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A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Searching about the shopping district, Lena found a rather nice clothing store that dealt in silk clothing, and bit her bottom lip as she finally decided to go on in. When she spotted the beautiful dark sapphire blue silk dress inside after a few minutes of searching, she couldn't help herself and gasped as she looked in awe of the dress. It was clear to anyone looking in her direction that she wanted it badly, or one just like it. The style, the color, and everything about it just screamed at her to buy it, wear it, let everyone see just how much of a noble she Could be, if only given the chance. It was almost like a dream come true to be perfectly honest, as she'd never had a dress like this one here before.

In the end, she couldn't help but buy the thing, deciding to splurge a bit, and she felt so bad about it afterward, but she simply couldn't help it. She wouldn't go ahead and head for the blacksmiths after getting the dress paid for, since it was rather late after having to be fitted and everything for the dress, and after spending the money she had with her. After that, she headed back for the marquis' manor and made her way to her room, eating dinner and taking her bath and relaxing in her room before getting to bed for the evening.

The following morning, Lena's actions would be get out of bed, bathroom to freshen up, then exercise in the form of some jogging around the marquis' manor grounds in one of her tanktops and short trousers, and then breakfast after she cools down and freshens back up a bit. Jogging would last about 20-30 minutes or so to work up a nice sweat.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

The evening goes without incident, a fine bath is drawn for her, nice and warm enough to wash off the long weeks travel and grime of the outdoors. She wears simple night clothes provided to her to bed and sleeps uninterrupted somewhat early. It's the best sleep she's gotten since she set out on her adventure months back.

She wakes up feeling in a lot of ways renewed, it's nice to be back in the city, it's nice to be taken care of and safe in nice beds with nice clothes and servants around to get her things if she needs it. She's at peace, and it's been a bit since it really felt like that.

She gets some exercise in none the less, and as her lunch with the duke approaches she decides to wash up and get ready, the dress laid out for her, the bathroom attached filled with another warm bath for her to wash up in.

As she steps inside and disrobes to clean up the door closes behind her, and a familiar voice, that of Susie, calls out amused. "Did you miss me?"
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena slept deeply that night upon laying down on the bed, and feeling rather nice as she rested there on the nice soft bed. It was indeed the best sleep and bed she'd had since she'd left home.

The next morning when she woke, Lena stretched and set out to exercise after taking a quick trip to the bathroom to relieve her bladder of its contents, where she then got breakfast in her after her morning exercises. Afterwards, she got cleaned up and prepared for her meeting with the duke, heading to take a quick bath, and letting her clothes fall to the floor of the bathroom as she entered to see the steaming hot waters in the bathtub. Just as she was about to lift her right leg to step gingerly into the tub, she gasped as she heard the door shut behind her, followed by Susie's voice.

"W-What the... hell? Susie... h-how did you get in here?" Lena asked, shifting herself around so she was facing mostly away from Susie, but turning her head to still see Susie behind her, her cheeks flushing pink with both a slight bit of arousal as she remembered the time in the wagon, as well as embarrassment for the same reason.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

She giggled and shrugged helplessly. "I'm a bit mischevious, what can I say?" She walked over towards you, nodding her head as she appraised Lena with a sly look on her face. "I hope I'm not intruding? I can leave, of course, but please try to keep it down."
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena gulped softly as she glanced back at Susie, before shaking her head slightly. "No... you aren't intruding really. Though... I'd sure like to know How you're here right now. And precisely Why you're here that is," Lena replied after a few moments, fidgeting a bit as she waited for Susie's answer.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"To see you, say hi before I stepped out. I must say you made quite an impression in our last meeting. She was pretty peeved, but I thought differently. You have a good heart Lena." She walks closer, closing the distance and moves to place a hand on Lena's side.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena blushed a bit at Susie's response, before she smiled a bit shyly and looked away. "W-Well thanks. I appreciate that. I try to be the best person I can, because my parents taught me and my sisters all to be and stuff," Lena replied softly, giving a little shrug, and she didn't try and resist or move away when Susie approached and touched a hand to her side.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"We aren't the bad guys," she said softly, moving the hand along her side very slowly along the front of her thigh. "We aren't the good guys either, of course." She smiled and moved behind Lena as she looked away, placing her free hand on her but, pushing very gently towards the bath. "I want to talk, for a little, if that's okay. I'll wash you, so you won't be late."
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"I... I never said that you Were the bad guys. But we both know that you Are bad somewhat. A-Anyway... I suppose I don't mind the help in getting cleaned up some, so I can listen, sure. I'm always willing to hear someone out at the very least," Lena replied after a few moments, her cock starting to stiffen from the gentle touch against her thigh, and then from the hand on her nice ass that was guiding her towards the bathtub, where she lifted one leg and placed it into the tub to ease herself down into the water, not thinking that Susie here would really try and hurt her, least of all in the marquis' home.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

She smiled and nodded taking her arm to help her into the tub and taking a seat on the stool next, working at something with her left while her right fetched the cloth and began to rub gently along her back. "So, let me ask first, what is it that brings you here? What would you like to do?"
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Well... I left the capital a few months ago to travel like my two older sisters did. They went north and south from the capital, so I went east. I made my way to Farnshold, and there I met Jaime. We adventured together only a little, but I quickly grew to love her, and... I got her killed. And now, a month or so after she died, I'm finally trying to carry on with my life, like I know she'd want me to, and before I left Farnshold, the duke asked me to bring the marquis here a message before I continued my travels. So really... I don't have any definite direction that I'm gonna be going just yet. Mostly, I guess you could say I'm just looking for both some information, and maybe just... something to do I guess. As for what I'd Like to do. Well hell, be rich, use my money to live comfortably, and help as many people as I can with it. Make my parents proud of me, and maybe... just maybe find a way to bring Jaime back, if that's even possible," Lena replied after about a minute or so of thinking it all over, sighing softly as her back was scrubbed by Susie.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Gawsh you're just so trusting aren't you? Or is it just me? Huhn?" She smiles and moves gently around Lena's back before you hear the sound of fabric behind you. As you turn you see the last of her clothes slide away. She stands up and motions you forward moving into the tub, sizable enough that it could be done, to sit cross legged behind you, arms working around your waist to Lena's belly where she begins to rub gently. "Do you like adventuring? Or is it simply a means to an end? Are you just filling time right now? Is it to be rich? Do you like the thrill?"
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"W-What do you mean? I'm not That naive I don't think. But everyone is naive to a point though, when you think about it," Lena asked quizzically, before glancing back and averting her eyes slightly so she wasn't staring directly at Susie's now nude body, when the other girl removed her clothing and began to slide into the tub with her as she slid forward.

"Well... I'd be lying if I said I didn't like the thrill of adventuring really, so kind of both I guess you could say. I like it, and enjoy the thrill of it, and the possible dangers that might come with it. It's all... exhilarating when you think about it," Lena then said with a soft sigh as Susie's hands slipped around her waist. "And there's all sorts of wild antics one can get into while adventuring, like the heroes of old and stuff," she added after a few moments.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"I mean that you've very open, about everything. You share easily, even to someone who has done almost nothing to earn your trust. In fact I'd say I've worked pretty hard to do the opposite, if unintentionally." She shrugged gently and leaned forward, pressing her body against Lena's back such that her bare breasts were warmly felt.

Her hand washed the underside of Lena's own, faintly pressed along her nipples in an innocent enough gesture. "The excitement is a large part of why I do what I do. I like the thrill of seeing something new, I hate...boring you know?" She giggled at Lena's used of the word antics. Her remaining hand slipped along Lena's thigh trailing gently down and down along until it found her cock, beginning to gently run her palm along the top of it.

"Do whatever you want with the Duke. I'm sure he has something to offer you, we won't mind. But if you want to meet us, we have use for someone like you. We could be pretty good partners, we love the adventurous type." Once it had started to become erect she grasped it gently unless stopped and began to very slowly stroke it. "Do you think that sounds interesting?"
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena's eyes fluttered slightly as she felt Susie's breasts pressing against her back, her cock stiffening even more as a result. She gasped softly as she felt Susie's hand find her cock, the palm of it sliding up and down her length as she cleaned it. "I don't like boring either. But... s-surely there's better ways than stealing from people. Right?" Lena replied softly, letting out a cute half whimper half sigh as Susie's hand began stroking her length.

"W-Wait, we? I thought you said that your companions wouldn't come to help you? W-What are you all, some kind of thieves guild or something? And where would I even find you?" Lena asked after a few moments, looking curious as she glanced over her shoulder at Susie.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Maybe." She giggled, seeming to be amused at Lena melting into her touch. "Maybe you could show me something exciting?" She continued to work gently at getting Lena up to full length.

"I said they wouldn't come while we were travelling. We had some work to do inside town and you were a nice enough way to get here," she said with a smile. She moved around Lena, water sloshing as her breasts pressed, momentarily aside her head. before she sat crouched on Lena's legs without putting much weight on them. She continued to stroke her gently. "I'll leave some instructions, don't worry. I'd love to make it easy, but trust works both ways right?" She pressed forward, sandwiching Lena's length against her groin, the top poking up and nearly out of the water. Her hand moved to Lena's shoulder, the other rubbing against the bottom of the tip gently.

"And something like that, we consider ourselves a free...tribe of sorts."
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"O-Oh? I'm sure I could think of something exciting. And oh? So you lot were already heading for town huh. Well I suppose that makes sense as to why they wouldn't have come back for you. Though you could have obviously very easily snuck away while I was asleep, or knocked me out, or worse the other day. Why didn't you?" Lena replied as Susie began shifting around, her cheeks flushing redder and redder with arousal and lust as Susie's breasts pressed against her face momentarily.

Lena sharply breathed inward as Susie's hand continued to stroke her and her thumb teased the bottom of the head of her shaft. "A... t-tribe? W-What sort of tribe? And... what are you in town for?" Lena asked softly, biting her bottom lip as she looked like she was struggling to keep from grabbing Susie and lifting her up to impale the hot redheaded girl with her cock.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Nothing too sinister, I promise," she replied when asked her business, instead moving to stand up carefully, hand on Lena's shoulder for support as she pressed her waist towards her, cunt exposed and held close to Lena's face. "If you don't mind, for a moment, I think we could have some fun..."
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena looked a little dumbfounded as she blinked up at Susie, before she leaned in after a few tedious moments of thought as her tongue reached out and ran across Susie's slit and then over her clit to give the redhead a taste. This of course only made her cock twitch and throb a few times in response as she desired this girl right here and now. "I... y-yeah we could do that I think. I'm not expected with the marquis for more than half an hour or so I think, so c-come on," Lena replied, reaching up and grabbing Susie's ass and gently pulling her closer where she kissed Susie's pubic mound a couple of times before her tongue darted out again and got another taste of Susie's pussy, which was something that she knew she'd only desire more after that first taste, but damn she hadn't had a woman in so long it felt like an eternity since she last had Actual sex, and not just a blowjob or handjob, or something similar.
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

She let out a quiet gasp, maybe surprised at how quickly Lena responded to her request. She shivered and held on tight, pressing against Lena's motions every so slightly. She was already aroused, even if the bath seemed to wash most away Lena's quick work revealed a warmth and a thin clear liquid. After about a minute she managed to muster the will to pull back, breathing a bit harder and flushed.

She said nothing, just crouched down, putting her legs behind Lena as she, with one hand on Lena's shoulder and the other on her cock, guided it to her entrance and began to lower herself on it, slowly but surely moving it closer down so that she could sit on Lena's lap. She let out quiet sounds as she did, rather collected otherwise and just let the twitching length rest inside her as she leaned against Lena.

"Mmm..y-you asked about the tribe?" She replied as she lifted gently and began to lower, squeezing tightly against Lena's length.