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RPG RPG Maker [うさぎめしや / usabox] MaiDenSnow Eve / MaiDenSnow Eve ~さる前夜祭~ (RE115762, RJ115762)

Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

You need a plasma weapon without elemental essence on it. In other words anything with an element doesn't do damage to it. If none of your weapon are doing damage, just mean all your weapons are either enchanted with Elem 3, or has a sub element.

I have a feeling that it's not the case - otherwise I don't understand why my mithril athame (which is holy/plasma) doesn't deal any damage. I have a feeling, that only burial blade can actually hurt that thing <_<

Edit: Nope, doesn't look like it's the case either >_> Well, my burial is not holy/plasma, so I'll need to check it out again later.
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Same here. I'd realised the only weapon in my arsenal which didn't have an elemental 3 essence was my falcon stake with wind element 1. Falcon stakes are 魔化 by default so I should have been doing damage through physical attacks even if the follow-up elemental attack wasn't effective.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve


So apparently, anything with a normal element (I assume slash/blunt/piece/etc) doesn't work.
Looks like this means that only CQC and wands will do damage. I wonder if Crossfire P8 with Constellation works.
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Right, I've figured out how the inscription mechanic works. Assuming no one else has read Monceber's or DragonPaladin's posts, I'll give a brief walkthrough.

5. To transfer inscriptions, you need to farm divine ink (神々のインク) from the chaos ooze (混沌の渦) which is exclusive to the barrier forest.

Good write-up. A bit of extra info on getting Divine Ink:

Chatoic Vortex (The summoning portals) have a 1 in 7 chance of dropping the ink if they are NOT killed by purification. Killing them can be tricky, as anything but strictly physical or elemental damage (by "elemental" I mean the golden dragon icon, not water/fire/lightning/etc) will heal them. The most effective method I've found is to find the Sacrifice (the girl drenched in cum that you have to rescue) and pick her up. I haven't tried the 2nd option on the girl, which I assume to be executing her/putting her out of her misery. I assume this would also work. Anyways, once you rescue the Sacrifice girl, the portal will instantly die and drop its items. In my own experience, wherever there is a Vortex on a level, that means there is a Sacrificial girl on that same level, and vice-versa. But this may not always be true.

I would assume another method of killing the portal without purification scrolls or a specialized weapon would be to unequip your weapon and punch it to death, or spam backflip. It has over 180 health though, so make sure you've got some breathing room. Also effective are sealing weapons/essences/abilities such as the Granite Blade. It won't do damage to the portal, but this will stop the vortex from summoning more monsters by sealing/silencing it. These strategies are also effective on towers.

The Vortexes can be a real pain sometimes. I've had it summon Insanity-room numbers of monsters right on top of me when I was screens away from it.

Edit: You know, we really should work on an english wiki. This game is complex and good enough to need one, IMO. This thread is fucking huge, and its really not an ideal way to learn how to play this game. I'm not sure if an english wiki would ever really get off the ground, but I'd be glad to contribute to it. Not really keen on how to get one started though.
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve


So apparently, anything with a normal element (I assume slash/blunt/piece/etc) doesn't work.
Looks like this means that only CQC and wands will do damage. I wonder if Crossfire P8 with Constellation works.

Don't forget the scrolls of judgement, almost sure-fire way of settling the ooze and the roomful of monsters with it.

By the time you backflip the thing to death, it's much faster finding the associated sacrificial offering and freeing it.
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Good write-up. A bit of extra info on getting Divine Ink:

Chatoic Vortex (The summoning portals) have a 1 in 7 chance of dropping the ink if they are NOT killed by purification. Killing them can be tricky, as anything but strictly physical or elemental damage (by "elemental" I mean the golden dragon icon, not water/fire/lightning/etc) will heal them. The most effective method I've found is to find the Sacrifice (the girl drenched in cum that you have to rescue) and pick her up. I haven't tried the 2nd option on the girl, which I assume to be executing her/putting her out of her misery. I assume this would also work. Anyways, once you rescue the Sacrifice girl, the portal will instantly die and drop its items. In my own experience, wherever there is a Vortex on a level, that means there is a Sacrificial girl on that same level, and vice-versa. But this may not always be true.

I would assume another method of killing the portal without purification scrolls or a specialized weapon would be to unequip your weapon and punch it to death, or spam backflip. It has over 180 health though, so make sure you've got some breathing room. Also effective are sealing weapons/essences/abilities such as the Granite Blade. It won't do damage to the portal, but this will stop the vortex from summoning more monsters by sealing/silencing it. These strategies are also effective on towers.

The Vortexes can be a real pain sometimes. I've had it summon Insanity-room numbers of monsters right on top of me when I was screens away from it.

Edit: You know, we really should work on an english wiki. This game is complex and good enough to need one, IMO. This thread is fucking huge, and its really not an ideal way to learn how to play this game. I'm not sure if an english wiki would ever really get off the ground, but I'd be glad to contribute to it. Not really keen on how to get one started though.

If you rescue the sacrificial offering, the game will check the loot table and deliver ink/essences/random equipment accordingly. Be careful as I've already seen one example of multiple oozes and offerings on a single level. Since the ooze will run out of juice eventually, one strategy is to run away as soon as you enter the room with it and keep exploring until you find the sacrificial offering that will eventually kill it. There will be as many sacrificial offerings as there are oozes, they always come in pairs. On rare occasions, the offering/ooze pair will be in the same room together. The tough part is if there's an offering and an ooze together in the same room but the offering is paired up with another ooze on the same level...

If you kill the girl, you lose 100 morale. You don't get hit by the aphrodisiac debuff, but the wiki doesn't mention anything about the ooze going away.

I'm really glad I forged a paralyse 2 spined blade, it's for towers and annoying caster monsters even if the damage isn't great/isn't effective.

I now have two inscriptions, the ghoul one on my rosary (93% paralyze resistance!) and the raven one on my +30 limbfires (Silver 1+ Blind + Stun + Knockback 2 + Fire 3, nowhere near as lethal as Dragonpaladin's force detonator but strong enough against anything without fire protection).
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

If you rescue the sacrificial offering, the game will check the loot table and deliver ink/essences/random equipment accordingly. Be careful as I've already seen one example of multiple oozes and offerings on a single level. Since the ooze will run out of juice eventually, one strategy is to run away as soon as you enter the room with it and keep exploring until you find the sacrificial offering that will eventually kill it. There will be as many sacrificial offerings as there are oozes, they always come in pairs. On rare occasions, the offering/ooze pair will be in the same room together. The tough part is if there's an offering and an ooze together in the same room but the offering is paired up with another ooze on the same level...

If you kill the girl, you lose 100 morale. You don't get hit by the aphrodisiac debuff, but the wiki doesn't mention anything about the ooze going away.

I'm really glad I forged a paralyse 2 spined blade, it's for towers and annoying caster monsters even if the damage isn't great/isn't effective.

I now have two inscriptions, the ghoul one on my rosary (93% paralyze resistance!) and the raven one on my +30 limbfires (Silver 1+ Blind + Stun + Knockback 2 + Fire 3, nowhere near as lethal as Dragonpaladin's force detonator but strong enough against anything without fire protection).

Hahaha I was wondering what you were talking about when you were saying "ooze." I thought you meant the pink one-eye blobs (which don't have Divine Ink on their drop list). Do they look like oozes in your game? They look like purple portals with energy tendrils radiating out in mine. The in-game english description calls them a "Chaotic Vortex." Vortex could be considered a descriptor for a portal, I guess. Anyways, good info on multiple girls/portals.

My gear is not that great (my only level 30 item is a 1-slot vitality diabolic bondage), but last night I got to around level 25 in the endgame dungeon, and inscriptions were dropping like CRAZY. I got something like 7 inscripted items on one level. Some of those inscriptions are insanely powerful, like your paralysis immunity one. I got a knockdown immunity (!!!) inscription on that run. The random monster skill inscriptions are kind of fun to use too, even if most of them are garbage.
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

I don't use the English version, so I came up with my own translation for the black hole which summons monsters in the barrier forest. (混沌の渦 is pronounced Konton no Uzu, hence ooze. I'm aware that uzu really means a whirl)

You got very lucky with your rate of drops. My personal record is level 30 before I stopped to try out installing inscriptions in a safe place where my safe-zone save could be backed up.

So far I've seen about 5-6 unique monster inscriptions. The 30% boost to all stats when aroused inscription I have (Dragonpaladin was drooling at that one), but I'm not going to use it since climaxing in the middle of a battle is a death sentence in the barrier forest.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

It won't do damage to the portal, but this will stop the vortex from summoning more monsters by sealing/silencing it.

I don't think it works that way - for silence effect to kick in you need to hit the thing, i.e. deal damage, even if it's 0. If all you get is 'Miss', you won't apply any effect on it. I know it because I manage to silence towers with my Spined blade, but I can't even touch Vortexes. :(

Hm, Alternative looks more like melee weapon with ranged capabilities rather than proper ranged weapon. At least Stigma and Sword's acute skills, that are available when it's equipped, suggest so.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Hm, Alternative looks more like melee weapon with ranged capabilities rather than proper ranged weapon. At least Stigma and Sword's acute skills, that are available when it's equipped, suggest so.
Why do you think I want it? Put a mythirl 2 on one of those and I got my all purpose farming weapon ready to go. Only problem is the lack of angelic halo.

Dragonpaladin was drooling at that one
+30% stats, +30% stats! Hah ha ha ...
Alright, joking aside, I believe it's time to farm the other one to prevent climax. I am still farming Belle on makai (no super extreme, cremation does over 40 damage per turn on super extreme) mode so I can craft my alternative. Preferred essence is mythirl 2 + Invoker, but that's probably not possible.
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Wands of silence are going to be useful for more than just shutting up boss monsters. I think I can agree with Monceber since I've never pulled off a successful hit on the ooze/vortex allowing my status debuffs to take effect.

Rifles tend to have sword-related special skills rather than the ranged ones the handguns provide, the Alternative weapon just happens to be a rifle with the best melee attack.

@Dragonpaladin: As far as I'm aware, there isn't a single inscription that speeds up the cooldown time of the arousal gauge. Your best bet to counter the effects of the +30% stats essence during arousal is either the corruption inscription or the automaton inscription which provide resistance to 発情.

Silver 2 + Invoker 2 is technically possible but only as a field drop (dungeons spawning both the initiate and the Black Knight) and not from monsters. The odds of that happening are astronomically low.
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

More info on the lust inscription that is common to most monster inscriptions.

1. Depending on the type of monster inscription, there is a set probability that the lust inscription will trigger when the special ability is activated. A very small minority of monsters don't have the lust inscription with their specific inscriptions.
2. When the lust inscription triggers, the main character will be subject to all kinds of sexual attacks which will raise her arousal bar but won't trigger an orgasm. The effect goes away after 5-6 turns.
3. Depending on the type of inscription installed, the lust inscription can turn ordinarily useful inscriptions into very risky choices. For example, I decided to try out the flying wyvern's inscription (chasing wind, allows levitation). Unfortunately 50% (!) chance to trigger lust inscription plus practically every special attack in the arsenal activating levitation means a maxed-out arousal bar and zero vitality within 10 minutes.
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Depending on the type of inscription installed, the lust inscription can turn ordinarily useful inscriptions into very risky choices. For example, I decided to try out the flying wyvern's inscription (chasing wind, allows levitation). Unfortunately 50% (!) chance to trigger lust inscription plus practically every special attack in the arsenal activating levitation means a maxed-out arousal bar and zero vitality within 10 minutes.

Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Boss encryptions are godsend. Elemental counter when you're surrounded make wonders.
And by the way, it appears that there's a chance to get inscription even on lower than 25 levels - managed to get one on 15's just now.

P.S. Generous Headless knight being generous xD


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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Very nice! The headless count is a good one, but my personal preference is for either the Minos Demon or the Wild Hunt's. Not that I've obtained either yet, but one can dream.

It's remote but yes it is possible to get drops before level 25. It really depends on how many enemies you've killed and how thorough you've been exploring the map.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Hi guys, I have a dumb question:

I re-downloaded the game (bought it from DLsite ENG back in april), I see that it's the 6/11 version.

Is that the latest version? If not, where would I download the newer patches?

Thanks in advance!
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Very nice! The headless count is a good one, but my personal preference is for either the Minos Demon or the Wild Hunt's. Not that I've obtained either yet, but one can dream.

Yup, I'm using the one from Wild Hunt right now (as a matter of fact, that's him who dropped inscription on lvl.15). It's great for its ability to electrify and shut those ability wielders up.

Is that the latest version? If not, where would I download the newer patches?
Regrettably - no. English DLsite is being neglected for some time because author doesn't want to upload bugged game for us, westerners (because we wouldn't be able to report bugs, it appears). So youu'll need to wait patiently or pirate it somewhere else. Or, well, buy it again? xD
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Regarding the boss inscriptions, is it automatic or do you need to activate it through a command?

Wild Hunt?! You really are lucky. I haven't had any luck with the boss monsters yet.

Edit: Wiki has been updated with more info on the vortex/ooze. Killing the sacrificial offering also does the job if you've expanded your storage chest and donation box to the maximum and can afford to take the -100 to morale penalty.
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Regarding the boss inscriptions, is it automatic or do you need to activate it through a command?

It's automatic and it has similar mechanic to counter. It activates on following conditions:
1. There's enemy near and you were hit.
2. There's enemy near and you evaded.
3. You used skill.

In regards of first point - even if you are hit by the inscription awakening it still activates. Figured it out after painful experience - I was overwhelmed by bunch of monsters and used hypnos scroll. Inscription activate -> elemental counter -> monsters wake up. Ouch...
In regards of second point - you need to evade anything. E.g. there's bunch of monsters near you and goat shoots lightning at you. You evade -> monsters near you get countered. With my 70-ish evade, being surrounded means about 5-6 activations in one turn.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

If I ever get this armour, I probably don't need sleep scrolls.

My agility is also over 70 plus I have the tuxedo skeleton's inscription (increased counter efficiency). Combining the boss inscription probably means I'll never get killed in close combat unless I'm completely overwhelmed.