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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

Level select won't work for me. I push up, No indication of anything happening, and I always start on level 1. All the other cheats work for me...

EDIT: Never mind... Apparently, I had a version that was about 5 months outdated... >_>

EDIT EDIT: So, now that I'm not behind, I can join this topic again. I wasn't too impressed with the bee, but it was good. My fave definitley has to be the Alraune (sp?)... Though she refuses to let me see the ending if I lose by KO from the powder spore stuff...
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Re: Fairy Fighting

I didn't know, either. I thought it was a coincidence, actually.
Now I have a warm and fuzzy feeling inside.

Dear god Toffi, what kind of monster have you created?!.........A very sexy one, that's what kind, well done.

Re: Fairy Fighting

Male bee is very nice. I'm looking forward to seeing which new enemy he chooses from the vote. I guess he'll update and let us know saturday. Im hoping for slime, mother tentacle or the 41 combo. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
Re: Fairy Fighting

It's just some advertisement of fairy war 2. If you want the translation, here goes.

Fairy War 2 at toffisama's site has been released. It's the continuation of the game that made me decide to start a fairy fighting game, so if you have interest, please try it.

longer than 3 seconds, sorry.

This game is leading me into the wrong direction.

Sorry, but I think you are probably incorrect. Note the original:

toffisamaさんの所の FairyWar2 がリリースされましたね。



The presence of the comma clearly indicates that both clauses are separate, and therefore 「自分が妖精格闘ゲームを作ると決めた」 does not modify (it is not a relative clause of) 「ゲームの続編なので興味がありましたら」.

Ragnarok's translation is more accurate:

toffisama FairyWar2's office released it.
Decided to make a fighting game sprite myself,
Sequel, so if you're interested
Please try to play. (Free & English)

※ loda.jp MegaUpload you can not use the latest Ver (FairyFighting101205_ver2) to UP.
(Password = eluku)
Update - where is "what you see in the picture adjustments finish cut" is.

Here you go, Toxic.

...despite sounding as though it's machine-translated.

Of course, the comma may had been a typo by Eluku, in which case Rin's translation is right on the mark.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Sorry...i'm not perfect, i'm just unorthodox. Did my best, at least.

Well, I was saying that your translation was closer to the mark, and the "despite sounding as though it's machine-translated." was intended to alleviate doubts (As in, "This translation may not sound natural in English, but please don't let it affect you since the translation is more accurate.") instead of criticism.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Re: Fairy Fighting

hmm, my proof is now unreliable..

im not really planning on backing it up so much,

but theres so much influence

2 legendary makers right there..

pioneers of the revolutionary girls get raped but fight back(the other even have a variation of raping back)

i feel there are others who've done this too..
but no, not implemented with the dedication we see now..
Re: Fairy Fighting

I know, Nescio. Just saying i do it with direct translation by my own Hands. Takes time but will make it more accurate. I'm trying to train more at it, but it takes time.

Maybe sometime, i can translate it directly. Every details counts correct. Misunderstanding words you translated with may make us believe something else was about it. We want to avoid that, don't we?

I'm just lurking around and commenting and answering, trying to help too. I'm checking three or four times each day at Eluku's blog anyways. So i want to make sure everyone will get the latest news.

Need whatever translated or questions answered, just ask. Not always on, but we'll see.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Sorry, but I think you are probably incorrect. Note the original:


The presence of the comma clearly indicates that both clauses are separate, and therefore 「自分が妖精格闘ゲームを作ると決めた」 does not modify (it is not a relative clause of) 「ゲームの続編なので興味がありましたら」.

Ragnarok's translation is more accurate:

...despite sounding as though it's machine-translated.

Of course, the comma may had been a typo by Eluku, in which case Rin's translation is right on the mark.

Now, is that a chalenge? I still can't be 100% sure of all my translation, but I do have the right to defend it when someone poke at it, right? So....

Firstly, sorry about my English, but I will try to make it as clear as possible. The phrase "自分が妖精格闘ゲームを作ると決めた" is a modifier, because it used が instead of は. More over the "game" in ゲームの続編なので興味がありましたら must be defined by the phrase before it. Otherwise it'd make no sense whatsoever. It's like saying "it's a sequel of a game, so please play it if you have interest." in English.
Well.... I know that example is a bit stupid, since it still can be used. But it definitely can't be used in this context, right?

Please believe in me who (tries to) believe in herself.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Now, is that a chalenge? I still can't be 100% sure of all my translation, but I do have the right to defend it when someone poke at it, right? So....

Firstly, sorry about my English, but I will try to make it as clear as possible. The phrase "自分が妖精格闘ゲームを作ると決めた" is a modifier, because it used が instead of は. More over the "game" in ゲームの続編なので興味がありましたら must be defined by the phrase before it. Otherwise it'd make no sense whatsoever. It's like saying "it's a sequel of a game, so please play it if you have interest." in English.
Well.... I know that example is a bit stupid, since it still can be used. But it definitely can't be used in this context, right?

Please believe in me who (tries to) believe in herself.

I believe in the me that believes in the you that believes in herself, but i also believe in the unbelievability of believing in living beings that believe in themselves beyong the believability of believing in someone else, so if you belive in the me that believes in the you that belives in herself, than the truth of belief wil be believable.:cool:

And yeah, i know it was a tengen toppa reference...
Re: Fairy Fighting

John...shut up. Your inaccurate trolling isn't meant to exist in here. Your comments are unavailable to answer or question anything, whatsoever. Due of your stupidity to beat your mind for not understanding what yourself even says...

Gawd, people. They just can't make it clear and say something else.

Rin, listen.

It is true what you said, but that wasn't a challenge. You took it wrong. He approved my cause of correcting a better case of accuracy towards translation, which i did by all on my own. I served him gratitude towards as approving me. It was a matter of accuracy between my translation were more accurate. Not a challenge.

But well, you are true, indeed. I know that anyways, but i don't want to sound like i'm perfect, i just did what i felt for being a least out of my crawler lurk hole for a moment. So i translated it as soon as the news came from Eluku and tried to keep it as perfectly accurate as possible. Was only matter of accuracy between Dragonstix and my translation.

No offend taken or given, only correction of what was wrong and misunderstanding. Peace.
Re: Fairy Fighting

John...shut up. Your inaccurate trolling isn't meant to exist in here. Your comments are unavailable to answer or question anything, whatsoever. Due of your stupidity to beat your mind for not understanding what yourself even says...

What did i do?
I don't get it...:confused:
I didn't do anything, i didn't mean anything, i wasn't even here when it happend, and if i was here i was sleeping, and if i was sleeping i was dreaming of being somewhere else!!!:(

What the hell was that about???
Re: Fairy Fighting

TTGL? Oh...now i remember where i head that before. True that Rin made a TTGL refer. Bloody nice.

John: Excuses are a helpless need to weaken your cause of stupidiy and self-irony to the wrong side of a mirror. Your inability to understand yourself is mocking yourself for the reason you cannot add to the next referred "E" situation. You may as well give up both trolling, excusing and proving yourself wrong in the fact you weren't there when you said it. Jackass.

Sorry for my outburst, but i hate persons like him. I'd like if someone began growing up and admitting self-defeat. It is not a shame to admit a truth, else then you don't win a game, if it were a game. Like it isn't now. But honestly...no offense given to others, John deserves to learn what it is to be "Defeated" by himself.

Thank you for your time for understanding. Good day to you too, milady/sir.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

If we know JohnDoe, it's that he will never give up until all of your posts are either "shut up" or "It's useless to keep posting". He has this way of wittling you down to your more carnal posting instincts.

He even tried (and failed) with Toffi until he decided to get along. He's just a skeptic that jumps into his Skeptomobile at a moment's notice.

It's best to just let sleeping dogs lie, in this sense.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I know, i realize so. I won't answer him the third time. He's like dead for me now. I just reminded him of where his place is and where he belongs to. He should get a better life then bothering us with his bickery of failure. For i got a lifetime of knowing types like him in a hard way.

But yeah, thanks for the concern. Peace.
Re: Fairy Fighting

So let's try this again, so people aren't being literal assholes.

In english, what the fuck was eluku trying to say?
Re: Fairy Fighting

Hold on, i think he said on the under list of news to his project. That Toffi's new Fairy War was out. FF2, as said. Thats what it says. Least for me.