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What is your Ideal/Dream H-game


Aug 28, 2009
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Re: What is your Ideal/Dream H-game

3D BF RTS. Or at least turn-based strategy.
Add to your taste some fetishes. :D


Demon Girl
Apr 22, 2013
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Re: What is your Ideal/Dream H-game

Anything with a good paizuri cumshot at the end.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: What is your Ideal/Dream H-game

Tossing in the random vote: A 3D game that DOESN'T SUCK. Possibly 3rd Person, more then likely working with either shooter mechanics or a turn-based system, ala rougelikes such as SotS: The Pit. Rape would be a attack that enemies would have access to, and various equipment would be available to keep your brains from getting screwed out to the point of just giving up and being a monster cumdump. Add in a dash of excuse plot and I can see this earning ALL the monies.


Grim Reaper
Jul 8, 2011
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Re: What is your Ideal/Dream H-game

If we are to dream, I'd like to cover some of my fetishes.
Like pregnancy, incest. Probably some inbreeding.
Actually, lots of inbreeding.
Age progression would then be a must.
And there would have loli in it. My ideal, afterall.
Some multiple girls events. Mothers and their children. Perhaps even more than two generations at the same time.
Big animated and voiced events. Lots of different positions.
But with all this lack of morals, I guess having a bit of yaoi would be allowed, if only for more sense.

With all that, I guess having the darker fetishes like watersports or scat wouldn't be necessary.


Nov 27, 2012
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Re: What is your Ideal/Dream H-game

A Castlevania esque H-Game.

Plays much like a castlevania game, has the difficulty of a castlevania game and hopefully as extensive as a castlevania game.
I really like the idea of having the player in a run/fight or get rapped enviorment.
If people enjoy the game being lewd while actually playing the game, then they can experience it and enjoy it.
If you play the game to fap, that would be quite easy too.
If you play the game for the game itself, it's EVEN good as that alone.

Either something similar to that or more along the lines of how Binding Isaac is played. A top-down dungeon type game with a fuckton (no pun intended) of RNG put into it. Various pickups available to change the look of your character whether it be breasts, cock, cunt, hair, clothes, etc.

With various monsters that will rape you upon attacking you, rewards, unlocks, different characters, new 'monsters'/'enemies'. Overall it just sounds like something I love to play just as how I love to play Binding of Isaac.

Now going back to Castlevania, a lot of respect is to be had when I think of the difficulty of the first game. It was crafty, it forced you to play smart, it was a really great game for its time and just. I just have a lot of respect for it.
To implement a game with once again, tons of content, pleasent graphics, and so on while keeping castlevania in mind would be certainly a great game to see.

Lately I've been wanting something more like a GAME. (This is also a request)
Lately all I've seen in regards to H-Games are...
RPG-Maker styled games
Text based games
DemonGirl-esque games
Games that are great in the aspect of porn but awful for gameplay.

I just wanna find a game that has a really appealing type of gameplay that makes me feel like I'm playing a game while also introducing explicit content such as hentai or gore(Nonsexually).
Further then that, I wanna make a game that appeal to everyone. I want to include all sorts of fetishes into the game to please others.
I'm talking everything, feet, armpits, scat, piss, cosplaying, tentacles, monster girls/boys, bondage, everything and everything with the option to turn certain fetishes off, prevent you from dealing with certain monsters that disgust you and prevent said seens as well.
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Sex Demon
Feb 22, 2010
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Re: What is your Ideal/Dream H-game

I'm going to get real basic here. It's gonna be vague. I want developers to really think about this, to help start a dialouge between fans and devs on what makes a hentai game a hentai game. So here's my ideal game: a game where hentai is part of (or is) the core game mechanic. Do whatever you want, but make sure hentai takes center stage. It has to be such a fundamental mechanice that the game stops making sense without it.

If it makes sense without the hentai, then the game never really needed it. Which is why I'm not really all for the Skyrim with boobs thing. If you take away the boobs, you've still got skyrim, which works well enough without the boobs. So I'm gonna give an example of a game with EXCESSIVE VIOLENCE and how that EXCESSIVE VIOLENCE is an itegral part of making the game what it is. Why? Because it's seems it's all the industry seems to know how to do right now, but I'm gonna talk about a game that did it right.

In Dead Space fight crazy space-monster zombie-alien-mutant-things. They can't die like normal things, canonically they don't die, period. But fret not there is hope. They are not invunerable. With some heavy industrial tools and the saavy to remove their safeties, You can cut off the creepy space zombie limbs and stop them from moving.

The cool thing about this is that the game is built around being a psychotic butcher. All the enemies have their own reactions to how you cut them up and how you cut them up changes how you will proceed. Shoot off some dudes legs, he crawls at ya. Cut off a claw, then congrats! Now you have a new weapon you can chuck at his buds! The game is so built around the fact that these guys get cut up that if, say... You tried to remove the gore, the game wouldn't function properly. These things need to get cut up. The game's mechanics are built around this concept. Which is why it's so damn violent. It's not just because visceral studios is weird and probably needs therapy, it's because the game is built around violence, and it wouldn't make sense narative or gameplay-wise to remove or even tone it down.

In a nutshell. If it's a hentai game, the hentai parts of it shouldn't be trivial. There has got to be a purpose for it and a depth to it. It should be one of (if not THE) core aspect/mechanic/whatever. Metroidvania with some sexy rape anims and game over CGs is fine, but if those are removed, then you still have a metrovania. If that's the case, then was the hentai really necessary to beging with? I want an h-game that has good reason for being an H-game.

That was long fucking winded.


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: What is your Ideal/Dream H-game

I'm going to get real basic here. It's gonna be vague. I want developers to really think about this, to help start a dialouge between fans and devs on what makes a hentai game a hentai game. So here's my ideal game: a game where hentai is part of (or is) the core game mechanic. Do whatever you want, but make sure hentai takes center stage. It has to be such a fundamental mechanice that the game stops making sense without it.

If it makes sense without the hentai, then the game never really needed it. Which is why I'm not really all for the Skyrim with boobs thing. If you take away the boobs, you've still got skyrim, which works well enough without the boobs. So I'm gonna give an example of a game with EXCESSIVE VIOLENCE and how that EXCESSIVE VIOLENCE is an itegral part of making the game what it is. Why? Because it's seems it's all the industry seems to know how to do right now, but I'm gonna talk about a game that did it right.

In Dead Space fight crazy space-monster zombie-alien-mutant-things. They can't die like normal things, canonically they don't die, period. But fret not there is hope. They are not invunerable. With some heavy industrial tools and the saavy to remove their safeties, You can cut off the creepy space zombie limbs and stop them from moving.

The cool thing about this is that the game is built around being a psychotic butcher. All the enemies have their own reactions to how you cut them up and how you cut them up changes how you will proceed. Shoot off some dudes legs, he crawls at ya. Cut off a claw, then congrats! Now you have a new weapon you can chuck at his buds! The game is so built around the fact that these guys get cut up that if, say... You tried to remove the gore, the game wouldn't function properly. These things need to get cut up. The game's mechanics are built around this concept. Which is why it's so damn violent. It's not just because visceral studios is weird and probably needs therapy, it's because the game is built around violence, and it wouldn't make sense narative or gameplay-wise to remove or even tone it down.

In a nutshell. If it's a hentai game, the hentai parts of it shouldn't be trivial. There has got to be a purpose for it and a depth to it. It should be one of (if not THE) core aspect/mechanic/whatever. Metroidvania with some sexy rape anims and game over CGs is fine, but if those are removed, then you still have a metrovania. If that's the case, then was the hentai really necessary to beging with? I want an h-game that has good reason for being an H-game.

That was long fucking winded.
I disagree with your point. Just because something is a hentaigame doesn't mean it's not allowed to be a good game. Quite the opposite in fact: If a game only works because it has some fappable art, it wasn't a very good game to begin with. And just because a game has hentai or visceral art in it, doesn't mean it has to be about the hentai or the gore.


Jungle Girl
Jun 2, 2013
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Re: What is your Ideal/Dream H-game

Think of the hentai in that metroidvania like a *adds* you dont see in anothers normal game. In fact i think the hentai side adds a little bit of spice ONLY if the game really worth to be playing.

If the game is only about raping and stuff with 0 gameplay count me out .....


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: What is your Ideal/Dream H-game

I'd actually rather think you're missing his point, because he didn't phrase it too well. Dead Space, as his example, isn't a bad game; it's just that the gore is so integral to it that a great deal of the gameplay is lost if the element of goring enemies is removed. This isn't about the game needing to be bad, this is about the hentai needing to be important to the game.


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: What is your Ideal/Dream H-game

I'd actually rather think you're missing his point, because he didn't phrase it too well. Dead Space, as his example, isn't a bad game; it's just that the gore is so integral to it that a great deal of the gameplay is lost if the element of goring enemies is removed. This isn't about the game needing to be bad, this is about the hentai needing to be important to the game.
Hentaispider said:
And just because a game has hentai or visceral art in it, doesn't mean it has to be about the hentai or the gore.
I didn't miss his point and I still disagree with it.


Sex Demon
Feb 22, 2010
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Re: What is your Ideal/Dream H-game

Who says Dead Space is bad? Sure it doesn't live up to the hype(with the way marketing works for AAA titles works few titles ever will) but that doesn't mean it's a bad game. Or I'm touched in the head. I do mine for unholy amounts of time in minecraft just because I want more stone for a lava-spewing tower that's already built past the clouds. But the creepy eight legged thing up there raises a good point: Just cause a game has an element in it doesn't mean it HAS to be about that element. Though I should've worded things more concisely.

I still stand by the point I've made. I would like to see games utilize the fact that the game has hentai. I'm not against platformers with sexy animations, I just think it would be nice to see something being done with it aother than it just being there for the sake of being there. Like a rare drop system with semen, like in those metrovanias that have been popular with H-devs recently. like every once in a while a monster will pump a little something extra special in the heroine that she could use to upgrade a stat, item or skill. Give us a gameplay reason to get the charactor fucked.

I just used DS as an extreme example, probably shouldn't have, but it's there and it illustrates the point: If you have something in the game USE IT. But yeah, you don't need to build the whole game around it. I'd just like to see it serve a purpose. Because if it's just there because pr0nz then what good does it do the game to have it? Might as well just get the sexy mods for skyrim.

Why the fuck I am such a wordy bastard?
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Jan 11, 2011
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Re: What is your Ideal/Dream H-game

im only man in the world and other is full with girl and woman..can fuck all girl..


Sex Demon
Jul 18, 2013
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Re: What is your Ideal/Dream H-game

A horror/end of the world themed game involving corruption and transformation, but no gender bending. Male or female hero, but the female gets involved in the transformation/corruption side of things.

And the women would vary from young buxom waifs to strong, foxy Amazoness types.

Basically, the Kansen series but with mutation instead of just Sex Zombies (and no gore).


aka the Asian rapper Kikkoman Flowsauce
Feb 18, 2013
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Re: What is your Ideal/Dream H-game

Something like Kurovadis or Nagai Yamiji. Basically any apocalypse themed platformer game. And it has to contain sprite rape.


Jungle Girl
Aug 28, 2012
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Re: What is your Ideal/Dream H-game

Vitamin Quest and Violated Heroine. I am perverted, I know :p


Jungle Girl
Aug 29, 2012
Reputation score
Re: What is your Ideal/Dream H-game

trap inside succubus village and get raped endlessly