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Losing respect for Toonpimp

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Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

Alright, but before I throw up a thread, do you have any ideas of your own to throw in? Since this is going to be a more open game with no one overall gm, everybody should probably get a chance to toss ideas about.
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

Hmmmmmm, yes I got one. There should be an overall gm to determine the ranch prize money, how much things cost and so on to that effect. Basically the gm of the town or Aka Mayor. Whom everyone elects in game.
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

That'd probably work. Also, I'm thinking everyone should start with 2-3 breeds of tentacles, some of which being different just to have diversity. I'll throw a thread into the sign up area and we'll see where this leads to.
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

Ah okay then. *Looks at the blank page or sign up threads in the rp area.*
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

Bust Size: (If your above D cup, please do not come to this place, the tentacles become a little too fond of nipple stretching.)

Pssht. I'm out then. And I've got a whole thread to back me up on my exemption.

Good luck with the game, though, guys. Seems a little boggy for me to get into, but hopefully it'll be a fun read!
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

Pssht. I'm out then. And I've got a whole thread to back me up on my exemption.

Good luck with the game, though, guys. Seems a little boggy for me to get into, but hopefully it'll be a fun read!

o_O Do you want to look around in my ranch coppar? Or beter yet, be the mayoress?
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

Wrangling this wild topic back to it's rightful discussion for now. (No offense about the RP, sounds cool)

I actually posted on a forum where they were bashing LineMarvel fans and wondering why we didn't blindly adore TP. It was rather amusing to read, but I was at the point where I just said to myself "Fuck it... I'ma gonna post..." and I posted my long-ass opinion. (Protip: for some humor move the hyphen one word to the right)

Needless to say, it wasn't received very well by anyone. It was actually amusing because TP took so much offense to it he edited it to something else (as proven by the little "edited by:" stamp at the bottom.) I got some laughs but it just solidifies the fact that you must be a mindless moron (sheep is also a good word) to post there. You cannot have any differing opinions.

Kinda funny, he can't take being insulted at all. Still, the post was worth the lulz. And I didn't get booted... I'll have to do that again sometime if I want to risk my brain melting by merely reading the posts on that god awful site (seriously, worse than The Flat Earth Society)
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

looks like rp sign ups, after that we can give it a dedicated sub forum in rps or play by post
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

Thank you nunu. I would hug you but I am afraid that will get my jaw removed, quite painfully from my head and a nice swift kick that will shatter my spine.
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

now now that was just a story... also he totaly deserved it
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

As long as there's no gropage, your chances of losing a jaw - I'd assume - are fairly low :D

Yeah, I'm not even going to bother going over to TP's site in order to post anything, I'll keep lurking. If they want to come here and start something, let them, I'll be ready. Until then, I could care less. Let the bastard make his money and then dump his 'fans' when he can no longer afford to do anything/gets bored. I'm betting on him pretty much just vanishing without even so much as a 'thanks for the money!'.
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

You kidding?
If I was TP, I would just say.
'send me more money guys, I am still making a game.'
Then leave forever and just get free money.
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

if you can support yourself off making those flash games, why not do it? besides because he is living off donations I'm pretty sure thats tax free. Why would you take a renewable source if income and just cut that off?
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

You sir, fail at trolling anywhere. He probably never even read your post as the forum's admins would've booted your noob ass to the curb too fast. And I wouldn't normally reply to such stupidity, but I just have to tell you this because I want to see your twelve year old ass break down sobbing at your trolling attempt failing.

It's cute how TP's younger brother feels so deeply moved that he had something to say about me. I'm flattered really, but I mean this still doesn't change the fact that TP is not a god (unfortunately for you) and needs to learn to respect his fanbase (which I doubt, for people who have no respect for themselves generally have no respect toward others either) and if trolling is telling someone about themself especially if they have this air about them that their shit doesn't stink, then that's fine I don't mind. In fact, I enjoy trolling if that's the case. If what you're saying is true, this only shows how far he has the mods heads up their asses as well. About as good as he's got you brainwashed. Quite honestly I'm hoping he didn't see my post anyway, he might've traced my IP or something and come to my house (I know you'd be honored if it was you, but shit like that sorta bothers me) and I would have ended up in jail again, and you would be without a god for a while. :D
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

Well once you start receiving benefits for a hobby or personal work, it detaches itself and becomes less personal, so interest and quality in it actually decrease. It's a very common situation
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

o_O Do you want to look around in my ranch coppar? Or beter yet, be the mayoress?

I just may, I just may. And I don't mind cameos, but I prefer to keep my voyuer status than get actually involved.

Yeah, I'm not even going to bother going over to TP's site in order to post anything, I'll keep lurking. If they want to come here and start something, let them, I'll be ready. Until then, I could care less. Let the bastard make his money and then dump his 'fans' when he can no longer afford to do anything/gets bored. I'm betting on him pretty much just vanishing without even so much as a 'thanks for the money!'.

Hence why I shall continue to play the games on the free sites rather than hit the actual website myself. To be honest, and I think it was said before, the games are fun. Once. Then they get rather repetitive and while I like a little challenge with my games, that fucking eyeball boss monster OMG...

Anyway. Moderately on topic, I don't like paying for my porn, especially when it's crappy porn. With the few exceptions of purchased DVDs, I like my free hentai. It's what the internet is there for, after all. (And don't make me sing, because I will.)
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

Meh, his stuff always seemed like it had potential, except they seem to almost get worse as time goes on :/

That being said, Firefox +adblockplus +noscript makes his sight hilariously manageable.
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

*facepalms* Well, yaknow, so long as it's fun then I guess... but the forum'd better put the little monster to good use! XD

As long as this tentacle monster is assigned to this member, this'll be one very happy tentacle monster :3

I dunno why, but I've grown "attached" to wallpaper XD
(so many puns there)
Re: Losing respect for Toonpimp

As long as this tentacle monster is assigned to this member, this'll be one very happy tentacle monster :3

I dunno why, but I've grown "attached" to wallpaper XD
(so many puns there)

Sign my contract then screwdriver.
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