
  1. derakino999

    ACT Ci-En Active [ソルトベイク] TPSガンシューティングゲーム

    Dev's CI-EN page: https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/3670 A game in development. Has a free trial as of yet and it seems in recent posts maybe it has some paid demos. Free trial post: https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/3670/article/482854 (This is the latest free trial, there is another one down...
  2. P

    (M/F) Zombie scenes/endings

    Hi! I've been searching for hentai games (hell, even stories and RP) containing everyone's favourite enemy humanoids while looking specifically for mind-break or submission scenes/game overs - for clarification this would be male zombies on female (humans or equivalent) While I figure I've...
  3. comakill23

    ACT Ci-En [Furonezumi] ネオ・ガンタカたん

    Regarding the title: I do not speak Japanese, I simply copied it from his twitter. If there is any issues with it simply contact me, the English machine translation is "Neo Guntakatan" which sounds pretty damn good but its not a direct translation or confirmed to be its English title by the...
  4. H

    rpg game apocalypse

    hello everyone i wanted to share a game i'm creating called apocalypse and it's about zombies reviving on earth and you need to survive by all means. I love games with unlockables and found it more enjoyable when you work hard to get your reward rather than a straight forward story. I'm a huge...
  5. GoldBeetle

    Project; Into the Warm Tomb

    Now that I feel confident enough about my art to make something, I'm going to start small and work my way up. This project is basically going to be like Dothandy's first game. The female protag is a lich and summons some monsters for some undead lovin'. Because this is my first project, I'm...
  6. Sinfulwolf


    Alright, sure most of the stuff going to be talked about in here could be slotted into other threads, but I figured I've been chatting enough about these rotting little shamblers enough recently that they could have their own thread. Games, movies, books, internet fiction, or even your local...
  7. Sinfulwolf

    Blood of the Damned

    So shortly after Twilight became a huge phenomenon I had this urge to write something where vampires weren't... well everything that's wrong with them in that series. As I started getting into it, I actually fell into a fascination with these undead creatures. The result is this little tale I've...
  8. DarkFire1004


    Hell yeah! The Left 4 Dead free demo is out on Steam! I'm downloading it now as we speak. Anyone else downloading the demo/going to purchase it when it comes out? My friend told me it was sick as hell. Absolutely mind blowing how many zombies are coming at you and your team mates at a single...