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RPG [愚痴ヲタ畑] むっち無知 田舎生活/Mutchi Ignorance Country Life (RJ138052)

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Re: むっち無知 田舎生活

Uploader here the new scenes if you load the save I added are the 4th option on the train station list. It adds a scene with the mother, and a scene with the protag and the sister
Re: むっち無知 田舎生活

This is a pretty good update. It's nice (not to mention completely unnecessary, bless her soul) that the dev is trying to keep up interest in her game by adding content, especially with a sequel due out at some point.

Even so, I do hope that someone decides to give this game an English trans, cause even with my limited Japanese I can tell I'm still missing something in the dialogue. This game deserves it.
Re: むっち無知 田舎生活

Well twitter said something about her wanting for us to play from the beggining on the game on this update cause (i figure) there are more updates then just the few events added in the gallery... then again this is my google trans. i might be wrong but have anyone found something else new?

EDIT: this is the actual text from twitter pointing something about playing from the beggining?

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Re: むっち無知 田舎生活

does anyone have ver1.401?:confused:
Re: むっち無知 田舎生活

Sorry for the bump but does anyone have a link to 1.401? :confused:
Re: むっち無知 田舎生活

Whats new in the update I can download it and post it if its anything important, but I just assume its a few bug fixes
Re: むっち無知 田舎生活

Whats new in the update I can download it and post it if its anything important, but I just assume its a few bug fixes

Please do :D ... well the new update has new events on the gallery, last one was sister + yutaka with the kid, but this week has a new one.
Re: むっち無知 田舎生活

I just downloaded the latest version and checked there is no new scene so I assume its just bug fixes
Re: むっち無知 田舎生活

I just downloaded the latest version and checked there is no new scene so I assume its just bug fixes

Really? Thats odd, twitter said something about a New event on the last gallery, at the last spot, did u check there?
Re: むっち無知 田舎生活

Yea I did I assume he was just talking about how he will do it
Re: むっち無知 田舎生活

When the next update comes out I will upload it, but for his next game I can't promise the same I am too broke
Re: むっち無知 田舎生活

So she recently updated her blog post. Since it's hella long and I can't bothered to decipher it with my crummy Japanese and wacky machine translations, can someone be a good soul and tell me what's going on? Between her twitter and posts I gathered that the most important piece of info is that we'll be getting a demo of the sequel soon. :D

Re: むっち無知 田舎生活

Version 1.5 is out in all its glory. I think it's just 1-2 scenes. Next game is end of summer early fall I think.
Re: むっち無知 田舎生活

K it also contains the trial of the next game. The hype is real.
Re: むっち無知 田舎生活

Alright uploader here sorta bad news, we might have to wait longer because it hasn't published on DMM yet. But the wait should be worth it
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