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Re: Retro-thread

Go Gadget Go!

*This message will self destruct.*

(The movies made me cry :( )
Re: Retro-thread

Danger Mouse (funny how I knew *all* of those before even clicking on the links...) got me my own TV in my room because I wanted to watch the british superspy and my father would have none of it, so it was "Fine! Here!" and he got me this ancient tube and hooked the cable up to it for me, hehehe.

I still remember when I brought the DVD home. "Dad! Dad! Guess what I found at work today! You'll love it!" *Has it set up on the bigscreen in the family room* It was fun watching my father swear, heheheheh.

Also, if we're going that route...

I only saw this *much* later than when it originally aired, but as a kid, loved it! (So un-PC now, but what isn't from back then? *laughs*)

Re: Retro-thread

Never watched Dangermouse, but I remember Count Duckula. Those were all on those quizzes I posted, too. Well except for Lancelot Link that is. If you don't want to take the quiz you can just play the clips by the way.
Re: Retro-thread

Talk with a friend today about the Tron sequel that's in the works made me think of this stuff. Or rather, reminded me to post this, because I've been thinking about this for a bit.

Remember when and were cutting edge in the newest video technology?

And when a debut from MJ was noteworthy news?
Re: Retro-thread

Yeah I remember that, it was back when MTV actually had music on it. Honestly the only thing I don't miss from the 80's is having to roll my jeans
Re: Retro-thread

Friends and I were talking the other night and he goes "Yeah, I watched [some random sci-fi movie] on MTV the other day." "Wait, what?" "I watched..." "On MTV." "Yes." "M.T.V? Music television?" "Yeah, they finally admitted that they're technically no longer MTV." "About damn time."
Re: Retro-thread

Re: Retro-thread

This thread leaves me teary eyed sometimes....
Re: Retro-thread

I recently got to watch again.
Re: Retro-thread

[Double-Post Resurrection!]

It suddenly occurred to me, as I completed downloading a video that was approximately 1.2GB, that the computer I grew up with had 64KB of RAM, and could store up to 1MB on a 5.25" floppy disk. In short... it was this computer:
Re: Retro-thread

It's reasons like this that I had my mother tape "The Net" when I saw that it was on TV. I really want to see the differences between now and then when it comes to hacking and the like.

Myself, I had an Apple IIC to get me started and hooking it up to an actual TV to get COLOR GRAPHICS HOLY SHIT!
Re: Retro-thread

I didn't have a computer when I was younger since it was too expensive, I do remember having two computers like that for the entire 300 student body at school though.
Re: Retro-thread

i remember telling a joke on how the walmart servers ran on dial up at my work. half my co-workers didnt know what dial up was.....
Re: Retro-thread

Did anyone else here envy the shit out of this kid in the 80's?

I still want a luck dragon. :(
Re: Retro-thread


I do have a luck dragon. If you count my 24 year old stuffed animal that is. Yes I still have stuffed animals and yes I am a complete dork.
Re: Retro-thread

Holy crap, I was nomming a Triscuit and suddenly remembered from a VHS tape that my family made of the movie when it played on TBS in the late 80s.

Suddenly nostalgia'd so hard.
Re: Retro-thread

Double-post, but I wasn't sure where else this could go: I suddenly remembered a rather traumatizing movie from my childhood called " ." I saw it on cable television a few times, and it scared the piss out of me each time (metaphorically). Anyway, I went to look it up and found that summed up, with little embellishment, why this early work of anime should be considered a crime against the children of the 80s.