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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Hooker, I only posted the reps I got for that joke, I never even touched the reps that got given to me just for being in the thread. I can bring them out if you want......

All I'm saying is that it wasn't THAT funny, just at the right place at the right time.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

All I'm saying is that it wasn't THAT funny, just at the right place at the right time.

Very well, but I shall be back with a joke in a completely wrong place at the wrong time, and when it gets a buttload of positive reps I'll come back, and you won't be able to say anything. D-:

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Very well, but I shall be back with a joke in a completely wrong place at the wrong time, and when it gets a buttload of positive reps I'll come back, and you won't be able to say anything. D-:


I'll find something to mock you about, all the same.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

And I'd probly neg-rep ya for that Cappy
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Okay, now we know I mostly take -rep's in jest and any reaction I make to them if often grossly overexaggerated, but these latest two I've received really make me wonder what kind of fucktards I'm dealing with;

finish it
Now, we all know I've said in the past that I have no desire to finish the doujin and I'm hoping people have guessed right that I was merely joking about that. I have also said, to refresh the -reppers memory, that I plan on continuing it BUT like everything else I've started or plan to start it'll get done when it's done. Because of things happening IRL I've lost the motivation for pretty much everything INCLUDING the doujin, so if it's alright with you Mr/Miss/Mrs -repper I'd like to actually get my motivation back so I can make a decent effort into creating the doujin again. Or would you rather a lacklustre piece of work that neither of us would enjoy?

fuckin hater
This one confuses me more than makes me angry like the previous one. What about my post in a ROLE PLAYING GAME makes me a hater? I'd understand if I was hating on something in say, an open discussion, but it really does boggle the mind how I can be considered a hater for how my character would react in the situation she has found herself in. What, am I supposed to just make her succumb to whatever the hell is chasing her and let them rape the fuck out of her? No, I'm playing her as a the average human. Who, in my opinion, would run like fuck if there was two monsters hounding her down to fuck the ever loving shit out of her.

So yes, to answer the inevitable; i sorta mad.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Both do seem way outta line. "How dare you RP they way you want to RP! I wantz to reed the seks!"
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Lol, was that in my game? Yeah, it kinda boggles me how people hop in to read other people's stories sometimes, yours is like one of the most popular.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Actually, I'd be mad about those too Oni. Oh well...
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Lol, was that in my game? Yeah, it kinda boggles me how people hop in to read other people's stories sometimes, yours is like one of the most popular.

It is? I don't see how considering most of my posts only consist of a couple of lines.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

It's got alot of views, and after updates sometimes I've seen up to three people looking at your thread...
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

For placing an unwarranted amount of importance on your impotent words.

The power of my words lies in the reactions they produce. *Bows*
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

For placing an unwarranted amount of importance on your impotent words.

The power of my words lies in the reactions they produce. *Bows*

Because you were aiming for a negative, not positive response? Nice try, but I think you've backfired, guy.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Heh, someone repped me just so they could "slap you out of the thread".
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Because you were aiming for a negative, not positive response? Nice try, but I think you've backfired, guy.

Oh yes, because a negative reaction is the best reaction -eyeroll-

Pretty sure it's the same person, but just in case i'm wrong i'll answer both.

It doesn't need to positive or negative, a reaction means my words had effect on someone, thus they have power in contradiction of them being impotent as specified in the previous neg rep, that was pretty simple to understand.:rolleyes:
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Kind of like how it doesn't matter if you love or hate someone, you still are feeling something?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Yeah, they are both "powerful" feelings.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Actually that isn't me, I was going to negrep you, but I'm maxed out for the day. Apparently I'm not your only fan JohnDoe.
As for word potency, it doesn't dictate how much attention it gets solely from that JohnDoe, some very bland words can be payed a lot of attention for many reasons. Like somebody finding words so bland that he finds it necessary to point it out, as it probably was in this case.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Heh, got a pos-rep for a misspelling. Nice change for the negrep from posting while half awake.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Someone noticed my Lilu avatar, and gave me +rep that says: MULTIPASS.

Whoever you are ~<3
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