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Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Soren took a deep breath and took aim at the rock wolf out to his right. With a snort of derision for his professor he let loose on it with two blasts of fire.

(Rock Wolf #5 Fire combat magic. All of my AP)
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Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Azalia raised her wand, aiming at one of the beasts. Muttering a quick incantation, she sent a blast of dark magic towards it.

(Wolf nr 4, dark offensive magic - two shots (2 * 4 AP))
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Re: Rise of the Accursed OOC thread(interest check)

Just to make this clear, one's AP score is restored every round. You are free to attack twice in a round if you ahve the AP for it, or use some of the other combat options (see rules post for list).
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

The elder nods and raises a hand, taking a quill and quickly scribbling down a note. "As long as you're going to be helping us, I couldn't possibly have you paying for accomodations. Take this to Kaelus, the innkeeper, he'll see to it," he says, offering a slip of parchment to the young nekomata. Should he choose to glance over it, it simply says that the village chief will be handling payment for your accomodations. Jorran then begins to write up another slip, "I'll have the militiamen meet you in the inn as soon as they're ready," he says, waving Atair away. "Now, my old friend, what brings you here today..."

Entering and looking around the inn, it seemed comfortable enough, if a little rustic. The common room was filled with tables and long benches made from logs taken from loacl trees, parts of them such as the underside of the benches still having their bark on, while the areas meant to be used as a sitting or eating surface were smoothed away to a flat surface. It was actually rather artistic in its own way, they were clearly embracing their status as a quiet, out of the way spot as far as the decor was concerned. Kaelus, a friendly looking elf who looks to be in the mid years of his life, accepts and note and nods, giving a slight grin. "So you're to be our gerat savior, huh?" he says with a chuckle, stroking his chin thougthfully. "I mean nothing by it, I'm sure you're quite capable and things have been pretty bad lately. I hope the situation gets resolved and soon, lost too many friends already..." He fell silent, running a hand through his dark brown hair uncomfortably.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Apple still in his mouth, Keti got up, taking the slate with him into the house. A moment later, he emerged again, the bag he'd pulled the gloves from earlier hanging from a sling on one shoulder, the slate protruding from it's top. In an arm he held the basket of glass; a flute and dagger tucked into the sealskin wrapped around his waist. He deliberately left his spear in it's place on the wall; it would do little good for the villagers to see him marching in armed.

He leaned against a wall. He was sure this wouldn't go well... if anything went wrong, they would be in the middle of a whole village angry at them, and he didn't think either of them were warriors - certainly, he wasn't. But he couldn't let Nae go on by herself, either, and he didn't think he could dissuade her - much as she couldn't convince him to leave.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

A deadly calm took hold of Satuma's demeanor as she brought her hand cannon to bear on the rockwolf coming down the valley on her left (rock wolf #6). For her first shot she took lined the enemy up quickly, squeezed the trigger, and braced against the recoil of the weapon like she'd been trained to do. The instant the shot was free she immediately reloaded the weapon with lightning quick movements, not even bothering to see whether her first shot had hit home or not until the cannon was loaded again and brought up to her shoulder for a second shot. If her original target was still moving, she'd fire off another round at it, otherwise she'd blast away at the nearest wolf (Rock Wolf 5).

((Attack RW6 (2AP), Reload (4AP), Attack RW6 again or if dead, Attack RW5 (2AP).))
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp, Aurani)

Celine giggles a bit and follows the departing distraction with her eyes. She gets the attention of the proprietor and orders another drink. This woman was by no means very interesting, on the grand scale, but she'd yet to find any more worthy distractions. She spied her moving over to another oddly dressed woman, and thus would try and listen in, but would not be disappointed if she failed. It was fun to catch her off guard like that, but Celine grew bored easily.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Nae really didn't know what to expect from this. She wanted to think that leaving her weapons here would be the best course of action, it wasn't like she was really that good with them. Considering what had happened though she didn't think that it would be wise to be unarmed. She would keep her weapons out of the way, but she wasn't about to leave them behind.

She closed her eyes for a few moments, taking a deep breath before slowly exhaling, trying to calm her growing nerves. "Guess we had better get on with this, I hope things will be okay." She commented as she moved to the door, intent on making her way to get this mess straightened out.
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

Drago weighed his options as he flew, turning his head to glance at Kriia. "Kriia! We should back off! We aren't catching them any time soon!" he calls out over the howling wind in his ears as he flies, hoping she also realized that they were outnumbered. He was pissed about the fire, but not about to get into a one-sided fight over it. Especially if he were on the losing side. "We should head back and find out what really happened, and look for survivors." he says, slowing down and growling as he turns about and shoots off back towards the village, regardless of whether Kriia follows him.
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp, Aurani)

Auricael let out a short sigh, disappointed in knowing she'd have to wait further for her questions to be fully answered.

"Very well, I shall see to it your words will be heard by everyone in the village. If you feel the need to properly rest before that, don't hesitate to ask for a room. Now if you excuse me, I have some matters to attend before the festival."

Giving a quick bow towards the oracle, Auricael skipped off the seat and walked towards the exit, taking a quick glance towards Celene on the way. "I'll deal with that attitude of yours in due time" she thought while hiding a mischievous grin. Going back towards her previous hideout she slips out of her disguise, annoyed that it didn't turn out even close to her expectations and regretting having donned the disguise at all. She would make sure arrangements were made to deal with both travellers. After that, she could only wait for the highlight of the day.
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

"Just a taste of the entrée, is it?" he teased as he shifted forwards, placing his hands either side of her head and positioning himself over Meaghan. "Oh well, I suppose turnabout is fair play..."

He leaned in to begin kissing her neck once more, fangs grazing against it firmly as he ground his hips against her once more, his firm member pressing and sliding against her entrance as he shifted his weight onto one arm, allowing the other to trail over her skin softly before abruptly shifting paradigm to roughly grab at her chest.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

((Battle Map:

Sa = Satuma, Jo = Professor Jontus
So = Soren, Nat = Nath
Az = Azalia, Go = Goron
PL = Pack Lizard, RW# = Rock Wolf (and ID number)
              HP      WP     SP   Effects
Satuma      20/24   16/16   6/6
Azalia	    28/28   17/17   8/8
Soren       28/28   17/17   8/8
Turn Order:
26 - Satuma
25 - Soren
24 - Azalia
18 - Goron
17 - Rock Wolves
16 - Prof Jon
15 - Nath
Please post your actions below your post in brackets or a spoiler tag so I can clearly see them. Also, don't worry about posting in turn order, just keep in mind this is the order actions will be resolved.))

Spotting her target leaping down upon the rocks to her left, Satuma aims down her sights and brings her slow burning match to the firing hole, causing a loud bang as her weapon discharges. Without even looking, she pulls from her pouch a small paper sachet and tears it open with her teeth, pouring the white powder from within it it down the end of her barrel, keeping the shot from dropping in with it with her fingers. Then she squeezes out the shot and shifts it atop the paper before positioning the pair of them over the barrel, paper down. She stuffs the shot down the barrel with the paper sitting beneath it using a small thin rod, working fast like a seasoned professional. Once satisfied it was primed, she hefted the rifle up and once again brought her match to the firing hole, sending off a second shot which also caught the incoming rockwolf, this one sending it tumbling to the dirt, motionless as it settled.

((Yeah, realistically speaking these things should take several ROUNDS to reload, but eh))

As Satuma unloaded on one, Soren raised his wand and shot forth a bolt of fire energy upon another, followed quickly by a second bolt. As with the other Lamia, both bolt struck true their target, but despite clearly being injured it continued inwards to press the attack.

Azalia likewise launched a pair bolts of dark energy, also managing to hit the large form of the rockwolf, but much with Soren, it seemed to lack the punch to drop it.

From the other side of the pack beast, the group heard a cry of "I'll keep this one off your flank, Nath," from Goron, who rushed forward with his sword and swung wildly, his lack of martial skill well and truly apparent as the creature dodges to one side and counters with a vicious bite. As Goron yelps in pain, the creature lashes out with its powerful forelimb, scoring an additional hit against him.

Nath, facing down a pair of them receives multiple bites and claw wounds as the remaining two rush in to attack at Satuma and Soren. One of the bites into Satuma with its vicious and powerful lower jaw, pain shooting through the Lamia as she detaches herself from the beast (4 damage) while Soren manages to duck and weave, avoiding both a powerful swipe from a forelimb and one of their dangerous bites.

Jontus once again sends a bolt of electricity streaking through the air, this time striking his intended target solidly and Nath follows up on that by delivering a powerful downwards strike, leaving the rockwolf on the ground unmoving. He follows this up with a swift strike to the other wolf, striking with amazing speed to the other beast's forelimb, getting a surprised yelp from the creature.
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Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

"Damn it!" Azalia let out a curse as she saw one of the wolves jump at Satuma. Trusting Soren to incinerate his opponent, she decided to take out her whip and in a fit of rage, lashed out at the offending beast.

(Whip, attack Rock Wolf 5 twice (6 AP))
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

With a snarl, Soren took two shots at the wolf that tried to attack him. He hoped that the combined damage would be enough to drop the creature.

(Rock wolf 4, two fire spells)
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Keti, on the deck, pulled down the wooden slats he used to bar the wide entrance. He almost never used them, preferring to allow the breeze in, night and day. It got a little chilly at night, but the smell of the sea was invigorating, and Keti had blankets to keep cold at bay. He didn't worry about animals or thieves - the former kept their distance, an he really had nothing in his home that the latter would bother stealing. Even the plethora of instruments he'd accumulated in his music room were hardly valuable, all mostly made of flotsam, and especially since the only other populations for miles were the village and the Siren's school. Handharps were easily made; his floor harp was harder, but he doubted anyone would try to sneak out with a harp the size of a person, especially one as scrappy as his. His flute was another matter... but he kept it with him all the time.

Subsequently, Keti's front door had no lock. There was little else to do, and he made his way down the familiar path that took him down to the beach, away from his flowery perch. As he walked past the green stalks wobbling with heavy heads painted a rainbows of vibrant colors, Keti prayed that he'd see his flowers again - that those elves that had shot at him would be worse shots when they saw him again, and the mayor would not set the village on Nae and himself.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

"Then I'll wait for them there, then." He inclines his head by way of a bow and shows himself out as the other two continue on with their business.

Atair is at least polite enough to glance at the note after he's left the elder's presence, not wanting to seem rude or distrustful of the man right to his face.

As he enters the inn, a little smile curls at his lips, taking in the atmosphere. Cozy. He definitely enjoyed cozy. For the time being, he leaned a hip against one of the tables as the keeper looked over the note, straightening just a little at the bestowed title, even if it were simply made in passing. A tiny part of him wondered what the village would do if he hadn't arrived. Would they simply continue to suffer and bemoan their fate or would tensions escalate between them and the sirens, leading to all-out conflict? If they took out their frustrations on their believed cause, would that spur the sirens into retaliation? Conflict, it seemed, was inevitable. The outcome, however, was not.

Seeing as how he had time, he thought it best to know his enemy. "What do you know of this witch? The one it seems is causing all the problems?" Being the innkeeper, Atair figured that Kaelus would have stories not only from his fellow villagers but possibly from travelers as well.
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

A loud moan burst from Meaghan's lips, her back arching and pushing her breasts tight into the stranger's hand, her legs once more wrapping around him and locking behind his back.

She reached between her legs, and guided his tip directly over her entrance, and pulled him in with her lean thighs, moaning again as he slid inside her slick womanhood.
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

"I'm going to keep tracking them. Watch for me latter if anyone else pursues." Kriia quickly retorts to Drago as he swoops round to return, slowing only very briefly before speeding off in earnest. She didn't want to risk losing this lead, and there were already a hundred or so other Harpies trying to attend to the fire. Watching the group of tiny silhoetes in the distant sky, she knew it wouldn't be easy to catch up to them, but she didn't intend to. A group moves at the pace of it's slowest member, and she was willing to bet that she was faster than most. There was no where to hide in the sky, and should they land she could circle and keep track of them easily enough. It would mostly be a matter of endurance, and whether the suspicious party had any tricks up their sleeves.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Wincing in pain from the rock wolf's bite, Satuma tore her arm free, dropping her cannon in the process and pulling out her wand, knowing that close quarter sorcery was required now that the enemy was upon her. She tried to use her tail to put distance and bulk in between her more fragile upper body and the rock wolf, crawling and slithering backwards, before letting loose a couple blasts of fire magic at the creature.

(Fire magic attack x2 (8AP), move to F5 (1AP))
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Snapping himself out of his melancholy daze, the innkeeper looks up. "Not to sure, honestly. Heck, stories are even mixed over what gender the darn thin is. What they do seem to agree upon is that it doesn't sing. To do its siren call thing, it plays upon a wooden flute, prettiest melody you'll ever hear. It's lived up on the hill overlooking the bay for a while now, twenty years I'd say, at least. Used to come down into town occasionally, back when things were better. Never said a word to anyone. Sometimes wrote things down or pantomimed, but never spoke. Some people say it's because of a dark pact made, dark powers always want you to give up something as a sign of devotion," he explains this last part as if he himself were somehow an expert in it, although no such things were mentioned of the Accursed in Atair's training.

Any further conversation was interrupted by someone bursting into the in. "They're coming! The sirens are coming!" shouted a young man who had just burst through the door, catching his breath from what had obviously been a dead run across the village. "The militia are scrambling, but they sent me to fetch the nekomata, Atair," he gasped out, looking up at the youth.

Outside, the village was a hive of activity as most ran for their homes, many returning with weapons. Atair did a double-take at first, for such a small village to have so many weapons seemed a little odd, until he remembered that elves have an admirable attachment to martial training. As the formed a crowd near the edge of the village, Atair could see what they were facing, a pair of sirens making their way slowly down the hillside towards them.


As the pair made their way down towards the town, they were spotted before they had gotten far, which seemed to throw the village into action. Men ran for their homes and return brandishing weapons and they formed up into a mob at the foot of the road into town, hardly a welcoming reception, although they didn't appear like they were about to charge forwards to attack either.