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Re: Hate Thread

One of the animal stories I follow on Facebook "Jack the Cat" has a sad ending. He was lost for two months in the baggage area of American Airlines when his carrier fell and broke open.

When they found him and rushed him to the vet he had contracted fatty liver disease and a host of other problems. Last week... with his mama and others who loved him, he crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

I hate that Veterinary Medicine wasn't advanced enough to treat him and make him well again, I hate the airline who said it wasn't their fault, I hate the shelter that euthanised the other cats (whom would have made great pets) after a token effort at finding a home for them. Most of all, I hate that his mom had to go through that kind of pain. I'll never fly anywhere with my babies because of this.
Re: Hate Thread

I ain't all that technologically savvy, but FUCK WINDOWS AND THEIR SHITTY INTERNET EXPLORER.

Been hearing ads when my browser is closed and have been getting redirected. So, a little research leads me to believe I have a TLD4 problem.
Didn't have this problem until this last windows update, and from what I can tell, they use IE to send the update.
Could I have just as easily gotten this through FF or Chrome? Yeah, sure. But it didn't start until the last update I got to my computer.

So, now I have to go find a blank CD, burn the ISO to it, go into BIOS, Boot from CD, and fix my shit./firstworldproblems
Of course, if this ISN'T the problem, well then, I guess this crap-top is getting a full wipe and re-install. Not a bad idea, mind you, but re-installing everything is a BITCH.
Re: Hate Thread

Never use IE.
It's a shitty program. You can use safari, google chrome or firefox instead. Just not IE, because it will cause you way more trouble than it's worth.
Re: Hate Thread

Never use IE.
It's a shitty program. You can use safari, google chrome or firefox instead. Just not IE, because it will cause you way more trouble than it's worth.

I DON'T use IE, WINDOWS uses it to send their OS updates.
Re: Hate Thread

Will Ferrell.

Normally I already hate Will Ferrell, but he had the decency of doing shitty shitty movies with terrible and retarded humor that come out and anger everyone, and then they go away into the shitty pile of movies Will Ferrell has been involved in. I believe there's stacks of em buried under the Ark of the Covenant in some government warehouse.

But then he hit the gold mine. He managed to combine his suck with that of channels tendencies to replay movies over and over during the holidays. Not only was Elf one of the most craptastic movies he's ever done, but because of the content, it must be recycled every year, because we apparently don't have enough movies to show for Christmas, which is, of course, a two month holiday. It can't just be slipped away and forgotten like all his other films, as television channels have to regurgitate and spit it back up, much like I did while watching Land of the Lost.

And every goddamned time I see it being advertised on USA, they use that same stupid scene of him running through a revolving door, a humor that has been lost on most people since the age of 7. The narration clumsily says the movie will be shown a different day on every revolution, stammering out. "This Friday.. uhhh Saturday... errr Sunday," letting us know that the weekend was ruined in it's entirety, because not only does this excrement have to be dusted off and displayed, it must be shown three days in a row, lest we forget the spirit of Christmas.

I'd rather be shown "It's a Wonderful Life" 24/7 with my eyes held open, à la Clockwork Orange like some governmental secret interrogation torture than even carry the knowledge that Elf will be on TV for three consecutive days. Perhaps that's their plan? They make us remember the commercialism that is Christmas by trying to drive us out of our homes with visual and aural torture, so that we may go out and purchase, fearing our home has been tainted with the horrible stench that is Will Ferrell emanating from the television set?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that every coat or jacket that covers your bellybutton is now considered a "Long" coat/ jacket.

I've been looking for a decent LONG coat for months, and when I say long, I mean a coat that reaches my knees or further. But NOOOOO.... For some retarded reason it has just been defined now that ANY FUCKING COAT is a long coat...

I actually went into a store, asked if they had any long trench coats. I mean seriously, they should already be long. And the clerc says: "Sure, right this way. And leads me to a rack with a sign that says "Long coats" and that has nothing that reaches more than five centimeters below your belt. (Ps. I wear my pants like a normal person, so my belt is NOT placed conveniently on my knees.)


Long coats people! Are not blazers! They are coats, that are supposed to be you guessed it LONG!

Fucking fashion people having to define and label things to seem original.
Re: Hate Thread

I watch television and expect a good variety of entertaining films to show.

You see, your first mistake was caring what shows up on TV at all. Rent a movie, or stream it on your net. There are plenty of ways to avoid the monotony of Cable (or whatever service it is) that's decided it's a good idea to broadcast a side-show of sub quality.

And besides, it's that it's a bad film because Will Ferrel is in it. Will Ferrel is in it because it's a bad film.
Re: Hate Thread

Having bad dreams and finding it impossible to sleep properly every night before a new job from the agency. Even the latest job, which was two miles down the road at a building I have physically seen with my own eyes several times, and I end up having a mini nightmare about setting out to work and not being able to find the building. It included broken down cars, forgeting how to drive, getting out of the car and cycling slower than the pedestrians, getting back in the car and getting attacked by holographic pop up adverts, the car lights failing, running out of fuel, losing the car when I get out to fuel it, followed by finding it in a traffic jam, which is happening inside a shopping mall, due to road works on the only exit, picking up a hitch hiker, realising I'm in the wrong town, realising I'm an hour AND a whole day late, the hitch hiker is also now late and upset, the hitch hiker turns out to be a long forgotten (real life) acquaintance of mine, who then decides its a good time to let me know that he's fallen in love with his sister...

I never get to work. Stupid dream sucked. Woke me up an hour before my alarm, and I couldn't get back to sleep. No idea why or how my brain pulled the old acquaintance into the dream and accused him of incestual desires. Even now that the dream has reminded me of his existence, I'm not sure if I can remember his name correctly or not. >_>

Yeah. Pre work jitters. Every single fecking time.
Re: Hate Thread

I believe there's stacks of em buried under the Ark of the Covenant in some government warehouse.
They're in that landfill with all the ET Atari games...

...because we apparently don't have enough movies to show for Christmas, which is, of course, a two month holiday.
Three months. I've seen stuff out in October.

@Squid - That totally sucks, man. Reminds me of how, whenever I'm nervous about something I have "school" dreams where I usually, suddenly realize I haven't been going to a class for the whole semester or just set in a school in general. Funny how the mind works like that.

Also, I could really go off on a Black Friday tear here, given that I worked from 10:30PM Thanksgiving day until 8AM this morning with registers that do not show sale prices until you total and just many unnecessary steps (though they're still better than what I've used in the past) and shoppers in general, but I've done so before and I just don't have the energy to do it again, so I'll just say, all around, Black Friday + Retail = The Suck.

On a positive note, though, traffic was surprisingly decent when I left work.
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Re: Hate Thread

hate the fact i was kicking some ass in 2-D fighters, then when we went to tekken, suddenly, i had NO skill whatsoever.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that almost all the pornographic games are in development/update hell.

With the exception of course, of text games. And as great as they are, they can only go so far.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the mood I've been in of late.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate getting a creative spark, just to lose it at the next second. x,x
Re: Hate Thread

You guys ever get disgusted at yourselves for a minute? I hate that feeling, and I hate when I know it's justified.
Re: Hate Thread

Getting my schedule wrong. I force myself to bed so I can get close to four hours of sleep last night (which turned out interesting enough...go see the weird dreams thread) so I can go work my 12-5 shift today, only to show up at work and find out that I read it wrong and I work *tomorrow* They're like "Well, we had call offs, if you want to stay" I'm like "Uh, I was going to have my car worked on tomorrow, so I think I'm going to try and get it in today instead..." And I got the feeling they weren't too happy with that but I really don't care.

So, now, instead of working today and having time off on the weekend, I have to go in tomorrow. Blah! At least my Gamestop card showed up and I can go shopping after work.
Re: Hate Thread

Perhaps they'll have changed it by the time you see this, but know that at the time I'm posting it, they're charging 9999.00 USD for Kirby's Return to Dreamland. Because there's ONE left.

There's supply-and-demand, and then there's plain stupid. Worst part is, I'll bet anything someone buys it.
Re: Hate Thread

All my work is filled with hate recently. We had an exercise lasting a little over two weeks. All I did during these two weeks was hating. I hated marching in the woods for two days before arriving at our observation post. I hated that when we got there, we had to dig a 1 meter deep, large hole and cover the shit with branches and camouflage it before we finally could enter the thing. Then it was actually not that bad, we were there for a couple of days, observing our Target Area of Interest (TAI for short), sleeping and stuff, but then I hated how we got compromised 15 minutes after we received our ex-filtration order, so instead of going a couple of miles to our Pick-Up point we ended up having to walk for hours at a fast pace to reach our Designated Area of Rescue. And when we finally arrived at this god damned place, I had to set up our radio and try to contact the fucking hopeless Extraction Force. Freezing my fingers and toes off while the others were changing into warmer clothes. Believe it or not, it was actually snowing. My boots were iced over.

Anyways, got the radio up, and tried to call the extraction force. It went something like this: ANGEL, this is Alpha 3. Do you copy? over. 'waiting' ANGEL
This is Alpha 3, respond over. 'waiting' Angel, do a radio check over. Lots of muffled cursing from my part.
We were sitting around 50 meters from them hidden in the woods, but we couldn't meet them because they might not be our extraction force. In the end, or patrol leader just walked out with his hands out and asked: Have you guys had dinner today? luckily they had, potatoes and buffalo meat to be precise.
That was our code.

Anyways, what I've learned from this is that there are no, and I mean not one, small stream or minor waters. There are either god damn rivers or lakes. Maps of this area are very misleading when it comes to this. And its either dense forests, mountains or swamps. No easily passable terrain what so ever.

God I hate our backpacks. Weighing approx. 30-40 kilos, it is one hell of a thing to have on your back when you stumble or fall. You are helpless if you fall even with your face in a puddle, because the pack goes over your head and pushes your face further down into mud and water.
Although I heard later that we had it easy compared to the other teams in my platoon.
Re: Hate Thread

Dominos! WHY YOU KEEP FUCKING UP YOUR SHIT!? First they change their pizza and all, which I didn't like, but that really doesn't matter since other people did, so that's fine... But then they change their Cheesy bread by stuffing it full of cheese and still calling it cheesy bread. NO! By filling the bread with cheese, it has forfeited it's right to be called cheesy bread, it is now motzeralla sticks.

This isn't what upsets me. What upsets me is how much of a pussy companies like Dominos Pizza are. They're all like, "Oh my! A few people do not like our product! Let's over-inflate the issue and change our products to fit the standards of the people that complained about us, not caring about the people who thought it was fine just the way it is..."

It's bad business! Changing your product or policy everytime a few customers bitch about it. How's your business going to make a name for itself if it's product keeps fucking changing. This is just ridiculous... I mean, Dominoes has bent itself over the coporate ladder, ready to be raped by other, stronger businesses. I want to see someone find me a rule 34 pick of that and post it for massive +repage.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I'm too fucking nice, and overestimate my own discipline/time.
I have a final exam in a subject called "Mat-inf1100" which is basically calculus mashed together with information- and computer-science.
Said exam is in 7 hours.
I have been babysitting children most of the weekend, and am sleep deprived.
I really, really need to do math.
It is currently 2am in the morning.
