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What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I've started writing my first multi-chapter work. It's a fanfiction, though, but small steps are important :eek:

Can't wait to put on my pirate hat and download that thing! *nudge*

And for me, I had a report due at 6pm tonight. This morning, at 8:30, I hadn't even written a word....but 9 hours later I got it in on time and actually felt pretty good about it. It doesn't even feel like I've been doing anything all day. I'm kinda sleepy but not too bad. Feeling kinda good...!
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

What's it about?

It's a Fallout 3 fic.

Can't wait to put on my pirate hat and download that thing! *nudge*

And for me, I had a report due at 6pm tonight. This morning, at 8:30, I hadn't even written a word....but 9 hours later I got it in on time and actually felt pretty good about it. It doesn't even feel like I've been doing anything all day. I'm kinda sleepy but not too bad. Feeling kinda good...!

Cause we all know what's been distracting you ;):p
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I've started writing my first multi-chapter work. It's a fanfiction, though, but small steps are important :eek:

Are ye posting it here? It's always good to start somewhere, and especially with a world as open as Fallout you can still play around with a lot.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Are ye posting it here? It's always good to start somewhere, and especially with a world as open as Fallout you can still play around with a lot.

I'll probably be putting it on fanfiction.net. There's no registration needed to view, or even to review, as you can leave one without signing in.

And yeah, I made the character (Natalie) ingame, and am playing it in character, then expanding upon it from there. Right now I'm 3/10 done with the first draft of the intro (1163 words so far). It will contain all the "growing up" segments in addition to another one I'm inserting. (Small "Romance" with one of the tunnel snakes around age 17)

P.S. If anyone can think up a plausibe way for the LW to get a head injury sometime during the "learning to walk" segment, I'd be eager to hear it.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I'll probably be putting it on fanfiction.net. There's no registration needed to view, or even to review, as you can leave one without signing in.

And yeah, I made the character (Natalie) ingame, and am playing it in character, then expanding upon it from there. Right now I'm 3/10 done with the first draft of the intro (1163 words so far). It will contain all the "growing up" segments in addition to another one I'm inserting. (Small "Romance" with one of the tunnel snakes around age 17)

P.S. If anyone can think up a plausibe way for the LW to get a head injury sometime during the "learning to walk" segment, I'd be eager to hear it.

I have a fanfiction.net account actually. I've just blown the dust off it too incidentally.

And plausible way for a head injury eh? Well change the learning to walk part a bit by having the character crawl over the gate via some blocks, or crawl out of their crib or something.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Someone saved me a slice of key lime pie.

Key lime pie is delicious.

That is all, carry on.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

During a recent party, I was volunteered to go on a alcohol buying run (silly silly people who don't bring enough in the first place) and so ran off to the local supermarket to grab some. At the time I was mildly self concious about the look and outfit I had at the time, picked by my flatmate and a friend for the party. A vibrant trick colour purple/blue shirt, wide colared and with rolled up sleaves, some smart black trousers and shoes, and a very different hair style to my norm. Over all, the phrase that had been said when I first arrived at the party was "____! They made you gay!".

But I continued, chuckling lightly about it as I went. Though I had of course completely forgoten the fluffy bunny tail I also had on pinned to the back of my trousers, nicely framed by the way I'd tucked the hanging shirt around it. I had to buy a set of various colourful alcopops, and then pay for them with the money given to me in a red leather purse (though at least a small pocket sized one thank god).

Slowly sunk in on the way back. Couldn't stop laughing.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Well done squid. That would have made my night.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Okay, not today, but since the hotel I was at had sucktacular internet access and I had no means of getting on here, just have to settle for a recap.


Friend and I went to the show at Anime Boston and I about shouted myself hoarse hooting and hollering for the dancers, especially the Irvine Kinneas that had me biting my knuckles and nearly sliding out of my chair. *Squees*

It was my favorite event at the con, by far, and it *was* funner than all hell. They opened with the opening song from Burlesque. There were plenty of strip-to-skivvies dances (Irvine, Lulu, Nurse Joy, Ichigo, Faye Valentine, the guy from Darker than Black, a Beyblade charrie, Poison Ivy) and then there were "skit" dances: Rictor Belmont and his whips, a Ponia and Team Rocket (with more whips), Cruela DeVille vamping it to "One way or another," a Fan Dance, a group dance with the Sucker Punch girls, then BabyDoll getting her own dance, and a couple comedy dances with the Test Subject from Portal and a Bubble Bobble balloon pop.

And then...the next day...I managed to get a picture with Irvine. Gnee!
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Started training for my new job role today, having gone back to work after the 3 week "we can't afford to pay you" vacation. I'm working in a back of house administration team doing account maintenance. This means there are no sales, very little dealing directly with customers, and best of all I'm working a stable 9 to 5 guaranteed for the next 2 months. After that, who knows, but by then we'll have new campaigns in so it won't be back to the same crap I was previously enduring.

Also, my copy of Monty Python Fluxx finally came in the mail.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

My four tee's and hoodie will FINALLY be arriving tomorrow after customs decided it hadn't had enough of my ass the last time I ordered a bunch of tee's from America.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

My four tee's and hoodie will FINALLY be arriving tomorrow after customs decided it hadn't had enough of my ass the last time I ordered a bunch of tee's from America.

"Is it a bomb?"
"I don't know, better open it to be safe."
"Hey, these t-shits are pretty neat! Take my picture!"
"Me next! Me next!"


And thus Oni's shirts were delayed a week at customs.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Awesome. I am jealous.

Wish I could have taped it but I didn't feel like getting kicked out of the con. Thankfully, they're starting to crop up on youtube. Check "funny/awesome video time."
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Clothes arrived today and they're all amazing.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Go look in the mirror and do a twirl!

Well I didn't do a twirl but I did look at them all in a mirror. Though I have to say, you American's like doing things backwards. The part of the zip that you slide into the uppy-downy part is on the other side to our zips.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Well I didn't do a twirl but I did look at them all in a mirror. Though I have to say, you American's like doing things backwards. The part of the zip that you slide into the uppy-downy part is on the other side to our zips.

Yeah but... you drive on the backwards side of the road....

I got nothin.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Got put in charge (well co-put in charge) of class for the first 20 minutes or so in music. We just blasted the Beatles the entire time. (It was on topic for what we were talking about at least)