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Multiplayer Gaming

Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I generally prefer kritz unless uber is specifically needed, which usually is the first part of any attack stage, maybe more if the defence is able to set up well later down the track.

But some good sollys and demos go a long way for not actually needing uber. And for loving you for having kritz.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

It's always been my experience that what can be achieved with a kritz could have been done with an uber and if not, then you weren't using it on someone who deserves either.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

It's always been my experience that what can be achieved with a kritz could have been done with an uber and if not, then you weren't using it on someone who deserves either.

See, mine is almost the exact opposite there. Watching half a team run out into the fight under a soldier's buff banner and all get wiped out almost instantly from a pair of crockets..

You just gotta watch out for snipers and spies and if your team doesn't suck, and you know how to watch your ass as medic (or have a medic who knows how to watch their ass, in case of playing the other) you're safe from spies at least.

As the class I play the most is soldier using the rocket launcher, I love me a kritz medic. If they were common enough that I could always have one, I wouldn't be using buff banner so when I run out of rockets I can swap gun.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

It's always been my experience that what can be achieved with a kritz could have been done with an uber and if not, then you weren't using it on someone who deserves either.

Tell that to the competitive soldiers that wipe the enemy team with four crit rockets and six crit shotgun blasts.

edit: and let's not forget that the charge lasts longer and charges faster.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I have a very simple way of determining if I use the kritz or the uber.

If the team sucks, always the uber, if the team is good->
On the attack? Uber. Defence, kritz.

If I do not care about the team at all then I just use the kritz, that healing taunt saved my life several times when incompetent morons failed to keep the pyro away from the person healing them. The worst I've seen with this was a soldier in a tunnel, he first missed 3 rockets on the pyro, then just switched target while letting the pyro get behind him.

Direct hit soldiers do not get a kritz, I'll just find a demoman, thank you very much.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Direct hit soldiers are becoming less common now anyways. Probably because some people started using the rocket launcher again and others were like "Wow, splash damage is awesome."

I still remember when there was never a rocket launcher though, only DHs.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I never once used the DH. Splash damage is invaluable.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Gonna keep this shit going until the weekend, then I'm going on my favorite server to cause a shitstorm.

Re: Multiplayer Gaming

lawl, idling.

I just play the game, I find it more fun; even if I only have 2 hats (and 3 camera beards, wtf?)
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I find this terribly, terribly funny- tragic, I mean
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I idle when I'm not playing. Recently I've had a lot of shit on my plate, so I just run TF2 and get some free stuff. I'm only playing on weekends nowadays.

I usually don't idle, I just really really want a soldier hat.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I just learned something.

Hoodoo is a really awesome map if half your team goes heavy, and the other half goes medic, with 1 pyro for spy checks and 1 engie for teleporter.

Really really awesome. The sound of 5+ miniguns purring at once around the cart is music to my ears.

(It was a 32 player server. Full.)
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Also, might as well dump my two while I'm here.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Oh gawd, new patch changes everything @_@

I haven't played yet, but just looking through the changes, wow. They made afterburn even more useless =D Although airblast is even better, so now you can really mock backburner pyros.

Bonk has been changed so that I'll never get the retire the runner achieve now :(

Huntsman has been changed but you're still not doing it right if you're using it. Although being able to start drawing the arrow back while jumping... no, it's still not right.

And, and heavy is just plain better.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Heavy got the buff he deserved, W+M1 is nerfed, good pyros become hard counters to soldiers, and there's a rumor going around that the backburner's range was increased by the way.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

W+M1 is nerfed,

W+M2, the new W+M1.

good pyros become hard counters to soldiers,

W+M2 becomes hard counter to soilders.

Also, from the 119th

# Fixed Engineers & Spies being able to circumvent build restrictions

Did you? DID YOU?! Because I don't think you did...
My usual server is having fun with sentry madness right now. I got bored because it stops being funny after 30 minutes and just gets boring.
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I've been on a server yesterday that had one engineer on red, and he had 20 or so sentries. Of course I got a teammate spy to suicide backstab him(Dead ringer too), and then I sapped it all. TEAM-fortress 2.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

See, my server didn't have one engineer.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

My server had all heavies.

Heavy Picnics, and Heavy Boxing galore.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Sentry spam wasn't fixed, now you just type negative numbers in like "build 2 -1" or something

also backburner now has the flame thrower's original damage, as well as supposedly increased back crits range