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Re: Hate Thread

I hate falling. Especially on days that I have class and work, because two head injuries narfing suck. I didn't go to class OR work today.

ouch... no stitches required I hope? also hopefully no long term damage 0.o I just watched an anime about this guy who took a baseball to the head, went ahead and won the game, then died a few days later :(
Re: Hate Thread

ouch... no stitches required I hope? also hopefully no long term damage 0.o I just watched an anime about this guy who took a baseball to the head, went ahead and won the game, then died a few days later :(

No open wounds, bruises or swelling. In other words, no proof I actually fell except pain when the areas are touched. -grump-
Re: Hate Thread

I hasta be honest, I've not really read the comics much. Even still, the article makes it's point clear, and I do agree that the comics ARE targeting thier demographic, even if it's rather folley...

There's targetting a demographic, then there's pushing other demographics away.
Re: Hate Thread

There's targetting a demographic, then there's pushing other demographics away.

Again, no one is taking into account this is two books out of 52 new series. It's almost as though this blog targeted the most controversial material it could find in the new releases and went from there, which is what I'm pretty sure it did. This is much more a case of people being obviously inflammatory as a way to guarantee attention, I think. Not to say that sexism in comics doesn't exist, or that it isn't a problem, but it's certainly being blown out of proportion in this case. And I'm reasonably certain it's more the fault of the writers of those two books than the whole company.
Re: Hate Thread

Again, no one is taking into account this is two books out of 52 new series. It's almost as though this blog targeted the most controversial material it could find in the new releases and went from there, which is what I'm pretty sure it did. This is much more a case of people being obviously inflammatory as a way to guarantee attention, I think. Not to say that sexism in comics doesn't exist, or that it isn't a problem, but it's certainly being blown out of proportion in this case. And I'm reasonably certain it's more the fault of the writers of those two books than the whole company.

Except that she was mentioning how it's a growing trend in various comics. Even in those other books I'm pretty sure the female characters will almost all be either A) Scantly clad or B) Skintight outfits (Or perhaps both like Catwoman had been)

The blog itself was focusing on the two comics that are already out, with mentions of fears that the rest will be like this (First impressions can be the strongest). And seeing as the article itself was talking about the writers, and the super hero genre rather than all comics out there, I don't really see the other 50 issues being a good counterweight to the article author's complaints.

So despite just two books being the centre piece of the article, do the others actually break away from the complaints? Do the people saying they're quite good actually care about gender stereotypes?

And the article itself targeted what the author felt was the most controversial, like you said. Of course she did, would she get pissed off about the least controversial? That's both simple marketing, and also dealing with what she felt was an issue. The controversial bits are the issue, so that's why an article would be written about it.
Re: Hate Thread

Friend of mine linked me to that article sometime last week. While perusing the Tor newsletter that I get on occasion, I found this:

What I found kind of amusing, in a way, is that he has a different take on Starfire but, well, pretty much has the same bitch about Catwoman. Oh, and he brings Wonder Woman into it, too. Me, I'm just dealing with all the Marvel crossovers and alternate timelines in the same sets of books X_x

I also hate headcolds and the fact that my one ear is plugged and I can't get it to pop.
Re: Hate Thread

Except that she was mentioning how it's a growing trend in various comics. Even in those other books I'm pretty sure the female characters will almost all be either A) Scantly clad or B) Skintight outfits (Or perhaps both like Catwoman had been)

The blog itself was focusing on the two comics that are already out, with mentions of fears that the rest will be like this (First impressions can be the strongest). And seeing as the article itself was talking about the writers, and the super hero genre rather than all comics out there, I don't really see the other 50 issues being a good counterweight to the article author's complaints.

So despite just two books being the centre piece of the article, do the others actually break away from the complaints? Do the people saying they're quite good actually care about gender stereotypes?

And the article itself targeted what the author felt was the most controversial, like you said. Of course she did, would she get pissed off about the least controversial? That's both simple marketing, and also dealing with what she felt was an issue. The controversial bits are the issue, so that's why an article would be written about it.

Almost every superheroic character since ever has been either in skintight duds or half naked, male, female, or otherwise. The issue should be more on how the authors are writing the women and the artists are drawing them, because that's what it's about. Instead it becomes about a whole company that is apparently full to the brim with misogynists, but no one noticed til a few months ago. And they've managed to raise their banner in such a way that anyone who disagrees looks like a prick because they've got their two standards they can wave and yell "IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT?"
Re: Hate Thread

i hate it when the nice guy side kicks in and i give a good tip. Needs moar evils.
Re: Hate Thread

i hate it when the nice guy side kicks in and i give a good tip. Needs moar evils.

Hunh? Do you mean you hate tipping at restaurants and bars? If you hate doing that, than I hate you.
Re: Hate Thread


I think he meant advice?
Re: Hate Thread


I think he meant advice?

Yes i meant advice, i should have included that. Say your at a gamestop and a mother walks in and starts asking about a game console or a portable without knowing what the contents of it are, how it compares to others, the pros and cons of it. It makes me want to bitch slap these guys, they have no need to work at a gamestop if they cant show the slightest Honesty in gamming.
Re: Hate Thread

Hate automated phone systems. So I'm attempting to hook up my new modem today, which came with no instructions or directions or description. Just "Hey, this is how you can set up your wireless!" (I don't *need* wireless. I need the faster modem hooked up!) So I make at least three attempts before it locks me out completely, so I call tech support.

And I go through the automated system. "Let me connect you to someone who can help." Beep-boop. "Thank you for calling...para Espanol, marque a dos." Bah. *goes through again* "Let me connect you to someone who can help." Beep-boop. "Thank you for calling...para Espanol, marque a dos." WTF. *goes through again* FOUR TIMES! It reset me FOUR TIMES! Finally, on the last one, it hooks me up with "Jay" who walks me through the setup. Funny thing was, everything he told me to do, I *did* Bah. But, as you can see, I have internets at the moment, but it's a right pain in the ass trying to get ahold of a live person in some of these instances!
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when Mondays masquerade as Wednesdays.

Woke up with my neck feeling stiff as hell, proceeded to stub both of my big toes trying to get to the bathroom,
and finally my smallest dog tripped me up and I went face first into the floor, though not without hitting my head on a chair on the way down.
Though, I guess that last one was mixed, because my neck isn't stiff as hell anymore, at least.

And apparently, my cat thought it'd be funny to take a swipe at my leg while I was typing this. Lovely.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when Mondays masquerade as Wednesdays.

Woke up with my neck feeling stiff as hell, proceeded to stub both of my big toes trying to get to the bathroom,
and finally my smallest dog tripped me up and I went face first into the floor, though not without hitting my head on a chair on the way down.
Though, I guess that last one was mixed, because my neck isn't stiff as hell anymore, at least.

And apparently, my cat thought it'd be funny to take a swipe at my leg while I was typing this. Lovely.

Here, that'll make you feel better, a song written exactly for days like yours.

Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when Mondays masquerade as Wednesdays.

Woke up with my neck feeling stiff as hell, proceeded to stub both of my big toes trying to get to the bathroom,
and finally my smallest dog tripped me up and I went face first into the floor, though not without hitting my head on a chair on the way down.
Though, I guess that last one was mixed, because my neck isn't stiff as hell anymore, at least.

And apparently, my cat thought it'd be funny to take a swipe at my leg while I was typing this. Lovely.

Sounds like we had the same shitty days man.

I hate it when i forget shit before going to work. You work a good sweat at a factory, and i forgot my water jug. So im basically sucking spit trying to stay hydrated. Bleghh x.x
Re: Hate Thread

A story of love, hate, betrayal, and woe brought to you by your's truly. So today I went to the mall after work. It was a really long week with a couple days that were just really bad, and I wanted to feel better. So one of my favorite stores had a sign about having a big sale. Yay! I went up to one of the salespeople and asked him which clothes were on sale, and he showed me exactly where it was, and off I went. I found the most lovely black and white skirt and a pretty green sweater, and took them with me into the changing room. When I put them on, I totally fell in love with each one. The skirt was sexy and elegant but not too flashy, and the sweater was the cutest, softest thing I ever wore in my life. Excitement! I sorta had fun looking at myself in the mirror and feeling good about myself - especially the 50% off price tag! Yay I look cute, I can't believe these are so cheap!

....But then I went to the cash register to get my new lovely and cheap(!) clothes, and when the cashier rang it up, one of them said 90 DOLLARS!!! Full price! And I'm like "Hey ummm that's really expensive; I was told these clothes were on sale," and the cashier tells me - "No sorry it's not" ......I HATE when salespeople lie to me. Yeah maybe it was a mistake or confusion, but I don't care. I know I have a weakness and a tendency to fall in love with clothes, so I specifically make it a policy to not even pick up or try on something if it's out of my price range. Cause, if I do, I might fall in love with it and either pay too much or be sad because I can't afford it. But this time, the salesperson told me that it would be 50% off... So I had already fallen in love with it and then got told hey, sorry but this thing costs 90 dollars not 45..........
Re: Hate Thread

A story of love, hate, betrayal, and woe brought to you by your's truly. So today I went to the mall after work. It was a really long week with a couple days that were just really bad, and I wanted to feel better. So one of my favorite stores had a sign about having a big sale. Yay! I went up to one of the salespeople and asked him which clothes were on sale, and he showed me exactly where it was, and off I went. I found the most lovely black and white skirt and a pretty green sweater, and took them with me into the changing room. When I put them on, I totally fell in love with each one. The skirt was sexy and elegant but not too flashy, and the sweater was the cutest, softest thing I ever wore in my life. Excitement! I sorta had fun looking at myself in the mirror and feeling good about myself - especially the 50% off price tag! Yay I look cute, I can't believe these are so cheap!

....But then I went to the cash register to get my new lovely and cheap(!) clothes, and when the cashier rang it up, one of them said 90 DOLLARS!!! Full price! And I'm like "Hey ummm that's really expensive; I was told these clothes were on sale," and the cashier tells me - "No sorry it's not" ......I HATE when salespeople lie to me. Yeah maybe it was a mistake or confusion, but I don't care. I know I have a weakness and a tendency to fall in love with clothes, so I specifically make it a policy to not even pick up or try on something if it's out of my price range. Cause, if I do, I might fall in love with it and either pay too much or be sad because I can't afford it. But this time, the salesperson told me that it would be 50% off... So I had already fallen in love with it and then got told hey, sorry but this thing costs 90 dollars not 45..........

yea that sucks.... should have called him/her out over it. Be like "I want to speak to your manager!"
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, in that instance, do what the retail people hate and go "Your salesperson told me this was on sale" and get the guy up there, along with the manager. There might yet be the possibility that they'd have given it to you. We've had instances of having to argue that with people. It's like "did you tell my customer this book was 30% off..." "It was *yesterday* and it's only Thursday, so, yes." "Dammit. Kim! Come fix this price!" Something for the future, I suppose. Now, if the wrong thing had been put on the sale rack, then no, not the salespersons fault. We'd have people try and pull *that* shit all the time. "Sign says 50% off." "Sign also says select titles and it'd have a sticker on it. Suck it." However, if the salesperson put the wrong thing on there, under a sign (ie, more than one 'copy' is there.), then you can call them out on it.

Me, I hate getting stood up. Had a friend get in touch with me via Facebook and wanted to get together last night. He'd told me earlier on in the week that he might not make it, due to getting a headcold, but I told him to message me if he was going to need to cancel. Now, mind you, he has my email, my facebook account, and my cell phone number. So, the appointed time rolls around and nothing, so I head out to where we were going to meet (at a restaurant.) I mention to the hostess I'm meeting someone and she lets me take a swing around. No guy. So I chill in the waiting area. And chill. And it's getting on 7:30. So I text him. "We still on?" And I'm waiting. And I'm waiting. And it's quarter til now. So I put in a to-go order. And I wait for that. And by now, it's 8:00. I get my food, see one of my old professors and chat with him, pack up and head home. I've been online all night and had my phone with me and nothing. Bit annoying that.