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Random movie talky stuff.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I'm still waiting for a Rainbow Six movie. I mean, when it went from book to game it exploded huge!
As long as the story for the movie is written by Clancy and not by who ever did the story for the R6-Vegas games. I haven't actually read any of Clancy's works, but since his books are evidently considered good by plenty, I have to assume he wasn't responsible for the plot in vegas. I didn't really think about it at the time, but when it came up in a discussion yesterday I realised just how absurd the entire story is.

But yeah, a Rainbow Six movie does sound like an interesting idea. Would that mean the next game would automatically suck due to becoming a movie tie in?


Mega Ultimate Jungle Girl 2000 Redux Z
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

As long as the story for the movie is written by Clancy and not by who ever did the story for the R6-Vegas games. I haven't actually read any of Clancy's works, but since his books are evidently considered good by plenty, I have to assume he wasn't responsible for the plot in vegas. I didn't really think about it at the time, but when it came up in a discussion yesterday I realised just how absurd the entire story is.

But yeah, a Rainbow Six movie does sound like an interesting idea. Would that mean the next game would automatically suck due to becoming a movie tie in?
Reminds me I still need to watch Hunt for Red October.
Since the book was written by Mr. Terrorists himself, Tom Clancy.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Well, thankfully work didn't screw me over, so I get to go to the movies on Sunday. I'll keep an eye out and try to remember what previews they show, Oni.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

There was a trailer for a movie I cant remember the name for when I saw Book of Eli, which looked basically like MW2 the movie.
Hmm... I went to see book of Eli the other day, but the only trailer that truly sticks out in my mind was the Clash of Titans one. Damn I hate not remembering trailers.

Book of Eli though was an amazing movie.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I will find out in about 9 hours. And yeah, I hate that too, Sin. It's like "And I saw previews for...wait, what did I want to go see again?" Dunno if it's information overload or just plain CRS.


Nov 16, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Reminds me I still need to watch Hunt for Red October.
Since the book was written by Mr. Terrorists himself, Tom Clancy.
Amusingly enough, there's actually less overall shooting and violence in the movie than there is in the book. Because of the cost of the special effects, true (sinking a sub due to reactor failure would have been EXPENSIVE, not to mention a lot of the other stuff), but still a point I find amusing. And Sean Connery trying to do a Russian accent is also amusing - in a "*snrk* Okay, I'll let it pass just 'cuz he otherwise does a good job..." sorta way.

Not that I'm a linguistics expert, but he's definitely too much the Scot to be a Soviet sub captain... :p


Mega Ultimate Jungle Girl 2000 Redux Z
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Hah, well, it's Sean Connery, accent doesn't matter, cause he's Sean Connery. :)

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I'm watching the new Star Trek movie on DVD right now, and I haven't ever seen a movie eliciting an emotional response like this - even before the title rolls. Wow. I thought it could only go downward from there, but man was I wrong. The first time you see the Enterprise your brain's just melting from awesomeness. Generally the CGI in this movie is pretty damn flawless and integrates perfectly into the movie instead of standing out. This really is one of the best movies I've seen in the recent years.
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H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I thought Simon Pegg was awesome as Scotty as well. Karl Urban as Bones didn't make things worse either.


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Yeah, Book of Eli blew me away. Fantastic movie made even better by the stellar soundtrack. I'm in love with Panoramic.


Jun 14, 2009
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Re: The secure Avatar gossip page

Late to the party... just saw Avatar last night.

The battle sequences, while quite awesome, also bothered me in a bit. How come during the first major fight the Na'vi arrows couldn't pierce the ships, but in the second fight pilots were getting impaled to their seats?
In case you haven't figured it out already (haven't read through the whole thread):

In the first fight, the Navi were on the ground, firing their arrows from a standing position. In the second fight, they were firing from a free-fall, giving their arrows at least four or five times the impetus.

At all the naysayers: you have to look deeper into the movie to see its worth. Yeah, the plot was mediocre and predictable at best. Yeah, it's a hippy tree-hugger movie. Yeah, the characters were cliche and one-dimensional. But the thing about Avatar was the sheer depth of the universe that was created in a single (albeit long) movie. It wasn't split into fifteen million different parts to suck all the money out of it, and even with that, I was amazed at the scope of the world that was created. I'm willing to bet that Avatar is going to be the Star Wars of this generation, just because of how much world-building went into it. The only thing that makes me hesitate in saying that there's going to be books upon books expanding the universe is the fact that it's based around one singular world instead of the span of a galaxy... but even so, Pandora as a world is something that was fresh and new to me, and I bet you could spend years and years just creating more and more life to fill that world.

Anyway, that's my take on it. I wouldn't call it a fantastic movie, but I thoroughly enjoyed myself watching it, even if the best part was just how damn pretty it was.



Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Avatar couldn't have taken place on Pandora. Too lush and no Vault.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

So, saw Book of Eli earlier today. First, previews:

Came in late. Walked in on "Time Warp Hot Tub." New John Cussak comedy/love(maybe) thing. Bunch of modern guys get sent, via a hot tub, back to the 80's. Wackiness ensues. Also contains trace amounts of Chevy Chase.

"Clash of the Titans." Yes, please.

"Death at a Funeral." Chris Rock, Tracy Morgan, Martin Lawrence. The misadventures of a pair of brothers (Rock, Lawrence) at their father's funeral including casket mix-up, hitting on high schoolers, hallucinating James Marsden (I don't know why the white boy is there, they don't wholly explain it.), and gay midgets with blackmail plans. It has Tracy Morgan, therefore it automatically goes on my "Pass" list.

"Prince of Persia: Sands of Time." See link above. Yes, please. Bruckheimer. High adventure. Leaping off of walls. I'm there. Quite possibly a video game movie we can be proud of.

Missed two previews, friend saw them, but neither of them sounded like the MW2 Oni mentioned earlier.

On to the movie....Holy Shit! I liked it. I really liked it. Eli was not your typical hero, he was just a man on a mission. The action/fight sequences were scattered throughout but they weren't over-the-top, really. Quick, simple, efficient. Made 'em good. I liked the various characters and the setting. And, once the movie was reaching its climax, there were things I expected and things I didn't, which made for a very enjoyable end. I would definitely recommend going to see it. As for the religious hype...pffft. Personally, they aren't saying anything that isn't being said already. This is just on the big screen.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Last friday I saw Gamer, and I'm almost disappointed I don't like it. I'm not even sure why I don't like it, but I think it's this: The idea has such potential, but it's turned into an action/conspiracy flick. I guess I expected too much from the film. Quick recap: Kids play MW2, but their avvies are death row prisoners who are supposed to have volunteered. If the avvie can survive 30 matches they go free. There's other stuff, including a game like Second Life where your avvie is a person who's being paid, and it all ties into the plot fairly well, but this is so well built to be a morality or philosophy play. Is it wrong to send men due to die to their death? What does a man meant to die who has spent the last bit of his life killing do when he gets free? This all gets tossed out for a revenge plot that was shallow and even a little bit obvious, with the big bad seeming more like a super villain than anything else. It was a decent action flick, but I wanted more from the idea.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I agree with the sentiment on Gamer. It could have been awesome, but it was simply mediocre. Decent action flick, don't get me wrong, but they tried too hard to make it something that it wasn't.

Copper I agree on Eli completely. There were only a few small things that bothered me, and I can't even remember what they were. I also like how happy Denzel is at the start when he finds those boots. Amused me.

Alias, Avatar was a good movie. But the only thing keeping it afloat is the world they built. Some would even say the movie is amazing, but it all comes down to how well the world was built. Everything other than that, its pretty cliche, and sometimes I want something more than a pretty world to look at.
As for expanding it. It was a fairly contained plot. Much like you can't do much with Dances with Wolves outside the storyline. The video game they came out with is a prequel, and like the movie settles on many cliches and doesn't try to do much with itself outside the Pandorapedia they have that chronicles the animals, plants, Na'vi culture, RDA technology etc., and because the game can not capture how astounding the movie looks, it slides easily into a fairly stale journey that folks will forget. Hell, I may be the only one on this forum who plays it.
My point is, I can't really base how good a movie is on the backdrop its set in, which is what people seem to be praising it for. The backdrop. I don't know how you can call that looking deeper.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

HAH! I finally found the film, mainly because I just remembered Matt Damon is in it. It's called Green Zone. though it isn't the same one that was shown in British cinema's and my internet is too damn slow to check it all so this one may not make it look like MW2 the movie.


Jun 14, 2009
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Look deeper behind the mediocre plot and cliches and one-dimensional characters is what I meant. But I'll flat out admit that I was just gaga over the purdiness of the movie the whole time I was watching it. If you weren't into the purdiness, wouldn't do much for you. I was more directing that to people that was saying it was a horrible movie because it had no plot.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Look deeper behind the mediocre plot and cliches and one-dimensional characters is what I meant. But I'll flat out admit that I was just gaga over the purdiness of the movie the whole time I was watching it.
Okay... I want you to take a step back and look at what you just said. Given, it's all personal opinion, but what everyone has been saying all along is that the movie is just uber eye candy appeal. To some it captures them right away and brings them into this world. To others, there is no deeper, as the eye candy, and this world is just that... a setting and stuff to look at. The meat, the plot and characters, just don't add up for some folks.

Yes Oni! I saw that one too. Fuck that looks like a good movie.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

It does look decent, though I'm looking forward to Mel Gibson's new film Edge of Darkness. It seems similar to Law Abiding Citizen and I loved that film.


Jun 14, 2009
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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

what everyone has been saying all along is that the movie is just uber eye candy appeal.
Well, I wasn't talking to the forum at large, I was talking to the world at large. The people who say the movie was horrible and the worst thing they'd ever seen, the people who can't see anything good in it was who I was directing that to. Even though nobody (except mo, I think?) actually came out and said that, there could be lurkers who think that way.