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Re: Hate Thread

Isn't there a thread for shit stories?
Re: Hate Thread

Hmmm... yes, there was one once wasn't there x.x
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how my joints all start to hurt when a thunderstorm arrives. They won't stop aching all day.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how I no longer get hang-overs, but a cramp in me right leg in the morning. The pain is so fucking horrendous, sometimes I can't even stand on it anymore. Just roll out of the bed and try to massage it.

Then one wrong twitch while on the ground and BAM, back to painalley it is again.

Even more annoying if you have to explain this crap to someone who just witnessed it.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that it's 100+ degrees outside.
I'd love to get out to do something, even if it's just going to a movie again, but nobody who's free wants to leave their house.
Re: Hate Thread

Was talking comic book nonsense with some friends and Ant-Man came up. "That's the guy who beats his wife, right?" Well, he hit her once after a period of extended psychological abuse and abandonment, yeah. But no one remembers he built a robot that regularly threatens the global population, who's every appearance requires the involvement of every available super hero. Everyone lets that go, even though they have to deal with that shit bi-annually.

And since no one seems to know anything else about that guy, that's all the writers fall back on, so it keeps getting pushed to the front of his stories even if it doesn't have anything to do with anything. He's basically got a thirty year slander case. It's horseshit.
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Re: Hate Thread

So apparently it's my fault for the central AC in our house being broken.

Even though it was working before I took a nap.

And then later it was found out it was only malfunctioning.

And it was working fine again within 15 minutes of this discovery.

But it's my fault it's broken.
Re: Hate Thread

Tell them they're retarded, that's how I talk to my family.
Re: Hate Thread

Tell them they're retarded, that's how I talk to my family.

At least one thing funny came of it.

I asked my step-dad 'you mad, bro?', and he just stared at me, like, 'what the fuck did you just say?'

Also, I heard my mom giving him what-for for yelling.

Still no apology from him, though.
Re: Hate Thread

But he's at least not yelling at you any longer. Chalk it up to the win column and if he apologizes later, be pleasantly surprised. Glad to hear your AC's working again, though.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate not being able to help... All these people are dead or dying, and I'm safe and sound... Nothing to do to help. Nothing to do but wait.
Re: Hate Thread

It's... a horribly shitty feeling indeed. The worst part is however, that sometimes that's just how things work out.
Re: Hate Thread

waking up after four hours of sleep and being unable to get back to sleep. knowing I'll be exhausted all through work and when I get home. knowing I have a lot of important stuff to take care of when I get home. sigh
Re: Hate Thread

2 Asprin, 2 antiallergypillz, and 1 big layer of Vix on the nose and even still I'm more clogged then most of Super Mario's pipes.
Re: Hate Thread

So, something's gumming up the plumbing and you've got giant turtles out to get you, killer crabs right behind and fighter flies, holy cripes, all coming out of the pipes?

*sigh* Once again, old Copper is old...
Re: Hate Thread

Tis either that or two turtles decided to get jiggy and caused a backlog behind em
Re: Hate Thread

Or maybe there's a piranaha plant or two up there...