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Suggestions for a New Game Project?

Re: Suggestions for a New Game Project?

Heh, I'm surprised there's still some enthusiasm in you after that.

And on the topic of the game... Would she be getting raped in midair? :eek: That would be hilarious.

^^ must do

You could try to draw from as many religions as possible to get more information to use to allow a better end product. Also i would like it if you put pregnancy as a consequence for having heaps of unprotected sex :D (kinda make sense when you think about it so much unprotected sex = more chance of a pregnancy)

mabye a game over thing, or in actual game play?
Re: Suggestions for a New Game Project?

Game over would make more sense. I'm no expert on devilspawn, but I don't think they grow to noticeable pregnancy stages in less than half an hour.
Re: Suggestions for a New Game Project?

Game over would make more sense. I'm no expert on devilspawn, but I don't think they grow to noticeable pregnancy stages in less than half an hour.

some hentai man, some hentai...
Re: Suggestions for a New Game Project?

how about the chick i suggested in Valkyrie armor?

something like this?

I don't know why but whenever I think Valkyrie I keep thinking Valkyrie Profile...maybe thats just me
Re: Suggestions for a New Game Project?

Wow you're actually someone who makes games.. awesome!! Unfortunately i've seen alot of really good but incomplete games on here, so my first suggestion is please don't give up! Well that's kinda more of a plea, whatever you know what i mean. Right gameplay suggestions, a good feature would be to either have an invincible mode in the options (cause sometimes it's fun to play rape games for reasons other than entertainment..) or to not lose from being raped, find some other way like run out of time or something. If you don't want either of those ideas implemented, having some character customization is good. By some, i mean at least being able to choose hair/eye/clothes colors would be nice. It doesn't necessarily need to have 12 different classes capable of pvp and raiding. Just simple things really. Being able to choose clothes and different armor types would be pretty cool too, or even no clothes as an option for the brave (or naughty..). Now some attacks/monster abilities. Multiple rape attacks at the same time (i guess that'd be a rape orgy?) would make this game pretty unique (and hawt) for it's genre. A more simple attack type (and necessary imo) would be doggy position. Grab both her arms, and bang from behind! Also lots of ambitious monsters that don't pull out (creampie ftw). Monster types, too bad i don't have a sketchpad handy i could show you.. but lots of penis and tentacle monsters. They don't have to be crazy demons that are masterful works of art, just think of them as abominations sent from hell to cause the innocent angel girl to fall to lust and carnal desires.. or to just be efficiently shaped for forcing their own carnal desires.. either way, you don't really need to go all out on the enemies appearances. But there does have to be a succubus somewhere. Whoa.. hope i didn't overwhelm you with all this.. i was in the zone. Well, hope i inspired some perverted ideas for you.. i never thought i'd get to say that.. ;)
About Story potential for pregnancy in game and its possible implementation

You could for example include as a part of the back story the game that the demon army needs more monsters due to the heaven forces being way to good a defending for their own good so Lucifer (the devils original name) orders that all monsters to spawn monsters and the fastest way to spawn more monsters is to impregnate beings with high spiritual power (e.g angels) and use their spiritual energy to immensely speed up the gestation of the monsters by the monster inside the girl absorbing some of their spiritual energy (angels and demons are spiritual beings so it is safe to assume the monster of hell are also spiritual in nature as well).

That could be one potential explanation for the game to include quick pregnancies.

This could be implemented by having a spiritual energy bar instead of the standard health bar in most games (having health bars in nearly every action based game in existence is stupid anyway). When attacked the angel has chance of getting pregnant this chance can be static (easier to implement) or individual for each monster (this would be hard to a nightmare to implement though it would be damn cool). the spiritual energy bar would decrease slowly but could have secondary effects (kinda like a poison. This could be a part of a effects system e.g what afflictions does the angel have at the moment) while the spawn grows ( this could be a part of the angels animations some how or as a separate char that spawns when the effect gets called and stays on the same spot on the angels char at all times and when the effect ends gets reset and despawned for later use). the end of the effect if not cured would freeze the angel to the spot and activate a birthing animation. then the games spawns a new monster though im not sure how the monster should work. It could be loyal to you or loyal to the monsters. it even could be a protective monster that follows you around and attacks certain monsters and throws itself at ranged threats to take the hit. It also could be a stronger than an normal enemy you have to beat like a mini boss.

If you want to use this idea go ahead if not I don't mind it is your game after all. Though it would be cool to have a monster on your side for once :D
Re: Suggestions for a New Game Project?

OK, I'm gonna come in here and say the same I've said to all the other games in development... Keep. It. Simple.

You've probably made games before, but don't listen to all this stuff we're saying.

Make the game with a simple engine first, forward motion, one or two enemies, one level and so on. Then let us try and we'll give you ideas.

Otherwise you're bound to be getting a shitload of: "Oh, and custumization, and 7 attacks for each monster, and a different Gameover for each monster, and pregnancy and footfetish and bukkake and unagi and blowjob, deepthroat, Asphyxiophilia, Klismaphilia, Morphophilia, bdsm, lesbian, tentacles, horn-sex, plant-sex, apes, horses, and, and..."
Re: Suggestions for a New Game Project?

What wonderboy said. Also, I haven't worked with Python before but I know its reputation as an easy language to learn, so if you'd like any help, I'd be happy to offer assistance. I can't promise very much time until after Christmas, what with work and all, but definitely PM me or something so we can set something up.
Re: Suggestions for a New Game Project?

well said wonderboy, well said.
Re: Suggestions for a New Game Project?

Eradicator: How do you see pregnancy working out as a game mechanic? Can you give me any direction there?

I think the idea of pregnancy is a must! and something i would like to see is she is implanted with seed/egg/parasite/worms/bug whatever (personally prefer parasite) then for the next bit it affects game play, by slowly growing/ moving/ slowing character down/ or waiting on another rape scene to deposit some cum (food for the creature inside) before the birthing scene (which should not kill character)
---As for my other suggestions well:
Characters: PLEASE don't make women/girls have huge breasts, I mean when tits alone account for 50% the characters body weight somethings wrong lol.

Its kinda funny you should ask this I was working on an answer before you asked I cant make games (wish i could) I cant draw beyond stick figures but I do have an ability to write, so from the story based upon Stephen Kings "the mist" I am writing a series where anything is possible where the two dimensions clash and creatures encounter this world and adapt.

I am setting aside pictures from my travels in a folder named "inspiration" which is a collection of Hentai and includes many of my personal favorites mainly pic's that tell a story in themselves. I am maybe 10% through my collection and this folder is already 88mb. tons of great content from the best of the best
-if you like please let me know what content you will be including and I'll upload an inspiration pack, no doubt you got your own though.

ps. I'm not some prepubescent kid if your work is good I would be glad to make a donation.
Re: Suggestions for a New Game Project?

I'm with Wonderboy, I'd like to see a demo before going hardcore on the suggestions.

Suggestions to start with:
1) I like the idea of it being a top-down scroller.

2) Perhaps simple ghouls/tentacles for your basic these-are-in-every-level guys. They suck and can be easily avoided/defeated even in small numbers, but in later stages they would be quite difficult due to the sheer volume.

3) For a secondary monster that would be harder, but would still be deployable in the first stage, ... yeah, I got nothing right now. I'll probably edit later when I think of something >.<

You see where I'm going with the enemy progression though, right?

4) The heroine, in my opinion, should be proportioned based on her figure. If she's lithe and small, of course she's not going to have 'an ass like that' or ginormous tits; on the flip side, if she's ... not muscular, but well built, like Sophitia from SCII, then naturally she's not going to have NOTHING in the T&A department.

5) I'd say put in a screen-clearing power that charges as you defeat enemies, but isn't exactly easy to charge. Maybe something like it only charges to full when you lose an article of clothing.
Or perhaps make it something powerful enough that it does quite a number on bosses, but you have to let yourself have an orgasm for it to charge, and you're only allowed a certain number of orgasms? Or maybe...

... yeah, I'm getting ahead of myself at #5. Just get a demo level with basic enemies put together first :p
Re: Suggestions for a New Game Project?

3) For a secondary monster that would be harder, but would still be deployable in the first stage, ... yeah, I got nothing right now. I'll probably edit later when I think of something >.<

You see where I'm going with the enemy progression though, right?

A larger ball of tentacles perhaps, that launches a multiple penetration attack.
Re: Suggestions for a New Game Project?

I'm with Wonderboy, I'd like to see a demo before going hardcore on the suggestions.

Suggestions to start with:
1) I like the idea of it being a top-down scroller.

2) Perhaps simple ghouls/tentacles for your basic these-are-in-every-level guys. They suck and can be easily avoided/defeated even in small numbers, but in later stages they would be quite difficult due to the sheer volume.

3) For a secondary monster that would be harder, but would still be deployable in the first stage, ... yeah, I got nothing right now. I'll probably edit later when I think of something >.<

You see where I'm going with the enemy progression though, right?

4) The heroine, in my opinion, should be proportioned based on her figure. If she's lithe and small, of course she's not going to have 'an ass like that' or ginormous tits; on the flip side, if she's ... not muscular, but well built, like Sophitia from SCII, then naturally she's not going to have NOTHING in the T&A department.

5) I'd say put in a screen-clearing power that charges as you defeat enemies, but isn't exactly easy to charge. Maybe something like it only charges to full when you lose an article of clothing.
Or perhaps make it something powerful enough that it does quite a number on bosses, but you have to let yourself have an orgasm for it to charge, and you're only allowed a certain number of orgasms? Or maybe...

... yeah, I'm getting ahead of myself at #5. Just get a demo level with basic enemies put together first :p

1: yes

2: yes

3: yes

4: yes

5: yes you were getting ahead of yourself
Re: Suggestions for a New Game Project?

I've always been particularly interested in horse, pig/orc, and lizard monsters myself. they work great for fantasy-genre settings if that's the route you go
Re: Suggestions for a New Game Project?

perhaps 7 levels? like the 7 levels of hell? just a thought.
Re: Suggestions for a New Game Project?

Actually I think there are 9 levels of hell based on Dante's Inferno.
Re: Suggestions for a New Game Project?

I put in a request for Futa as well.
Re: Suggestions for a New Game Project?


i vote these
thousands of them!
Re: Suggestions for a New Game Project?

But reminder - Baby Steps first > Futa :)