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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ruse is 33% off on steam.

Will this breathe new life into what I presume is a dying multiplayer scene (I got bored months ago because the tactics everyone used became uniform)? Probably not; until they change things, rushing bombers will be the way everyone but Russians play.

It's a pity, it really was a very different style of RTS and until everyone became uniform I quite enjoyed myself. But the last time I played, while I was still winning half the time, I was always just fighting off the same type of attack, it got very stale.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm tempted to say "I told you so" :p
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Games need more nudity. Especially if it's tastefully done. I won't suck The Witcher's dick any more than I already have (especially since it's you, Sin), but I might try out Splatterhouse just for that.

I agree, though I don't know why you mentioned me with the Witcher, I never played the game despite wanting to, and thoroughly enjoyed the first book (still have to pick up the second one).

However, Splatterhouse doesn't do it tastefully, but for what the game wants to be, that's fine. It's like a slasher flick, except your the killer. There are tits thrown in for shits and giggles but it fits well with the game. However if you want to give it a shot just for the sake of sending a message to developers that its okay to put nudity in games be my guest, hope you enjoy it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

When I found a copy of the 'Giant's Citizen Kabuto' port for PS2 a year ago, I immediately bought it purely to force my flatmate to play the game. I was rather disappointed to learn that they had used the censored US version giving Delphi clothes. She was perfectly fine the way I got to play the game back in 2001, 100% nude spare a transparent skirt. This bra and panties stuff would surely only stifle spell casting abilities right?

Though they messed up the jet pack in the PS2 port anyway. Made some parts of the game completely by-passable, and other parts far too easy.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Also Alias:

The Witcher 2 debut trailer.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

They made Dead Frontier into 3D btw, for peeps that didn't know. And as well as adding all sorts of odd boss critters, look what the baddest of the beasties are....

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Nunu payed through the nexus: jupiter incident.

it was pretty good, like if homeworld was a squad based RPG that isn't as epic or with anywhere near as good a soundtrack. Still it highlights something i like in my space opera, being thrown into a strange world and having to aclimatise to technological wizardry (it doesn't use this anywhere near as well as i'd like, but the story is good enough to carry you through the game). They both have pretty epic last levels though and these levels demonstrate the differences between the various games, with homeworld (i've not played 1 but cataclism and 2 i speak of) the epic breaking the the siege of higaraa or the fleetwide duel with the beast, where as nexus has a quite pretty be chased around a black hole trying to achieve your goal. I suppose one is strategic and the other tactical.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

They made Dead Frontier into 3D btw, for peeps that didn't know. And as well as adding all sorts of odd boss critters, look what the baddest of the beasties are....

Okay, I'm well aware of the nature of this forum, and where it came from and all that jazz... but sometimes even tentacles are not sexy. A rotting shambling figure wearing a not so flattering dress that stabs you through the eye socket... not so hot.

Now I'm no prude (otherwise I wouldn't be here) but come on, not everything comes back to sex all the damn time.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Okay, I'm well aware of the nature of this forum, and where it came from and all that jazz... but sometimes even tentacles are not sexy. A rotting shambling figure wearing a not so flattering dress that stabs you through the eye socket... not so hot.

Now I'm no prude (otherwise I wouldn't be here) but come on, not everything comes back to sex all the damn time.

I'm with Ku on this one. Hell, look at the Witch model in L4D. It's goddamn ugly. Now look at what all the h-artist's have done with it. I'd willingly startle that Witch, and not with a flashlight, if ya know what I mean.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm with Ku on this one. Hell, look at the Witch model in L4D. It's goddamn ugly. Now look at what all the h-artist's have done with it. I'd willingly startle that Witch, and not with a flashlight, if ya know what I mean.

I'm with you on that, bro.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, I'm obviously in the minority here so I'll concede.

Should have known this was the wrong place to bring that point up.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Meh, I can certainly see your point that that thing right there, as is, isn't sexy at all. But show the rule34 people something as easy as a tentacle...
Re: Games Discussion Thread


Currently available on steam for $5 as part of a pack (so $5 gets you 5 indie games)

As far as FPS goes, it's nothing too special. And any claims it has to RTS is a damn lie, you can't order around your computer controlled AI, you can just build a few defensive buildings and traps, giving it a FPS Tower Defence feel.

However, it is made for multiplayer, and it is damn hard, especially with enemies health scaling based on number of players (up to 4th played joined, although servers can hold 8 human players). As you'd expect from tower defence, you get swarmed.

And then there's the enemy tanks and officers. Enemy armour will destroy your stuff if not checked; so far the best way seems to be to have one player spend all their currency on upgrading themselves to become an awesome tank hunter, rather than bothering with defences. (The AT guns seem to be too expensive and too fragile to be ineffective. MG nests are a good buy though)

Enemy officers are basically your priority target to bring the mission to a close, and are armed with a very deadly minigun (which you can pickup on death).

Ultimately, this game is some good clean multiplayer fun and at the moment is damn cheap, so I recommend grabbing the while it's still avaliable, you have just under 12 hours to go at the time of this post.

Also, keep an eye on steam, because there'll likely be another 5 game indie pack for $5 tomorrow.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Meh, I can certainly see your point that that thing right there, as is, isn't sexy at all. But show the rule34 people something as easy as a tentacle...

Yes, but does Rule 34 rule the characters it visualizes, or is it separate?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I bought it. Will get a chance to try it out latter.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

You called me-

Oh. Not me, the actual rule. Nevermind then.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Not sure what the stance on 'linking to other forums' is, but , I think, raises some good points, one way or another, about casual and hard-core gaming in general.

And makes for pretty good views and imformation regarding how 'easy' the games are as of late, mostly talking about depth within games.

*Scuttles away.*

Edit; related of course.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

My abridged review for Fallout New Vegas:

Initital response: Should be DLC for Fallout 3

The Good: Most of the water in the Mojave isn't radioactive!

The Bad: Horriblly... Unnessisarily long Load times that risk freezing...

The Ugly: Any difficulty played higher than "Easy" and your chances are slim to none while playing hardcore... The Damage to Enemy health ratio don't match your weight limit alotted for for:

Water supplies... Any body else notice how Dirty water only works for half time?
Food supplies... Whether pinyon nuts or brahmin steak... It all adds up...
Ammunition... Which NOW gets exceedingly heavy...

The Beautiful: Three words... True Iron Sights... Hoo-Rah!

Final Response: Mixed- Alot felt like I was playing Fallout 3.1 instead of playing a new game altogether. The parts they added were beautifully integrated into the already established Fallout, But not enough was done about the loading issue for a clean getaway...

On more than one occasion I was sent on "runner" missions, where I'd leave a building to watch a loading screen for half a minute, fast travel and watch THAT loading screen for a few minutes... Just to enter another house... Which Ironically brings me to another Loading screen and at that point an infuriating 30 second wait... Only to be given an item or bit of information and do it all over...

So.. to sum it all up...

Fallout: New Vegas,

We're the same old Fallout, just with longer loading screens!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Takes five to ten seconds for me. But I snatched a performance fix from the mod site.