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Multiplayer Gaming

Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I'm requesting Nunu to be ba- wait, what?
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Back to a topic: VPN LAN Gaming + Skype with people

Anybody else got any experience with it (say Hamachi and I'll kick your ass)?
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Wow, I'm tired. I didn't understand your entire post, and then at the end all I say was "Say tamagachi, and I'll kick your ass"
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I also have and use Hamachi. Used it to fight Sin in Medieval II.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Hamachi sounds like a really disgusting form of sushi and wippien just sounds fucking retarded.

Why can't people think of good names for web services anymore?
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

all the good names were taken by porn sites.
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Okay, i'm listening. Shoot.

I'll pitch a few names when I create a webservice.

In the meantime, why the fuck would I waste brainpower? I don't need to prove my point. You're batshit insane if you don't think those names are fucking stupid. Neither of them fucking roll off the tongue and the latter sounds like a nickname for my cock.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I disagree.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

You call your cock Wippien?

The service was created by Croatian people. Expecting an Americanised name would just be silly. Does it really bother you that much though?
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

haha, "cock wippien"
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

That's what Obe does to Dark every time he goes to speak to her.