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Hell's yeah! SAI is back! haven't run it yet, but the scans say it's legit. Back to roaming the interwebs.

A new sketch for you. PONIES!!!!


Ok, not really. I wanna unleash my SAI powers, but I'm trying to figure out which sketch to use. Feel like doin' a pinup with Nykka, y'know?

Still hanging low. No feedback, huh? I hope it's because I'm THAT AWESUUUMMMMMMMMM. Not to toot my own horn, but I do seem to notice some improvement. Slowy, subtly. Anyways: another pic! This time I swear it's ponies.


Still haven't figured out which pic I should upgrade with SAI. I know it has to be Nykka, and I know it has to be a cover-type pin-up. Artist's block, man. Shit's ghey.
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Another pic. On a roll FOOZZ. And I've selected the pics I'm gonna SAI-up. Jusy need to sketch the layout then upload that to SAI and work some magic. PRESTO! Sexy pin-up.

still (not)pony

And by all means don't be afraid of suggesting things(like "There's a thingie you can fix here" or "please draw me that.") to me. Money says once I've finished these up I'll probably have no idea of what to do anymore and disappear again.

I'd like to see some Queens Blade work if you might be up to it sometime. :3

I have to admire the variety of poses and foreshortening skills used in your art, they're something I find difficult to do and is often what causes me to give up on an idea. There doesn't really seem to be errors in your latest works from what I can see, and as for requests how about something with my two Dark Gate characters, Eleanor and Lani? Here's a couple more reference images of them; 1 and 2.

Hey, Booboo! New rough for you!

this is a sketch

I'd like to see some Queens Blade work if you might be up to it sometime. :3

That will be fun. The body-types are something I am NOT used to, but it shouldn't be a problem. What concerns me is that alot of what makes the girls of that series so deliciously supple/curvalicious/toned is the volume their particular use of color and shading give them. Gonna be a scene finding a way around that(or just shitting out lines and calling it a day.)

I have to admire the variety of poses and foreshortening skills used in your art, they're something I find difficult to do and is often what causes me to give up on an idea. There doesn't really seem to be errors in your latest works from what I can see, and as for requests how about something with my two Dark Gate characters, Eleanor and Lani? Here's a couple more reference images of them; 1 and 2.

I've been practicing(or trying to) alot. And I'll often challenge myself with poses and angles I'm not totally familiar with, to try and keep sharp. I find the best way to get into things, should I fall out of it, is to randomly squiggle or draw SHAPES IN SPACE, maybe shade them too. Or draw charactors I wouldn't give two fucks about to keep me from overcorrecting myself and trying too hard. I'm suprised about the errors though(not really, given how supportive you guys have been). Rough sketchs are not by any means perfect or even decent, just there to give a shitty general idea of what the finished pic is about and serve as a general reference.

Eleanor and Lani huh? Got some good general refs to work with. The real Question is: To nude or not to nude? Maybe both? If they're nude should they be fucked, and by what? Should they fuck each other? Or should I just go with some generic "adventure poses" and continue with my other work? these are the questions that matter.
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I've never really given much thought to them having sex with anyone or anything other than each other with the exception of Lani's other mother, Aulekia (And whatever else Lani has sex with in her DG thread). Though at the moment I lack a picture of her, which at this time is being rectified. Though the choice is up to you, I don't mind if they're clothed or nude, fucking each other, being fucked by something on their own or even gang banged by a fuckload of tentacles with each other. Though with those two I do generally like the idea of them enjoying it. Consensual if you will.

Yes. I am that depraved.

And yeah, I tend to whip up a quick few thumbnails when working on pictures dealing with poses other than the generic 'standing there' pose though even then sometimes I get frustrated when I can't get the pose down pat. I do use references when needed, and most of the time they help but even then sometimes I can't get it exactly right and I ragequit that image for a while. My lack of drawing over the past year or so is why I've started drawing again recently, I don't really want what skills I have to get dull, but despite that I've not really put in any serious effort when it comes to bodywork and posing. A life art class would be extremely helpful, but there's nothing around where I live.

I've never really given much thought to them having sex with anyone or anything other than each other with the exception of Lani's other mother, Aulekia (And whatever else Lani has sex with in her DG thread). Though at the moment I lack a picture of her, which at this time is being rectified. Though the choice is up to you, I don't mind if they're clothed or nude, fucking each other, being fucked by something on their own or even gang banged by a fuckload of tentacles with each other. Though with those two I do generally like the idea of them enjoying it. Consensual if you will.

Cool. I was being more rhetorical than actually asking. Just planning on doin' whatever came to mind and seemed sexy, or epic. But I'll keep the consentual in mind now that I know of it.

Yes. I am that depraved.

Never would have guessed.;)

And yeah, I tend to whip up a quick few thumbnails when working on pictures dealing with poses other than the generic 'standing there' pose though even then sometimes I get frustrated when I can't get the pose down pat. I do use references when needed, and most of the time they help but even then sometimes I can't get it exactly right and I ragequit that image for a while. My lack of drawing over the past year or so is why I've started drawing again recently, I don't really want what skills I have to get dull, but despite that I've not really put in any serious effort when it comes to bodywork and posing. A life art class would be extremely helpful, but there's nothing around where I live.

don't worry about down pat. It is our kind's(guys who draw/artists) worst enemy. *beat* fucking pat.

I can't draw boobs. Or perspective. Or poses other then cardboard standie boring ones........ Or proportion......... :/

EDIT: For the queens blade stuff I asked for I would like either Elina/Leina wincest or Clawdette/Elina/Leina wincest; or something with Risty and Melona or maybe a Funikura/Nyx tentacle smutting. For the Wincest, consensual would be preferred. Thanks in advance.
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No real reason for this. Other than the lack of unguligrade races in RPGs I've played.

Totally not a blatant rip-off a a certain popular cartoon

After some difficulty with SAI(rat bastard didn't want to recognize me as administrator), I've gotten started with my shit. which, considering my inexperiance, may take a bit. And since I'm gone 11-12hrs of the day this may take a while. Like at least a few days. But yeah. I've got my projects and the requests to keep me from falling once I finish a phase. Things are looking good.

Btw: Anyp-anyone have any decent suggestions for what the name of this race should be?
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Alright, got my two pinups into the compy. Hopefully SAI wil help me further edit them. Not quite that confident in my skill yet. Hopfully everything will turn out awesomly.


I've picked up a bit more on anatomy, too. Hopefully I will be able to integrate that in the final pics.

I was playing with squishy thingies at work today. It got me inspired


I know there's more nuance to it. But my boobing skills seemed to be suffering so I went back to the fundamentals.

Huh, I like the outfits you gave'em.

Huh, I like the outfits you gave'em.

Gave who now? Sorry, my mind is in a haze. Don't know what your talking about.

Anyways: Sorry no new pics. SAI's giving me a hell of a time. Trying to figure out how to get areound the whole "lasso-thing" it does with the lines.

A new challenger appears. A race for an RPG scenario I have in my head. They don't have a name, but it'll probably be something Mexican/Azteca/Mayan. One or some of those.

Eagle warrior

Man, I have such a clear image of what I want to create with sai. But when I look at the screen, it disappears. I'm making progress, but only a little at a time. Still way to unfamiliar with it. I wish I still knew photoshop. I could draw some experiance from that, or at least feel more competent.

Eugh. Sounded so whiny. Anyways: I'm still around. Just keeping busy with my sketchbook when Sai pisses me off.

Just so you know: This is my progress so far.


Kinda pathetic, huh? I fuss to much over some details I really shouldn't be worrying about yet.

God help me when I get to the coloring and shading part.