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Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

C meh we could have gotten that dog ass kicked darn.
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man


Not having eaten for most of the day and spending a lot of time exerting yourself you're starting to feel the strain on your body. Stomach clenching uncomfortably, you decide to find something to eat before you collapse from hunger and fatigue. While not the first time you've gone without a good meal for a day, you know your limits and the effort of avoiding the guards while making your way home is too risky knowing what awaits you there.

Now that you were no longer in such a suspicious position you could freely walk the streets and pass for an apprentice or servant, there was a curfew after dark though, so you had to hurry if you wanted to stick to the streets. While mostly filled with workshops belonging to the alchemists, some shops also lined the streets, the busy alchemists preferring to be close to their research at all times.

You were unfamiliar with your current surroundings, the hound apparently chasing you quite far from your intended destination. Looking around to try and find someplace with food, you spot a gruff looking man in an apron standing in front of a butcher shop, talking to an old man in alchemists attire. The gruff man seemed upset, obviously the shopkeeper of the establishment behind him, he was quite distracted by his interactions with the alchemist. This was a great opportunity for you, as knowing where the owner was made it much easier to get inside unnoticed and escape with a meal, and it didn't look like you would have much trouble knowing his movement, judging by the amount of noise he's making.

You start moving around to try and get to the back of the building, these types of structures being rather common in this part of the city, you knew they usually had a back door. Security on shops dealing in food in this part of the city was rarely an issue, as thieves would either target the more valuable commodities in the workshops or much easier meals in the public quarters of the city, this part being second only to the royal quarter in the number of guards patrolling it. You're still somewhat reluctant to eat meat from a butcher in the Alchemists quarter, their main source of product was leftover meat from experiments here, the butchers would purify and separate the good parts and sell it back to the alchemists as food. Animals weren't the only living things experimented on though, and while selling human meat was punishable by death some people would still be arrested for it from time to time, and the argument between the two people up front was rather heated...

Reaching the back door, you carefully try to slide it open only to find that it wasn't even locked, how careless. Too careless, you quickly scan your surroundings, cautious of some alternative form of security but finding nothing. You hesitate going inside, this was probably the best opportunity you were going to find, and while you can't help but think its actually too easy, your hunger is ushering you forward. You gather yourself, deciding once and for all to commit to the act, and carefully step into the room.

Taking in your surroundings, you find yourself in a dimly lit slaughterhouse, carcasses strung from the ceiling lined the walls and slabs of meat covered most of the counters. Rather than meat, the room had a somewhat acidic scent that you associated with alchemical purification, and it appeared that the product of this place was safe enough. You slowly make your way toward one of the counters, trying to find a piece that was sufficiently purified, while paying close attention to the noise outside. Spotting a cabinet clearly meant for storage, cold air flowing out of it, you carefully make your way across the wet floor, careful not to slip on what you assume is either blood or other spill.

Trying to carefully but quickly make your way to the cabinet you nearly stumble as your foot sticks to the ground slightly, placing your other foot firmly and putting more strength in your motions, you find that your boot is now entirely stuck to the floor. Distressed at this dangerous development you try to pull your leg free, only to discover your other leg is now stuck to the ground as well, you seem to have stepped into some sort of alchemical adhesive. To make matters worse, you hear a door loudly slamming shut followed by loud footsteps rapidly approaching. You quickly realize that you will have to discard your boots if you want to escape and start working on the straps firmly holding them in place, but you've just barely started when the door leading to the front of the shop slams open.

"Ha!" The look of surprise on the chubby man's face quickly being replaced by one of almost childlike glee. "Finally caught you damn thief, thought you could just keep taking whatever you wanted from ol' Olsen did you?!"

Your chances of escape utterly dashed, you tried to think of a way out of your current predicament, your boots were stuck to the ground, and your feet were secured firmly inside them. The man, apparently named Olsen, in front of you seemed to have a past with thieves and was unlikely to be reasonable and you'd have great difficulty talking your way out of this. You needed time to free yourself from your boots and it would be over if the man were to secure your capture and inform the guard.

"Hmmm" Olsen was looking you over, moving closer towards you. "Not what I was expecting, a lass eh, and a pretty one at that!" He victoriously exclaimed. You didn't like where this was going, but it did increase your options.

"W-wait, please sir I was only trying to find my master's dog, the door was open and I thought he ran in here for the meat." Trying your best to sound as innocent as possible while subtly trying to free your feet, you were hoping to convince him this was all a misunderstanding or at least buy enough time to escape.

"L-look" Showing him your gloved hands and trying to act as nervous as you could, you hoped demonstrating you owned a piece of alchemical equipment might convince him to the legitimacy of your story. Moving closer Olsen seemed a bit put off by the situation and tilted his head as he considered your story.

"A likely story! Almost bought it too." He suddenly exclaimed "I see no dogs here though, and you've come awfully far into my shop!" Damn, it didn't look like you were going to talk your way out of it so easily. Shrinking away from him in a slightly exaggerated fashion, you were not planning to give up the act just yet.

"It's a very s-small type of dog b-bred for experiments in g-growth mutagen... I-I thought it might be hiding somewhere." Hoping that flaunting some knowledge of alchemy would at least keep him unsure for a while longer. You still tried to wiggle out of your boots and were slowly making progress, if you could keep him occupied long enough you might be able to escape before he caught you completely.

"Enough!" Olsen slammed his fist on a nearby counter. "If a mutt really did go in here it'd be stuck where you are, and there's no way a little runt could've opened the door, you're not going to weasel your way out of this one little thief." Olsen took another couple of steps towards you.

*sob* "Please.... I was just looking for some food, I haven't eaten all day, have mercy sir..." Breaking down in fake tears you hoped to appeal to his sympathy for long enough to get free, you had to keep him talking rather than getting closer.

"Really!" Olsen exclaimed almost gleefully, clearly pleased with himself. Olsen now moved quickly towards you, grabbing a small jar off a shelf and coating his shoes with some of its contents. As he walked on the same liquid that held you firmly in place, his shoes left prints wherever they touched the surface of the adhesive, his shoes having been coated with what was apparently the solvent to it. From his excitement you knew what was coming next wouldn't be good. Olsen still steadily drew closer, hands working on his belt.

WARNING this next scene contains sexual acts with a minor, while fiction, if you're put off by this sort of thing you might want to skip this bit.
"Well now, we can't very well have such a pretty young thing going hungry now can we." Olsen exclaimed as he unbuckled his pants. "Don't worry though, ol' Olsen will happily feed you something" Now squirming wildly against your restraints, you desperately tried to escape. Pulling his pants down slightly an exposing his erect dick Olsen roughly grabbed your hair pulled you down towards it. "Open wide if you want to keep your teeth" He now said aggressively, no trace remaining of his sarcastic kindness.

Resigning yourself to your fate, seeing no way to get out of your current position, you reluctantly opened your mouth. Olsen wasted no time as he firmly thrust himself inside, pulling your head towards him. You gagged as his cock thrust all the way into your throat and desperately struggled to get him off of you, but he held you down firmly as he started to roughly fuck your face. "You know..." He said as you struggled to get the invading member out of your throat. "I spent a lot of time thinking what I'd do to you once I finally caught you... Never thought it'd end up like this though!" Taking sadistic pleasure in humiliating what he thought was the thief that had been stealing from him for a long time now, Olsen took no pity on you and kept thrusting in and out of your throat, not even giving you time to breathe.

You had trouble concentrating as you started convulsing due to lack of oxygen, lacking the energy to keep trying to push him away you focussed all your efforts on trying to free yourself from your boots. "Aahhhh thats really good miss, I might actually keep you!" Olsen was now breathing heavily and started fucking your throat faster.

Shortly thereafter Olsen shoved his dick all the way down and held your face tightly to his crotch, you felt his dick spasm as he unloaded his spunk deep down your throat, groaning loudly while you gagged on his cock. Almost blacking out now, your body's desire for air overpowered your reasoning and you reflexively bit down on the obstruction in your airway. Yelping loudly, Olsen quickly pulled out and pushed you back and stumbled slightly, trying to maintain his balance.

At this moment, you finally managed to free one of your feet from its confinement and in a sudden burst of energy you plant it firmly between his legs. Caught unaware and off-balance Olson hunched forward in pain, you quickly reacted by grabbing his shirt and pulling him down, causing Olson to topple over face-first into the adhesive liquid on the ground. "You bitch! Not even the alchemists are going to want what's left of you when I'm through with you! Olsen exclaimed loudly as he struggled to get up. You didn't give him the chance though, as you placed your free foot on the back of his neck and pushed him down, he was now completely stuck to the ground, his left cheek sticking to the floor.

Gasping for breath, no longer caught in a surge of adrenaline, you spent the next few moments coughing and gagging, trying to recover from your ordeal. Olsen had gone strangely quiet, probably realizing he was no longer in any position to make threats. Taking in the situation, your assailant was stuck firmly to the ground along with your boots, you freed your other foot and climbed up on a nearby counter. Eager to get the taste of semen from your mouth you climbed over to the cabinet and pulled a piece of dried meat from its contents. Quickly wolfing it down, the food tasted like the best thing you've ever had due to your current condition. Behind you, you could still hear Olsen grumbling slightly and staring angrily in your direction, you briefly considered how to proceed. You decided to take some more food and free your boots after you dealt with Olsen.

A: See how he feels about having a piece of meat stuffed in his throat.
B: Considering what he did to you, planned to do to you, it's time to give him some "mercy". (kill him)
C: All things considered, you did try to steal from him, and it could have been a lot worse, throw the solvent at him when you leave.
D: Set his shop on fire, but throw the solvent at him as you leave.
E: Leave him to his fate, maybe someone will release him, maybe not.

Current attributes: *updated*
Strength: 6
Dexterity: 9
Endurance: 9 (8+1 your struggles and suffering have made you resilient)
Intelligence: 10 (9+1 capable of a strong bluff despite lacking charisma)
Charisma: 4
Sensitivity: 3 (4-1 your mind is in control in all but the worst conditions)

Proficiencies: Educated (can read, write and perform/understand minor alchemy)
Animal affinity (You can usually calm most animals, and know a bit about interacting with them)
Free-running (You can quickly make your way through uneven/cluttered terrain and climb almost any surface within human capacity)
Panic prone (unsettling events are more likely to invoke panic than anger/horror)
Finesse combatant (capable of knocking over all but the most stable foe, despite not being very strong, and can use your surroundings effectively, also increases your chances to identify and hit an opponents vitals)

Current items: *updated*
Artisan's gloves (near indestructible, these gloves are a rare and expensive gift from your master that you have treasured and hidden for many years, it helps that they look like common gloves)
Commoner's clothes (a simple shirt and skirt combination, too small for your size, it only barely fits. The skirt is currently torn, but functional)
Leather satchel (a sturdy satchel tied securely around your waist, there's actually a trick to opening it)
Quality leather boots (Strong and sturdy boots, you "liberated" these half a year ago, they're a few sizes too big so you usually strap them tightly around your feet) *currently stuck to the floor with alchemical adhesive*

(Keep in mind that this is the last choice of the introduction arc and will largely decide your character's morals. Due to the importance of this choice and the consequences not really being clear from the description you can read the spoiler below if you're not sure about your choice. Also note that the main story after this will be a little over four years in the future, I'm not a big fan of underage sex and this scene occurred mostly due to it being important to the development of the character.)

WARNING reading this might influence your choice, best to choose before reading
A. Mostly neutral, slightly vengeful. An eye for an eye, but no more than that
B. Vengeful, unmerciful but not cruel.
C. Merciful.
D. Vindictive, cruel but not merciless.
E. Uncaring, neither hateful enough for revenge nor kind enough for mercy.

Some differences are fairly minor and are mostly to give you more choice in how to deal with Olsen
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Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

A Time for some karmic retribution.
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

A. Shove a link of sausages up his rectum, stuffing it down his throat is too much of a choking hazard
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

BI am pretty sure this bastard had more then a quickie in store for us after I really don't like killing but he has seen us and would carry a grudge against us if he lives and we did something like burning his store down.
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

C. Having now robbed him, may as well let him go to generate more wealth so it's possible to rob him again in the future
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

E. He doesn't worth the pain.
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

No way : B, then D (you kill him and you put the fire). (Yeah, I know that sucks but ... No, I just like cruel things, that's all)

WARNING this next scene contains sexual acts with a minor, while fiction, if you're put off by this sort of thing you might want to skip this bit.
Just one question : is she going to grow up after that "tutorial" ?

Edit : Fuck, I loved the chain. So, just put the fire (more cruel, maybe but less fun), D.
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Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

I'll just appreciate how fitting the last vote is a few moments while I start writing option D, should be up a bit later today.
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man


Putting some more dried meat in your satchel, you get up and make your way toward the jar of solvent to free your boots. You glance at Olsen struggling against his entrapment, managing only to look much like a fish flopping around on dry land, you can't help but chuckle at his ridiculous display, only to be painfully reminded of your sore throat. You pick up a lantern Olsen left near the jar when he entered the room and used it to see the edges of the alchemical adhesive on the ground. Your mind was still filled with possibilities on how to deal with Olson, but the faintly glowing lantern in your hands helped make up your mind.

As you put the lantern down near the border of the liquid Olsen seemed to start struggling more desperately. "Please don't! This stuff is flammable!" He was yelling fearfully, almost begging at this point.

"Rea-*cough*, really now.." Slowly massaging your sore throat, your anger and indignation at his treatment nearly tempting you to simply throw the lantern right at him, you managed to restrain yourself and continue as you worked to free your boots.

"I never got much of a chance to ask you not to, though I doubt that would have made you chance YOUR mind, so don't expect it to make me change mine".

Finally getting your boots loose from the adhesive, you cleaned them off a bit and put them back on. Looking around the dimly lit room for a while, you tried to find some alchemical mixtures that you were sure would be around here. After finding and grabbing what you needed, ignoring the now silent Olsen, you started to spread some of the highly flammable liquid around the room before moving into the rest of the house and doing the same. While in the kitchen area you managed to find some other quality foods and decided it would be a waste to leave them here, stuffing your pockets with whatever you could carry.

Taking your time in returning to the room where Olsen was still stuck to the floor, you noticed he had stopped struggling. "You know, my story before wasn't entirely untrue, I was originally trained to be an apprentice and I'm still fascinated with alchemy..."

Pausing briefly and awaiting some sort of response, Olsen seemed to remain quiet. "I've always wondered how people could be so mindlessly cruel toward me, and I figure it must be because you lack perspective..." Olsen now grunted back, at least you had his attention.

"So I propose a little experiment!" making the words sound almost gleefully with fake enthusiasm. "Lets see how YOU feel without a bite to eat and no home to return to, and see if you can still think of doing what you did to me!" Almost shouting in rage at this point, you couldn't contain your anger much longer and started walking out of the room again.

Walking back to where you left the lantern in the main room of the building, you casually tipped it over and the flames inside quickly started to spread. You hurried back to Olsen, who looked like he had figured out what was going on. Moving quickly past Olsen, grabbing the jug of solvent off the ground as you moved toward the door, Olsen started to plea.

"Please, have mercy! Don't leave me here to die!" He now shouted out desperately, nothing left of the victorious or aggressive behavior he had shown when he was in control.

"Certainly, will you be having the same kind of mercy you were showing me 'Olsen' " Spitting the words out derisively, your decision to leave him alive was becoming difficult to uphold. Olsen remained quiet, perhaps the severity of his actions sinking in.

Satisfied with this result, apparently Olsen was capable of reflecting on his deeds. You aimed the jug of solvent at him and threw it directly at his head, the brittle jug shattering loudly on his head and provoking a loud yell in pain. You had already started to leave, not caring much about Olsen's fate as the fire started spreading throughout the house. Olsen's fate was his own now, like you mere moments ago his survival depended on is ability to struggle out of his confinement. As you try to find a spot to recover from the ordeal the neighborhood was getting louder in response to the fire, you knew you had to get out of here and avoid being caught.

After traveling for almost an hour you finally reach the base of your "hideout", having decided to go someplace familiar which you knew was safe, so you could recover. On the outside, the small tower looked completely collapsed and unusable, but the interior was largely intact, though inaccessible except when entering from the roof. The foundation of the tower was reinforced, though had since been cluttered with rubble from the surrounding walls. The tower actually had two layers, the outer one largely collapsed, the inner wall was remarkably sturdy and in excellent condition. You had found this place some time ago when making your way around the old walls and it had become somewhat of a second home to you, hiding valuable possessions, and sometimes yourself.

As you made your way up to the tower you considered your current circumstances. You had little waiting for you at home other than an abusive father and a mother that barely acknowledges your existences, you were about to be sold off to an abusive bastard which would do little to improve the situation. You had no future with master Fizban, mostly going there for your own interest in alchemy. You lacked the means to start your own workshop, and while finding another master was possible you knew someone of your station working under a mediocre alchemist had no real future either.

Finally reaching the top of the tower, you make your way down to the room below. Entering the dark and unlit room, the top of the two floors available to you having no windows, you make your way to a small lamp sitting on a table near the middle of the room. Lighting up the room, you cant help but feel at home here, immediately calming down.

On the bright side, you had a passable home for yourself here, with current living conditions at your fathers home being what they are you would be feeding yourself either way, and at least you'd be safe here. While not having much in the way of practical experience with alchemy, you knew much of the theory, having proofread much of Fizban's work you could hold a conversation with an alchemist and there might be some work available for you in that field other than being an apprentice.

Tired from the long day, you slump down on your makeshift bed, though a sorry excuse for one at best. Thoughts still focussed on the future, at least you resolved not to return home, having little of value there and not being worth the price anymore. As you planned your life ahead of you, you slowly drifted to sleep......

Introduction End

Final character: Julia Mordam
Class: Rogue
Profession: Alchemy
Alignment: Chaotic/Neutral (slightly favoring good)

Current attributes: *updated*
Strength: 6
Dexterity: 9
Endurance: 9
Intelligence: 10
Charisma: 3 (4-1 you know who's important, though your not stupid about it others often find your disposition disagreeable)
Sensitivity: 2 (3-1 your strong mind is firmly in control, your emotions unable to shake your conviction)

These will not be the final stats for the main story, some minor changes will occur based on events leading up to the main story about 4 years from now.

Final items and proficiencies will change slightly based on events leading up to the main story as well

(This is it for the introduction arc, you've ended up with a Rogue/Alchemist which is one of roughly 38 possible combinations. The main story takes place a little over four years from now and I'll write up the interlude sometime soon. I hope you've enjoyed it so far and would love to hear your thoughts!)
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

Right, time for the main interlude.

Iscenia, razed and rebuilt so frequently it was often nicknamed the phoenix city, was a massive city standing in the middle of a large basin of steep cliffs. The city itself was built on a portion of land that was slightly elevated from the surrounding area, though only historians now remembered the area used to be a volcano, collapsed on itself after it's last eruption. Due to frequent volcanic eruption in the past, the land surrounding Iscenia was highly fertile. The mountains surrounding the basin were rich with ore and rain could easily be gathered at the base of the steep cliffs. Iscenia was the ideal location for a city, and as a result was highly contested between the factions surrounding it, being the stage for dozens of major battles throughout history. In it's current incarnation, Iscenia was built much like a fort, a massive three tiered city standing tall above the surrounding lands. The three tiers of the city much represented the social status of its inhabitants, the lowest tier housing mostly slaves, thieves, mercenaries and beggars, the middle tier was home to merchants, artisans and working class civilians and the top tier was reserved for rich merchants, nobles, accomplished artisans and scholars. Uncharacteristically for a city of it's size, even the lower tier had buildings of stone, and every tier had fortifications in place to separate them. Only the highest tier of the city consisted of largely new reconstructed buildings, most of them had been in suitable condition since the last time the city was razed. The other two tiers were largely new constructions, most of the then wooden structures had been burned down when the city was taken by its current occupants, this event causing most of the buildings now to be mostly stone. Spurred by the surge of alchemists from around the continent and beyond, intent on reaping the bounty of the surrounding area for their research, the city had grown quickly, causing its interior to form an almost maze-like web of haphazard construction with little regard for urban planning. While the lower tier lacked any particular theme or planning, the middle tier had been separated into several quarters; The labor quarter, by far the largest, housed most of the free workforce. The artisan quarter was the second largest, housing mostly workshops for the artisans in the city, and was the main hub of alchemy in the city. The merchant quarter housed most of the warehouses and high-quality shops in the city, and for the sake of convenience this quarter also housed the main garrison of guards in the city. The last section of the middle tier was reserved for greenhouses and gardens where alchemists grew reagents and experimented on a wide variety of flora. The middle tier also had a functioning, though ancient, set of sewers underneath them, which the alchemists mostly used to dispose unwanted materials, causing them to be dangerously unstable at places.

This city had been your home for your entire life, and you currently resided in what on the outside looked like a partially collapsed tower, part of a wall that dated back to the city's previous incarnation. This particular tower was placed along the wall bordering the labor quarter with the artisan's quarter and provided an excellent view of the surrounding area. Much had changed since you first made your home here over four years ago, having transformed it into a proper house over the years, the two floors available to you were filled with furniture, alchemist's equipment and supplies, the walls had been reinforced and much of the flooring replaced. Over the years you had done many odd-jobs around the area, ranging from intercepting reports between alchemists and stealing prototypes to acquisition of rare alchemical reagents and their save delivery. Being quick, agile, clever and most importantly educated, your services were a rare commodity in the area, allowing you to make quite a name and fortune for yourself. Despite some requests to the opposite, you had operated on a strictly non-lethal basis, rarely taking up arms. About a two years ago you took up practicing a crossbow for use in your activities, procuring a high quality military crossbow used for both bolts and vials, this weapon was mostly used in your pursuit of stealth, only once forced to use its lethal function. Little over a year ago an unfortunate incident caused you to stop relying on other alchemists for supplies, gathering your own tools and practicing the trade in your own spare time, though doing so exclusively for your own benefit. You lived a very good life, which you had made all for yourself and maintained by virtue of your own ability, you never expected it to all fall apart so suddenly.

Around two weeks ago, after months of heavy rainfall, the basin where Iscenia was located flooded with water, the preventive measures failing to deal with the massive amounts of water pouring over the edges. Iscenia itself was subsequently flooded as well, water reaching up to the highest tier and flooding most of the city. The sudden tide had left the city a wreck, streets flooded with water, broken remains of homes drifting along. The flood had killed a lot of the people living in the lower two tiers in the city, and the survivors subsequently destroyed the top tier, and each other. The destruction of the alchemist's labs had unleashed unknown horrors on the city as well, and you could occasionally make out few of them roaming the streets in search of prey. The top tier of the city was still noticeably in conflict, different camps of survivors fighting for dominance over what little remained of it. You were fortunate enough to be in your well fortified tower at the time, and managed to live through it unharmed, in the past weeks you've been gathering what supplies you could find and assessing your surroundings. The city was done for, and the water showed no signs of receding, you had decided to leave as soon as you were able, but all of the surrounding area was thoroughly flooded in water.

In order to escape you would require some sort of boat, sufficient supplies and some way to secure yourself against the other survivors and monstrosities lurking in the waters. Worst case scenario, you needed a reliable source of food and further security for your home and try to outlast the mess outside.

The area around your tower was still considerably flooded on one side, and partially dried up on the other. What was formerly the artisan's quarters seemed to have most of the water drained into the sewers beneath it, and the remaining water reaching up to your knees allowing you to wade through. The other side, formerly the labor quarter, was still full of water reaching a little under the roofs of the one-floor buildings there, having carefully tested the waters it seemed to be safe enough to swim in. In the distance the lower tier was still substantially flooded, only multi-story buildings and the outer walls reaching above the surface of the water. Further up, the higher tier showed signs of constant conflict, you would surely find other survivors there, though they were likely hostile to people outside their own groups.

You briefly inspect yourself in a large mirror standing across from your bed. Now barely 19 years old, much about you has changed over the years. Much to your dismay you've grown to be quite attractive, much taller than you used to be and breasts having grown to firm C cups, you often use your long black hair to cover your attractive face, usually only tying it back in a ponytail to prevent it from obstructing you during your activities. Your attractive appearance could be quite a nuisance in your line of work, not having the patience nor charm to use it in your favor, your remarkable appearance only meant people would sooner notice and remember you, though that shouldn't be much of a problem anymore.

As you move to the roof of your tower you pick up some supplies and prepare yourself to leave your home for the first time in almost a week. As you arrive on the roof, you survey your surroundings and decide where you're going to go:

1: Go to the submerged labor quarter.
2: Explore the ruined workshops in the artisan's quarter.

There are several things you need to do, but where do you begin:

A: You're worried about the creatures that are slowly taking over the city, try to capture or kill one and try to find out what you're dealing with.
B: You should secure more provisions first, focus on finding food.
C: You should try to secure your location against other survivors and whatever it is that roams the streets. focus on salvaging useful materials.
D: You want to get out of here as fast as possible, try to find some means of transportation.

Strength: 6
Dexterity: 11 (9+2 your profession has made you more agile)
Endurance: 7 (9-2 your flexible build has left you less resilient)
Intelligence: 11 (10+1 the nature of your work has sharpened your mind)
Charisma: 6 (3+3 growing up has left you quite attractive, dealing with employers made you more capable at interacting with others)
Sensitivity: 2

Educated: Can read and write.
Alchemy(Basic): Can understand basic alchemy and perform minor alchemy.
Animal affinity(Basic): You can calm most animals, and know a bit about interacting with them.
Free-running: You can quickly make your way through uneven/cluttered terrain and climb almost any surface within human capacity.
Panic prone: Unsettling events are more likely to invoke panic than anger/horror.
Finesse combatant: Capable of knocking over all but the most stable foe, despite not being very strong, and can use your surroundings effectively, also increases your chances to identify and hit an opponents vitals.
Swimming(Clumsy): Your finesse allows you to clumsily swim through normal water.
Weapon proficiency; Crossbow(Basic): Capable of operating a crossbow, proficient in its regular use.
Stealth(Advanced): Capable of hiding yourself from other humans in all but the most extreme circumstances, capable of hiding from animals and unidentified entities under normal circumstances.
Tinkering(Clumsy): Can make extremely basic contraptions such as minor traps, also allows you to repair minor damage to simple constructions.

(I've changed the proficiencies setup a bit, note that proficiencies can range from clumsy to basic to advanced to expert and any proficiency with one of these in its title can be trained/improved)

Artisan's gloves: Near indestructible, these sturdy gloves are very difficult to cut and can withstand very high temperatures and minor acidic substances, resistant to strong acid.
Simple clothes: A simple cloth tunic and flexible leather pants.
Leather satchel: A sturdy satchel tied securely around your waist, there's actually a trick to opening it.
Tool belt: Strapped around your shoulder this belt contains many pockets and straps for holding tools and equipment.
Quality leather boots: Strong and sturdy boots, you "liberated" these when you were still a child, they're no longer too big and fit comfortably on your feet.
Military crossbow(Ammo:24): A high quality crossbow, it can be loaded with bolts or special alchemical vials, very durable.
Concoctions: A small set of alchemical creations including;
+Minor healing potion x4 (cures minor cuts, bruises and aches, makes you slightly hungry)
+Healing potion x1 (cures minor wounds, broken bones recover faster and recovers fatigue, makes you hungry)
+Adhesive liquid x1 (a small canteen of adhesive liquid, can be used to stick nearly any two surfaces together, fades after roughly 12 hours and is highly flammable)
+Adhesive solvent x1 (a small canteen of solvent, negates the effects of most adhesive substances)
+Unstable mutagen x1 (a failed creation, this substance can serve as a poison to other humans or cause unknown effects to other creatures)
Rations: You carry enough rations for three days.

Your base:*updated*
A sturdy reinforced tower that managed to survive the calamity that ruined most of the city, most of the outer wall is destroyed and washed away. The top two floors of this four-story tower are fully usable and well fortified.

Alchemy lab(Basic): A fairly common alchemy lab set up on the fourth floor, complete with tools, you're capable of performing simple alchemy with this if you have sufficient supplies.
Furniture(Basic): A simple set of furniture, most of it set up on the third floor, including a bed, tables, chairs, cabinets and accessories.
Bath: The now flooded second floor of the tower provides an excellent bath, having sealed the open windows and confirmed the purity of the water you can easily heat it with some alchemical implements.
Tools(Basic): Basic set of tools for tinkering and maintenance.

Food: You have enough food stored to last you about 5 more days.
Alchemy: You have used up your last few alchemy supplies and will need to search for reagents before you can make anything.
Misc: You've used up most of the supplies around your home to seal off entrances exposed by the flood, and will need to search for more before you can construct or repair anything.

+Simple minor acid spray x4 (hidden at the entrance and key locations throughout the building, will prevent all but the most stubborn looters from taking your stuff)
+Simple sliding locks (placed on each trapdoor between floors, these "locks" won't stop anything but stray animals)

(You can choose to either escape as quick as possible, or improve your tower and gain some semblance of control over your surroundings, be creative about how you use your items and accomplish your goals. In terms of sexual content this story will contain pretty much everything you can expect from tentacles, though I suppose a minor ryona warning is in order; your character can get hurt, though no permanent damage will be suffered other than in bad ends. There will be absolutely NO: Guro, scat, torture or "mindbreak". You can PM me if there is something else you absolutely don't/do want to see and I'll take it into consideration)
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

2, A : it's surely stupid.
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

While certainly risky, your character is a bit too clever to do something completely stupid. :D
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

2C! Lets hope no one tries to yoink our base!
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man


Finding food is always harder as the days go after disaster, might as well get all you can while you can
Re: Tentacle RoR CYOA; The Folly of Man

2C, best to fortify a bit before we do something else (and by the way I noticed that in the character section you say she has rations for 3 days and in the base there is food for 5 days, does this mean there is enough food for 8 days? if yes why not put the rations with the other food?)