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Re: Pets

SUPER PICTURE POST! Sorry, but I loves mah animals
*deleted for album purposes*
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Re: Pets

There are also 2 cats I didn't take pictures of and my brothers chinchilla.
Re: Pets

Someone reminded me to post in here. My dog died, really quick with no real explanation.

My family can't really function without one, we all went out and decided to get 2.
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Re: Pets

Was it that plus rep I gave you from your last set of pics?
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Re: Pets

Yes it was.

*edit* I don't think I explained my caption concerning my cat killing a bird. When I was a kid, we had a parrot that loved everyone except me. It would follow me around the house to peck at me, even going after me downstairs. It had drawn blood from me a few times, and everyone else thought this was adorable how afraid I was of it, even forcing me closer to the bird to watch my reaction of terror. Then, in a rare move on my dads part since he loves dogs and absolutely hates cats. He comes home from work with a stray cat he found at a highway gas station because when he and the attendant found it, the attendant told him about how it's been living off the wild on the highway in the winter for a while now. My dad knew it was either going to freeze, starve, or get run over.
Within a day, our new cat paralyzed, then later killed the bird. Now I love her and my dad especially hates her.
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Re: Pets

And that's the other reason our cockatoo stays in his cage now. Because the dog and the cat don't realize *NOT A TOY*

That being said...

PUPPIES! *squees* They're adorable! They're probably going to get huge, but they're adorable!!!!

Reminds me of how we got Tas. After our dog of (give or take) 15-16 years passed away, my father was adamant. No more dogs. Too much trouble to train. Too expensive. No. No. No.

Then, on Father's Day, mom and dad are walking through the mall and they pass the pet store that's situated in there. Mom stops to look, because she's trying to convince him to get us a Yorkie. So they're looking in the windows.

Dad: "Hey, what's the little white thing, sleeping in the bowl?"
*Attendant goes over and makes to reach in the cage. Up pops a little Maltese head* "Want to take him into the puppy room?"
Dad: Sure.
Mom: Here's the credit card.
Re: Pets

I think this thread deserved a good revival, good show Toxic.
Look at all the furry animals <3
Re: Pets

Some aminalz.

My cat, doing the weird thing where she drools on me after if I've been away from home for more than 48 hours.


The family Boston Terrier.

My 'pets' at work, the Bamboo Sharks and the Cownose Rays.

The African Eagle and the King Vulture, who I <3.
Re: Pets

Isn't that eagle the one you bitched at the kid for trying to get into the enclosure for? Or was that another animal altogether?
Re: Pets

Yes. The thing also does a nice job making a hissing sound if you get close enough, if you can believe it. ^^
Re: Pets

Flying snake, Hissing Eagle! (I know, terrible, but I carry on)
Re: Pets

I will kill you twice and push you over.
Re: Pets

Yes. The thing also does a nice job making a hissing sound if you get close enough, if you can believe it. ^^

Not to weird really since all three of my cockatiels hissed at eeryone but me when they got to close. Now if the eagle randomly started yelling wake up boys at six A.M. I would be impressed.
Re: Pets

I hope all of these animals die slow and painful deaths


Ok, dude,
I hope you die a painless death around the people who love you, and that you go peacefully,
I also hope that you're given a proper burial or whatever it is you want for your funeral, and most of all I hope you take it to heart when I say, "Cool story bro"
Re: Pets

Ok, dude,
I hope you die a painless death around the people who love you, and that you go peacefully,
I also hope that you're given a proper burial or whatever it is you want for your funeral, and most of all I hope you take it to heart when I say, "Cool story bro"

That's a pretty nice poem, but there wasn't much rhyming