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Random movie talky stuff.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Red Dragon is actually my favorite of the Hannibal Lecter movies, I highly recommend it. Though it may also suffer some from the whole "classic" movie thing you mentioned, though perhaps not as much since it's not parodied any where near as much as Silence of the Lambs is.

Technically Red Dragon is actually a remake of the movie Manhunter, which is also good though I prefer Red Dragon of the two. Probably just because Anthony Hopkins does such a good job as Lecter that it's hard to picture a different actor as Lecter.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Red Dragon is actually my favorite of the Hannibal Lecter movies, I highly recommend it. Though it may also suffer some from the whole "classic" movie thing you mentioned, though perhaps not as much since it's not parodied any where near as much as Silence of the Lambs is.

Technically Red Dragon is actually a remake of the movie Manhunter, which is also good though I prefer Red Dragon of the two. Probably just because Anthony Hopkins does such a good job as Lecter that it's hard to picture a different actor as Lecter.

Really, you liked Manhunter? Not trying to say you're wrong for it or anything, but I hated that movie. It almost put me to sleep.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Yeah... I dunno if I'll see Manhunter just because of the lack of Hopkins. I mean I enjoyed Hannibal Rising, but Anthony couldn't really be in that one...

Still. Maybe I'll hunt down Manhunter as well. I wasn't including it.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I mostly liked Manhunter because it matches up with the book a bit more than Red Dragon did at least in my opinion it does. Could actually be why it seemed a bit more boring to you than Red Dragon did, or at least I find movies that more closely match with the books to be a bit slower and more boring for lack of a better word.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I mostly liked Manhunter because it matches up with the book a bit more than Red Dragon did at least in my opinion it does. Could actually be why it seemed a bit more boring to you than Red Dragon did, or at least I find movies that more closely match with the books to be a bit slower and more boring for lack of a better word.

Well I think that's because books have to rely on those slower moments, where as a movie can rely heavily on action scenes. Can you imagine a book in the style of a Michael Bay movie? It'd be shitty.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

It would hafta be a picture book. Otherwise...:

"She slowly lifted her head. BOOM! "What was that? She wondered. She looked outside. BANG! What is tha- BOOM!!!!!!!!!"

-Excerpt from the new Michael Bay book, BOOM, EXPLOSION!
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Proper trailer for the new Conan the Barbarian movie. Looks pretty good to me.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Proper trailer for the new Conan the Barbarian movie. Looks pretty good to me.

Yes, please! Friend told me she saw this today. Thanks for putting it up, Sin. Saved me hunting for it.

And now I want to see the movie for more than just Jason Momoa.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Ha, yer welcome. I've been curious about it since hearing about it. And now I really hope it does well for a few reasons. One is that if this swords and sorcery movie does well, they might bring up the new Red Sonja movie again. Also, if this movie does well they've mentioned possibly releasing the other Robert E. Howard movie adaptation "Solomon Kane" here in North America.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Meh not all that interested in Conan, though I was never that interested in the originals either. I may however support it just because I want to see that "Solomon Kane" movie now after seeing that trailer.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

That's just what I've heard, it could not be true... though I really hope it is. I've been wanting to see Solomon Kane for a few years now.
Hey, Where Are The Trailers?

I've seen a bunch of commercials for movies out in July and June, but I've yet to see one on TV for the Green Lantern. Why is that?
Re: Hey, Where Are The Trailers?

This could have gone into the Random Movie Talk thread
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Double post aye (even not counting the post that was originally in another thread, hmm) but it's been a few days...

My fascination with the middle ages in film continues:

Just finished watching the movie Black Death starring Sean Bean. It's about a group of knights in 1300's England, where the Black Death is killing much of the population, who travel to a village who claims refuge from the plague. There is suspected witchcraft, hence the knights going to check it out.

After watching it, earlier reports of it being like a medieval Apocalypse Now are pretty close. It's a rather slow paced movie, with only a handful of action sequences. Quite dark, especially that ending, but I quite enjoyed it. Good acting, good story, good dialogue, and appropriate costumes for the tone of the film. Quite enjoyable for those who like some twists in their flicks, but if you're expecting lots of blood and action don't come here. While there are some gory scenes there is nothing over the top. The more brutal actions are done off screen letting your imagination take it from there.

I recommend it for those who love medieval movies, or something in the vein of Apocalypse Now.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

It's got Sean Bean in it. Bet I could probably borrow it off of my cousin...

Finally got to see Sucker Punch today. Missed it at the normal theater and so waited for it to roll around and make it to the dollar theater. Was jazzed when it showed up last week. So I check the paper this morning (which has Friday's showtimes) and it's NOT LISTED. Which means today is the last day that it's going to be at the theater. So I'm like "fine, I'll haul my ass out of bed early and go see it before gamenight." They only have two evening shows, both during gametime. So what do I do? Call my ST and go "Hey, did you wanna see Sucker Punch?" So we had movie night and lemme tell you, I was hella jazzed to game when I got out of that movie. It just had a buzz to it that really got me in the mood to do something awesome. Picked out a few things as to where they came from during the plot and thankfully had my friends, who had seen it before, affirming that yes, you should stay during the credits and pay attention to the background scenes.

To hell with what the critics all said, too. That movie f'ing rocked socks.

Now to get the one friend to go see Thor with me and the ST to go see Priest and I'm good! Hmmm...both of them have off next week...
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

It's got Sean Bean in it. Bet I could probably borrow it off of my cousin...

Finally got to see Sucker Punch today. Missed it at the normal theater and so waited for it to roll around and make it to the dollar theater. Was jazzed when it showed up last week. So I check the paper this morning (which has Friday's showtimes) and it's NOT LISTED. Which means today is the last day that it's going to be at the theater. So I'm like "fine, I'll haul my ass out of bed early and go see it before gamenight." They only have two evening shows, both during gametime. So what do I do? Call my ST and go "Hey, did you wanna see Sucker Punch?" So we had movie night and lemme tell you, I was hella jazzed to game when I got out of that movie. It just had a buzz to it that really got me in the mood to do something awesome. Picked out a few things as to where they came from during the plot and thankfully had my friends, who had seen it before, affirming that yes, you should stay during the credits and pay attention to the background scenes.

To hell with what the critics all said, too. That movie f'ing rocked socks.

Now to get the one friend to go see Thor with me and the ST to go see Priest and I'm good! Hmmm...both of them have off next week...

Sucker Punch was great, and Thor was really good. So far, those are the best two movies I've seen this year. Haven't seen Priest yet though, even though I was looking forward to it.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Sucker Punch was great, but of course I'm biased towards the director.
Thor was fun, but I didn't feel it was as good as it could have been. It was still a great flick to go see though.

While I think Sucker Punch was one of the best films I've seen so far in 2011, I can't bring myself to call Thor that. I've enjoyed Arn: The Knight Templar, and Black Death more... but again those were in settings and genres I really enjoy.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I agree. Thor could have been a lot better.

I did go and see Fast Five recently, and it actually wasn't that bad. Only problem was, once again, they left it open for a 6th movie. It's starting to be like Saw D:
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Yeah, but I actually don't mind sitting through the Fast and Furious movies. Saw, on the other hand, not my cuppa. Will likely see Fast 5 at the dollar theater. It's kind of become tradition. Just...apparently have to go the week it shows up, just in case. Bleh.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I watched the first 3 Saw movies, because the story was somewhat intriguing. But with each sequel they just fell further and further into torture porn, and that I'm not a fan of. I'm still not sure how something like Hostel did well enough to warrant a sequel, and that lots of people went to go watch it.

Fast and the Furious; I'm not big into cars, and the movies are all about cars really. I'll pass.