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Re: Hate Thread

Oh, so it wasn't you? Okay then...
Enjoy them cheerios.
Re: Hate Thread

I really don't like these douchebags. Another thing I don't like is my general laziness
Re: Hate Thread

OK, I don't usually hate things, but after four years I still can't stand this so...

I loudly and proudly pronounce that I, WonderBoy, hate with a burning passion clearer and hotter than a thousand stars, with a longevity as eternal as time itself, with all consuming rage more violent than a black hole, it is a storm inside me, tearing at my sanity.

Yes, this is pure, uninhibited hate.

I hate the Eragon movie.
Re: Hate Thread

Eragon? Please tell me you were a fan of the books or something to be able to bring that much hate to a movie that pretty much slipped under the radar and was forgotten. I myself have never seen it, but have heard no good things about it, so I haven't bothered.
Re: Hate Thread

I've read all the books and really enjoyed them. There are several reasons why I hate this movie. But the main reason is probably the fact that they changed the entire story. I mean, one thing is little nitpicks like making entire new sets of spells for the main character, or making him instantly proficient at everything he does. It's something else completely, however, when they in fact fuck up the story so badly that there can be no sequels. Because some of the people that play important roles in the further books are now dead, and several of the people who were supposed to die are now alive. Add in the fact that they changed the race of one of the main characters from elf to human... Oh, that's gona be awkward in the future when they realize she's the elf queens fucking daughter. "Oh honey, it's so nice to see you, but... What has happened? Are you a human now?" Yeah, pretty much everything they could fuck up, they fucked up. I can't remember what it was, but at one point they even get the name of a place wrong.

Blargh, so many things... Basically it looks like the scriptwriter has read a pretty good summary of the book, written the script, then the director got a bad summary of the script, and decided to improvise.

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Re: Hate Thread

Add in the fact that they changed the race of one of the main characters from elf to human...

Did they actually state that? I thought she was still "I can't believe it's not human" elf?

"She's an elf, honest. You can tell by the way she speaks, despite all physical similarities with humans."

"Eh, let's face it, if she remains an elf, and still hooked up with the main character, that'd be bestiality."
Re: Hate Thread

Some of you actually liked the books?
Re: Hate Thread

My sister couldn't get over the books, but didn't really like the movie.
Re: Hate Thread

The books were pretty good.

The movie needs to go fucking die in a goddamn fire.

I watched the damn special features (my friend bought the DvD... not me) and they said the reason her ears were round in the movie (Despite being fucking pointy in the book) was because they wanted to do something different.

It's like they read the goddamn jacket cover and made the movie based on that. It fucking sucked ASS.

On that note, I'd like to mention my seething hate for the people that decided Vet tech was only a two year program.
Re: Hate Thread

Nunu has reminded me of my strong dislike for Toronto.

I wouldn't call it hate, but it's getting there. Fucking Toronto.
Re: Hate Thread

Nunu has reminded me of my strong dislike for Toronto.

I wouldn't call it hate, but it's getting there. Fucking Toronto.

Huh. I feel there is a story behind this. But then again, I hate all major cities. They turn people into stress-filled, work-obsessed, uncaring blobs in my opinion.
Re: Hate Thread

Huh. I feel there is a story behind this. But then again, I hate all major cities. They turn people into stress-filled, work-obsessed, uncaring blobs in my opinion.

Not too much of a story. Just havn't had any good experiences there. It's smoggy, dirty, bunch of people not speaking English, gang violence, stupid traffic, and so on.
Re: Hate Thread

It just hit me that Capcom isn't developing the new Devil May Cry. I can hate that, right?
Re: Hate Thread

It just hit me that Capcom isn't developing the new Devil May Cry. I can hate that, right?

Dante looks like a big sack of fucking shit in the new Devil May Cry, so even if Capcom was developing it you should still hate it.
Re: Hate Thread

Except, if Capcom was developing it, even if he looked different, he'd still probably look awesome. I don't know who these new guys are, but they fail hard.