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[2/6] [Abandoned] The Comprehensive Patreon List

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Tentacle Monster
May 12, 2014
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Re: [1/27] *Update* Comprehensive patreon list

Can someone explain to me why this site promotes free download links to japanese games, but any links to english made paid games are forbiden ...


I dont mind donting creators I like - but this should be a) voluntary, b) proportional to entertaiment value.

10 years ago you could buy new PC games for 10$ - like Warcraft Counter Strike etc. Where amount of work is impropotional to small games like this ...

I dont want to atack Eromancer here - but entire scene of Patreon productions seams to be getting out of hand.
For one, I don't want to spend money on something I don't understand. I would not buy a foreign film without subtitles.

And posting free links to western H games is taboo because of how tiny the industry is in the west. So if all we do is pirate the blooming industry, there will be no industry.

Hentai games are firmly established overseas. SO there is that.

But ya, the patreons that DEMAND 10 dollars a month for demos...yaaaa.

Honestly I just don't have the money to try out EVERY patreon so I just go to this russian site that has patreon game rips where I download the early builds and play them, that way I know and can talk about them and tell people what is good.

Personally eromancer game is kind of meh...granted there was a lot of work put into it but uhhh, I am a big story person sooo its just meh for me right now.

Still nice though. I wouldn't pay for it though, it is barebones demo.


Tentacle God
Feb 7, 2014
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Re: [1/27] *Update* Comprehensive patreon list

Can someone explain to me why this site promotes free download links to japanese games, but any links to english made paid games are forbiden ...

This is more about respect. People still share links via PM, but it is just rude to go into a thread created by the author of the game, where that author interacts with his/her fans, and post a pirated link. If Japanese authors were posting here, you would see the same mentality.

That does not mean those games are not being shared, it is just done a bit more discreetly. I guess there is some hypocrisy there, but to me, it is more about just being respectful to the people spending countless hours of their lives for my enjoyment.

As for Patreon getting out of hand, I for one love to see so many English games emerging. I cannot recall ever having so many options to play. Granted, I want to see more finished, but still, what a glorious time to be an English h-game fan!


Tentacle God
Oct 28, 2014
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Re: [1/27] *Update* Comprehensive patreon list

I get what you're saying about the kind of contradictory nature of the forums, but that's just how the admins wanna run it. Also;

And posting free links to western H games is taboo because of how tiny the industry is in the west. So if all we do is pirate the blooming industry, there will be no industry.
This is more about respect. People still share links via PM, but it is just rude to go into a thread created by the author of the game, where that author interacts with his/her fans, and post a pirated link. If Japanese authors were posting here, you would see the same mentality.
These are great points (and ILL is a Japanese developer AFAIK, as is the developer of Parasite in City, and I BELIEVE those two haven't had links to their games shared publicly, or if they did, people got pissed about it because they post frequently in their own topics, again this is just as far as I know, I could be wrong).

Also the point you made about language barriers, and some western H-games intentionally try to appeal more culturally to western tastes as well (voice actresses not being super high pitched, for example) etc.

10 years ago you could buy new PC games for 10$ - like Warcraft Counter Strike etc. Where amount of work is impropotional to small games like this ...
However, I had to reply to this; in what universe was Counterstrike or Warcraft $10 at release (since you said new)? Both of those games were definitely more than $10 at release, and that was in an economy where $10 was more expensive than it is today.

And if you're saying as in literally just 10 or so years ago, MAYBE, yeah, but that's because at that point they were USED games, they had been out for years and years, etc.

So even if we were to assume that CS and WC were $10 at launch, in some mystery universe, the indie Patreon games you're talking about are also brand new, and yes, they may not have as much content as something massive like Warcraft or as much replay-ability as Counterstrike...

...but indie games are free to do things that large, AAA games are not.
AAA games are constrained by their publisher, their sibling companies, the public eye, and a number of other things, leading to them being stifled when it comes to creativity quite often; this isn't a rule, of course, as there are many AAA games that are very creative, unique, etc. so on, but they are definitely few and far between for those above reasons.

With indie games, what you're paying for are games that have no rules (besides ones set by the legal system); they're able to do things and give you experiences that AAA games, usually, would simply not risk, because if say, the new Call of Duty goes downhill because they tried some new risky, interesting, innovative thing in it, it would mean the end of their entire company, millions of dollars lost, thousands of people out of a job, so forth.

The second thing for the Patreon games specifically here is that they're porn games, and porn almost always commands a premium simply because it's something that's "taboo" in society, much like how alcohol, cigarettes, lingerie, etc. the list goes on, all command higher than average prices of things that are similar to them, but don't have that "taboo" element (or in other cases, a "fancy" or "upscale" element to them).

So given that the average AAA game will cost you a minimum of $30-40 nowadays, with the average price being more like $50-60, yes, you should expect quite a bit more gameplay time available in those games, but in no way was Counterstrike or WC ever $10 on release (and in the completely mindboggling possibility that i'm wrong here, $10 was still more expensive in 2001 than it is now.)

I dont want to atack Eromancer here - but entire scene of Patreon productions seams to be getting out of hand.
How is Eromancer involved in this :p He's got a Patreon but there are many other people doing Patreon games besides him, independently of him, etc.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: [1/27] *Update* Comprehensive patreon list

Can someone explain to me why this site promotes free download links to japanese games, but any links to english made paid games are forbiden ...

I mean, we don't exactly PROMOTE free links. If anybody has ever bothered reading the rules, they would know I've explicitly said to not post link requests. Links are allowed, but they aren't the point of the forums. The culture is basically to go as far as you can without crossing the line. If a dev asks us to take it down, we take them down. If the dev is in the thread, then, as Yummy said, we show respect and don't share it. If it's questionable content, it's gone.

I have absolutely no problem with just not allowing links at all and it would only take a little more effort for me to enforce that. But 1) I think that would suck for everybody and 2) that would make ME a hypocrite.


Jungle Girl
Feb 17, 2013
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Re: [1/27] *Update* Comprehensive patreon list

Im still pretty new here but i gotta start posting somewhere!
Been visiting this site much longer before i actually got an account.
Just wanted to add to the conversation, i recently started a patreon as well, patreon.com/tritrium?ty=h
If you want to take a peek.
And i am currently making a platformer with 2 other people.

Im sorry if my text is a bit incoherent, trying to reply some things from a dev POV.
To me patreon is a way to get a more steady income whilst i work on stuff & provide things for whoever supports me, not just a paywall for game alphas/betas and such.
And i agree that piracy is just gonna be there, im not a hypocrit, i pirate stuff myself. The only thing i hope for is that the game we are working on will sell enough units to cover the time we worked on it & enables us to make another one. Anything exceeding this is just a nice extra to make my life actually comfortable.

The thing is, if you dont have a big patreon (basically investors) income like the very few who do, you are basically going in blind, unpaid and crossing your fingers it will work out. Its like tossing a coin in a slotmachine and hoping you get the jackpot. But its something a lot of indie developers are forced to do. But since crowdfunding became a thing, it allows indie devs to get a sorth of investment they can use to fund their game.
(downside is that some devs blatantly abuse this, but yea its just a small group of assholes)
Also having an investment to spend on your game development enables you to pay people to do things for your game like voice acting, etc.
I mean im pretty sure everyone here understand how this works :)

if people want more western H-games then i can only say that the only way to get this is to vote with your wallet.
I can only speak for myself ofc but i dont need masses of money, if i can make enough money to pay the bills and food then id take doing this over any other job that pays the quadruple within a heartbeat.

In the end its up to you as a player/consumer to judge if our game is worth your money/time and its up to us to make your time worthwhile.
If you want to pirate our game then i cant stop you from doing so, nor am i going to bother with trying. I feel if i make the game well enough then that should speak for itself, maybe its naive but thats just the way i see it really.

That been said, when our game has a full fleshed out demo ready i will be making a post here & other places. I dont really feel shameless self promoting belongs in this thread so if you want to know some info about what were doing then just send me a PM.

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Tentacle God
Feb 22, 2010
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Re: [1/27] *Update* Comprehensive patreon list

does anyone else get dodgy pledges from a val v something? i have like 3 pledges from him but he never shows up in the past pledge things


Jungle Girl
Feb 17, 2013
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Re: [1/27] *Update* Comprehensive patreon list

I dont recognize that name
Altho i have gotten notifications before that someone pledged and they never shown up, my only guess is that they pledged to acces content and then cancelled it after they saw everything.
Cant confirm cause it always happened when i wasnt at my PC.

I know patreon encourages creators to not give out everything immediatly to pledgers because of this.
Personally i cant be bothered with this atm, but maybe i might have to in the future.
Also I believe there was a way u can blacklist these people so they cant do that again but i dont know how myself.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 22, 2016
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Re: [1/27] *Update* Comprehensive patreon list

does anyone else get dodgy pledges from a val v something? i have like 3 pledges from him but he never shows up in the past pledge things
Being so new on patreon and already stumbled upon this kind of *pledger*. Wasn't that one tho. Mine was called furry_me. Don't want to think bad on him/her but looks like the purpose for that was to get any patrons only content and run away xD. He/she did cancel the pledge today, one day before he/she had to pay... meh. Weird.

tritium said:
Epic big wall-text
I'm completely with you. I think the same


Demon Girl
Oct 22, 2015
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Re: [1/27] *Update* Comprehensive patreon list

Just a tip for new patreon creators, when you look at the profile of one of your patron, you can see something like this at the top right corner :

This one for example as 3700points which mean he already successfully paid $370 so he will probably pay at the end of the month.


Dec 10, 2012
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Re: [1/27] *Update* Comprehensive patreon list

Can anyone give me the adress of the 0.8 version of SimBro?

The Silver Bard

Demon Girl
Jan 11, 2015
Reputation score
Re: [1/27] *Update* Comprehensive patreon list

Being so new on patreon and already stumbled upon this kind of *pledger*. Wasn't that one tho. Mine was called furry_me. Don't want to think bad on him/her but looks like the purpose for that was to get any patrons only content and run away xD. He/she did cancel the pledge today, one day before he/she had to pay... meh. Weird.
Yeah, I had 3 people pledge and immediately cancel today. It doesn't really bother me, but I might get annoyed if I see the same names come up each month.


Jungle Girl
Feb 17, 2013
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Re: [1/27] *Update* Comprehensive patreon list

Yeah, I had 3 people pledge and immediately cancel today. It doesn't really bother me, but I might get annoyed if I see the same names come up each month.
yea i'd definately get annoyed if i see the same names doing this each month :/


Demon Girl Master
Jun 21, 2015
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Re: [1/27] *Update* Comprehensive patreon list

Because Patreon doesn't do any card check/charge check (Not even sure if companies do that anymore) its very easy for anyone to come along with an account with no intention of actually supporting a campaign. Heck their are threads on other places around the net asking people to get material of xx patreon's each month. There's not much point in removing a person as its pretty easy for them to recreate a new account and repeat the process. In my case since I release the content relatively soon after releasing it on patreon its not a problem. But for those that are protective of their patreon side of things I guess it can be a hassle to email users individually instead. Shame Patreon has no feature for sending to those that have successfully previously pledged.
When I see a big pledge from an unknown that seems to be backing other campaigns I try to ask the other dev ( as i have a couple on my contacts list by now) It tends to get my hopes up but not go anywhere :d In the average month I see a lot of people that pledge at a upper tier then back out before i even click on the email notifying me of a newer back then i just get sad face over it ):


Tentacle God
Feb 22, 2010
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Re: [1/27] *Update* Comprehensive patreon list

Because Patreon doesn't do any card check/charge check (Not even sure if companies do that anymore) its very easy for anyone to come along with an account with no intention of actually supporting a campaign. Heck their are threads on other places around the net asking people to get material of xx patreon's each month. There's not much point in removing a person as its pretty easy for them to recreate a new account and repeat the process. In my case since I release the content relatively soon after releasing it on patreon its not a problem. But for those that are protective of their patreon side of things I guess it can be a hassle to email users individually instead. Shame Patreon has no feature for sending to those that have successfully previously pledged.
When I see a big pledge from an unknown that seems to be backing other campaigns I try to ask the other dev ( as i have a couple on my contacts list by now) It tends to get my hopes up but not go anywhere :d In the average month I see a lot of people that pledge at a upper tier then back out before i even click on the email notifying me of a newer back then i just get sad face over it ):
patreon does have that feature in the messages but it makes the creator posts thing a bit useless...only think Val V.G**** got from me was an alpha demo of the chibi hentai rpg im working on, and everyone can play a more advanced demo of it now anyway


Demon Girl
Nov 22, 2013
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Re: [1/27] *Update* Comprehensive patreon list

Though I'm fairly new on Patreon, I've already had a handful of people pledging to get stuff and removing their pledge right away. That's why I give 95% of the content via PM rather than on creator post (where I only post updates and the remaining 5% I don't care if anyone can get).

As azurezero stated, there's a way with Patreon to mail Patrons via the different pledge level you've created so it's really easy to use. Longer than putting everything on the posts, sure, but at least there's a way to counter people with this behaviour.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 22, 2016
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Re: [1/27] *Update* Comprehensive patreon list

Though I'm fairly new on Patreon, I've already had a handful of people pledging to get stuff and removing their pledge right away. That's why I give 95% of the content via PM rather than on creator post (where I only post updates and the remaining 5% I don't care if anyone can get).

As azurezero stated, there's a way with Patreon to mail Patrons via the different pledge level you've created so it's really easy to use. Longer than putting everything on the posts, sure, but at least there's a way to counter people with this behaviour.
The problem is how to differentiate a legit pledger among the non-legit ones. If you already sent content to patrons via pm and then the next day you get a new pledger, what are you going to do? wait until the next month to see if the pledger pays then send him/her the content you sent already to the ones you had the month ago? I think that's maybe unfair for the pledger... and even worst could led to discouraging ppl that have to wait and make them to stop their pledge :(


Demon Girl
Oct 22, 2015
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Re: [1/27] *Update* Comprehensive patreon list

If you already sent content to patrons via pm and then the next day you get a new pledger, what are you going to do? wait until the next month to see if the pledger pays then send him/her the content you sent already to the ones you had the month ago?
Some do that. If you announce the next version early enough, it's ok. Something like "I will release a new version next month but only those who pledged this month can access it".

The problem is that among your paying patrons, some may be owner of a flash game website and may repost a patron only version of the game if it wasn't site-locked (it happened to me). If it's a rpgmaker game, you should be OK though.


Demon Girl Master
Apr 7, 2015
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Re: [1/27] *Update* Comprehensive patreon list

The problem is how to differentiate a legit pledger among the non-legit ones. If you already sent content to patrons via pm and then the next day you get a new pledger, what are you going to do? wait until the next month to see if the pledger pays then send him/her the content you sent already to the ones you had the month ago? I think that's maybe unfair for the pledger... and even worst could led to discouraging ppl that have to wait and make them to stop their pledge :(
I have this problem sometimes, but I just offer the option to use PayPal to send me it directly if they come a little too late with there pledge. This way if they're eager and don't want to wait, they won't have to.


Tentacle God
Oct 28, 2014
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Re: [1/27] *Update* Comprehensive patreon list

The problem is how to differentiate a legit pledger among the non-legit ones. If you already sent content to patrons via pm and then the next day you get a new pledger, what are you going to do? wait until the next month to see if the pledger pays then send him/her the content you sent already to the ones you had the month ago? I think that's maybe unfair for the pledger... and even worst could led to discouraging ppl that have to wait and make them to stop their pledge :(
Until Patreon insta-charges people the minute they sign up, this is really the only viable option if you don't want to risk sending out stuff to people who haven't pledged.
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