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Re: Hate Thread

I hate when people get their panties in a twist and think that you're personally attacking them when you don't agree with their opinion. I was just accused of "jumping on someone's shit" because I said in a post that I didn't think Johnny Depp would make a good Balthier (FFXII). Of course, I didn't have a counter-offer but apparently someone thought my opinion was an attack toward them rather than, y'know, expressing my fricking opinion on the matter.

I agree with you there, ol' man Depp would never make a good Balthier. I'd probably kill whoever was in charge of casting if they ever made an FF12 movie if they casted Depp as him.
Re: Hate Thread

Okay, first off, if people around you are so bad at conversation Obe, why don't you man the fuck up and show them how it's done? Or is it that you're so socially inept yourself, all you know how to do is sit there and be angry in your mind to other people, and you can't even do those horrible one-liners yourself?

Whew, here we go again. Why can't people stop making shitty posts?

Anyway, it was Dark, not Obe. Nice job paying attention there, idiot.

Another thing, so what if he's socially inept? That doesn't mean he can't judge someone for saying stupid fucking shit. That's like saying I can't say Transformers 2 (which was horse shit and I refuse to accept otherwise) was shit just because I haven't made a movie. Fuck that, you're a communist and an idiot if you think that way. (Damn commies.) Not everyone can be Mr. Social Butterfly, and not everyone gets along with people. Deal with it. There's no reason to flip your shit.
Re: Hate Thread

Even though it was indeed Dark, it's just so much easier and more enjoyable to hate and blame Obe.

On topic, I hate this thread.
Re: Hate Thread

Even though it was indeed Dark, it's just so much easier and more enjoyable to hate and blame Obe.

On topic, I hate this thread.

You hate this thread? Okay, sure. Why not? Hate the fact that most people can let out their anger through posts on the internet and not, say, MURDER.
Re: Hate Thread

"Murder" is a capital crime
"murder" is a crime with no capitals

.... i hate me
Re: Hate Thread

I hate sexual harassment.

"I'd love to stick it in Her-ass.......ment"
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate how my girlfriend wanted to check a text she got in the middle of our nightly phone call. That pissed me off somethin' real bad.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate dance clubs. The music is shitty and tries to compensate with its EXTREME LOUDNESS, to the point that you have to be absolutely drunk to even have the least bit of fun, and being absolutely drunk is absolutely out of the question for me. You can't talk to people without yelling in their ears, the flashing lights fuck with your eyes. My recent visit to one of those places ended with some dude I don't know telling me that he has to pee. I left then.

Fuck dance clubs.
Re: Hate Thread

And thats why pubs will always be the better alternative.
Re: Hate Thread

Maybe she had to hang up to look at the text and didn't phone back?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate studying shit that will have no practical application to my chosen major.
Re: Hate Thread

Maybe she had to hang up to look at the text and didn't phone back?

Yeah. That and she was more eager to get back to her dorm Halloween party rather than talk to me for just 10 minutes out of the whole friggen' day. =_=
Re: Hate Thread

^Are you sure you're the dude in the relationship?

Also, I fucking hate daylight savings. I got up an hour early because of this shit.
Re: Hate Thread

I know how you feel Obe, the clocks went back last weekend for us if I remember correctly and I usually get up at about 11-12 on a Sunday, but I woke up at 10 that day, well according to my phone I did anyway. So I booted up my laptop to get to work (lol moar like to play Solitaire, amirite?) and I noticed on the clock on my laptop that it said 9. That pissed me off when I remembered the clocks went back an hour during the night.
Re: Hate Thread

I fucking hate still being sick. I missed an exam this morning because i was bent over the toilet puking my guts up. That is the last time I stop taking my meds early.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah. That and she was more eager to get back to her dorm Halloween party rather than talk to me for just 10 minutes out of the whole friggen' day. =_=

So let me get this straight. You get to talk to your significant other every single day and you're complaining because she cut one of these daily conversations short, due to the fact that she was at a party, having fun with other people?

Do you like, want to put her on a leash or something, too?