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Re: Hate Thread

I understand that all living things are God's creatures. However, this is not God's house. This is my house. And they need to go away before I nearly walk into them in the dark at 3am.

I generally try to leave bugs alone, but I'm with Copper, if they get in my face, they're gonna have a bad time.
Only exception is those gray stink bugs that are everywhere. It could be minding it's own business for all I care, if it's in my house, it won't be for long, one way or another.
Usually I just try to throw them outside, though.
Re: Hate Thread


I hate hate hate ticks. HATE. AGH. Every hair out of place feels like a crawly now! AGH. TICKS.

FUCK YOU 80 DEGREE GEORGIA WINTER. This is the first time it's been that warm in FOREVER and it caused a tick population EXPLOSION.

Scuse me, I'm gonna go take a scalding hot shower.

Re: Hate Thread

*nods* Ticks are one of the worst parts of the great outdoors.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate feeling sleepy, but being unable to sleep. I want to sleep, but for some reason I just can't actually fall asleep.

Wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to go in to work... but I do. FFFFFFUUUUUUU
Re: Hate Thread

After a tiring day of running around during a school sports day, handing the correct children the correct plastic cards for first, second, and third place in broiling hot South African sun, I looked forward to an early, MASSIVE take-away dinner. Why? Because I had no breakfast, no lunch, and no dinner the previous evening.

So on my way during the walk home, I stopped by KFC for a decent serving of chicken and chips, and after that stopped by the fish n' chips place notorious for nice salty chips, and got an extra large bag of them.
So I got home, had about 1/3 of the meal, and closed up the box and wrapped up the chips, and set them aside for later. I was hungry, but even more than that I was tired, and wanted an afternoon nap. I woke up something like four-six hours later and it was now dark.

Walking back into the room were I left my meal, it had been savaged, package on the floor, nothing left on the vacant computer desk were I had left the package. I thought, "Oh, but I closed the door very tightly, how could the dog have gotten here!?" to look to the door that was wide open leading to the kitchen. No doubt my kind and understanding brother has opened up, never to close it again, despite not having ANYTHING to do with the room.

Investigating the hallway leading to the pantry and kitchen, I find a torn packet that once contained chips on the floor next to my dear wonderful pet dog. I have never been so angry about a missed meal before, but I spent a great deal on it, and was looking forward to spoiling myself to make up for the annoying migraine caused by sunburn on my somewhat pale skin.

I don't hate my dog, but I hate EVERYTHING right now. Especially his guilty expression when I hold up the mauled ex-container of KFC. And to elaborate, he's not only not allowed to steal food, but also not allowed in the lounge, or the room were my food was.
Re: Hate Thread

I HATE AIRPLANES. Cramped, clostrophobic, cold, shaky, and downright frightening.

Also, they give me headaches.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that every time I start rigging up a windsurfer or a kite, the wind ALWAYS dies down... WTF?! It's gotten ridiculous now! I went to the gym, brought a kite to ride the wind back home on my longboard, and it's REALLY windy. As I set up the kite, it's still really windy, so setup is that familiar "I'm holding everything right? Nothing's flying away right?" And then, just as I finish up, the wind dies down to almost nothing. And it stays that way, until I am boarding up my street 20 minutes later, and I feel it start picking up, and before long, it's really windy again. Fuck.
Re: Hate Thread

I have to say, I hate when friends cut me out of their lives over something insignificant, even after we've been friends for years and through worse.

EDIT: Because some peole have gotten the wrong idea, this is not directed to anyone on the forum. I'm having a bad week and losing friends on vacation has made me catty and needing to vent /somewhere/
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Re: Hate Thread

i hate serial killers. especially the ones that kill hot girls.
Re: Hate Thread

I have to say, I hate when friends cut me out of their lives over something insignificant, even after we've been friends for years and through worse.

It sucks, but it happens. That's when you discover that those people were never truly friends. Hopefully you get some things sorted out though Chibs.
Re: Hate Thread

It sucks, but it happens. That's when you discover that those people were never truly friends. Hopefully you get some things sorted out though Chibs.

How can I if they refuse to talk to me ;_;
Re: Hate Thread

How can I if they refuse to talk to me ;_;

What happened exactly? And if they refuse to talk to you over something like that, then perhaps you don't want them as friends... never know when you'll get a knife in the back.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate going to sleep and getting knocked awake by something earlier than the usual wake up time. You shrug it off and try to sleep for another hour or two and end up sleeping through the entire day. Day = wasted
Re: Hate Thread

I hate internet game jerks.

To elaborate, I'm reposting from a thread on Firefall Fourums of the incident, because I'm lazy:

This is more of a WTF scenario then a proper bug report, but it could be something of concern as the game grows and we get bigger populations of players.

I tag up with a good group of guys, and run around and help them with thier Small Thumper runs, getting some good resources out of it but I digress. However, after a few runs, we have a thumper drop in, however it wasn't one of ours. Turns out someone had found our campsite, and right as our thumper went up, he dropped a thumper down. We moved further down the path, to try and get some more mining done again.

The same thing happens.

Exasperated, we back up and let the spot theif's large thumper get pwned, but even still, is this a common occurance? I know it's not too uncommon for wandeirng players to lend a hand for free exp and loot off a thumper's aggro, but to outright smack a thumper right under a group's holding?
Re: Hate Thread

What happened exactly? And if they refuse to talk to you over something like that, then perhaps you don't want them as friends... never know when you'll get a knife in the back.

Murrr.... That doesn't make it hurt less.

Just one day we're good and things are going well, then next I'm not getting replies back and come to find I've been blocked. And I have no idea why. It happened twice, with two different friends, and all I've done recently is complain about how damn homesick I am right now.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate proud athletes, especially when they brag about how well they can play with a damn ball.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when people mistake knowledge in many fields for talking out of your ass.

One of the things I consequently do in life, is to learn as much about anything as possible. I've always been curious to a fault, I constantly change my opinions based on facts, and very little emotion. I'm studying a subject that is an absurd combination of math, physics and chemistry, and I read wikipedia articles for fun.

(Yeah, I know, I'm such a geek.)

I asked a friend of mine if he had a stethoscope to check if maybe his really bad cough, that he's had for over a week, is just standard pneumonia. (For those that don't know, in the vast majority of cases with standard pneumonia, there's this sound that can be heard from the lungs that is a bit like the sound of bubbles in soda mixed with someone chewing crackers slowly. Also, rattles... It's hard to explain.)

But anyways, I'm not talking a very complicated thing here, I mean, doctors use the sounds to figure out all kinds of stuff about where in the lungs the problem lies and so on. But anyways, he replies with: "Nah, I wouldn't listen to it anyways, you pretend so much."

While I appreciate his honesty, this actually irked me quite a bit. Especially because I've been consciously working on not saying or stating anything without source or proper knowledge for the past year.

(Also, to those that practice or study medicine, yes, I know that the crackling/ bubble sound can be a sign of several things, but if they're there he'd have to go to a real doctor anyways, so it wouldn't matter :p )

TL;DR: I hate it when people mistake my knowledge and experience for "unfounded opinions."

As a side note, (This wasn't meant to be so long, sorry.) I've noticed lately, that in conversation, when you state about one subject, that you do not have extensive knowledge about it, and therefore cannot dictate or insist, people have a tendency to think everything you say in any
subject is less correct, even if it is a field you are currently studying.
Re: Hate Thread

Reading wikipedia does not constitute "knowledge" in a "field." I'm with your friend -- no matter how clever you might be, I'm not going to let a friend "play doctor." If the problem persists or gets worse, I will seek professional (or even semi-professional) help, not a buddy who read about a possible ailment on wikipedia.

When your opinions constantly change and you don't always have complete knowledge before speaking, you damage your credibility. At this point people stop believing you, even when you know what you're talking about.

Of course the smart move is to trust nothing that you hear without reading it in multiple sources... not that anyone has the time for that level of verification on non-vital issues.
Re: Hate Thread

Hate lag.

Hate how my internet decides to crap out on me in the middle of a survey I'm taking that'll earn me 7 bucks credit toward getting a gift card.

Hate how my mom's boss is a hypocritical jerk.

Hate how I'm in a catch-22 with a friend in that if I don't spend enough time with her, she gets grumpy but if I do spend enough time with her, I don't get enough sleep, which means I pass out until I only have a couple hours to spend with her a night, which makes her grumpy...

Hate games that require you to grind.

Hate writer's block.

*sigh* I think that's about it. At least for today.
Re: Hate Thread

I of course realize that reading Wikipedia does not equal real knowledge, and definitely not "in field" but we're not talking about an invasive procedure here, we're talking about very, very basic home medicine. If you pick up almost any decent "Family sickness" or "Child health" book, they will tell you about this. It's the respiratory equivalent of "Oh, you hurt your finger? Can you move it? 'cause if you can't move it you should probably have that looked at."

I should maybe also add that this takes about 5 minutes and is free, while going to the doctor will take about an hour, and cost almost a hundred bucks just for the doctor to listen for the exact same thing.

As for opinions constantly changing, what I mean is that I am not set in my ways if confronted with proper evidence contrary to my belief. After I started studying, one of the things we were taught was that about 70% of the "science" encountered in modern society is based on the "Simplify then extrapolate" concept. So yes, I change my opinion if presented with new and thorough evidence that outweighs the evidence I currently have for my current stance.

As for speaking without having complete knowledge, people do that constantly. However, because I don't want something like this to happen, where my credibility is damaged because of talking out of my ass, I take care to state explicitly that I do not know enough about the subject to take a solid stance. I often repeat similar phrases throughout conversation to make absolutely sure that I don't end up being the type of person who just talks out of their ass.