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The Works of Toonpimp

Re: The Works of Toonpimp


Yo dawg, I heard you like Copyrights

Re: The Works of Toonpimp

How can you say you copyrighted a game with stolen, already copyrighted material?

This is a very very good point.

I'm pretty sure TP has to make it freeware, as in, he can't dictate where on the internet the game is available or else he'll get in trouble.

Any legal people out there know whether that's true?
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

i'm a legal person... got a birth certificate and everything.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Wait, Nunu's a person? All this time... I've thought Nunu was an "it" of some sort! *bows and appologises*

Anyway, He's working on a new game, and so far it looks all original. Concept art is as follows:

Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Y'know, despite all his other games' faults, poor gameplay, random difficulty, etc. etc. etc....
That concept art actually makes me look forward to the next game. If he can un-fuck the gameplay, I might actually enjoy playing it, and in more than the naturally expected manner, too.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it, but that doesn't mean there's not lots of room for improvement.

You've got to give it to him for keeping on going even after lots of negative feedback.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it, but that doesn't mean there's not lots of room for improvement.

You've got to give it to him for keeping on going even after lots of negative feedback.

It's cus he's like most of us. He doesn't take what people on the interweb say srsly.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I think I remember reading that he is being commissioned for this one. And I agree, If the game play doesn't suck dinosaur balls, I'll enjoy this one... but I'm not holding my breath. I'm expecting it to basically be replacing the sprites of one of his older works.

And yeah he gets negative feedback, but a quick look at his forums shows a lot more positive feedback... all negative feedback gets bitched at (They have a forum talking about Newground's feedback and how all the people who bad mouth it are retarded) . I'm honestly not sure if he can take it. Still... I hope the next game is good. :p
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I'd laugh my ass off if I remade one of his games except I didn't fuck it up, so he can stop giving the argument "If you didn't suck at platformers.." and has to start listening to the argument that he sucks at making em. Plus he wouldn't be able to do shit about it legal-wise, considering it's not copyright and has stolen material throughout it.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

... that is a good idea actually... I hate that excuse. They actually locked a forum that was talking about that because they said something along the lines of "It's not that hard, you just suck." And everyone went with it...
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

The problem with that argument is I didn't fall through solid ground in those old platformers he thinks we suck at.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Same... I rock at Mario (and countless other platformers for the NES/SNES/Genesis/ect. ect. ect.) but I suck at this... No he is right... It isn't the fact that the engine doesn't seem to be made for platforming or the fact that we fall through solid objects... no I suck at platformers... after I have conquered countless ones, I'm glad my eyes are finally open.

*You are now leaving a heavy sarcasm zone, thank you for visiting*
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

One of the most annoying traits I have found in his platform sections is when it has multiple layers which will attempt to block you if you dont get the jump exactly right. Remember the section on cracklevania that had jumps like that ↓ and you had to jump to the next layer without bumping into it?


Re: The Works of Toonpimp

One of the most annoying traits I have found in his platform sections is when it has multiple layers which will attempt to block you if you dont get the jump exactly right. Remember the section on cracklevania that had jumps like that ↓ and you had to jump to the next layer without bumping into it?




Seriously though, when done right those kinds of jumps are no problem. And with that I mean if the controls are done right, responsive, and the platforms are placed right. There are plenty of old games that have those jumps, and nobody complained about them because they were just that, platforms, people just jump up them.

If a game's biggest challenge is working the controls, then someone didn't put enough thought in the controls.

Likewise, if the only reason a boss is hard is because he gets a huge hp bar, or unavoidable insta-kill moves, then someone didn't think the boss fight through.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Yes, and you notice all the complaints about the HUGE number of adds... they say it is too keep his games free... frankly I don't believe it for a second. How many other millions of flash games are out there for free with little to no advertisement... why does nobody else see this...

Anyways yes, the platforming... It is horrible. I don't want to compare it to something professionally made like Mario or something, but take a look at other games on the web with platforming elements. I rarely find one so flawed... and then to say that we just suck if we can't do it... yeah...

But honestly, I thought that the Dragon fight wasn't soooooo bad. It was creative at least (except for the part about having two copyrighted characters fighting each other) the concept wasn't bad. Attack top part, bottom part becomes open to attack to do some real damage. I applaud that, but why did the dragon have to move into positions where you couldn't hit the weak spot. It wasn't that it was hard, it was just annoying when you got stuck behind it or It would stay in a spot for a good five minutes where you couldn't hit the lower area... what the nelly...
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Arg, I hated that section in cracklevania, like you've said it was unnecessarily screwy, and I just gave up on fifi's fury. But at least I can look forwards to the next game's gallery.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I have spoken with the Pimp himself on AIM.
He pretty much survives off of this stuff.
He uses his adds and forum and games and whatever to get money.
He doesn't have a job.
Or a care in the world.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I have spoken with the Pimp himself on AIM.
He pretty much survives off of this stuff.
He uses his adds and forum and games and whatever to get money.
He doesn't have a job.
Or a care in the world.

Not a bad way to get money, that sure explains all the adds.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Yeah I assumed that was the case. Still if I could, I probably would :p
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

i'm comfortable enough, so i'd probably just do the standard less invasive side bar.