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Multiplayer Gaming

Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Considering the strength of the spy already, it needs something that makes it nearly invulnerable AS WELL AS invisible? Here there be broke.

I don't want it gone, I just would like damage reduction reduced
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Space Marines vs. Tyranids. The battle rages on.

Indeed, though this time the spikey gitz are added to the action too, in a two teams vs. each other and an innumerable wave of stealers. Want the development link?
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Considering the strength of the spy already, it needs something that makes it nearly invulnerable AS WELL AS invisible? Here there be broke.

I don't want it gone, I just would like damage reduction reduced

Indeed. The spy is already a lethal weapon in the right hands. The death ringer just adds to that lethality.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I love being good.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I second the ULMF battle too. Do we have a server to play on? Also, just wanna check the ULMF clan thing. Who HASN'T joined it yet?
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I personally love CTF. It's fun, exciting, and has provided some of my best memories. I really don't understand how you cannot like the mode.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Running around as a Pyro helps too.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

"Enough demomen solve everything"
-The smartest TF2 player I've ever had the fortune of hearing.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

In general, you can never have too many demoman or soldiers.

Too many scouts, spies, snipers, and engineers seems common though, and I had it happen once that there were too many medics(5 medics on a team of 9, there were no demos, soldiers, or heavies.)

I'd say CP or payload for maps, but I like them all, except arena, as long as the map is designed well.

CTF has become worse with the latest update, getting crits for everybody on the team after a capture just helps the already winning team steamroll the weaker/losing team even harder.

I'm ok with all classes, but some of my best moments were stickyjumping as demoman, landing behind a sniper, and then a bottle to the back.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

If the turret is right around the corner, then yeah, you could run right around and flame both it, and the engineer likely right behind it. But, if it's any further away, even with an Uber, the push back is a right bitch.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

XSI is a ?
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Probably my favorite TF2 video, if not just for the song?
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

That video did inspire me to try it the first time, and it actually works most of the time, they never see it coming. Besides that, they're snipers, known for very poor vision outside of what they're aiming at, and a demoman landing is more likely to be one on their team most of the time.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

So I just started playing this game called Fallen Earth. Its an MMO RPG FPS hybrid... mostly leaning towards RPG, just the action is a little more twitchy than usual.

While my internet decided to fuck me over before I left the training, it seems pretty good so far, and I'm looking forward to getting into the meat of the game. Just curious, does anyone else play it?
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

From what I hear, you have to buy it, then pay a monthly fee. No thanks.

In other news, my Steam rating is now 10. You may throw rocks at me now.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I had no idea how steam rating worked for a LONG time cuz I've yet to see mine under 10.