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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

i can however fight anyone at supcom though.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Kusanagi i have ALOT of pc games

Excuse me sir, but I work with Valve. You've been suspected of having stolen some games. To verify your account information, give me your steamID and password and we'll check to see if your game copies are legitimate.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ok darkfire its UOYKCUF and the password is ITTAE. By the way you already have me on your friends list.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

... Is it bad that I actually tried it?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

OMG please type those backwords.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I... I got that part. But it's even worse that I still tried to log onto that.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

........ I don't know.... SINS OF A SOLAR EMPIRE FOR THE WIN
Re: Games Discussion Thread

whops eat it was what it was supposed to be. damm my shoddy keyboard.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Holy fucking god! I think I just had one of the WORST fights yet in Dragon Age. It was horrible, but the ending was so very, very worth it. Spoilers for anyone that's further behind in the game than me and hasn't done Orzammar yet. And I've realized this has turned into a wall o'text so...tagging it.

Okay, so I fight my way through to the Dead Trenches, go through that horrible, hideous, "omg she's going to flip out and attack me, no wait, she's just luring me to a boss fight" section that's really really uber creepy and nasty if you're a woman playing this game and also goes along with the statement of "Don't see many female Grey Wardens..." WITH GOOD REASON nnyyyrrragh. Anyway...

So I get locked in the Anvil of the Void. It's me, Alistair, Oghren, and Wynne. And about 60 normal health poltices and 3 potent ones. These numbers are important. So, I figure out how to beat the waves of Darkspawn, figure out the golem trap, the blade trap, the tunnels...I listen to Branka rant like a madwoman...and then I get to the fucking Quitesson from Transformers and figure *that* out after, oh, watching my people scatter and get ganked on by spirits three times, at least. Get past all that and I now have 29 normal poltices and 3 potent ones. Then I reach the Anvil proper. And watch the cutscene. And the first time, I screw up and side with Branka, so I restart. And skip through the cutscene. And start the fight. And watch Wynne get ganked. Oghren, then Alistair, and then me. Restart. Skip through the cutscene. I did this about 10-15 times because I couldn't keep my characters clear and they kept getting gangraped by four stone golems (and Branka, who's a red boss), not to mention by the time I got around to raising people, it was me and Wynne and one or the other would keep getting ganked. Finally, I shuffle some tactics around, head in again and get the party started.

I run Wynne the fuck away from the combat and leave her alone to play healbot and backup ranged support. I lock in my other three and start pounding on one golem, taking over healing whenever necessary. In the shuffle, I lose sight of Oghren and the next thing I know, there's the skull. I kick over to Wynne and before I try to raise him realize that I have no fucking clue where the little runt is, so I kick back to me and Alistair while we work on taking down the last two golems and Branka. Thankfully, since she's leaving Wynne alone, I have some healing going on. At least until she decides to change tack and go after my mage. So I swap to Wynne, let the other two pound on golems and run Wynne's ass over to a lyrium crystal to heal up. I watch Branka shrug off Crushing Prison (it's supposed to stop an enemy in their tracks and do damage) and cut down Wynne. Thankfully, all the golems are now dead and before Wynne was getting beat on, I had at least started whaling on the damn dwarf. Dirty tricks would stun her for one hit and Mark of the Assassin (extra damage) helped a little. So she's about 1/4 to 1/2 health down and runs away from me to a Lyrium vein where she proceeds to split into FOUR BRANKAS that I need to beat the piss out of. I manage to get through that and she's at less than half health now. And RUNS AWAY AGAIN. Before I get to the lyrium vein, she triggers it and heals herself some. Now, I'm pissed. I get my charrie between her and the next closest vein. Actually, if memory serves, I ran for it and triggered it so she couldn't. And I got health too. So here I am, TANKING with my rogue character while she's beating the ever loving piss out of me and Alistair's beating the ever loving piss out of her and I'm doing my best to throw on poison, to stun her, to kick up the extra damage, oh yeah, and STAY ALIVE. She's down to about 1/8th of her health and guess who runs out of normal healing poltices!? *holds up two thumbs* So we're beating on her and beating on her and in three hits she's got me down to about 1/8th of MY health, so I kick up the bigger healing. Whaling, whaling, whaling, 1/8th health for me, kick up the healing. I have ONE poltice left when I see it. The stab through the heart with the sword and Alistair's shield sweeping around and sending her head flying off like a fucking ping pong ball. I have never been so happy to see a finishing move in all my life. Wynne and Oghren get up, the golem gives me his lovely solemn speech, I get my crown and other rewards and then I haul my ass back to Fucking Orzammar. Sweet Jesus.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

o hai. This is pretty much a reply to Copper.

Wow, you sure did burn through a lot more health potions than I did. Once I got Wynne, I basically stopped using them.

I'm wondering what you've done to make everything so hard on yourself, I didn't have all that much trouble with that boss fight. Had more trouble with the Broodmother until I learned to not go melee with it. Did make the same mistake as you the first time though and sided with Branka triyng to diffuse the situation as my bard did whenever he could.

Tanking with my rogue is something I did a lot late game; between my obscene dex score and the evasion talent, and some damn good leather armour, he actually was better at holding his own than Al, and I was using Leliana at range so it was just us two in close quarters. If you went archer rogue, I think I might know why you're struggling though.

My best suggestion is perhaps to revise Wynne's tactics, it sounds like she's running out of juice far too quickly. I rarely used both Vessel of the Spirit and the top Spirit Healer spells because they both ended up with her drained or otherwise in a bad way too quickly and stuck to just heal and regeneration. Haste is an awesome spell, but when your melee rogue gets momentum it becomes outdated as it actually slows your rogues attack rate; and I pretty much used my other party members for support anyways.

I could just be an unparrelleled god of making an optimal character, but I don't think you should be having so much difficulty as you seem to be.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I don't know why but for some reason whenever I start up Fable 2 after coming off it for a while I don't gain any money from my houses/shops for the time I've been off it. And I got bored so I used the exp. trick to max out my character.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I don't know how it works in Fable 2, but are you sure it's not like fable 1 where no time passes while you aren't playing?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm sure it's not like that because one of my friends has been playing it too and he's been getting like 10k whenever he goes back into it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Are you sure you're not getting it and just not being alerted that you're getting it?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yes I'm sure because I check my gold on the menu screen a few seconds after loading up my save.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I don't know then... Maybe there's an error in the timestamps? Like the game save date is after the date the game reads when it loads the save file?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hrm...I'll have to check the clock on my 360 then, that may be a possibility.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

also i'm pretty sure the amount you get is logarithmic if it helps.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, I think you just stop getting gold after a certain amount of time of not at least turning the game on. I think. If true, it's understandable. It'd stop you from getting UBER money at a really low level, and therefore letting you buy the BEST of EVERYTHING to make yourself OP at a low level.