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Sanctuary Based RP

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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Natasha is in LA doing the police thing, chasing down druggie, beating them with a stick when they get uppity.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Ha, in Max's case he's the one being hounded down by the police.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Sarah is probably somewhere in the states being held in Mysterious Infection Study Labratory # 8463

Good Riddance Umbrella Facility number eight thousand four hundred sixty two. And a big FUCK YOU.

I'm sure we could really get more original, but I'm a little stir crazy at the moment to get a better idea.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

I'll have to think about that for a while. I'm not sure what she would be doing just now.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

My character's probably raiding the kitchen at the sanctuary. With great power comes a great appetite.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Indeed Grave.

Alright, I have completed the major NPC's bio's, and posted them as well as everyone else's up in a database thread. Please read the first part of the thread before making any assumptions on what your character would know.

I need locations from several people on their characters.

Bartnum, I need to know for yours what their deals are. LDF, I need to know which Sanctuary your character is currently at, and Tenta, let me know when you have time. Also, Lurker, we need to figure out a location for that facility, or would you like me to pick a random spot for ya?

Don't worry if I start up without you, new arrivals should be fairly easy to bring in, especially once the first real major arch gets up and fully running.

I'll likely begin this tomorrow morning, for now, I must garner that elusive creature known as sleep and recharge my mental batteries. It has been a LONG day.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Random spot works for mes ^^;
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

For the life of me I can't think of what Shey is doing now. >.<

I was originally thinking Shey would be male. I need to iron out his/her personality and stuff so I can come up with a starting location for him/her.
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Abby is probably roaming somewhere within the vicinity of New York.

Alec would be at Uni I think, and I just this second decided he's at the University of Nottingham.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Heck I'll go with female. :p And Shey would be something like me, she's friendly, reserved, quiet, and sensitive upon first meeting, but can talk and converse and socialize normally once he manages to open up. Also I thought of having her not really know much about her own history and would be sort of like the Joker, making up different backgrounds just to mess with people and to joke around.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Works for Shey.

OK Bartnum, NY works quite well actually. It also gives me a very fun thing I can do lol.

Also, where the fuck is Nottingham Uni? Never heard of it.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

I think it'd be the University Park Campus.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

I imagine Shey would be some where like an internet cafe, bookstore, music store, library or somewhere where she can relax and be lost in her thoughts.

She will be wearing drab unsuspecting clothes, a grey hoodie/ hooded sewatshirt, like grey blue jeans or something, and dirty old sneakers. I will put a description of her character tonight after work.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Alright, so you want me to pick a random spot with something like that?

Lord knows there are PLENTY of internet cafe's around the bloody globe.

Still have to talk with LDF, but after I do I'll be starting this. Hoping today or at the latest tomorrow.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Here is a base sketch of Shey. Excuse the blur, I took a pic with my digital camera as I don't have a scanner to use. It's also uncolored, but the hoodie/sweatshirt is a medium-dark grey, with grey somewhat faeded blue jeans, and dirty black sneakers. Her hair is black and she has blue eyes, her hair is in a bob cut, you can't tell cuz of the hood.

EDIT: Also Siphon, I guess you can say Louisville or somewhere in Indiana casue like me, Shey probably doesn't do a lot of travelling. :p
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Figured I'd repeat it here, just so everyone catches it. I purposely made my character's name horrible to type out so people would come up with a nickname. Feel free ;)
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

I'll come up with something shortly.
Re: Sanctuary Based RP

So. Gonna hop in on this soon enough. Just gonna leave this character for when I'm ready.

Name: Tony "Dante" Redgrave
Age: Unknown
Height: 6 foot 3 inches
Weight: 216
Place of Birth: Unknown, Believed to be somewhere on the American East Coast.
Species: Half human, half demon hybrid.

Known Biological Facts: If one were to look closely at Dante's DNA, it would show signs of Abnormality, but the rest would appear completely different from any other living creature's DNA. Aside from that, upon closer inspection of his skull, you might find an abnormally thick layering of bone over the forehead.

Powers: Dante possess eyesight five times superior to an eagle, and has a strange ability to master any weapon he picks up within minutes. Along with his superior eyesight and weapon handling, he is a marksman of the highest level, has enhanced agility, and most minor injuries he incurs heal within minutes. He also has something he refers to only as a "Devil Trigger", though as to what that is, no one knows.

Light Background History: Dante, being the son of a human mother and a demon father, has lived his entire life in the human world. Normally, both worlds are completely sealed off, but every once in a while, some stupid human manages to bring a demon over into the human world, and that is where Dante comes in. He operates a small shop, Devil May Cry, in Los Angeles, California, as a cover for his mercenary work as a demon hunter. Recently, people have been hiring him to track down a lot of "demons," which are actually Abnormals, who have a very similar aura of energy as Demons. So far, it's been helping put food on the table, so he's been taking the jobs.

Miscellaneous Facts: Dante has a tendency to never take anything seriously, even his fights. He also has a love of pizza, Strawberry Sundaes, and old rock and roll. He also carries around a few weapons whenever he leaves his shop.

Weapons: : Ebony and Ivory are Dante's ranged weapons of choice. Both custom M1911 semi-automatic handguns with extended barrels, they are both accurate at range and possess enough stopping power to put down anything not wearing a bulletproof vest very rapidly.

: Rebellion is Dante's melee weapon of choice. It is a keepsake from his father, and a physical manifestation of his spirit. The blade is enchanted using a little bit of Dante's own demonic power and some infused from his father, allowing it to remain sharp regardless of it's age. The sword is normally carried on Dante's back, or in a guitar case in an urban area so as not to attract unwanted attention.
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