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League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Another reason why I love Rammus. All of his damage, it just makes him die faster on his shell.
Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

They need to fix Sivir. She's not impossible to win with, and she's very fun, but you need certain types on your team, and she's worse than any other AD carry out there.
Hell, they don't even have to do too much for me to be happier right now. Just giver her 25 more range, 5 more movement, make her Q all physical (and/or lessen/remove the penalty), and change her passive so that the dodge chance is applied while you're attacking as well.

Nocturne ganks like a bat outta hell, but lots of people build him too damn squishy, and move wrong with him in team-fights. He's supposed to single out their AP/AD squishy and brutally rape them, then GTFO and wait for someone to wander too far away from the herd. Unfortunately his passive makes people think they can stay in, which more often than not has gotten them killed from what I've seen, since, like I said before, people build him too squishy.

Been playing ranged DPS champs as hybrids where I can lately. Tristana is actually pretty funny in that aspect, as people don't expect her E to do much damage. Ezreal and Twisted Fate are better off AS/AD, but hybrid can work if done right. Teemo... is Teemo. Furry little asshole that he is, a hybrid build turns him into a death machine.

Been trying to play champs that I don't see get used much, like Urgot and Sivir. Probably gonna play Nunu next. He's fun, and grabbing Rylai's on him is overkill on his Q. The problem I see with Nunu players lately is, like Nocturne, people build him squishy. Oh sure, they have 400 AP, but it doesn't do them much good when they get popped quickly.
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Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

The problem with Nunu right now is that he's just about outclassed by most other champions. Used to be a monster of a jungler because he could counterjungle the hell out of the opponent without any retribution. Now though...not so much. He's a "tanky mage" with one normal AP nuke, and an ult that's more easy to cancel than even say...Katarina.
Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

The problem with Nunu right now is that he's just about outclassed by most other champions. Used to be a monster of a jungler because he could counterjungle the hell out of the opponent without any retribution. Now though...not so much. He's a "tanky mage" with one normal AP nuke, and an ult that's more easy to cancel than even say...Katarina.

The fun thing about HIS ult, though, is that they won't know they're in it if you're in a bush using it, and they don't have sight into the bush.

ALSO: That's why you wait for them to blow their CC AND take Banshee's Veil. That is the ONE item EVERY Nunu should have.

But yeah, Nunu suffers from the same problem quite a few first-gen champs suffer from: there are better champions out there who can fill the role they fill much better.

That's not to say they're worthless (have you seen my bear tibbers?), but there are just better and usually more reliable champions.
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Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Quick question for you people: anyone here playing Mordekaiser? I've wanted to ask other Morde players about their thoughts regarding last nerf, but among my friends, I'm the only one who had more than a passing experience with this guy.
Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Morde is dead. Enough said. The nerf to his shield hurt his lane sustain hard enough that he can't do the only thing he was good at anymore...well maybe against a super weak laner like Eve, haha.

The fun thing about HIS ult, though, is that they won't know they're in it if you're in a bush using it, and they don't have sight into the bush.

ALSO: That's why you wait for them to blow their CC AND take Banshee's Veil. That is the ONE item EVERY Nunu should have.

But yeah, Nunu suffers from the same problem quite a few first-gen champs suffer from: there are better champions out there who can fill the role they fill much better.

That's not to say they're worthless (have you seen my bear tibbers?), but there are just better and usually more reliable champions.

Well actually, Annie/Anivia and the likes are still quite good, the former just being a bit bland in comparison to other fire mages/not having as good of a lane control anymore. Nunu's problem is that they basically neutered the only good things about him without giving him anything to made the nerf a "sidegrade" instead: An insane early game slow, a crazy counter jungling ability were what made him a top tier jungler...after those were both cut from him...yeah.
Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Both Annie and Anivia are still decent choices. The former has considerable firepower and nice passive, the latter still having some useful abilities. Altough Nunu... I don't really see him anymore outside of bot fights, usually on the side of bots.
Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Well actually, Annie/Anivia and the likes are still quite good, the former just being a bit bland in comparison to other fire mages/not having as good of a lane control anymore. Nunu's problem is that they basically neutered the only good things about him without giving him anything to made the nerf a "sidegrade" instead: An insane early game slow, a crazy counter jungling ability were what made him a top tier jungler...after those were both cut from him...yeah.

I did say most, not all.

Annie's problem is that her stun requires her to spam the shit out of her spells, which isn't a problem, but there are champs that can get out many more stuns per game than her, like Anivia. Annie's strength is that she potentially can stun EVERY champion on the enemy team at the same time. The only other champions I know of that can do that are Veigar and Riven. Veigar potentially has the better stun, but it's also a little easier to avoid. Riven's stun is shit, so it's better used as an interrupt, like Blitzcrank's Ulti. Yes, Anivia has an AoE stun, but the radius is small enough that 99% of the time, you're lucky to stun 2 champions, let alone 3 or more.

Nunu's slow is still pretty powerful, especially considering that only Karthus and Nasus have a more powerful slow than 60% (I think), and only Nasus also slows Attack Speed.
He can still counter jungle pretty well, he just gets outshined by some of the newer champs is all.
Yeah, he got nerfed, won't argue there, but I believe his problem, like I said before, is that he's a first-gen champ that they don't really consider much anymore when buffing/nerfing other champs/aspects of the game, so he just gets passed over in favor of the 'better' champions.

Now I kinda want to play a game with my friends using only first-gen champs and only 1350 or 450 IP cost ones.
Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

I did say most, not all.

Annie's problem is that her stun requires her to spam the shit out of her spells, which isn't a problem, but there are champs that can get out many more stuns per game than her, like Anivia. Annie's strength is that she potentially can stun EVERY champion on the enemy team at the same time. The only other champions I know of that can do that are Veigar and Riven. Veigar potentially has the better stun, but it's also a little easier to avoid. Riven's stun is shit, so it's better used as an interrupt, like Blitzcrank's Ulti. Yes, Anivia has an AoE stun, but the radius is small enough that 99% of the time, you're lucky to stun 2 champions, let alone 3 or more.

You're forgetting Sona's ult (though he's support). Cassiopeia (more situational), and the formerly overpowered Orianna. There's also Leona's ult in that of course,Morgana's ult (much better now due to the low channel), and Malphite's ult (though the knockup is stronger than a stun)...but I wouldn't say stun per game is Annie's problem at this point in time. It's more of her lack of "ZOMG" crazy laning dominance. Sure her lane isn't horrible and she can kill her opponent with QWR. But unlike say, brand, morgana, etc...Annie just doesn't have that insane "I win the lane" dominance anymore.

As for Veigar though: I'll be blunt, his laning phase is nonexistant, same problem with other potentially powerful old characters like say... Kassadin (less so after some buffs, but still weak).

Nunu's slow is still pretty powerful, especially considering that only Karthus and Nasus have a more powerful slow than 60% (I think), and only Nasus also slows Attack Speed.
He can still counter jungle pretty well, he just gets outshined by some of the newer champs is all.
Yeah, he got nerfed, won't argue there, but I believe his problem, like I said before, is that he's a first-gen champ that they don't really consider much anymore when buffing/nerfing other champs/aspects of the game, so he just gets passed over in favor of the 'better' champions.

Eh...it's more of how much the early game slow got hit that's his problem, and his lack of burst damage beyond the first ice ball and boiling blood in a gank. Like if Riven, Noct, Lee Sin, Udyr, Fiddlesticks, Rammus, GP, hell...Master Yi, or Shaco ganks... The combined burst they do, or super strong CC in that short interval will guarantee the kill. Nunu...not as much recently, unless the opponent's extended far enough to allow for two ice balls or the like. But yeah, a 450-1300 IP only game would be fun.

Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

A lot of people fail to realize that it's not individual champions that matter, except for solo games, but rather team compisition. With that being said, construct your team comps!

Like my own idea for a pub stomp roster:

Junger: Nocturn
Tank: Singed
AP Carry: Akali
Support: Sona
Off-tank: Blitzcrank

I'm pairing blitz and singed up because of a particular combo that they can do, should they work together well. If singed initiates with his crazy high damage resist, and yanks someone, a blitz who's paying attention can grab the flipped victim, and pull them back into your team. Combining the singed flip and the blitz pull as I did with a friend in one game puts a single enemy extremely far away from his allies, where Sona can control the situation if they come to the victim's rescue, and nocturn and akali can melt whoever was caught.
Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

The problem with creating team comps is that a lot of them are situational, due to the "rock-paper-scissors" relationship between certain champions.

Though if we're just theory crafting for laughs...

Sample team comps.

Team Tanky DPS:

Solo Top: Singed/Irelia
Mid: Cho'gath
Bottom: Blitzcrank +Garen or Sion (OR, if you insist on AD/Support... Alistar/Graves, because the latter is currently TANKY DPS ranged AD carry.)
Jungler: Rammus or Amumu

Strong laners in each lane, and all tanky as hell with heavy CC, or silly anti-carry damage. Vayne's the only "real" counter to this team if they win their lanes. And given how alot of these are notoriously strong laners...yeah, good luck with that. Even AD/Support may struggle a bit with bottom as the listed champions have ridiculous early game burst.

Team AOE.

Solo Top: Any AP Carry with high AOE damage. Or maybe Jarvan/Galio for their ults.
Mid: Any AP carry with high AOE damage, Annivia, Annie, Morgana etc.
Bottom: Graves + Sona (Typical AD/Support)
Jungler: Fiddlesticks or Gangplank

Legit team comp actually, and it's one the high ELO EU professional teams are infamous for running. If they drop everything at once in a teamfight, it's pretty much a guaranteed win. Counter? Split push, or assassin esque ganks. Don't ever let them get that 5 v 5 AOE fight they know they'll win at. ((Even if it means having to forfeit baron or dragon. Losing Baron/Dragon is a heavy blow, but it's less of one than a 5 v 5 ace.))
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Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Team comp? I'll try to think of something, but don't get your hopes up. I'm not too big on this whole "planning and strategy" thing. Those who played any kind of strategy game with me will attest that I have a bit of a... Straightforward approach. And even in LoL I tend to focus mostly on offence.

Anyway, got a bit of a question. Since my previous main has been nerfed to Hell and Kayle is rather sub-par, I've been looking for a new champ and decided to once again try Skarner. The problem I have is that while he's a nice bundle of murder on legs, I'm not sure which items will bring the best out of him. So far I've been trying a build pretty much like the one I used for Kayle, but perhaps someone would be willing to chip in with a suggestion or two?

Also, Keylo's temp comps are evil. Especially the former.
Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Team comp is important, but even if you have a good team comp, you can still lose 5 V 1 against SIVIR if you suck hard (Seriously watched this happen. Our Sivir SOLOED their ENTIRE TEAM. Granted, she was 6 levels above their highest and had @250 Damage, 45% Lifesteal, 1.5+ Attack Speed, and 3k+ Health, BUT STILL). They had Tristana, Malzahar, Urgot, Shen, and Maokai. They just sucked really hard. Shen used his Ulti to get around instead of saving it to help in fights, Tristana kept jumping INTO fights at the WRONG time, Malzahar couldn't land a silence at ALL, and Maokai used his Ultimate exactly ONCE. The only competent one was Urgot, but he was denied so much during laning that he only had a Brutalizer, basic boots, and a Catalyst by the end.
Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

That just makes me sad. How can anyone suck that hard AND possess the will to keep playing competitive games?
Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

How... Just how is that even POSSIBLE? I can't imagine how badly you have to suck to fail like that.
Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

That just makes me sad. How can anyone suck that hard AND possess the will to keep playing competitive games?

The same reason why I refuse to play with a few irl friends now: "Damn it, my style of play didn't work this time (not last hitting, trying only for kills, trading one killing spree and a tower for one kill), maybe if I try the same playstyle 50 more times, I'll magically improve!"

That might be one of the mindsets that give people the edge they need to keep sucking.
Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

They could also have been all random people playing champions they weren't used to. It doesn't excuse the level of suck, but it could explain some of it.

Some people have fun regardless of whether they're good or not.

It's a balancing act, choosing who you play with usually. You don't want people who aren't going to even try at all, but you also don't want those kinds of people who will Ignore you/Report you/yell in your ear for 30 minutes, just because you died once/let them die once (despite them obviously being dead no matter what).
Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

There's also the times when you're deadlocked in sucktown. The last 10 matches I've played now, the difference in skill between both sides made me want to cry. I'd solo top on my own, and the guy I'm up against was pretty good, we exchanged kills at my tower, where he killed me and the tower finished him off. But I look at the score and 10 minutes into the game, the scores are 1 and 10, with me being responsible for the sole kill we achieved. Jungler died 3 times, mid 4, and both in bot lane died at the start.

I'm nearly ready to because my sob stories are getting worse.
Re: Leauge of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

There's also the times when you're deadlocked in sucktown. The last 10 matches I've played now, the difference in skill between both sides made me want to cry. I'd solo top on my own, and the guy I'm up against was pretty good, we exchanged kills at my tower, where he killed me and the tower finished him off. But I look at the score and 10 minutes into the game, the scores are 1 and 10, with me being responsible for the sole kill we achieved. Jungler died 3 times, mid 4, and both in bot lane died at the start.

I'm nearly ready to because my sob stories are getting worse.

I have no idea why matchmaking appears to hate some people and love others.