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Sailor Moon OOC thread

Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I will not need a thread for my scout's home.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I left Yumeko's current home details pretty much blank so that you could do whatever you wanted with them, including nothing. I wasn't really thinking that her foster family would be making much of an appearance anyway, so I'm just as fine with them not showing up.

Kigakari doesn't have a home.

And Jade I figure will be staying at a hotel at the start of the game and doesn't have any family on her side of the Pacific, so also a moot point for her.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Does Jade speak japanese?
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

You know, after I posted her sheet, I realized that might be a problem, but didn't bring it up to try to keep it under the rug... We'll say yes she can, but only slightly better than an average tourist would. Anai's multicultural anyway, right?
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Anai grew up in Japan. I imagine she speaks Japanese fluently, with passable English and passable Arabic.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Just for convenience's sake, we'll say that Jade learned Japanese while in the US or something... I remember one westerner showing up in the show who spoke Japanese better than he spoke English (Japanese voice actor, but still).
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

My character would not really be interacting with others outside of combat scenarios. So making a home thread for her would be unnecessary I would think.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

So Tenta, are these (Open) threads officially started and ready for posting with general characters? Or is the whole operation still under construction?

Any chance that Anai and Jade's thread will get an intro post soon? :D
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Yeah. Anyone's free to post in the open threads, and I'll try to reply as often as I can. As for the second thing, I'll try to get that out sometime "soon'ish". :p

EDIT: Also anyone who is looking for a smutty group/thread please let me know. For group games groups of two would be the easiest for me to handle. I'll try to get the threads up over the next few days.
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Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Bumping my previous post to inform people of an edit. I need to know who all is wanting smutty thread/groups and who all is wanting more of a serious play. Also For group threads I'm looking at max of 2 or three to make things easier for me to handle.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I am still looking for a thread. I don't mind if it is smutty, and would prefer a group thread over a solo thread.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

Me and Maiko have been in talks and are going to be rolling in a pair with Valerie and her character Kigakari. It will be smutty and fun for the most part and we're fleshing out their backstory of how they meet and stuff.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

As MF said, the Sailor Virtus/Kigakari thread can be on the smutty side of things. Probably would be a good idea, considering their strengths and desires.

For Sailors Nyx and Tethys, think Shrike and I already established a more 'sex if it happens, but not the focus' desire. Shrike, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

For Anai and Jade, I'm not quite sure what tone BlueSlime would like, so I'll defer to him on that.

Also, going to start pioneering a smut-o-meter thing I think to give an idea of the sort of story-smut balance desired/expected.
0-No Smut whatsoever.
1-If you go looking for it, you'll find smut, but it won't find you.
2-Smut appears where appropriate in the story, but the story is priority.
3-Smut regularly appears in the story, but story is still a priority.
4-Smut and story in equal measure, both having about equal weight.
5-Smut with a story to hold it up. Most Dark Gate threads seemed to follow this idea, at least that's how they seemed to me.
6-Any story only exists to string together smut scenes. aka: Freeko Mode.

So using the above meter, Virtus and Kigakari would probably be 4 or 5? Nyx and Tethys at a 2 or 3, probably 2. Anai and Jade... again, leave that up to BlueSlime, but I'm gonna take a guess at 3 or 4.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I'm gonna agree with Maiko with Valerie's and Kari's thread being around a 4 or 5 on her meter posted, as I like me a decent story and all too, but don't mind a good bit of sexy bits tossed in there to make a big old sexy story salad. So maybe rate our thread at like a 4 and a half.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I think this was mostly asked to sort out who was going to be in what group threads, and how much smut for each. Using the Maiko Smut Scale (MSS), it looks like...

Nyx/Tethys: 2
Virtus/Kigakari: 4/5
Anai/Jade: 3/4

Freeko, Rathuris, Xivvix, and a few secondary characters are yet to be placed, it would seem.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I think 3 or 4 would be fine with me.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I think of what we know of freeko, I say 8-10 is a safe bet, Shrike :p
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

i left them separate as they seemed to want group threads, but were not currently in one, as far as I could tell.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

My character was built two seperate ways, one solo version and one team play version. I could do a team thing, or solo, or whatever. Though if people want to play villains against me if I go solo, I am down with that to.
Re: Sailor Moon OOC thread

I would consider myself a 4 player. Smut is kinda the point of ULMF, imo, but on the other hand, I've had plenty of fun on here in non-erotic rps. So yeah, 3/4 works for me. Rathuris, would you want to team up with me? I was planning on starting Aki in the Juuban Land thread, as soon as I had time to sit down and write something up.