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A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena noticed they were still moving and bit her tongue to keep from moaning aloud for John to hear her. "D-Don't stop, please," Lena whispered to the girl, giving her hips a little thrust as her eyes crossed from the pleasure, knowing that she'd go crazy if the girl stopped now.

Her climax was fast approaching too, Lena felt, and she couldn't help but reach down with one hand to grab the girl's head and run her fingers through her hair some as she bobbed her head up and down.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena can feel it building, perhaps due to the delay the sensation of her actual orgasm is stalling out but the pleasure continues to mount, it makes it hard to draw an actual full breath.

John's voice is heard from the front. "Eh? You awake already Lena? Something wrong?" Doesn't seemed he's turned yet, but it'd probably be a hell of a fuss if he turned now. You can feel how amused the girl appears to be as she continues to work away, sensing how close you are she doesn't slow.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena gasped softly as the pleasure mounted more and more, but it seemed that John noticed that she was up. "Y-Yeah, I um... I'm alright though," Lena replied to John, keeping an eye on him, knowing that he would Probably say something to her for the scene going on in the back of his wagon.

"P-Please... don't stop," Lena whimpered to the girl sucking her off, her right hand guiding the girl's bobbing head up and down her length, and working her hips slightly to thrust forward to increase her pleasure.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena manages the words just barely, it takes a great deal of effort to remain silent as the girl works dutifully. As Lena whimpers her plea the moment hits where the pleasure overflows. Lena's hips thrust automatically in time with each wave as she cums energetically.

The first wave is caught but the girl quickly pulls away, positioning her mouth along the bottom, coaxing out her orgasm with gentle motions that only force them to be more powerful. It's been awhile since she felt something like this, not magically aided just a powerful need finally being met after a long time. She'd almost forgotten what it was like.

The aftermath is a bit of a mess, the girls face is covered in several spots, as is the wagon infront of her, more still leaking out as for a minute or more she finds herself with little spasms. Seems she was...backed up after so long. The effect leaves her drained, exhausted, immensely comfortable. The girl looks expectantly at you, perhaps...annoyed? At the mess or something else. She turns and points her hands at you, to have the knot undone.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Feeling her balls churning like crazy, and her cock throbbing and twitching in the girl's mouth, Lena thrust her hips to urge her orgasm out faster and sooner. She felt amazing, having nearly forgotten just how good an orgasm could feel, as she hadn't done anything, not even masturbate, since Jaime's death, having just... not felt like it. Her climax was just as amazing as she'd hoped it would be, and brought a sense of relief that Lena hadn't known in weeks.

She couldn't hold back, her seed spurting out all over the girl's face, a bit on the wagon beneath and around them, and a bit on herself. There was so much in her, that Lena couldn't help but feel amazed at just how much she'd been backed up after having no sex in over a month. Sighing with relief, Lena reached into her pack and pulled a cloth out to use to clean them both up, and the wagon, and hoped that John would be none the wiser about the whole thing. When the girl gave her an expectant look, as if that was part of the payment to let her go, Lena sighed again, and felt bad.

"I... I can't, he'd know," Lena whispered to the girl softly, but it was clear that she looked like she wanted to let the girl go. "G-Give me some time, okay... to think of a way. I don't... I don't think you all meant to really hurt anyone, but, the fact remains that one of your friends did cut me a bit," she then whispered.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

She gave you a dark look, frowned, looked annoyed, shrugged, closed her eyes, sighed and shook her head again. "Wow, you're an easy mark," she whispered. "I'm not asking you to free me, cripes, didn't think it was on the table. Just unbind my bloody hand so I can clean myself off, it's the least you could do, and don't do it yourself either."
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"O-Oh... w-well, since I'm up and all I... I guess I can," Lena stammered, feeling stupid now and blushing at the girl's words, and moving to undo the bindings on her right hand, to give her the ability to clean herself back up, and looking back towards John for the moment, to make sure he didn't catch them in this precarious situation as the girl cleaned herself up, using the cloth Lena gave her.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

She let out a sigh of relief and took the cloth as she stretched out, rubbing her wrists and cleaning herself off. "I'm not letting you bind them back up, and I'm not going anywhere either. You leave my hands alone, and I won't cause and problems, promise." She makes a bit of a show of cleaning herself off, like it's an ordeal. "Geez, backed up much...?" She grumbles quietly.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"A-Alright, deal. And yeah... a bit... haven't had any since my lover Jaime died over a month ago," Lena replied softly, giving an apologetic look to the girl and looking away, trying to keep herself from dwelling on Jaime's death.

After the girl got herself cleaned back up, Lena took the cloth back and scooted to the back of the wagon and took her water skin and poured some water over the thing to rinse it off, and got a bit of soap from their store of cleaning stuff to put on it too so it didn't smell, and after that she hung the thing up to dry and moved back to her original position across from the girl. "So... feel like talking some now?" Lena asked, offering the waterskin over to the girl after taking a couple of drinks herself.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

She looks at you for a moment. "...Well, woof. Didn't ask, but that's a rough deal, I'm sorry you went through that." She waved her hands, sincere enough but uncomfortable.

Cleaned off she seemed a bit more relaxed. "I don't plan on saying much, but go ahead and ask some."
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Thanks, I appreciate that," Lena replied softly when the girl told her she was sorry Lena had to go through what she did. "It's the reason I offered to help you and your friends back there. Jaime would have wanted me to help any and everybody I could, because that's what she did. She gave her life doing it," she added after a few moments, before letting out a sigh when the girl told her to go ahead and ask her questions.

"Let's see. What were you trying to steal from us? I suppose that's a simple enough question, one that even you should be willing to tell me. And another good one would be, do you try and rob everybody that comes through here?" Lena asked after thinking it over for a minute or so.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Bleedin' hearts won't win you much but a world of trouble. I'll tell you that much for free. Do some good in the world, but use some common sense, yeah? People here don't really deserve sacrifices like your friend." She shrugged. "No skin off my back though."

"Money. Food. Tradeable or useful goods. Whatever we can use. And yeah pretty much, though we don't take what people can't afford to lose. Generally."
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"I can't begin to understand how hard your lives around here must be, because I've never been in your situation before myself. But stealing is still wrong though. You and your friends are obviously really skilled at moving, and tracking. There's bound to be plenty of people looking for scouts, hunters, things like that, that you all could make a very good living from. And probably a lot safer than trying to rob people," Lena replied, sighing softly, feeling for the girl and her friends plight, but knowing that if there was someone that couldn't afford to lose their things, and the girls thought they could, then they'd rob them anyway. "I mean, what if you decided to rob someone who couldn't afford to lose their things, and you all were too desperate to care? Or if you didn't know that the person or people couldn't afford to lose it? Or if they resisted, and you all got angry and took it anyway out of spite?" she went on to ask the girl, looking genuinely curious about the girl's response, if she'd give it.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

She chuckled. "Please don't try to moralize. I won't comment on the justice of it, because I don't really care. Are you trying to tell me stealing is dangerous? Come on now, please don't tell me you think you could just tell me the obvious dangers of stealing and I'd see the light?"

She sighed and went quiet for awhile, tapping her hand on the cart. "Anyone, you seem like you have a genuine good heart. I like that, but I have no intention to do anything else with my life but steal from everyone who can spare it." She shrugs. "I have my reasons."
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena sighed softly at the girl's responses and shook her head. "No, I didn't expect you to just see the light. But I would hope that it'd make you think at least, about the well being of those you care about. What'll they do if something happens to you because you're stealing? Or what if something happens to them as a result of your stealing? There's Always, a better path. You need only to seek it out. That's... kind of what I'm trying to do myself right now. And I'm not saying that I Don't have anything to spare. But neither am I just going to let you take what rightfully belongs to me that I worked hard to get, and paid a hefty price for. If I could give it all back and get Jaime back... I'd be More than willing to be poor for the rest of my life. She's dead, because of my weakness, and nothing I do can bring her back. I just... don't want to see someone else make the same or a similar mistake when they have a better choice, is all," Lena replied after a few moments, not sure if the girl would understand, or get what she was saying, but not truly caring to be honest, but she was fairly certain that this girl's friends would be coming for her, and when the time came, Lena knew that she'd have to fight, whether she liked it or not.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"You protected your stuff, you won. I don't hold it against you, and I don't expect you to let me or forgive me for trying. Or for intending to in the future, whether against you or others."

She doesn't respond too much to the rest but relaxed back cleaned off and closes her eyes. "You can rest, they aren't coming for me."
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"How do you know they won't come for you?" Lena asked after the girl spoke, feeling a little curious that the girl would say that. "And, well, since you'll be with us for now, do you have a name?" she then asked after a few moments.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

She let out a little light laugh. "Ah don't worry about it," and winked. When asked her name she mulled it over for a minute and replied. "Call me Susie. I'm gonna get some rest, yeah? Any last questions?"
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"I... I suppose the only question I've got left is, why haven't you really tried to break free yet?" Lena asked in response, looking curious about that, as she prepared to lay back and sleep some more herself.

After her answer, Lena would lay back, and begin to nod off again, her eyes still rather heavy, and feeling quite tired to say the least.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

She chuckled. "Let me tell you, it'd be really easy to escape. So what do you think the reason is?" She asked, genuinely curious as she rested her eyes.