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[SH] General Discussion & Info

Re: [SH] General Discussion

Yup. My character would have belonged to Chibi's person and is fleeing from a fate she feels she doesn't deserve. Chibi's person treats the willful harpy more as an angry child running away from home rather then property that ran away from him. And the character would appear periodically to hear updates of the pursuit and growing more and more concerned over the harpy. More or less a background character but one with a strong connection to mine. Doing this sorta allows for many options for the game depending on certain choices made by my person. But thats just the basic idea we have right now. Hopefully we can expand on it.
Re: [SH] General Discussion

Yup. My character would have belonged to Chibi's person and is fleeing from a fate she feels she doesn't deserve. Chibi's person treats the willful harpy more as an angry child running away from home rather then property that ran away from him. And the character would appear periodically to hear updates of the pursuit and growing more and more concerned over the harpy. More or less a background character but one with a strong connection to mine. Doing this sorta allows for many options for the game depending on certain choices made by my person. But thats just the basic idea we have right now. Hopefully we can expand on it.

Well this makes my mind venture into darker areas for using harpies. Also need to consider if Chibi wants this to be only a light rp, meant mostly for character development and story then for smut or other stuff.

From what I last heard from Chibs she doesn't want any ero, too much guro stuffs. Still that sounds like Chibi's character is acting like a pseudo father to your character and just wants her to be a happy daughter.
Re: [SH] General Discussion

We'll see what happens. I would prefer to sit the three of us down and talk about something if we really wanted to go down this route. We still have more details to hammer out, but I feel like we could make something of this.
Re: [SH] General Discussion

We'll see what happens. I would prefer to sit the three of us down and talk about something if we really wanted to go down this route. We still have more details to hammer out, but I feel like we could make something of this.

Welp skype time when all three of us are up to it. But thats only if Chibi does not want to gm, and is amendable to me gming.
Re: [SH] General Discussion

Me GMing is the quickest way to the thread to take a nosedive and die. I'm terrible at it.

This will be Aust's thread, Mishen will just be making casual appearances. I've an idea for the beginning, but yes, lets discuss it on Skype. I should be home around 7pm EST.
Re: [SH] General Discussion

@The Harpy Discussion
The impression I got was that I would be GMing, but that Chibs and Aust would design a Gryffin NPC for me to use. Of course, if Chibs would want to play as said Gryffin NPC that would be fine, and he would not be directly involved in anything ero. If anything, he would get reports every so often about Austs Harpy, and/or hire mercenaries to go after the Harpy.

I never imagined nor suggested that Chibs would be the GM, and she won't for the record, I only told Chibs and Aust to work out the fluff for the Harpy and Gryffin races together, with the Gryffin Owner of Austs Harpy being something they could do aswell. If Diag would like to GM this, we could work that out, as he certainly is more adept at this kind of scenarios than I ever will be.

Now onto other things... The current players tally and the characters thereof are...

Tentanarix: Discordia(Major PC, Spidertaur, Female, Slaver), Adonnoliel(Minor PC, Wood Elf, Herm, Bandit)
Aust Nailo: Seli(Major PC, Harpy, Female, Rebel)
GargantuaBlarg: Tarantae(Major PC, Auq'tena, Herm, <Pending Class>)
RaptorJesus: Not-Bakan(Major PC, Human, Male, Slaver)

Seli is the only character with a planned thread currently.
For Tarantae, I am uncertain how this would actually work with her current story, as she essentially got everything one could strive for already.
No plans at the moment for Discordia or Adonnoliel, but both are blank slates that could be built upon or shoved into wherever.
As for Not-Bakan... He looks about right.

Aust, Blarg and RJ are currently lacking in the Minor PC department, and the whole reason why I even make a fuzz out of this is because if I'm going to host threads, I'd prefer them to be multiplayer ones most of the time. I will not forcibly pair people up, but if you could work together or potentially do so, that'd be nice.

The basic premise for when I host will most of the time be about the players just starting out a business, be it slave hunting or ranching or doing mercenary work for others. PCs that just sit on their bums and/or just wait for things to happen to them isn't something I am very good to work with. Doesn't mean I couldn't try, but just a FYI.
Re: [SH] General Discussion

But but, if I'm in a multiplayer thread, I'll end up diverging from the group cuz everyone will be running around in circles or going off to do their own thing or ignoring the heroic Kicke Deathboot entirely as he tries to save the world of naughty women.

Re: [SH] General Discussion


Or slaves. Slaves that helps him get slaves.

Or a Major PC that acts as a Rancher/Caretaker for the 'Naughty Girls' he brings in. Any and all MP threads will be about the players working together, and preferably stick to doing just that.

This naturally requires you guys to be flexible.

I realize this may be hard for some of you.

I know it is, because it is hard for me too.
Re: [SH] General Discussion

Hrm..... Not to be a total rip off (though i did rip the name from there) but in the hentai I got the char image for Discordia from, she is the wueen of the dark elves, if that helps any. I understand if thats.... too much(?) to ask to start with. Or she could be a favored of their goddess (if we have any sort of partheon) such as in DND with the Drow and Lolth. For Adon, again not to rip off Aust or anyone, she could be the opposite of Seli, an escaped slave who becomes an antihero(?) or someone who turns to a life of crime from the cruel treatment of their former master/mistress, as that could also explain her fetishes. Does any of that sound good to you, fish?

Also not bug you, but have you had any opportunity to tinker with Heritages? '3'
Re: [SH] General Discussion

Doesn't matter where the name is from, but yes, that is definitely too much to ask for. She would most likely be a budding slaver just starting out, if we're going with the basic Slave Hunt start, or if you want she can be living underground somewhere in a small Dark Elf/SpiderTaur settlement, where she tries to do what she can to help her kind.

As for your minor character, she should be on standby incase anyone needs a wood elf slave or supporting minor character. She won't be the primary protagonist ever.

And no, no news on Heritages.
Re: [SH] General Discussion

wut, I have to work with other people?

I get to be the party leader, or else I'll just
Re: [SH] General Discussion

There is a considerable chance that teamwork will happen, yes.

And yes, Not-Bakan is already positioned to be the party leader.

Not that I have any particular idea over who'd want to play with you. :3

Addendum: I have no added 'Racial Spell/Spell-Like Ability' racial option, aswell as updated the Racial Attacks, this will of course mean an update to races using such, and for some races it might mean switching over to a Racial Spell or Spell-Like Ability instead of some derpy and overcosted patchwork Exotic Attack or whatever.

Addendum the Second: Wizard's Guild now added. With basic spell selection. Suggestions would be appreciated. This also means that Spellcasting Classes are possible to make, yay.
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Re: [SH] General Discussion

Sweet, that means no one will play with me and I get to go on my solo adventure!

Oh wait I was rejected already a few days ago. Why am I still here.
Re: [SH] General Discussion

Perhaps that'll teach you to be less of an asshat then! But likely not. And I'd only very begrudgingly host a solo adventure.

And what is this 'rejection' you are speaking of anyways, you whiny cunt?
Re: [SH] General Discussion

Quote or it didn't happen.
Re: [SH] General Discussion

That ain't me rejecting you. That is me showing my disappointment with your everything.

Re: [SH] General Discussion

Only once you round up 1-2 people to potentially play with you. Be it as starting companions, or first-encounter-naughty-girls Not-Bakan is gonna have to deal with. Or something.

Also, any other information about Not-Bakan? IE How he will treat the naughty girls he brings home, how the Noble background is explained, the Noble thing could either be him getting funding from something for his purposes or having a FILTHY RICH PARENT sending him cash every now and then.

Just tell me more about Not-Bakan. Would he live in the seedy parts of town? In the filthy rich part? The commoner/general part? Or outside the city, on a Ranch or something?

Work with me here you cunt.