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Random movie talky stuff.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Not to mention Samuel-Motherfucking-Jackson. That man is in everything. Looks good. Don't know if it'll be theater good (I'm not all that invested in the original.) but definitely worth a look.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I've never played Deus Ex, but I've heard some things about it, and after I saw the Robocop trailer it made me think of that game.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

That new Robocop movie looks awful, really. What made the original fun was the over the top, completely gratuitous violence and the humor. This just looks like some generic "the human spirit triumphs over all" schlock that's been done 100 times already.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I wouldn't go so far as awful, but the PG-13 rating certainly doesn't give me overly high hopes. Meaning I'll probly wait for DVD, or if someone takes me.

I was honestly hoping for a reboot in the vein of Dredd (which I actually liked more than the original).
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I was honestly hoping for a reboot in the vein of Dredd (which I actually liked more than the original).

The Stallone Dredd movie was bad to begin with though, while the original Robocop is pretty damn good movie.

I'm not against remakes on principle, some of them are good, and some end up being even better than the originals, but honestly so much of what I enjoy about Robocop can't be replicated by the remake - Paul Verhoeven's over the top style, his brand of humor, and Peter Weller's performance, as I honestly always thought that he was one of the most underrated actors in Hollywood. It's a movie that works because of the talent involved moreso than the strength of the material.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Eh, I may actually want to see this now. I just found out it's being directed by the same guy who made City of God and Elite Squad, both of which are great movies.

Perhaps I spoke too soon.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I remember robocop as one of the first movies as a kid i saw.
I don't like them having him black..
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Saw Riddick, thought it was pretty alright.

Saw Insidious 2, wasn't too impressed.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Why would you see Insidious 2, other than the fact it looks hilarious?
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Why would you see Insidious 2, other than the fact it looks hilarious?

I must say I liked the first one. And that's probably it. People get their hopes up.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I pretty much went to see it because all of my friends were, so I tagged along.

It had jumpscares, a plot about the dead wanting to become the living by taking over our bodies, and extremely poorly placed comical moments.

Hopefully I just saved you two hours of nonsense.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I pretty much went to see it because all of my friends were, so I tagged along.

It had jumpscares, a plot about the dead wanting to become the living by taking over our bodies, and extremely poorly placed comical moments.

Hopefully I just saved you two hours of nonsense.

Although this would just as well describe the first movie. But precious time is precious, I'll take your advice into consideration.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

"From the people who brought you the conjuring" is all I needed to hear before deciding this movie was awful. Then "Got yo baby!" is all I needed to hear before I was pissing myself laughing.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I tried to be amused by a naked and saggy old man chanting "got yo baby!"

I tried, but failed.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

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Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Well, given that Insidious 1 was pretty shit, that's not terribly surprising.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Finally got around to seeing Mortal Instruments (in it's last week at our theater. Bleh on busy schedules/forgetting about it.)

First, Trailers:
Vampire Academy - About the only thing I liked about it was that it was using Nico Vega's "Beast" in the trailer. Knowing what little I know about the series itself, I was doing a bit of the headscratch watching it. CB was sitting next to me and I hear "Yay for homoerotic undertones!"

Hunger Games: Catching Fire - Admittedly, I'm a little curious about the first movie (which I have also not seen yet), but damn if this one doesn't look f'ing awesome.

Romeo and Juliet - You know the story. You know the ending. CB's remark was "Every generation needs one of these movies" on top of hearing "IT WAS NOT A LOVE STORY!" Which of course had me doing the Sassy Gay friend all through the trailer.

It's about time (I think this is the title) - Guy can travel back in time, uses it to win the girl of his dreams, apparently it's not without consequence but they don't delve on that overmuch. Looks at least worth a shot.

There was another trailer after that, but I don't remember what it was. Will edit it in if I do. I at least find it amusing/heartening(?) that three of the four trailers before the "adapted from a YA book" movie were...Adapted from a book movie trailers, too.

As for Mortal Instruments itself, I rather enjoyed it. Having gone into the movie with bare minimum knowledge of the books, it was a pretty good romp. The action sequences were a little frentic, but I really liked the characters/actors and their reactions to things (Clary *isn't* a fighter and in the huge melee, hides under a table and screams when she nearly gets stabbed. She also looks horrified when she makes her first kill. Seems perfectly logical to me.) You got to see women kicking ass. The humor was decently paced, and placed, even if it might not have been intentional. CB was a little disappointed that Magnus didn't get more screentime, but they at least touched on his subplot a little.

Admittedly, they did go into this with it being book one of a trilogy, so I walked out going "Okay, what about this? And this? And this?" but at the same time, it's mostly wrapped up by the end of the movie. The biggest dangling plot point (which *is* explained in the later books) is something that you can still walk away from the movie and not have it completely nagging at you, pending on whether you choose to believe one character or the other. The other biggest dangling plot point can also be...tucked away into "unfinished but still wrapped up," which was nice. CB had a couple of complaints about book-to-movie continuity, but nothing to nerdrage about.

Overall, like I said, not having the books to base off of, it was still (a better love story than Twilight! *coughcough* I mean...wait, no. Still a better love story than Twilight.) a good contemporary fantasy romp. One reviewer said it was too full of mystical mumbo jumbo (Helllooo! It's about demon hunters!) and, what was it? Teen romance angst? Something like that. But at least the romance (and ensuing triangle(s)) felt real. Will I be buying it? Probably not for myself, but it'll make a nice Christmas present for the CB.

My 'plot point' rants in the spoilers. And yes, legitimately spoilers.
So, they don't resolve the Jace and Clary are siblings thing, which apparently comes out in book 3, I think CB says, but at the end of the movie, Jace says that he doesn't believe Valentine, so it's a matter of whether or not you want to believe him when he says that or not. Also, big shock, the bad guy was lying! The other is the fact that it's shown that Simon got bit by a vampire and it's changing him in some ways (Continuity rant 1 from the CB - he's turned into a rat and abducted in a club, rather than slipped a mystical roofie, and he bites one of the vamps himself, which starts to change him.) but, like I said, it's left hanging and yet, at the same time, it's still tidy enough to not need another movie to explain it, in a sense. Also continuity rant 2 - They apparently leave out the story of Jace getting dumped in a bathtub full of spaghetti when he was a kid. I can sort of see why but the discrepancy exists.)
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Well, given that Insidious 1 was pretty shit, that's not terribly surprising.

Yeah, but a certain someone saw it and thought it was good.

It wasn't me either, never saw the first one... But you know who I speak of. That guy.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

My cousin thought it was good too. But he then fell asleep during The Thing, so his opinion on horror movies can pretty much go fuck itself.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Him and your cousin might be the same person, which might make us family.

I'm going to call you my brother from now on.