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Legend of Lynn

Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn remembers the bracelet she was given by the perverted, blue-skinned zombie girl in the other room. She secures the bracelet around her wrist and squats down to gain leverage over the chunk of ceiling. Even with the bracelet on, the chunk of ceiling felt heavy, but still liftable. Lynn grunts as she slowly lifts the massive piece of rock, Berry standing by idly, watching in awe, blushing, at how "strong" Lynn is~. Lynn then carefully turns and sets the massive ceiling chunk in a corner out of the way. Lynn then sits down panting heavily in slight exhaustion. Berry looks to Lynn with stars of admiration in her eyes.

"Oh my gosh~. Wow~! You're SO strong~<3."

Lynn blushes slightly from how much Berry was admiring her bracelet-assisted strength.

"Th-thank you. I suppose wshould keep going then."

Lynn gets up and walks into the next room with Berry. The walls, floor, and ceiling of the next room were cracked all overand overgrown with thick roots and vines. To the East, there was a massive door rusty door covered in roots and vines. The largest concentration of roots and vines appeared to grow from behind the door. Most importantly, there was a massive, heavily cracked, and rusted lock in the center of the door.

What should Lynn do?:

A. Look for the key.

B. Try and break the lock.

C. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

B.) Wouldn't hurt to try. Less dungeon crawling. :shrug:
Re: Legend of Lynn

B! Show her your strength by breaking that lock then screaming into her face and shoving the broken lock down her throat yelling at her that you are not an over muscled bimbo!
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn unsheathes her wooden sword and readies it to try and break the brittle lock. She strikes it as hard as she could with her sword, causing the lock to crumble into two equal halves. Upon destroying the lock, the overall integrity of the door seems to fail as the door crumbles into thick, heavy, rocky debris. The two girls quickly climb their way over the debris before the cloud of dust cleared. They emerged into a room corvered entirely in vines. In the center of the room was a giant Jack-O-Lantern the size of a massive boulder. The floor of the room was devoid of tiles and naught but soil. Sprouting outwards from the base of the Jack-O-Lantern was a thick overgrowth of massive roots and vines covering the floor. In response to Berry and Lynn's entry to the overgrown chamber, a massive vine lunges towards them, its bulbous tip opened like snake's mouth. Berry stood there paralyzed like a deer in the headlights. Lynn notices this and pushes Berry out of the way, causing the vine to swallow Lynn up whole. Berry watches in terror as Lynn travels slowly down the vine as a lump, getting closer and closer to the massive Jack-O-Lantern. After reaching the thick cluster of vines below the Jack-O-Lantern, several small lumps travel back down several different similar vines and then Lynn's gear was spit out of the bulbous mouths' of the various vines. All of Lynn's gear was scattered about the room covered in a purplish goop.

Lynn was then sucked up into the center of the Jack-O-Lantern completely naked, her hands and feet burried in ceiling and base respectively, leaving Lynn spread-eagled. At this point, the entire inside of the Jack-O-Lantern seemed to glow, showing off all of Lynn's glorious nude features. Several tentacles crawl up her sides and start to invade Lynn's mouth, pussy, and anus, and start making lewd shlorping sounds as purple goop was pumped inside her. Lynn blushes deeply as Berry watches her being ravaged and violated so shamefully.

What should Berry do?:

A. Look through her pocket spellbook and see if she has anything that will help in this situation.

B. Try and see if she can find any of Lynn's equipment that'll be useful.

C. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

B.) Find her sword and bracelet and try to make pumpkin pie! XD
alternatively........... C.) Stand there and fap at the sexy Lynn tentacle rape............ /jk/
Re: Legend of Lynn

A. Let's try what we know first, before attempting to figure out how to use Lynn's equipment.
Re: Legend of Lynn

B! Find Lynns Bags and try to bag the jack o lantern!
Re: Legend of Lynn

A. This is the perfect time for books! Also spells!
Re: Legend of Lynn

A we are more at home with spells then anything else

Also hooray your updating again!!
Re: Legend of Lynn

A. Let's have Berry save and impress Lynn with her magic.
Re: Legend of Lynn

A! Magic Fireball of Fireballness!
Re: Legend of Lynn

B.) Find her sword and bracelet and try to make pumpkin pie! XD
alternatively........... C.) Stand there and fap at the sexy Lynn tentacle rape............ /jk/

:rolleyes: +1.
Re: Legend of Lynn

A. I'm not sure if Berry can handle a sword.
Re: Legend of Lynn

A, preceded by a brief bit of C. :p
Re: Legend of Lynn

A. If we can get it to stop with Lynn, then we might have the chance to get her free.
Re: Legend of Lynn

A. for the spell of 'banish giant jack-o-lantern rape monster'
Re: Legend of Lynn

Fortunately for Berry, the Jack-O-Lantern wasn't after her... yet. She panicked at first as her new best friend was so shamefully ravaged, but quickly regained her composure and proceeds to pull out her pocket spellbook and wand. She NEEDED to save Lynn, there HAS to be a spell that she can use to vanquish this perverted plant.

Here are the spells that Berry can use to some ability.:

A. Sparks: Uses 4 MP to send out a few small embers from the tip of Berry's wand.

B. Levitate: Constantly uses MP at a steady rate to levitate target object as long as focus is mantained.

C. Stun: Uses 5 MP to fire a small close-mid ranged dart that stuns whatever it hits.

D. Dowse: Uses 0 MP. Berry uses her wand to dowse for whatever is held in the other hand.


E. Get a better survey of your surroundings.

*NOTE*: Make use of this thread to keep track of Berry's MP and health. Also, feel free to make use of Berry's surroundings. Get realistically creative~.
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