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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

N-Nue? I am so confused right now. ;_;

Well, we don't have a bow so...

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


First, fix everyone. Second, figure out WTF is going on.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


I couldn't be more confused, but it looks like we still have blood to drink later. In any case, there are people who need help, so we had best give it to them, or find the person(s) who can.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B) Sexual healing time.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I propose instead C: Modified version of B, with checking on Komachi afterwards.

She's gonna be in shock, especially after this event of seeing someone she assumed she was having intimate relations with suddenly not who they're supposed to be. Even if she kicks ya out of the tent, it's worth trying to comfort her.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B. Heal with magical booby milk~!
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C Modified version of B.

Right. Let's figure out what's going on right now, get some answers. But let's tend to the wounded as we do so. I'm sure everyone's as confused as we are.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(Alright... lurker. One thing I have to say about that comment...)

The imposter should be apprehended and the truth gotten out from her, but the injured participants of the combat were more important to Byakuren. Kanako took it upon herself to try and smack the escaping form down, but her pillars couldn't score a hit on the amazingly fast shape that speeded away from them. It would've taken someone like Aya to catch her, and by the time they had gotten the reporter to help, the target would be long gone. With a wordless agreement, they took to looking after the injured.

Despite having nearly had her life snuffed out, Parsee was alright more or less. She had avoided any serious blows, having only taken one or two minor strikes. "Take care of Yuugi instead, she needs the attention more than anyone...." the bridge princess wheezed, trying to catch her breath. Kanako was already looking at the oni, who was looking like death would claim her soon. The previously seen drunken redness was gone from her face, replaced by utter paleness. There was a small puddle of blood in front of her, some coughed out from the mouth, the rest from the shattered forearm that hung by the few pieces of flesh and skin still remaining. She wouldn't try to move, having doubled over from her kneeling pose. "I'm getting her to Eirin's, this much damage will take even someone like her to the grave if it's not treated fast enough." Kanako said after having taken a quick look. She picked up the dying oni on her arms and took off, flying as fast as possible to reach the doctor's quarters. Parsee followed soon afterwards, not wanting to get separated from her beloved.

Just as Byakuren thought the situation was over, she saw Komachi fall to her knees. As the scythe fell down from her hands, the shinigami broke into tears. "I should've seen it... I should've...." she said among the cries. The mage couldn't bear to see the scene, and took it upon herself to try and get Komachi calmed down. After what she had just seen was likely to create a lasting mental scar if it was not tended to. "It's alright... No-one will blame you.." she said, inquiring further about what the busty redhead meant with her statement as she held the girl close. "Well I... noticed that since the beginning of the tournaments, Shiki-sama had been forgetting things that she never used to... doing things very differently... not to say anything about all those acts of cruelty... she is very strict and can give out harsh punishments at times, but she'd never beat someone to a coma... nor break them to a near-death state like that... why couldn't I see through the deception...."

"So there had been a fake in her place since the start... That strange girl must be extremely skilled, having succeeded in deceiving all the bigwigs and powerful mages that were taking part in the event...." The whole deal puzzled Byakuren, and she wanted to find out why the escaped person had done what she did, and where the real Shiki was. But, there wasn't anything she could do about it right now, the situation needed to defuse and the party end before they could organize some sort investigation.

Some of the more wary souls came over to peek at what was happening after seeing Kanako zoom over them with a torn-up oni on her arms. But once they saw nothing happening there, the curious ones left as fast as they had come. The party was starting to fade out, the night was starting to turn over to morning time and some of the people had already retired for the night. With a sobbing girl in her embrace, Byakuren thought about retiring to bed herself.

A. Take Komachi with you

B. Take Komachi to her own bed

C. Join Komachi in her bed

D. Something else possibly?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"So, my place or your place?"
C) I'd doubt Komachi would want to go far in her current state, and she seems a little too unstable to be left alone without support, better to let her rest with some support at her side.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I'll agree with Aurani. C
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


It's better if we treat her with care. She's taking it pretty badly and needs some time.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Komachi needs some moral support, let's offer that.
Though I still want her magnificent mammaries. >.>
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Even if she isn't quite up to sex after all that, she can probably use a cuddlebuddy.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(Komachi's bed! Adventure ho! Somehow, this doesn't surprise me. At all.)

Still holding onto the shinigami, Byakuren let the redhead go over the feelings she was going through. No doubt there was some powerful emotions at work, as she had just lost the guiding force of her existence. But still, she should try to get some rest and pull herself together. "Should we go and have some sleep? You can go through your thoughts and try to calm down..." the mage suggested, trying to get the sobbing fits to an end. They did stop shortly afterwards as Komachi calmed down a bit, agreeing on the sleep bit. "Yeah... that's a good idea..." she said, picking up her wispy-bladed scythe from the ground.

The male shinigami had been completely forgotten until now, but he was getting back to his senses now, having recovered from Parsee's beating. At first, the man was wondering what Komachi and this other woman were doing there, where was his scythe and why was there a pool of blood on the ground, among other choice things. But Komachi's words were enough to make him stand down, and the man let them do as they wanted. It really did seem like the busty girl had some authority and popularity among her fellow reapers. Having taken care of the dutiful man for now, the two females entered the largest tent in the entire tournament area.

For a tent, the areas inside were rather luxurous, being brightly lit and the ground covered with some sort of warm-feeling fabric. The tent walls formed a few separate rooms, and the one to their right immidiately caught Byakuren's eyes, being a modest room with a simple bed. "Is this part your area?" she asked. "Well... no... it's Shiki-sama's room.." Komachi answered, guiding them to another, much larger room. There was a queen-sized bed in there, taking up the majority of the space. "This... is my room... Shiki-sama never was the type to sleep in these kinds of beds... she always preferred the simpler set-ups.." the shinigami continued, setting down her sizey blade on a stand that seemed almost made for it. Without too much thinking about it, the redhead loosened up her restricting robe and toppled down on the large bed, rolling towards the middle to make way. Byakuren followed suit, going after her and settling down on her back. Before she knew it, Komachi was clinging to her side under the sheets. "Please... let me... be like this...." she said, but the mage needed no words to allow her that closeness. The light in the room and the one before it seemed to fade out as the scythe girl closed her eyes, making for a nice almost-darkness to sleep in.

After a few minutes spent in that same position, Komachi turned away from Byakuren, offering her back to the mage. Wanting to keep the shinigami as comfortable and close as possible, the former monk wrapped her arms around the other girl, hugging her tightly. The little nonsense sound that followed signalled that the show of affection was appreciated.

Some time passed. Komachi was likely asleep. But something kept Byakuren awake. "This firmness and volume is amazing... she must make many men drool with her looks... not to mention making other girls jealous..." she thought, having unwittingly copped a feel at the shinigami's magnificent chest in this position. With her mind on them completely, she thought feeling them out again. But Komachi's own hands intercepted hers in the act. "Please.... don't..." the redhead whispered, but for some reason didn't attempt to get the touchy hands away.

A. Continue doing it

B. Stop doing it

C. Some other madness you had in mind?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B.) we'd just turn her away from us by forcing ourselves on her. :|
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B) Back off you pervy monk, where's that zen attitude eh?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


No need to get jealous or aggressive... Let the poor girl have some peaceful rest.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Let's allow the girl some rest, and be there for her when she needs us.