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Castlevania - Corruption's Embrace


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
It has been 50 years since Dracula was last defeated. Many believe that he will not rise for decades still, and this is a good thing, for the only grown male descendant of the Belmont clan has been murdered, leaving only an infant son, Aiden, protected by his young aunt, Julia Belmont.

Even without Dracula, death still stalks the land. The empires of men clash, spilling blood across eastern europe. The Holy Legion has been sent to stop the crushing incursion from the Black Sea. In the midst of a climactic confrontation, during a terrible storm, the day turns to night and Death himself manifests upon the battlefield. A mist arises, and with it, so do the bodies of the freshly slain, trapped in their moments of agony, enraged and wrathful.

DEATH: The souls of these dead shall fuel Lord Dracula's early rebirth! Hahaha!


Julia Belmont returns to her village home, to see the houses on fire and the small populace under attack from the walking dead.

JULIA: ...Aiden!!

Rushing past all else, Julia enters her house, to find the a shadowy figure holding the babe in the folds of its cloak. A feminine voice laughs cruelly from the unnatural shadows that hide her face.

????: The blood of the Belmont's shall beget humanity's destruction! You will bear witness to this! Hahaha!

JULIA: Fiend! Unhand the child!

Julia rushes forward, but the figure leviates above her, smashing through the window and hovers outside the house.

????: You cannot stop this. The holy weapon responds only to male Belmonts, and I hold the last one in my hands! So delicate, so fragile... Weep for your world, girl! Hahaha!

The stranger and the babe vanish into the night.

JULIA: Aiden!! No!!!!


In a pristine chapel, hidden away in the forests of Wallachia, a woman lies sleeping, encased in a crystal shell. She is Shanoa, a weapon developed by the Order of Ecclesia to defeat Dracula in the absence of a person capable of wielding a holy artifact. When forced to fight Dracula, Shanoa prevailed, but upon returning to her order, uncertain of what she would do now that her task had been completed, an unseen force drew her towards a glowing glyph upon the wall. In touching the glyph, Shanoa was sealed in a state of sleep and encased in the crystal.

Now, the crystal cracks, and then shatters. Shanoa wakes in a different time, in a different world.

A voice appears inside of her head.

"I have brought you here, because you will be needed. Dracula threatens life in all worlds, in all realities. Here, more than ever, he is most likely to succeed. You must stop him, Shanoa."

SHANOA: Who?? Who are you? ....

There is no answer.


Claudia Zrenya, captain of the Holy Legion, fights against waves of foes, both living and unliving. The heretic enemy fight with terror in their eyes, not understanding how the dead rise. Claudia has a better idea, for she has heard the stories of the cursed lands.

CLAUDIA: To me! Rally to me!

FELICIA: Captain! I'm here!

PAULA: Me too!

CLAUDIA: Watch out!

Claudia leaps to her comrades' defense, her halberd swinging down to split an undead legionare's skull before it can stab Paula.

PAULA: ... Thanks! I owe you one!

FELICIA: It's no good. Every time we cut them down, they get back up!

CLAUDIA: Then we'll need to cut a path out of here and regroup. Follow close!

The three soldiers fight their way to the edge of the battlefield, where a heavy, evil looking mist has gathered.

FELICIA: It looks unnatural.

Suddenly a skeletal figure appears above them.

DEATH: None shall escape this field of slaughter. Your broken bodies shall serve Lord Dracula, while he sups on your souls.

CLAUDIA: Demon! Begone!

Death laughs, a huge scythe appearing in his bony hands. He throws it at the soldiers, the weapon whirling through the air. The women throw themselves upon the earth to dodge it.

CLAUDIA: Hnff! Damn it...

DEATH: It is useless to resist. Your defeat at my hands is inevitable. Simple mortals, you have no protection from my power!

With his hand raised above him, Death causes the three girls to levitate off the ground, choking their life force from them.

PAULA: Kkh..kh... Capt-ain... I can't... I...

FELICIA: Uh...uhk... Claudia!

DEATH: Hahahaha!

(Paula's and Felicia's souls are harvested. Their bodies slump down to the ground. Only Claudia remains and resists.)

DEATH: Hmm. Your soul is strong. But it does not matter. Without mystic protection, you have no defense.

ALUCARD: Maybe you should pick on someone your own size.

A pale stranger emerges from the mist behind Death.

DEATH: You! So. No longer under self-imposed sleep. Still... you are weak now. I sense it. These dying souls only strengthen me. Since you have sworn to destroy your father, I shall strike you down!

Death's scythe clashes with Alucard's sword. The two fight, with Alucard leaping into the air and shifting through the air. Claudia watches on as the epic struggle of immortals unfolds above her. In the end, the two strike each other simultaneously. Death howls, while Alucard falls to the ground, grunting and bleeding.

DEATH: Damn you, Alucard! You have not defeated me, you only delay your father's full strength by a matter of days! But I have wounded you far more dearly... enjoy witnessing Dracula's final victory and being powerless to stop it!

Death disappears and the mist falls away. Claudia runs to Alucard's side.

CLAUDIA: Sir! Sir! Are you okay?

ALUCARD: I am hurt, but I will recover. Not in time, I fear. Hrnnnh.... You have a strong will though, and I saw your skill with a weapon. Perhaps you can stand in my place.

CLAUDIA: Huh? I can't... The way that demon held me in its grip. I was defenseless!

ALUCARD: You don't have to be... my blood has power in it. If you drink it, you will be partially protected from the Dark Arts. It will give you time.

CLADIA: Time to what?

ALUCARD: Time to find the Holy Spear and destroy Dracula before he reaches his full strength.


Choice: Pick a Heroine! If a heroine is defeated, they will be taken hostage, and another quest with a different heroine will start. Hostages can be freed, and if they are, they will be able to continue their quest.

A) Julia Belmont


Julia is in pursuit of Aiden, her infant nephew, the only male heir of the Belmont clan. Julia is a Belmont herself, and thus the only living person capable of using the Belmont whip, the Vampire Killer.

Health 10/10
Attack: 9
Defense: 5
Critical hit chance: 30%
Whip specialist, may use subweapons, Belmont ancestry

B) Shanoa


A sorceress who uses a glyph on her back to form weapons and cast spells capable of harming the undead. Holds the power of Dominus, which can defeat Dracula. She has been brought to this time and place by a mysterious force to prevent the Lord of Death from succeeding.

Health: 8/8
Attack 10
Defense 6
Critical hit chance: 10%
Glyph fighter, more easily acquires area of effect spells.

C) Claudia Zrenya


A Holy Legion captain, charged by Dracula's son, Alucard, with preventing Dracula's resurrection. Also desires to free the souls of her companions from Death's grasp. Capable of wielding the Holy Spear.

Health 12/12
Attack 8
Defense 8
Critical hit chance: 15%
Polearm specialist, upgradable armor.
Re: Castlevania - Corruption's Embrace

C. The halberd of awesome demands it!
Re: Castlevania - Corruption's Embrace

Hrm, gonna have to start with A.
Re: Castlevania - Corruption's Embrace

Re: Castlevania - Corruption's Embrace

As much as I love Shanoa, makes sense to start with A. Cue Beginning.mp3!
Re: Castlevania - Corruption's Embrace

Aww, I like C a lot and she seems strong..

But fuck Alucard, I hate him. Let's go A
Re: Castlevania - Corruption's Embrace


Was thinking of C... but, then I realized that I can't pick her just because she's a red-head.
Re: Castlevania - Corruption's Embrace

Re: Castlevania - Corruption's Embrace

Re: Castlevania - Corruption's Embrace

Re: Castlevania - Corruption's Embrace

Winning Choice: A,

Stage 1, Burning Village

Julia stands at the window of her house, watching as the anonymous figure fades into the darkness with Aiden. In the other room, the door is smashing apart under the weight of undead bodies clawing to get in. Out in the streets, darkly cloaked riders upon red eyed steeds spread the fire from cottage to cottage.

Running to her bedside, Julia opens a hidden cache beneath the floorboards. Her hand reaches down and brings out the whip bequeathed to her upon taking custody of Aiden. It had been meant for him to train with until he was ready to journey to the Belmont ancestral grounds and reclaim the Vampire Killer, the ancient weapon of their clan with the power to seal away Dracula.

Uncoiling the weapon, Julia had moments to decide upon a course of action. She could take on the shamblers trying to get into her house, and then try to save as many villagers as she could. These undead were numerous, and would take time to defeat, but they were among the weakest of the minions of darkness, well within her skill to handle, but they could still harm the villagers trying to escape the burning houses.

Another option was to escape through the window, from there, she could try to fight the dark riders and prevent them from destroying the rest of the village.

Finally, she might be able to catch up with Aiden and his kidnapper if she rushed out of the village and gave chase through the woods. She had no idea how powerful that agent of darkness was, but if she didn't catch up to him now, she might lose Aiden for good.


A) Fight the shamblers, try to save as many of the villagers as possible.
B) Fight the dark riders, try to prevent all of the village from burning.
C) Follow after Aiden, head into the woods.
Re: Castlevania - Corruption's Embrace

Re: Castlevania - Corruption's Embrace

Stage 1, Burning Village

It's the little things like this that make me give a story two big thumbs up! Something tells me I'll be coming back to check on this one pretty regularly.

Also... ShAmblers.
Re: Castlevania - Corruption's Embrace

Re: Castlevania - Corruption's Embrace


And not a single one of you voted for Shanoa. How do you live with yourselves.
Re: Castlevania - Corruption's Embrace

Perhaps the villagers would be grateful for their lives? And it does seem to be a rather simple, though time-consuming task.

Re: Castlevania - Corruption's Embrace

A, lives over land.