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Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

I'm just posting this so I don't get excited everytime I see the name Kathy as the last person to post in this.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

I'm just posting this so I don't get excited everytime I see the name Kathy as the last person to post in this.

...And you got me excited by making me think an update was posted, and someone had already voted. Catch-22.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Sorry about the extended delay. I didn't mean to let this update linger for so long. Ehem!

Winning vote is clearly A-A (Bombers and Link going after him head on)
And due to some back and forth, I'm tossing in Link wearing the Gerudo mask and outfit.

Also sorry for short-ish update. Feeling good today though, and if it holds, I'll have an update by tomorrow if we get enough votes.

Remember! Discuss together and group votes may gain benefits.)

Link glared at the wagon that was slowly preparing to leave. The Bombers could scramble over the fence perhaps, but someone had to chase the wagon down and slow it, or the Gormons would have simply escaped due to superior speed.

"Right. We understand." The Bombers said firmly as Link turned Epona to the track and motioned for the Bombers to prepare to attack. Taking off slower at first, hoping to sneak up on the Gormons, by not alerting them to her presence too soon, Link slowed only enough to quickly change clothes and don her new mask, before she urged Epona onward, and broke into a hard gallop as soon as she rounded the far corner of the track...

(Advantage check! 17, 10, 19)

Epona was glorious as always, bounding the highest fence with ease and taking off with thunderous hooves that would put any other stallion to shame... another leap, and another bound, Link leaned in and whispered lovingly to her big, strong stallion, caressing his neck tenderly as he seemed to be nearly flying across the flimsy obstacles the Gormons used on their track, seeming to understand the urgency of their mission.

Link burst around the final stretch before the Gormons were even finished loading the milk, confusion and shock in their faces as the slut of a gerudo they had degraded yesterday was suddenly rushing upon them with bow drawn and the first arrow fired...

(Advantage check! 3, 12, 7)

The first arrow went wide, shattering a bottle of milk, the second one lodging against the wheel's axle, nearly breaking it, as the third thudded uselessly into the side of the wagon. The two gormons lept into the wagon at the same time and urged their pair of meek horses onward...

(... Okay, Link wins before the Bombers even get over the fence. 20, 18, 9)

Rushing upon them, Link lept off of Epona with both of her gerudo blades drawn and glared down at the two cowering thugs, Epona stomping heavily before the Gormon stallions and instantly halting their progress, as they seemed afraid to face off against the far more powerful horse.

"How dare you betray us you little slut!" One of them gasped out in horror.
"After we could have left you to your fate at the slave city!" The other cried out.
"You'll get what's coming to you!" They both yelled in unison, as the Bombers finally arrived, surrounding the already stopped wagon, and detaining the Gormons, link easily kicking open the chest that was so preciously loaded, and it was just as she'd believed.

Link has obtained the deed to Romani Ranch. Signed away by Romani during the dark torment that was inflicted upon her, with this deed, anyone who turns it in to the mayor's office in Clock Town would become the new owner of the ranch.

The Bombers quickly made short work of the two Gormons, dragging the brothers off and restraining them. Without their monster thugs to protect them, they were mere pushovers. Once the pair was taken away, Link removed her mask and smiled at her team. Though they'd been a bit useless in this case, they still had spunk...

"We'll stay on Milk Road and keep the Gormons under wraps... that way we can protect Romani too..." one of the bombers said with a firm nod, "If we just turn these two into the city, they'll be out in no time... and those monsters are still around. Romani needs to be protected..."

Link looked to the deed in her hand for a moment, then at the Bombers, trying to decide what to do next.

(Votes!) (Extra note: A1/A2/A3 are free-bonuses, and may be chosen along with a follow up vote. So pick one (as a result of victory in this task) then pick a normal vote. ONLY skip the A1/2/3 vote if you think Link should keep the deed with her and not turn it in. (A valid choice, especially if you have some other idea for the deed.))
Prevote1: Clothing. Open Option (anything you choose. If no votes are taken, Link falls back on her grey outfit being her most common looking clothes, despite how much they show off right now.)

Prevote2: Bombers.
a) Leave the Bombers here at Milk Road as suggested, to detain the Gormons (and question them), while defending Romani.
b) Turn the Gormons in to the city and order the Bombers away on another job. (See full vote for some options.)

Full Vote:
(Accomplished!) a) Chase down the wagon and recover the deed and Romani Ranch's Milk.
Victory Bonus:
A1) Link returns to Romani with the deed, to help her recover. (Romani turns in the deed at Clock Town after this option is taken.)
A2) Link heads to Clock Town and turns in the deed herself. By becoming the one in charge of Romani Ranch, it ensures that Romani won't be the target of this kind of attack again.
A3) Link visits Romani with the deed, then insists on turning the deed in herself, for Romani's protection. (Romani will not be pleased, but will endure it. Low recovery rate compared to A1)
A4) (Auto Chosen if skipped) Link decides to keep the deed for the time being, having a purpose in mind for it. (A fresh copy from the Mayor's office, with Romani signing it, will still create a new deed that can be used to take the ranch. So merely keeping it is not a way to "secure" the ranch and keep it safe. It only adds risk that if Link loses the deed, the ranch is lost, in addition to Romani being threatened.)

b) Head towards the hidden cave and go to the slave market, trying to track down Cremia.
c) Return to Clock Town straight away and retrieve the other Bombers (gains a 2nd bomber action for any votes taking place after this is taken).
d) Visit the Zora Hall again and try to convince Lulu of Link's deeds so far, hoping to gain her support for defending Zora's Domain.
e) Return to Zora's Domain (Link Only Option using Song of Soaring) to check on them and possibly recruit them for tasks.
f) Hunt down the rest of the unknown monsters that are helping the Gormons. (Will be some combat, but not a focus, easy fighting.)
g) Attempt to find Dorodock for his assistance in the slavery markets.
h) Attack the Gerudo Base. (This vote will be combat heavy and trigger off a dungeon if Link goes.)
i) Attempt to sneak into the Gerudo base and talk with them.
j) Take a Bath/Go Shopping for new clothes. (Mostly meant as a Link Only option due to the state she's in.)
k) Head to Clock Town and try to talk to the mayor.
l) Head to Kasuto and learn what Link can about the milk farm there. (Link only due to Song of Soaring.)
m) Head back to Hyrule Field and LonLon Ranch to find out what happened to Malon. (Link only due to Song of Soaring.)
n) Go to Clock Town and visit the Milk Bar, hoping to learn a bit about what's going on there. (Link may get a job here too )
o) Return to Kasuto Lake and talk to Ruto, to see if she has any further insights or ways to help, either in dealing with Lulu or defending Zora's Domain.
p) Head to Hyrule Castle, although the act of time traveling erased most of Link's fame, Princess Zelda should still remember enough that she might be of some assistance in this ever-growing mess. If Link can reach her, that is.
q) Try to find Ruto's father. He's got to be around somewhere, and he'd be an invaluable help in defending Zora's Domain. (Choose location to search.)
r) Go to Kasuto Lake and ask Dr. Mizumi and crew for help. As a water scientist, he may have some insights on defending Zora's Domain.
s) Seek other allies... Link may have affected much through time travel, but a few of her deeds are still known. (Choose a group she wants to try to contact... but don't forget not everyone will be an ally, even if they were before, a few that she can recall follow, but any group you can think of can be chosen)
S1-Termina Gorons (unknown status, Link has only met with Hyrule Gorons),
S2-Termina Dekus (unknown status),
S3-Koume and Kotake (unknown location, has vague familiarity with places they have been),
S4-Hyrule Gerudo (unknown status, Link met one of them very early on though...),
S5-Other (please specify)

t) Do something else! (This is the catch-all for other votes. At the moment, Link feels fairly obligated to handle some of her current troubles before taking on too many more though, so idle-exploring and hunting down new side-quests is discouraged, unless there is a strong plan involved behind it.)

(Note: Even if I didn't put it specifically, any travel outside of Clock Town and Termina in general is Link Only. So Kasuto, Hyrule, etc, is Link Only.)

Link's Stats: 2.0 / 4.5 hearts. 340 rupees. 3/5 Lewd Stamina (low lewd defense).

Rested. Dried Cum covering pussy.
(GO1 Condition) High Libido.

Equipment: Gerudo Outfit, "Blue" Two-Piece/Zora Swimwear (extreme damage/no longer covering). Grey remains of outfit (loin cloth + one shoulder top, extremely revealing). Silver Scale. Slave's Silks (Green). Trick-Chains. Cursed Outfit (magically repairs itself, changes based on situation, always seeks sexual results).
Well-Used Sword+Shield. Twin-Gerudo Blades. Wooden Sword (+3 levels, but cannot 'kill' enemies).

Masks: Deku Scrub, Gerudo.

Quest Inventory: Romani Ranch Deed!

Inventory: Hero's Bow (26 /35 arrows). Hookshot. Bomb Bag (2 / 10 bombs) 0 Deku Nuts, 2 Deku Sticks. 1 Bottle (Empty). "Goron Market" Key. Dr. Mizumi's Book. Multi-Pictobox (10 rupees to take a picture). Dorodock's Collar. Slave Scorecard (For Link, very high ranks). Gormon/Gerudo secret plans. Compass of Time Spell.

Picture Sets: Link and the Hylian groped at the Inn. Link/Epona in the Stables. Link/Ruto Hugging. Link and Pamela, Biri Egg Birthing, Spiderhouse Rape/Guro.
Companions: Kasuto Lake Biri (May be worn, Electrical attacks), Epona (For Riding), The Bombers (cannot be summoned, but give many bonuses if in the right place to assist).
Songs: Song of Soaring, Epona's Song (Epona and Biri Variations), Saria's Song (Ruto Variation), Song of Time (GO Recovery - Causes lasting penalties.)
Owl Statues: Hyrule Field, Kasuto Field.
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Well, that might've been just an easy victory, but it still feels good to get back on the winning side. Unfortunately, the whole reason for wearing the Gerudo gear sorta got negated when none of the Gormons escaped... eh, well, minor benefit anyways.

Clothing: I say Link continues to wear the Gerudo Outfit, albeit without the Gerudo Mask, until she can lay her hands on some other clothes. Since it's her most intact outfit, after all.

Bombers: I like A best - keep the Gormons imprisoned, and keep an eye on Romani.

Victory Vote: Hmmm... here's an interesting idea - how about if Link takes the deed to Romani, and asks if she'd like Link to take it in with her? Making Link co-owners with Romani? Link wouldn't be much interested in settling down on a ranch, true, but if it means an enemy would have to hit both Link and Romani... it makes it safer for Romani.

Full Vote: I hate putting off rescuing Cremia even more... but I have to go J - a bath, and getting a fresh set of clothes, shouldn't take long.
Gonna change my votes, after Kathy pointed out some mistaken reasoning. :D
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Well, that might've been just an easy victory, but it still feels good to get back on the winning side. Unfortunately, the whole reason for wearing the Gerudo gear sorta got negated when none of the Gormons escaped... eh, well, minor benefit anyways.

Clothing: I say Link continues to wear the Gerudo Outfit, albeit without the Gerudo Mask, until she can lay her hands on some other clothes. Since it's her most intact outfit, after all.

Bombers: I like A best - keep the Gormons imprisoned, and keep an eye on Romani.

Victory Vote: Hmmm... here's an interesting idea - how about if Link takes the deed to Romani, and asks if she'd like Link to take it in with her? Making Link co-owners with Romani? Link wouldn't be much interested in settling down on a ranch, true, but if it means an enemy would have to hit both Link and Romani... it makes it safer for Romani.

Full Vote: I hate putting off rescuing Cremia even more... but I have to go J - a bath, and getting a fresh set of clothes, shouldn't take long.

Just some notes on this, since a few things were brought up here.

1) Even though the Gormons didn't escape, they won't be held forever, and they still believe themselves betrayed. If you were to let them escape, or they find their own way out at some point, this will play out. The idea worked effectively, and will quickly become more effective as Link uses the intercepted note to help free the other milk farms.

2) Although the Gerudo outfit is most intact, most people view the Gerudo as nothing but thieves and criminals. Even without the mask, if different groups catch her in this outfit, she may be attacked on sight, attempting to jail her and punish her accordingly. To the average person, a pale skinned Gerudo is an oddity, but more likely to occur than an innocent girl getting her hands on a Gerudo outfit (and swords to match) unexpectedly. (Using the swords alone isn't enough to draw suspicion.)

3) Choosing this double-option Romani wouldn't mind in the least, and it sounds nice in theory, but it's effectively the A1 vote. If something happened and Romani was forced to sign the deed away again, the ranch is still lost, even if Link hasn't. Don't try to apply our world ownership laws to Hyrule, it doesn't work :p
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Clothing: Grey Outfit it is.

Bombers: I like A best - keep the Gormons imprisoned, and keep an eye on Romani. Maybe they'll find something out about Cremia - though I doubt it.

Victory Vote: A1 - Romani gets to take the deed in.

Full Vote: I hate putting off rescuing Cremia even more... but I have to go J - a bath, and getting a fresh set of clothes, shouldn't take long.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

I say Grey Outfit, Bombers A, Victory Vote A1 also, if possible Full Vote T: combination of J and S4.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

The grey outfit, Bombers A, and Full Vote = A1.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Clothing: Grey Outfit it is.

Bombers: I like A best - keep the Gormons imprisoned, and keep an eye on Romani. Maybe they'll find something out about Cremia - though I doubt it.

Victory Vote: A1 - Romani gets to take the deed in.

Full Vote: I hate putting off rescuing Cremia even more... but I have to go J - a bath, and getting a fresh set of clothes, shouldn't take long.

Going with this~
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Clothing: Grey Outfit it is.

Bombers: I like A best - keep the Gormons imprisoned, and keep an eye on Romani. Maybe they'll find something out about Cremia - though I doubt it.

Victory Vote: A1 - Romani gets to take the deed in.

Full Vote: I hate putting off rescuing Cremia even more... but I have to go J - a bath, and getting a fresh set of clothes, shouldn't take long.

(Woo! Update!) I agree, let's go with this. We really need to get back to rescuing Cremia afterward though, assuming its not a lost cause by now.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

I'd just like to suggest that whatever course we take we should consider a good shower. We're pretty much hopeless as far as clothing goes but dried cum doesn't exactly help the impression we give though! Or we could just leave it if it seems more fun :p
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

A quick question before I cast my vote for the victory with A. Would A3 be the same as going to Romani and having her agree to let Link be the owner of the ranch until Link can wrap up the whole attacks on the ranches business?

Also I would like to know would it be possible to eventually get the Shikan as allies?

I just noticed that we don't know how many ruppies Link currently has. I was thinking that if we had enough ruppies it would be beneficial to get new clothing and replenish our arrows, bombs. and deku nuts. Also while in town we can check in with the bombers that were trying to find Camia and see what information they gathered.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Clothing: Grey Outfit it is.

Bombers: I like A best - keep the Gormons imprisoned, and keep an eye on Romani. Maybe they'll find something out about Cremia - though I doubt it.

Victory Vote: A1 - Romani gets to take the deed in.

Full Vote: I hate putting off rescuing Cremia even more... but I have to go J - a bath, and getting a fresh set of clothes, shouldn't take long.

Link have 340 ruppies
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

A quick question before I cast my vote for the victory with A. Would A3 be the same as going to Romani and having her agree to let Link be the owner of the ranch until Link can wrap up the whole attacks on the ranches business?

Also I would like to know would it be possible to eventually get the Shikan as allies?

I just noticed that we don't know how many ruppies Link currently has. I was thinking that if we had enough ruppies it would be beneficial to get new clothing and replenish our arrows, bombs. and deku nuts. Also while in town we can check in with the bombers that were trying to find Camia and see what information they gathered.
340 rupees. It's listed right at the start of her stats.

Telling Romani that Link wants the deed in her name is a blow against Romani's self esteem, and is almost as ineffective as not returning the deed at all. She feels as if the ranch was entrusted to her, and she needs to keep it safe. Even if Link did come in to rescue the deed.

Minor actions like checking on the Bombers can be suggested and done during the major votes. I may throw one or two in on my own depending on where Link travels as well. Shopping would allow replenishing of all supplies as well, yes.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Ok, I have a plan sort of

first link takes the deed to Romani and gets cleaned up. then Link escorts her to clock town. While at clock town link goes shopping for new clothes and restocking on item. Link should also check in on the bombers that were trying to find Camia and see how they are doing. After all of that link should escort Romani back to the ranch.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Winning votes: Bombers defend Milk Road. Link returns the deed to Romani. Link washes up and goes shopping.)

After a moment of pondering, Link decided that after the effort taken to capture the Gormons, it would be a poor move to let them go so easily. As long as Milk Road was under her control, it gave her several major advantages, including trying to rescue Cremia, she hoped.

Eventually, whatever army these thugs were supplying would return, and she knew the Bombers wouldn't be able to hold out against such an attack, giving them simple orders to retreat to Romani Ranch if that happened... When it did happen, her clever ploy of making it seem like the Gerudo betrayed them, would fall into place.

The Bombers knew their jobs. Link had the deed. There was only one thing left to do.

(Link and Romani)
Leaping upon Epona once more, Link rode off, away from the attack site and back towards Romani Ranch, the place that was so dangerously close to being lost to her.

The massive stallion's heavy hooves stomped up to the house, and Link lept off the saddle, tossing the Gerudo outfit off as she went and tugging on her tattered grey clothes while she took the stairs to Romani's room, knocking on the door softly.


Link smiled, knocking again and holding the deed through the crack in the door playfully.

A gasp... Romani's breath was caught in excitement, and the girl seemed dead still. Long seconds passing, and the silence seemed to crest, with a passionate, "How! I thought I'd lost the ranch forever! Who are you?"

Link pushed the door open slowly, and slipped into the room, Romani's already excited look reaching new heights as tears of joy filled her eyes. The young girl trembled as she hugged herself tightly, barely able to hold back, but unsure just what outburst she wanted to make...

"GRASSHOPPER!" she finally cried out, diving at Link and catching the other girl up in a tight hug, the two spinning wildly about with the deed fluttering in the air, Romani only breaking the hug to step back and give Link's body a once over, her own form still naked and messed with the cum of the beasts and men that had ravaged her for hours.

"I hoped... I prayed... I wished for you to come... but I never really believed it would happen... It was always just that, wishful thinking, a last hope that someone heroic and beautiful would come and rescue the ranch." she whispered out, still trembling as Link hugged her closer again, their befouled bodies rubbing against one another gently, and Link stroking other woman's hair slowly.

"Is... this a dream... or could it really be true... You came when the moon threatened to destroy us all... a true heroine." tears filled her eyes as she pressed her face into Link's shoulder, "I am so selfish to want you for myself, to call you away from real trouble, just to save me... but I don't care. I've missed you so much..."

(Romani and Link, sexual encounter. Messy, sloppy seconds (kinda XD), lesbians, etc.)
Romani's lips came closer, and caught Link's passionately, a deep, wet kiss, as both girls felt a heat flowing over them, encouraging them, something deep in the back of their minds that said this was right.

Link's tongue slipped against Romani's, and the girl's hands began to slide into Link's garments, teasingly rubbing her breasts, and sliding down across her thighs, as the tatters of cloth were quickly pushed aside. The pair stood there rubbing against one another, and sharing a long, deep kiss for what felt like an eternity, as each of their soiled bodies was explored by the other, Romani feeling the messy spunk still between her love's legs, and a sticky slickness between their breasts, as they pressed into one another, soft skin gliding against the layers of cum each girl had on her, mixing their shared fate and shame with no thought for it, the only thing they knew was that they needed one another.

The deed left fluttering to the ground, Link and Romani threw themselves into the bed, both naked girls' hands caressing one another's sides as Link took the lead, sliding down Romani's body and gently caressing Romani's inner thighs, as she leaned towards the ranch owner's used pussy, tongue slipping out gently and giving her a tender lick, tasting the mess left behind by those monsters, only to lick again, more roughly, tongue dragging across Romani's pink, as the girl moaned from the attentions.

Her tongue caressed the trembling girl in long motions, each lick cleaning away more of that filthy seed, as Link swallowed it down, but the amount inside the trembling girl seemed endless... With each new lick, Romani's pussy grew wetter, and more of the filthy seed drooled from her used body, messing Link's face as she ate her friend out, nibbling and suckling upon Romani's clit as the girl twisted in bliss, an exhausted, well needed moan finally falling from her lips, as she had the first wanted orgasm she'd endured for hours and hours, gasping as she lay in the bed panting and exhausted.

Link slowly moved atop of the other girl and smiled down at her, a messy kiss shared between them, as the cum from the many beasts that had fucked Romani dripped between their lips, the two girl's sharing the filthy taste as sweat beaded up on their excited bodies, the foul mess only getting worse as the two made love in their ravaged conditions.

Romani gently turned Link to her back, taking the lead, sliding herself between Link's legs, and their pussies began to rub together, Romani leaning in to the gentle rubbing as she arched back, her breasts bouncing wildly with each passionate motion, daring to hold off only long enough to lean down and kiss her lover once more, their breasts squished together, and eager fingers picking up the task, plunging into Link's folds and thrusting with wet squelches over and over, kissing deeper and deeper, their tongues so deeply into one another's mouths, it was hard to tell where one girl ended and the other began, until their breath ran short, and Romani roughly broke the kiss, fingers sliding free only to smear their cum-dripping pussies together once more, as a shared cry of passion echoed between both women...

Their sexual pleasures continued for an unknown length of time, each time one girl finished, the other took over, and it was several hours time before they both collapsed, exhausted, to the bed, sleeping off their day of pleasure...


When Link awoke, she rubbed her head slowly, as a strange voice whispered... "fuck the girl again... rub your messy pussy into hers...you both want it..."

Her head throbbed and she looked round the room to spot a familiar garment laying as if placed out specially, on a nearby chair... seeming to have been watching the entire time...

Link almost muttered to herself quietly as she packed up her things once more, rousing the sleeping Romani only after stuffing her clothes back into the small sack she carried.

The smiling girl looked up at Link and could only sigh lovingly. "I'm so glad it wasn't just a dream..."

The two moved downstairs, and Romani lit the stove, Link only realizing how hungry she'd gotten after the long night of fighting and fucking, and that it had been nearly a day since she last ate.

Cooking was quick and simple, and Romani boiled an extra pot of water for washing up. "It's not really a full bath... but we really need to get that deed back to Clock Town. If... you're willing to. We can get a nice bath together a bit later..."

Link smiled and nodded, a soft encouragement... after their exploits, it was all the more obvious she needed to wash up.

Romani rushed out to tend the cows and get some milk, while Link tended the stove inside for a bit, and the two had a brief meal of oats and fresh milk, before using a washcloth to clean up some, though a few shared caresses upon one another's skin were slightly more meaningful than others, neither girl was willing to delay dropping off that deed any longer, and they quickly finished, Romani getting a pair of dresses out of her closet and giving one to Link. "I know it's not really you... but that outfit you came in with when you arrived is likely to get the guards to kick you out for indecency." Romani giggled a bit, and Link slipped on the dress, the bust just a bit too large for her, but it fit well enough.

The two girls made their way outside to find Epona casually munching on some grass, the plate of oats Romani left for him long gone.

Link bound onto her stallion's back, then offered a helpful hand to her friend, and the two set off at a slow trot towards Clock Town, the deed nestled safely in Romani's pouch.

The trip was without incident, with the Gormons defeat, only a few monsters of no consequence were around, the girls playfully taking turns putting them down with their bows, Epona almost getting annoyed that he couldn't trample anything for his own fun. They reached the city and dismounted, Romani huggling Epona's head to her chest and kissing his forehead, "Run along and have some fun... we'll call you if we need you, big guy."

Epona seeming pleased and rushing off, Romani took Link's hand and they entered the city...

The deed to Romani Ranch is now turned in under Romani's name once more. It will be harder for the enemy to try that again, but not impossible. The trip to the mayor's office was otherwise fairly bland.

(The roll was low enough that the pair didn't even get any catcalls after them. Absolutely no encounters. So I hope no one complains about me short-posting that section.)

Stepping out from the mayor's office, Romani excitedly led Link through the town, showing her all of the things that had changed over the years, dragging her along a tour of the town that could only be called a date as they briskly made their way about, Link occasionally shelling out some rupees for buying some little trinket that Romani wanted, but gently encouraging the girl that they still had important things to do, "oh come on.. we won't take too long... you at least should finish the tour with me..." she pleaded, getting Link to go along til the end.

The majority of the town was as she remembered it, except with far more people and a lot of stalls being setup for shops. At long last, the tour was finished, and Romani merely smiled at her friend... "Let's.. get cleaned up. Then you're right. I should return to the ranch, the cows won't tend to themselves, you know... I won't ask you to join me, since I know you have important things to do also... but don't forget to visit... I'd hate for it to be years before we see each other again."

(Link and Romani spent quality time togehter, and Link is fully recovered. Link's arrow count is fully restocked by Romani giving her spare arrows, but her other gear remains fairly unchanged. Link is, however, wearing one of Romani's dresses. Link spends (at least) 25 Rupees on Romani. (may spend more in vote)

NOTE! Link has 315 rupees left. Keep that in mind while shopping.

Shopping Options:
A) Link restocks equipment.
A1) 100 rupee cost, everything well stocked.
A2) 50 cost for partial restock.
(not going to get into the specifics since everyone will ask for something different.)

B] Link treats Romani to a fancy new dress. (50 rupees)
C) Link treats herself to a fancy new dress. (50 rupees, non-combat dress)
D) Link buys herself a new green tunic. (20 rupees)
E1) Link sells the cursed outfit at the pawn shop. (?? rupees)
E2) Link attempts to have the cursed outfit de-cursed (would turn it into an enchanted outfit, by removing it's penalties). (100 rupees, ?? chance to work.)
E3) Link tries to buy something that would negate the cursed outfit's negative effects while she's not wearing it. (such as an anti-magic bag to put it in.) (50 or 100 rupees, effectiveness varies by cost... May have other effects as well (IE, such a bag could have other uses later on. Vote E3-50 or E3-100))
F) Link finds an item called the "mystery chest" in the Pawn Shop, and buys it for 65 rupees.
G) Link buys other clothes - Player input. Cost ranges from 20 to 50 rupees.
H) Link buys other goods around town. - Player input, cost varies by value of items. Meant for non-gear options, so suggesting buying masks, heart containers, etc. Will be auto-vetoed. (Mostly meant as a catch-all for everything I may have neglected.)

Bathing Options:
A) Link decides to bathe alone.
B] Link decides to bathe with Romani.

1) At the small lake just outside of town (Free, but unprotected. Monsters/prying eyes.)
2) At the small waterway in the secluded part of town. (Free, no monsters, but may be found by townsfolk.)
3) At the Inn, requesting a private room for a bath. (30 rupees, no monsters, private.)
4) At the Milk Bar (free... But WILL be watched, at the very least. May have more. LS damage for sure.)
5) Other: Suggest an alternate location.
-Note1: Link can teleport (and bring Romani with her) so leaving Termina is acceptable, but going too far away for a bath may be seen as a little odd without having a good reason.
-Note2: No you can't take a bath at the fairy fountain, so don't even suggest this.

No follow up vote yet. Mostly because this feels like a big post and I want to get the rest of it's actions resolved before going on to the next thing.

Link's Stats: 4.5 / 4.5 hearts. 315 rupees. 5/5 Lewd Stamina (low lewd defense).

Rested, Partially cleaned. Wearing Romani's Dress.
(GO1 Condition) High Libido.

Equipment: Gerudo Outfit, "Blue" Two-Piece/Zora Swimwear (extreme damage/no longer covering). Grey remains of outfit (loin cloth + one shoulder top, extremely revealing). Silver Scale. Slave's Silks (Green). Trick-Chains. Cursed Outfit (magically repairs itself, changes based on situation, always seeks sexual results). Romani's Dress.
Well-Used Sword+Shield. Twin-Gerudo Blades. Wooden Sword (+3 levels, but cannot 'kill' enemies).

Masks: Deku Scrub, Gerudo.

Quest Inventory: Romani Ranch Deed!

Inventory: Hero's Bow (35 /35 arrows). Hookshot. Bomb Bag (2 / 10 bombs) 0 Deku Nuts, 2 Deku Sticks. 1 Bottle (Empty). "Goron Market" Key. Dr. Mizumi's Book. Multi-Pictobox (10 rupees to take a picture). Dorodock's Collar. Slave Scorecard (For Link, very high ranks). Gormon/Gerudo secret plans. Compass of Time Spell.

Picture Sets: Link and the Hylian groped at the Inn. Link/Epona in the Stables. Link/Ruto Hugging. Link and Pamela, Biri Egg Birthing, Spiderhouse Rape/Guro.
Companions: Kasuto Lake Biri (May be worn, Electrical attacks), Epona (For Riding), The Bombers (cannot be summoned, but give many bonuses if in the right place to assist).
Songs: Song of Soaring, Epona's Song (Epona and Biri Variations), Saria's Song (Ruto Variation), Song of Time (GO Recovery - Causes lasting penalties.)
Owl Statues: Hyrule Field, Kasuto Field.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

We have quite a big chunk of rupees, we might as well use them.
Shopping options:
A1, fully restock.
E2, try to decurse the enchanted outfit. Given how quickly our clothes deteriorate in this CYOA, it would be fantastic to have a set of clothes that will always provide us at least a modicum of modesty so we're not constantly taking LS damage, and that's ignoring any benefits the outfit might suddenly gain by being decursed. I'd say if the first attempt fails, try again (unless the outfit is destroyed by a failing roll or something), and if that one fails, try to persuade whoever is decursing it for a third attempt with our body.
I'm not sure what you meant by spending at least 25 rupees on Romani. Is the 315 before or after this? If it's before and we really only have 290 to spend, revise my above statement to say "if the first attempt fails, try again by persuading whoever is decursing it with our bodies to make up for the 10 rupees we're short."

Bathing options:
B. Of course we want to bathe with Romani, especially if we're this emotionally close to her already; plus she could use a good strong Link to protect her until she gets some of her confidence back. And I would say...
1. Monsters give the best chance of finding goodies, she's likely to just get raped if found by townsfolk.
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

A1, E2, B3. We have the money, it wouldn't hurt to splurge for privacy and quality.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Shopping vote: A1, E2, if E2 doesn't work then D, F (never know what we are going to get)

Bathing vote: B 1. but play Epona's song Biri variation before the bath for help with prying eyes and monsters.