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Are there any completed games where the female main character always naked throughout the game with no clothing?

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Mar 2, 2018
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I know its similar to the same thread I wrote earlier but I am writing this to know https://ulmf.org/threads/any-comple...cters-remain-naked-throughout-the-game.12081/

But I still needed to know if there are any completed games where the female main character remains naked throughout the game without any clothing like an exhibitionist or an option where the female character choose to undress and remain naked throughout the whole game

However the elements that I dont want in those games are

  • Incest
  • Rape
  • scat and pissing
  • loli and shota elements
  • parody of various established media including cartoons,shows and anime
  • and traps (as in young boys disguise as girls/older men in women's clothing ) Unless if it includes literal trap

So please find any completed games where the female main character remains naked throughout the game without any clothing like an exhibitionist or an option where the female character choose to undress and remain naked throughout the whole game but must not include those elements I mentioned earlier.
How about, instead of demanding that people find games for you by obnoxiously making a thread for it, you use the already existing hentai finder thread.
How about, instead of demanding that people find games for you by obnoxiously making a thread for it, you use the already existing hentai finder thread.

Okay ,I will give this one a try and if this doesn't work ,I will go to other forums instead.
So just so I'm understanding this right, we DON'T like these threads that are trying to compile games with similar themes and whatever? Because I see people do it all the time, and yet people seem to flip flop on whether they're cool with it each thread. I've even made a rule stating not to do it, but unfortunately since I'm not always there to catch these threads immediately, some of you just decide to contribute to the discussion, leading me to think that you guys actually WANT this. I get that the tone of the OP counts for a lot, but just because one person is more polite than the other doesn't mean they aren't doing the same thing.

And yes, I consider those threads with large lists as the same as these recommendation threads. They just have more effort put into it and people seem to really like them, which is why I never say anything. But they're basically doing the same thing: Get people to contribute their knowledge to compile a large list of games that fall within a certain category. Neither of which I'm a particular fan of. Lists tend to get gigantic, die off when the creator gets bored of updating, and are difficult to manage. I also don't get why people don't just use Google Docs to compile the threads, instead opting to make massive posts, some spanning multiple posts over. Meanwhile, recommendation threads are incredibly low effort and contribute almost no discussion. They also end in one of two ways: Like this, where the OP gets lambasted (rightfully so, usually), or they get 0-5 replies, then all activity stops.

So which is it? Are we cool with these or not?
I for one hate these, as they are usually a person just looking for other people to do what they should be doing themselves.
And as you said, usually it's just name throwing and no actual discussion...especially from the person who starts the topic.

So please, continuing killing these threads....with all the fire. This one definitely since the OP in their last post here pretty much says "if I can't get it, then I'll just leave this forum" as if it would be a great lost to us.
I don't see what problem people have with recommendation threads.
I have been on Reddit forums with mostly release threads and the occasional recommendation thread is perfectly fine.

Also to people who keep recommending the damn Hentai Finder thread which is a horrible idea.
That thread is not exclusive to games so you have to sort through things that you don't care and is on completely different forum altogether so the majority of the people here will not get to see it.
The people there don't have the right expertise you find here so it's completely pointless, and even if you were to find something with the search it would be old knowledge from years ago.
Well, there is a rule about asking for recommendation for game.


So as long as the rule is there, we should follow it.

It's also true that peoples are rather quick to put negative thumb rather quickly..

Debating if the rule ought to be changed is another thing, and that kind of debate isn't suppose to take place in the hentai game forum either.

So, maybe calm down, let the thread die... And if you want to ask for game / talk about the rule, make new thread in the correct section for it .... maybe ?
So as long as the rule is there, we should follow it.
Nobody even know that section exists so again stupid advice.
Recommendation threads are the most effective here in this forum, because here are the people who are interested and might have the knowledge for the topic.
Debating if the rule ought to be changed is another thing, and that kind of debate isn't suppose to take place in the hentai game forum either.

So, maybe calm down, let the thread die... And if you want to ask for game / talk about the rule, make new thread in the correct section for it .... maybe ?

Nah, it's fine. I'm the one who started the discussion in the first place. So long as the posts stay civil, I'd like to have this conversation here.

Nobody even know that section exists so again stupid advice.
Recommendation threads are the most effective here in this forum, because here are the people who are interested and might have the knowledge for the topic.

So first of all, the rules have been stickied for literally almost a decade now. The fact that you and others don't read them doesn't mean they don't exist.

The spoiler contains my usual long-winded rants about how I want this place to be better than it actually is.
We aren't Reddit or some imageboard (especially not /r/). ULMF isn't a medium to just find an h-game, though it's used that way most of the time because of the number of users. It's meant to be a location for people who want to have an actual conversation about hentai, and not just be a mindless pervert who pops in, gets their instant gratification, and leaves.

That's why game devs have threads here. It's why translators have their own corner. It's why we're even having this conversation; so we can have something a little more thought-provoking than "Where's the download link?", "Where's the translation patch?", "Does somebody have a full save file?"

I understand there're merits to having these recommendation threads, but they're almost always made purely out of self-interest, rather than act as a collective effort to organize information. Can others find benefit from somebody asking for selfish reasons? Sure. But the discussion is always superficial: The people who ask just disappear afterwards. The people who help can't add anything else to the topic. And lurkers still lurk.

Most importantly, nobody gains anything they couldn't have gotten from just sitting back, browsing the forums more, and getting the answers themselves. Or, y'know, "lurk moar". But why should they? Because again, we're not Reddit and we're not an imageboard. We want to actually be a community, not a myriad of anonymous users who're just out for their own self-interest. And the more we dilute the quality contributions people make here with low effort posts and subjects, the more awful the community becomes.
Bottom line is, if recommendation threads actually put forth some modicum of effort to look like they've tried looking for a game or are trying to contribute something worthwhile to the forum, neither I nor a lot of other people would have an issue with them either. Instead, it's just almost always a bunch of selfish begging, and nobody wants to see that.
Nobody even know that section exists so again stupid advice.
Recommendation threads are the most effective here in this forum, because here are the people who are interested and might have the knowledge for the topic.
It's right there, RIGHT THERE when you come to the front page of hentai games section. The very section you're on.
Those who don't know about it are those who don't bother to read anything, which also are those who constantly ask the same questions already answered in threads regardless of how short or long the thread is.

It's not stupid advice just because it doesn't fit what you personally want. Now, saying people shouldn't follow the rules because they can't be bother to read them? That is stupid advice.
If you want to change it take it up with a admin, there's one who was in this very topic. Other than that, it's a rule. Follow it.

Edit: Whoops, sorry Dark bumped your response out lol.
I don't have a real problem with this type of thread, the list factor is a bit of a pain and can get out of control, however it's completely up to those responding whether or not they do anything with it. In the end i think there are better ways to go about starting something like this, either way it's up to the mods as to what happens. that's my 2 cents take of it what you will :)
However the elements that I dont want in those games are

  • Incest
  • Rape
  • scat and pissing
  • loli and shota elements
  • parody of various established media including cartoons,shows and anime
  • and traps (as in young boys disguise as girls/older men in women's clothing ) Unless if it includes literal trap
So you want 0 games then?
I've never personally used the hentai finder thread, but i have visited it from time to time out of curiosity. The inherent problem with it that i see, is that only about 50-60% of the people actually get an answer on their questions. Looking at it now, it seems to have gotten worse. perhaps finding a way to sticky it onto both the main hentai thread and the hentai games thread would improve its overall health, but people there aren't only looking for games, so maybe that isn't the best approach.

edit: Of course I'm only going by what i see on the thread, i have no idea whether or not people are sending pms to those who didn't get responses in thread.
I've never personally used the hentai finder thread, but i have visited it from time to time out of curiosity. The inherent problem with it that i see, is that only about 50-60% of the people actually get an answer on their questions. Looking at it now, it seems to have gotten worse. perhaps finding a way to sticky it onto both the main hentai thread and the hentai games thread would improve its overall health, but people there aren't only looking for games, so maybe that isn't the best approach.

edit: Of course I'm only going by what i see on the thread, i have no idea whether or not people are sending pms to those who didn't get responses in thread.
It probably gotten worse due to removal of watched threads after forum update, so less folks lurking there.
To be honest, I don't like these threads because I'm looking for new stuff and these just make the list bigger and ever so slightly more annoying to check. But they are not as bad as those threads with nasty titles that only have numbers and kanji, I hate those!

On the other hand, there's a backlog of decades of games, and hardly any actual place to go check them out, as you would do for snes games for example. It's pretty hard for newer people to find old stuff. If anyone knows of something like archives or any other outside source that are well organized, I'd rather see people redirected into those directions.

It doesn't really matter how well made a recomendation thread is written, as far as I've seen, and I haven't seen much, people just keep mentioning the same 5-10 games over and over again. So it barely even work when it works as intended. So personally I would just get rid of the generic "I'm looking for something I may like" threads. Only ones theat work are those where someone is looking for a specific game, but can't remember the title or something like that.
Most importantly, nobody gains anything they couldn't have gotten from just sitting back, browsing the forums more, and getting the answers themselves. Or, y'know, "lurk moar".
Complete disagree, people don't have time to lurk this forum every day, they can go for months being busy with other stuff so it's reasonable to not be up to date with the latest stuff.
There is not even a tag system and the search system is abysmal, for a couple of months the search system was completely disabled.
Asking people who have that knowledge is not unreasonable. How can sharing knowledge be against the community?
Bottom line is, if recommendation threads actually put forth some modicum of effort to look like they've tried looking for a game or are trying to contribute something worthwhile to the forum, neither I nor a lot of other people would have an issue with them either. Instead, it's just almost always a bunch of selfish begging, and nobody wants to see that.
If recommendation threads are constantly disincentivized and stupid advice like use the Hentai Finder thread is given how can some reasonable etiquette be born?
Without examples, boundaries and rules that are internalized how can etiquette exist? Catch 22.
It's right there, RIGHT THERE when you come to the front page of hentai games section. The very section you're on.
Those who don't know about it are those who don't bother to read anything, which also are those who constantly ask the same questions already answered in threads regardless of how short or long the thread is.
Most people lurk not post threads so they literally have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
I think threads like these could work decently if the one who started the thread contributed to adding games of its type to it and then asking for help looking for others, tho very specific conditions like these dont really help as its just super limiting and is only for the benifit of the one who made it.

Combat rape games is something that would be nice to have a thread to ask for help in looking up since games like that are hidden among many other generic RPG games, and is sometimes confused for battle fuck games instead. if one was to make a thread and show some game examples, a list of them will be easy to find that would both benifit the poster and those who look into it.

In the end I think lists where the conditions are very specific is bad, and general lists to look for is good.
Complete disagree, people don't have time to lurk this forum every day, they can go for months being busy with other stuff so it's reasonable to not be up to date with the latest stuff.
There is not even a tag system and the search system is abysmal, for a couple of months the search system was completely disabled.
Asking people who have that knowledge is not unreasonable. How can sharing knowledge be against the community?

Whether or not people have time to lurk is of no concern to the forum at large. Why does the forum suddenly need to cater to the individuals who don't have time to even help themselves? The community exists from people who're willing to contribute to the forum, which something like recommendation threads do nothing to help progress.

Sharing knowledge? As I've said, this "knowledge" is superficial. It's stuff that already exists on the forums and can be found if people were to take the time to look for it.

You bring up the lack of tools to do this easily, which is admittedly an issue, but not one that's even relevant to this discussion. The tag system and the search system from the previous iteration of the forum both existed for years before the recent technical upgrades and issues, neither of which ever really had complaints about their functionality, and yet these threads continued to show up.

This is not a recent issue that's caused by the forum's growing pains; it's an issue of people unwilling to put any sort of effort in finding information or creating a thread that actually demonstrates anything more than mindless begging.

If recommendation threads are constantly disincentivized and stupid advice like use the Hentai Finder thread is given how can some reasonable etiquette be born?
Without examples, boundaries and rules that are internalized how can etiquette exist? Catch 22.

Well, you're kind of just proving my point now. Read the rules. The etiquette already existed. You aren't supposed to be doing it period. There's no Catch 22 here. Don't. Do. It. People who are doing it currently are in the wrong.

The only reason they don't get immediately deleted is, again, I'll quite frankly just miss some threads and by the time it catches my attention, there'll already be replies on them. That still doesn't mean they aren't wrong; they just weren't caught.

The fact that there're still so many people trying to make threads like this tells me one of two things: They either don't read the rules, or they know the rules, but disregard them anyway because they're frustrated by the limitations of the forum. The latter group I'm happy to discuss changing the rules, but the former, which I'll bet are the vast majority of these posters, have absolutely no leg to stand on.

Most people lurk not post threads so they literally have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.

See, you keep bringing up the fact that people don't read the rules, which really doesn't help your case at all. This is the second time I've had to say this: just because people don't bother reading the rules does not mean they don't exist.
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