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Mad God's Key

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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(XD Well, guess I entierly misinterpreted that bit of foreshadowing)

Mellisa ignores the strange looks from the orc - and looked at the rest of the party, wondering if any of them had an idea what to do next...because she sure didn't.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(All I'll tell you is the red herring part is right. A specific knowledge check would explain the other two parts. Which knowledge check I'll just keep that to myself, but I can tell you I got the names from the player's handbook.)

Irontusk looks at the group, "Look you're obviously a very capable party since you took me out so easily. I'm willing to pass on the gear we have collected here so that you can take care of this key business. Also if you let me go, I could work as a decoy to keep Mauresbane from interfering. He seems bent on stopping me. What do you say?"

EDIT: Melissa, Ashnod, and Craig recieve 225 XP each, which should bring your totals up to 285.
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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(Quick, someone make a Knowledge Religion check! Seems the most likely be that to me, since deities are in the PHB.
I swear, if the maimed one is Vecna...)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(That's the problem none of you took knowledge (religion) as a skill, but something tells me you're on the right track. When you regroup with Copper it should become clearer.)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(Ironically, my last character worshiped Vecna.)

I rub the stubble on my chin lightly, staring at the planking of the ship we're standing on, thinking about our next course of action. Then I say "We need more information, we should regroup with the rogue and see if she's found anything more than we have. All we've taken from this meeting is more questions, we still don't know who has the book, or the key, or where they are, or what they want." Turning to IronTusk, "Any help you can offer us would be appreciated. So long as you don't skip town, or get yourself killed, or end up in his custody."
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"Well I have been able to avoid his net so far. Hopefully my luck continues." The half-orc smiles. "Let me just get those supplies I promised you," He adds as he moves back to the skiff he was working on. He pulls out a chest and opens it, "Here you go. If you need to find me, talk to Severus at the temple to Trithereon." With that he revives his fallen ally and together they retire with the body of their dead friend.

(treasure gained: 2 suits of masterwork studded leather armor, 1 masterwork heavy steel shield, 3 potions of CLW, and 60 GP 6 SP to be divided amongst Craig, Melissa, and Ashnod.)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

((So.... 1 MW item, 1 CLW potion, and 20gp, 2sp each then? *asks the party* If so, I wouldn't mind the shield. ^^; ))
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

As you guy's are dividing up the gear and after recieving his share Teren informs you that he has recieved an urgent sending from his grove and needs to return immediately. He wishes you all good luck and quickly moves out for his grove. After which the rest of you begin traveling towards the Blue Dragon Inn to regroup with Krystiana.

(You'll have a new healer joining you soon, and no combats till he does so no need to worry. While Ryu, Tassadar, and Melissa are traveling back I'll run a little scene with the other three to introduce them to Copper which should give them a reason to join all of you. Shouldn't take long.)

The streets around the Inn are only slightly busier than this morning as Krystiana returns from her information gathering mission. The sun is high in the sky as it's now close to noon in the city of Greyhawk.

(All right Krys, Xi Shung, and Xaren you guy's can get started now.)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

((Xi Shu Lung, not Xi shung =P, soundsl ike he should be hung, anyways *cracks knuckles* time to make a good post))

With the sun hanging high in the sky with noon almost upon the city of Greyhawk, a seemingly out of place man can be seen walking the streets slowly. He wears a rather plain white hooded robe, thats slightly dusty, a light blue sash tied around his waste with a large sized pouch on his back tied carefully below the backpack he wears. He uses the quarter staff he has in his right hand as an unneeded walking staff, and has his hood covering his head to keep reflected sunlight out of his eyes as well as hiding his face from the casual passerby. He walks slowly and unhurried as though he has all the time in the world to get to his destination.

As he slowly arrives at the inn, what anyone watching would assume is his destination, he looked around slowly from beneath his hood, then casually opened the door to the Inn. He sighed in relief as he looked around the inside of the inn and slowly walked in just as he had arrived.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

The door to the inn opens and sits there vacantly with no reason for it to have done so. A minute later a cloaked figure moves through the door muttering something about people getting between it and where it wanted to go. Walking over to a table, figure seems to have decidedly left the door open before sliding a hand from its sleeves, motioning at the door, and watching the it close again. Undoubtedly, this person was a magic user and by the way it casually tossed magic about, the figure seemed to be one of great strength as well. After waiting another moment, a voice calls out from beneath its hood. Is someone going to come over and serve me or shall I have to do it myself? The voice seemed to be one used to giving orders and being obeyed. Although it was hard to decide whether the figure was male or female, given that its voice was high for a man while, at the same time, low for a woman. Also, the robe the figure wore concealed any more obvious signs of gender.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

The inside of the inn is much quieter than this morning, the only people there being the barkeeper, a waitress, and a group of guy's playing a game of cards.

As the mysterious mage sat down a serving girl hurried over to him, "What would you like good sir?"
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

For now, a simple ale and a bowl whatever stew you probably have in your kitchens will do. And make it quick would you. The figure states somewhat apathetically, apparently used to most taverns not having food that would be up to its preferred standards. I always did find it useful to act like an all-powerful mage in places like this. Gets you better service and keeps the local toughs from messing with you. The figure thinks to itself.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"Right away, good sir." The serving girl says as she moves quickly to the kitchen.

(Oh and sorry if I mess anyone's name up I do most of this from memory without referring to the sheets. I don't think I've gotten Copper's character's name right yet, either.)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

((That's why I give my charries nicknames, heheeh)

Stomach rumbling, Krys makes her way back to the Blue Dragon, peering up at the sky. There was still time before she had to meet up with the others. Plenty of time to get in, get something good to eat, and think over what the priest had told her.

At least I'm not nearly colliding with anyone this time. Though I might pass out if I don't get some food soon.

Glancing around, she was glad to find the place nearly empty. Selecting a table that would have enough chairs to accomodate the others, she slid into her seat, bag on one of the chairs beside her. No sign of the serving girl, but there were other patrons, so she could wait. Her stomach, maybe not so much.

Still, it gave her a chance to look around more. A card game in the corner. Weren't they there this morning, too? And two cloaked figures, one already seated, the other, perhaps, choosing a table. To occupy her mind, she studied the two of them. The one was just shading his eyes, it looked like, though the other had the bearing of keeping hidden. That usually meant someone had something to hide. Her imagination would be amusing enough, at least until she could get the server's attention and put in an order.

((Which, she'll wait until Grem's charrie is Pheonix's charrie is served and then try and get her attention. She's hungry, but she's not rude.))
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(I think I'm about to go down in history as the only DM to starve a character to death, no soup for you. Muahahahaha. At least you succeeded on your spot check.)

Just as the serving girl arrives with a nice steaming bowl of turnip soup, and some ale for Xaren. Another cloaked character quickly enters and scans the bar his eyes settling on Krys. He moves to the bar, but seems to be studying her rather intently. The serving girl and the four people playing cards notice this and decide they would rather not get involved in whatever's about to happen. So they quickly get up and take their leaves.
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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

The robed person took a seat off to the side and kept from drawing any attention to himself for a time as he looked around the Inn's commonroom. After a time he saw one whom he assumed was a magic user start throwing magic around and acting like he owned the Inn and sighed at his strange attitude. I guess there are all kinds of people out there after all he thought to himself as he watched another person enter. He waved for a serving girl to come serve him something to eat and drink "Excuse me" he said a little loudly to make sure he could be heard as he kept waving a little.
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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

The serving girl sees the wave, but would rather be safe than get a tip. So she keeps hurrying from the room. Leaving just Krys, Xi, and Xaren with the mysterious stranger.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

((This is going to happen regardless, but did the barkeep book as well or is he still there? And keeping my thief from her food is a good way to get yourself turned into lunch, so...))

Krys watches the events as they unfold. Given the fact that people don't want to get involved with this person sets off one alarm. The fact that he seems to be giving her the eye sets off another. Well, whatever was going to go on, she wasn't about to get lunch until the girl came back.

Letting out a sigh, she pushes herself to her feet and turns to face the hooded figure that is not Xi at the bar. "You got something to say, creepy, say it. You're scaring the help. And I'm hungry." She crosses her arms and actually doesn't have to work at looking annoyed, because she is.

((Too bad I don't have any intimidate to back this up with. Bluff, but no intimidate. And frankly, over some of the dicked-over deaths I've had in the past, I'd take starving.))
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(Oh yeah, I guess I forgot about the bartender. Yeah he'll disappear, too no need to worry about collateral damage that way. Wait you're going to eat me for not giving your character food...run she's a zombie.)

The cloaked figure laughs, "Nice try halfbreed, but no need to get annoyed. I'm just here to deliver a message from my allies." He throws back his cloak revealing his suit of armor and grabs a pouch from his belt. "We know you have our amulet, and we want it back. You give it up and I give you this bag of gold and we both leave each others presence. Hmm?"

(I wouldn't have actually done this, but I needed a way to get you three some XP to keep it somewhat even. At least, I'm not keeping you from eating IRL. Though I could see some DM's actually doing that.)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

((nah my DM would eat us if we kept him from food, and vice versa, thats assumeing one of our group didnt eat us anyway for the heck of it. =P))

Xi watched the girl who had entered previously and the other stranger first stare at eachother then square off in a confrontation. He didnt understand much of the meaning of something about an amulet he heard the stranger speak of, but by the way the girl was angry at the man for interrupting the meal she wanted he wouldnt be surprised if they got into a fight over it. Whats up with people these days he thought as he sighed, he didnt like people fighting at all and thats where it looked to be heading to him. He casually reached into his pouch and pulled out a scroll to pretend to read from, and a few pebbles just incase it did come to violence, so he could try to help stop it before someone got hurt or worse. he carefully hid the pebbles in his hand as he started examining the scroll he picked out, trying to look like hes interested in reading it.
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