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The Works of Toonpimp

Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Yeah, I've all but given up on ToonPimp. I'll try each game once. If I like it, I like it. If not, then I don't.

And yes, I never pay for a subscription for Zone. Forums are SO helpful. Speaking of which... I have now heard Toffi-sama referred to in BOTH genders... So now I'm confused...
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Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Toonpimp gets super bitchy if you tell him, "Nice job... but you know... it's not that good."

He thinks his work is better than it is, especially after recycling animations, which to me, isn't quality.

I wish Roninsong Studios would release their new magic shop already.
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

I never really did like SwissMade. The first thing I saw from him was that game that was a complete rip of one of Zone's tentacle flashes. Swiss's animation really doesn't go anywhere, and all his sex scenes are basically a character in a fixed position that bounces a little. I actually think Toonpimp has SwissMade beat for game quality.
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

SwissMade literally makes my stomach churn. And I cannot really say that about things people made with the word literally like that...
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

I wish Roninsong Studios would release their new magic shop already.

Unless you have a source I don't know about, judging by his , it'll either never be released, or we're going to be waiting for the people who paid for the game in the first place to get the sticks out of their asses and just let the man make the game.

At the very least he's got the still-shots put up on his DA page. Seeing as how the sites that paid for the game don't actually own the characters, just the game.


SwissMade..... that School one is good, but the rest range from semi-decent to shit.
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

SwissMade..... that School one is good, but the rest range from semi-decent to shit.

Oh! You mean Sexnomicon? Yeah I loved that one. X3
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

The most upsetting thing for me is i have been watching his "donation" page over the past year, he has recieved over $2500 this year in donations alone, which i imagine is what made him make so many games recently, however... Like everyone else has noticed, they were of the worst quality he has made yet. I dont understand how he can justify being so upset over not getting paid enough when he has put the least amount of effort in just when he is getting paid the most.

Now hes pulling the, "i dont get enough" shit again, except it doesnt seem like anyone is buying it this time. So many people on his website have already donated to his continuation, the most recent closing of donations is the first time he hasnt met the maximum set amount in the past 8 months i think? Atleast he has put himself in his own timeout in the corner while he attempts to remove his head out of his ass, the biggest joke of all is that he claims theres nothing left for him to learn.
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

What bothers me the most is rumors of people commissioning a game by TP. They both agreed on what to be put in there, the buyer supplied the money, and half way through the game, He demanded more to finish it.

Now, a poster said if you didn't buy it, you can't complain about it... but if you did buy it, you're dumb? ... I don't think Excel could graph the level of stupidity contained in that short comment.

Also, I don't need to know how to make a guitar cry to judge a band and their sound; by the same token, I don't need to know how to create games to tell if they are bad. This "Well if you don't like it, why don't you do better?" Mentality should have been left in middle school where it belonged.

TP has skill and potential, but his lack of enthusiasm for the skill, his fanbase, and the art he generates coupled with his demands for money, his backstabbing ways, and general attitude has left me with little remorse for the artist and human being he is. I would not bat an eye if a ripped-off costumer dismeboweled him and squeezed the remains of his last meal onto his body before rolling him through the town dump.

...And that's how I really feel *nods*
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Well put....even if it got kinda creepy near the end. I'm not a good artist at all and have no idea how to work flash or game maker but if I tried and made something that looked slapped together, half assesed and just completely unappealing I wouldn't put it up and then expect to get paid for it. Hell I probably wouldn't post it at all.
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Here's my take on toonpimp and why I hate him.

I am in complete agreement with you about all the other crappy games (the glorified CG collections, rpg maker crap, etc.) That's why I thought linemarvel was such a revelation when he made Jungle Girl. For me, and I'm sure for many of you, it was my first run or rape game, and it was so much better than anything else I had seen to that point. You know the story from there, demon girl came out and was even better, mystic girl was promised then lm disappeared forever.

Some time later, I ran across toonpimp. The first game of his I played was run minerva run. "This is great!" I thought. "Linemarvel has disappeared, but at least there's this guy. True, it's furry and the gameplay leaves a bit to be desired, but you can tell he's trying."

Unfortunately, after releasing a few good games (fifi's fury, the underrated showtime rhonda, and the overrated but still good cracklevania) he put less and less effort into his games until he wasn't even finishing them. The last game he released was Kitty's Sugar Walls. The exact sort of game I hated so much that other people made.

This would be okay if he simply said he was lazy or was burnt out or real life came first. But he came out against his fans for not donating enough money to him. It's gotten to the point where everything is bitching about people not giving him money.

The last game you mentioned i think was something commissioned, not sure tho, and he seems to be on strike right now, but it's not like his works have been degenerating lately, i mean, pepe le rapiste wasn't exactly bad compared to his other games, different but not worse(it was actually entertaining to kill some time), the only thing he's done lower than average in his works is the kunoichi girl, she looked weird, but thats cause he's used to draw furries i guess.

@John Doe: The problem with Toonpimp is that he clearly has potential to make good games, if he stopped doing things half-assedly and started listening to critique.

I agree, but we can't really force him to do it, it's all wasted efforts since he simply don't care.

Also, I don't need to know how to make a guitar cry to judge a band and their sound; by the same token, I don't need to know how to create games to tell if they are bad. This "Well if you don't like it, why don't you do better?" Mentality should have been left in middle school where it belonged.

You are taking it out of the context, that was part of an analisys of a series of reasoning protocols most people use when given criticism. This is college material.

Now, a poster said if you didn't buy it, you can't complain about it... but if you did buy it, you're dumb? ... I don't think Excel could graph the level of stupidity contained in that short comment.

This i did not say, indeed i said that people who pay, do it cause they like his works, and those who do not can only get angry at themselves for wasting their money on something that they did not even had a clue about. If you jump headfirst in dark waters you can't complain about breaking your neck on the shallows...


Most of you people are angry cause he gets money with no effort, i find this pretty amusing.;)
He might treat his fan base as bad as he possibly can, but they still pay, means they like it, or don't care. There are people out there that pay get kicked in the nuts.:rolleyes:
When you complain about people getting paid by other people for doing things that you don't find worthy, it just results in jelousy, cause you would like to get paid for that too, or simple judgement of what others do with their time and money, and neither of these are constructive or usefull. If you want to rant, you can do it as much as you like, but this ain't the thread "We hate toonpimp", still if you want to behave like fools i can't stop you. :p

This ain't the thread "We love Toffi" either, learn some self-restraint, all this disgusting sugar-coated toffism is giving me diabetes...........:rolleyes:
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Toffism? Don't give us ideas... And don't most threads on this site end up digressing? I don't HATE ToonPimp. He just disappoints.
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!


I think I might subscribe to this thread, my spider senses tell me things are only going to get more lulzy.
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

You mean you haven't already?
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Nghhhh.... So strong... The argument... Pulling... Pulling me in... There's no escape.... Activate the power...

Indeed i said that people who pay, do it cause they like his works, and those who do not can only get angry at themselves for wasting their money on something that they did not even had a clue about. If you jump headfirst in dark waters you can't complain about breaking your neck on the shallows...

Ok, seriously? Are you saying that the people who pay an agreed amount for an agreed product and then don't get their product, are you saying it's their fault because they should've known because that's what you should expect from TP, and then go on to say TP's a great guy?

It really seems like that's what you're saying. Only with more metaphors. And I have to say, that's one fucked up argument man...

When you complain about people getting paid by other people for doing things that you don't find worthy, it just results in jelousy, cause you would like to get paid for that too, or simple judgement of what others do with their time and money, and neither of these are constructive or usefull.

Watch political debates much? Next time, take the time and see how long it takes them to start talking budgets... Whether it's useful to do it as much as they do is arguable, but there's no doubt that someone has to.

If you want to rant, you can do it as much as you like, but this ain't the thread "We hate toonpimp", still if you want to behave like fools i can't stop you. :p

Hmm, If you go WAAAAAYYYYY back to page one, you'll see something interesting... First people are talking about the game... Then freakyface talks about the game and adds a little note saying that TP is a decent artist, and if he had someone who collaborated with him/ something that made him work on one thing at a time that would be epic.

And then comes a rant defending TP and his games. That rant is from you.

Then people start hating on TP. Which I can understand. I dislike him a little too, not because of the quality, I've seen worse. Not because of the quantity, he releases stuff. Not even because he recycles his stuff... No, the reason I dislike him is, as many people have pointed out, that he breaks promises.

"If you guys pay me fifty bucks I'll make this game." People pay. "Oh, yeah, so listen. I kinda need a little more money to finish." People pay. "Ok, I spent all the donations on weed, can I get some more?"

This is of course an exaggeration, but this is why I dislike him. Not because of some grand flock mentality, or because I think I could do better.
He’s a liar. That’s all there is to it for me.
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

Pretty interesting stories here ^^
but um what was the thread about?

And yes there will be people wich pay for everything even shit.
But most of the people will donate more money than paying for a work cause, they like the sytle, animation, the works itself.
So they donate to keep the developer on the work cause they want updates or a new game/continued game.

So thumps up for Toffi, cause he is doing it. He not only made a beat em up game with hentaisprites. He founded a wrestling yuri hentai game, that not even existed before. He found a gab and he used it.

Than he did a continued the work for Fairy Wars, cause the fans wanted to see more of that. As i can see, he has done everything right.

I dont know how that goes for toonpimp, swiss made etc...
But if they do it right, they dont need money for the works, but donations to keep the work up ^^
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

o.o Wonderboy mopped the floor with this guy. <3 I'm all excited now.
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

I agree that Swissmade is mediocore at best, I honestly only really liked the first person shooter.

Toonpimp does break promises, I've been around for a bunch of them here are a couple:

1. Darla's Game

2. Waayy back when Fifi came out, he challenged his forum, "Get my game onto the first page of Newgrounds!" He yelled, his furry rabbit paw, balled into a fist. "And I shall grant you new assist characters!" Thrilled at the idea of Renamon or Krystal as new assist characters, the members of TP's forum flocked to Newgrounds and gave Fifi a high rating indeed. Where are the new assist characters now?

3. I paid 80 USD (stupid move) to have Princess Peach put into Pepe. Why? I wanted a fuckin' human female in a TP game already. And so it was, Peach was the first, non-furry character to ever be seen in one of his games. Was I pleased with the animations? Honestly, half way. The blowjob and paizuri was okay, the vaginal sex was lame. I paid the man because he did the job, but he put on as little work as possible to fulfill his duty.

4. I don't know if I should be discussing this, but TP allowed me to try out several games that were under development. It was cool, he let me try them because I paid him nearly 100 USD. Among these games was a 3D Krystal adventure game. It looked just about as good as an N64 game, and I thought it was amazing. Apparently, he's quit on that, being as it's been many months since.

5. If Toonpimp ever comes out with something called "THE PIMPBOX" that was my idea. I loved Polly's Tale. I really did. I told him, if you are going to be selling stuff, why don't you make four or five games like Polly's Tale and sell them in a bundle? Being that XBOX is the shit right now (sorry Sony and Nintendo fans) why don't you call it a PIMPBOX?

6. Anyhow, I think I'm finished. Oh. I knew about Roninsong Studios, what sucks is that they are already finished with Ai Subeki, Magic Shop, and several other games already. What are the purchasers thinking? Depriving us hentai game fans of such talent... The art may be simple, but it's pretty to look at.
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

*gasp* I shall make a game too!!!!

...What do I need to do to start? n.n;;
Re: Curse of Craclevania 2, WHAT?! A decent game from toonpimp?!

I have now heard Toffi-sama referred to in BOTH genders... So now I'm confused...


This ain't the thread "We love Toffi" either, learn some self-restraint, all this disgusting sugar-coated toffism is giving me diabetes...........:rolleyes:

I actually like it. At least more than the TP-hate.