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Re: Hate Thread

I despise people who think that "Mod" means "Guy who doesn't have as much power as admin." and think that automatically means they can just go about being assholes to everyone.

I also hate fuel-rod grunts on Halo: Reach.

I hate people who have not yet reached their double digit ages yet and think they're cool and so can talk shit even when they lose. "You suck, noob." "Oh really? If I suck, how did I end up with 27 kills and 6 deaths, while you ended up with 3 kills and 20 deaths?"

It baffles me how children can be raised so wrong.
Re: Hate Thread

I despise people who think that "Mod" means "Guy who doesn't have as much power as admin." and think that automatically means they can just go about being assholes to everyone.

I also hate fuel-rod grunts on Halo: Reach.

I hate people who have not yet reached their double digit ages yet and think they're cool and so can talk shit even when they lose. "You suck, noob." "Oh really? If I suck, how did I end up with 27 kills and 6 deaths, while you ended up with 3 kills and 20 deaths?"

It baffles me how children can be raised so wrong.
I hate People who constantly defend old people on the road when they are driving well below the speed limit. I don't care if the fuckers old or if he/she's time is about to go up, Fucking follow the speed limit, or i'll pass your ass any way possible, and if necessary, Take you off the road myself, Im sure the fuck riding my ass will thank me once your shoved into a ditch.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate People who constantly defend old people on the road when they are driving well below the speed limit. I don't care if the fuckers old or if he/she's time is about to go up, Fucking follow the speed limit, or i'll pass your ass any way possible, and if necessary, Take you off the road myself, Im sure the fuck riding my ass will thank me once your shoved into a ditch.

Apparently, you don't understand what "speed limit" means. It's a limit. As in, this is the maximum speed. There is no minimum speed*.

Old people drive slowly because they have slow reaction times and worse senses. And when you get old, you'll do it too, because you probably don't want to crash into the sudden accident in front of you.

Honestly, your inconsideracy is appauling.

* of course, this statement is subject to different laws in different countries.
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Re: Hate Thread

Well, not entirely true. Sometimes, there IS a minimum speed... I get ticked when someone drives a good 20 mph under THAT...
Re: Hate Thread

I despise people who think that "Mod" means "Guy who doesn't have as much power as admin." and think that automatically means they can just go about being assholes to everyone.

I also hate fuel-rod grunts on Halo: Reach.

I hate people who have not yet reached their double digit ages yet and think they're cool and so can talk shit even when they lose. "You suck, noob." "Oh really? If I suck, how did I end up with 27 kills and 6 deaths, while you ended up with 3 kills and 20 deaths?"

It baffles me how children can be raised so wrong.

How the hell do you know if they're above or below 10? Do you ASK them? That's kind of.....I mean.....
Re: Hate Thread

I hate people who have not yet reached their double digit ages yet and think they're cool and so can talk shit even when they lose. "You suck, noob." "Oh really? If I suck, how did I end up with 27 kills and 6 deaths, while you ended up with 3 kills and 20 deaths?"

I had so many responses come up to my head when I read this. I normally just choose one and go with it, but for this... I think I'll say every one of them.

"You're bragging to children. YOU'RE BRAGGING. TO CHILDREN."

"Oh man, you sure showed those children who's top dog!"

"I'm glad to see that you're so good at video games that you can beat 'people who have not yet reached their double digit ages yet'."

"As much as I hate squeakers, I think it's pretty sad that you're actually comparing your score to a child's."

"So I'm gonna take a wild swing at this and say a little kid was in game with you and started acting like an asshole. You, the moderator, got mad because he wasn't succumbing to your will. You then proceeded to TOTALLY OWN HIM in the scoreboards, got on ULMF, and bragged on this topic. I gotta hand it to you, it takes skill to be that sad."

Take your pick.
Re: Hate Thread

your not good until you beat jackie from my uni's score, 3 deaths 7 kills 6 shots fired.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, it's sort of actually the suggested speed and cops can pull you over for not going at the limit. People think that the statistics for young males or any race getting into the most accidents isn't exactly fairly broken down, considering the population difference and time spent on the road. Per distance, per time, whatever you want to call it, old people are extremely dangerous on the road, but the question isn't how fast they should be going or how to take their license away. I don't even need to mention the fact that speed limits are failed attempts at promoting safety and conserving gas, when they don't actually do shit except give police opportunity to line pockets.
Re: Hate Thread

psssh, local police
Re: Hate Thread

I hate not being able to help... All these people are dead or dying, and I'm safe and sound... Nothing to do to help. Nothing to do but wait.

The best thing you can do is exactly what you're doing, unless you're sitting in your mom's basement wasting your days on entertainment, sucking money away from the economy. As long as you either have a job or are getting an education (I think you're in uni, right?) you're doing exactly what you need to be doing to help the people in need. Short of getting a doctorate and helping them hands-on, literally, the best thing you can do is continue your education, get a high-paying job, put that money back into the economy by buying yourself stuff, and pay taxes so the government has the resources to help those in need.

I know that might not seem like much comfort, but without you, Mister Joe Average taxpayer, the government wouldn't be able to do anything, much less help those in need.

Hope that's some comfort, however small.
Re: Hate Thread

Erm... Alias, I think you misunderstood what I meant. You make a good point, but I was referring to the people who were dead or injured in the shooting and bomb attack here in Norway. At the time of posting that, there were people my age dying in hospitals and lying in piles of bodies, some of these people I knew.

But yeah, I pay my taxes.
Re: Hate Thread

Besides that, he IS from Norway, which is, despite everything, currently one of the richest countries in the world.
Re: Hate Thread

well I'll admit I hadn't read the news story until earlier today so I wasn't quite sure what had happened, but I'd still like to think those words of comfort aren't meaningless - after all, even if your taxes aren't paying for the hospitals that cared for the injured (not sure how health coverage is in Norway), I'm certain it pays for the police that caught the psychopath that committed the crimes. Obviously nobody can help the dead, but there might be some government aid given to the families of the victims, which you are a contributor to as well.

My point is, even if you don't feel like you're doing anything, you are helping, and mourn the tragedy but don't feel bad because you can't contribute directly.

I'm not sure what Norway's status as one of the richest countries in the world has to do with it. But I'm sick and exhausted so it's likely that I'm not understanding something, or am just ignorant of some nuance of geopolitics.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when i find random gashes, bumps, and bruises all over my arms or legs. Where in the hell did these things come from? Did somebody just beat the living shit out of me while i was spaced out?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the australian prime minister and her putting us into a recession just so she can keep power.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when i find random gashes, bumps, and bruises all over my arms or legs. Where in the hell did these things come from? Did somebody just beat the living shit out of me while i was spaced out?

I used to hate that, now I love it.
Re: Hate Thread

... Wait, which one do you love?
Re: Hate Thread

Well not like it's something I look forward to, but I give a good chuckle at it. It's been happening my entire life, I stopped being surprised by waking up with cuts and bruises and such up and down my arms and legs.

Thank god I didn't grow up in this new pussy age, people would be calling my parents and be trying to take me away.
Re: Hate Thread

That happens to me too, although not very much. My mother used to ask things like "Where'd you get that scratch?" and I'd have no idea.