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VN/TEXT Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Battle Moon Wars is a SRPG, turn based, which shamelessly copies Super Robot Wars/Taisen. What that means is that there's tons of Type-MOON characters, and they all have super, over-the-top attacks. It's good fun, the story is wacky, (Kohaku summons Saber. Yes. Seriously.)

As far as acquiring it, I tried so hard to find a place to buy it but I didn't have any luck; the site that sells it is all in Japanese and didn't offer links or maybe I'm retarded. I'll PM a link to people if they want it because I feel bad enough about not supporting the people who made it.

Oh, and I did just buy Fate/Extra the other day, and this is an enjoyable game as well. The combat is a glorified version of Rock/Paper/Scissors, but it's visual novelesque and all good fun as well. I'm not very far in it so you don't have to worry about me spoiling anything. x3
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Battle Moon Wars is a SRPG, turn based, which shamelessly copies Super Robot Wars/Taisen. What that means is that there's tons of Type-MOON characters, and they all have super, over-the-top attacks. It's good fun, the story is wacky, (Kohaku summons Saber. Yes. Seriously.)

As far as acquiring it, I tried so hard to find a place to buy it but I didn't have any luck; the site that sells it is all in Japanese and didn't offer links or maybe I'm retarded. I'll PM a link to people if they want it because I feel bad enough about not supporting the people who made it.

Oh, and I did just buy Fate/Extra the other day, and this is an enjoyable game as well. The combat is a glorified version of Rock/Paper/Scissors, but it's visual novelesque and all good fun as well. I'm not very far in it so you don't have to worry about me spoiling anything. x3

battle moon wars sounds kind of neat. too bad there's no english version(I assume)
They really try to hammer in the whole "knowledge is power" issue in Extra. The more you fight an enemy type the more moves of theirs you know of ahead of time. Neat side note to that too. If you beat the game and load your file you keep all the battle info from the enemy programs and any formal wear you find so second and third runs get that much easier since you don't have to gather as much info on the enemies and since you keep formal wear, some servant fights were easier since some code casts make life way easier(like regen, 32. note; this applies to programs, not servants during the elimination matches)
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Yes, I'm on the third week of it right now. I'm running with Saber on my first time through. She cracks me up with her narcissism.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Yes, I'm on the third week of it right now. I'm running with Saber on my first time through. She cracks me up with her narcissism.

Yeah, saber is fun to listen to. She's a good one to start with too. She's got some good damage skills and she gets a passive to increase item drop rates so she's easier to maintain while leveling up. Her wrestling story was too funny
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

For those of us who've played/are playing Skyrim, I'm just going to leave here. :D
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Gilgamesh got bethesa-ized, and by that i mean he got old looking
also y is the sanguine rose rose in that lot
(cant believe i still remember the name of that staff when it's been 2 weeks since i stopped playing skyrim, quit since i nearly did everything after 150hrs and 140 quests, damn them for stalling the creation kit just to add features for it for steam)
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

There actually is an english patch for battle moon wars, I know for a fact you can download both game and patch from erogedownload.com

Both story and gameplay are pretty entertaining
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Both story and gameplay are pretty entertaining

I second this, since MysticEyes was kind enough to help me out. It's over the top and ridiculous in all the right ways to have me laughing out loud at certain points. :D Tycho, if you haven't yet, I recommend giving it a whirl.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

I hooked Tycho up as well. Regardless. All fun games, blah blah I <3 Type-MOON, blah blah. I 100%'d FSN a few weekends ago because I was bored and was pleased by the bonus Tiger Dojo you get for getting every ending.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

I hooked Tycho up as well. Regardless. All fun games, blah blah I <3 Type-MOON, blah blah. I 100%'d FSN a few weekends ago because I was bored and was pleased by the bonus Tiger Dojo you get for getting every ending.

Mind hooking me up as well? Trying to find games to get through the holidays. X3

Just got done With Zelda Skyward Sword. MUCH better than Twilight Princess. More difficult too. THE WAY IT SHOULD BE!
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

I was bored and was pleased by the bonus Tiger Dojo you get for getting every ending.

I did that as well, though I'm contemplating doing it again now that I finally have the voices installed. I did feel kinda bad for Shirou by the time I was done, though. He died a lot....
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

downloading it now. Hoping the files from mystic's first PM works(eng. patch-wise) since the second link doesn't apparently exist on the forums there.
I'm pretty stoked for this though. I've been missing a good SRPG and Fate/Extra isn't going to last much longer. On week 5 now with caster and I've got archer left after that.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Which link doesn't work? I'm sorry, I'll work on fixing that. o.o

Edit: I just checked all my links, they worked fine for me. Maybe a server was down or something.

Also, I'm on Day 6 of Saber's route and I've been having terrible luck with the monsters, them getting crits and always guessing wrong.
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Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Which link doesn't work? I'm sorry, I'll work on fixing that. o.o

Edit: I just checked all my links, they worked fine for me. Maybe a server was down or something.

Also, I'm on Day 6 of Saber's route and I've been having terrible luck with the monsters, them getting crits and always guessing wrong.

the download links worked fine. Got everything downloaded. The link to
whatever it was supposed to go to at bmw.seiha.org came up that the topic or post I requested wasn't there.

I had a lot of trouble with week 7's monsters in Extra, especially with those nephilim creatures being normal instead of the rare types they are in previous weeks. Once you get the skill "third setting sun" with saber I think she gets a lot easier since you have insurance against a bad run. I don't know if you did or not but getting luck up makes a lot of difference for those crits. With saber at least balanced stats seem to make quite a difference
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Also, I'm on Day 6 of Saber's route and I've been having terrible luck with the monsters, them getting crits and always guessing wrong.

It also helps to (gasp!) write some of their patterns down. I actually have notes in my phone (I play mostly during my commute :p). A lot of the patterns are similar, so it doesn't remove all of the guesswork, but it made a huge difference for me.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Agreed, learning their patterns is of paramount importance.
Week 6 and 7 are the worst since their patterns are more erratic than earlier on and they start using skills more actively so having the hack skill ready can help too if you know when they are going to use it.
I have to say so far week 4's berserker is the hardest servant I've fought so far. Though perhaps that's due to my using caster. She's kinda fragile, lol
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Well at this point I'm using Shockwave 2 on EVERY enemy, my Attack is so jacked up that I take out each enemy in 3 or 4 hits, and the Shockwave gives me two free ones. It's weird though, I got Shockwave 3, and it only stuns the enemy for 1 round, but it costs the same. ._.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Anybody else watching Carnival Phantasm? This is like the greatest thing ever.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Anybody else watching Carnival Phantasm? This is like the greatest thing ever.

What is this madness? More things for me to watch! I need to fix my media server, asap. I'm getting overwhelmed. :(
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

carnival phantasm? Whuzzat?
Always looking for new neat stuff to check out :D