to help relax, or for recreation, but when it's all that you're doing, that kind of fun can only last so long!
Re: Hate Thread

directly. it don't think it does much if anything to the body, but it can fuck your brain over. permanently.
Re: Hate Thread

When you mix it with booze, some people get righteously ill. XD Friend of mine mixed the two when camping and that was not a good time for her. Eugh.
Re: Hate Thread

thats different. remember this mnemonic:

beer then grass and your on your ass
grass then beer and your in the clear
Re: Hate Thread

I hate Twilight! And the stupid amounts of fans around at the moment.

FUCKING YES!! I can't stand that god damn movie, it makes me want to go out and kill babies! I understand that's its based off teen emo-ish romance novels, and I'm okay with that, but when vampires step into sunlight, they should burn, not fricking SPARKLE LIKE DIAMONDS!! If it weren't for that horrible, horrible fuck-up, I could actually enjoy this movie.


Sorry about that...