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A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)



Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena's words had a stirring effect on Jaime, she straightened up, a bit of color returned to her face and she seemed more focused. The girl however didn't seem to even hear Lena at all. Something appeared to have snapped inside her mind for the moment and words spoken seemed to go unnoticed. She barely even seemed to notice that she was being held by the way she struggled to simply clutch on to Lena. Jaime held her fast.

She held Lena take her to a nearby woman, her pleas growing more pathetic by the second as she announced her desire, for anything, anyone. "P-please, let me cum...I can't...a-ah! Please please please!" The door slammed shut muffling her cries.

"Come on, it sucks but there's probably others like her, to the church?" Jaime asked.

Lena 5/7 FP, 2/8 AP 7!/?? CP
Jaime 8/8 FP, 1/7 AP -SLIMED-
Townswoman ???/??? FP, ???/??? AP -Held-

Trip (1/1) (Action)
Empower Self (Free Action)
Shield Bash (1/1) (Action)
Rally (0/1) (Action)
Orgasm Denial (0/1)

Lena rallies Jaime! ++-b Success! +3 FP, -3 AP! Bonus to actions for the encounter.
Jaime holds the townswoman.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Yeah, let's hurry. We cannot be caught out like this again by any more of them. If we are, we Won't be able to resist I'm afraid. And... I'm Really starting to get scared now," Lena whispered after she and Jaime got the girl shoved inside of one of the nearby buildings.

Lena led the way to the nearest church as quickly as they could, sticking to the alleyways and keeping a Very close eye out on any other passersby, hoping none of them would notice the two.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Keep up the brave face, hun. Fake it till we make it right?" The look of fear you have is worn on her face too but you can tell she feels resolved, a little beacon of strength maybe you can draw on to get through this.

Jaime heads down the alleyway on your side, moving quietly, it appears she was a rare one though, the streets still seem empty as you approach the church. It's quiet at a distance, doors shut, but nothing seems out of place until you approach quietly. You hear a sound, quiet at first but growing, the sound of low...moaning? You get closer. No, not moaning, it's chanting? The air feels...lighter here, as if the presence of whatever hangs over the town has less of a place here.

As you approach the doors, however, Jaime reports the door is locked, or barred. As you get closer, to see, you begin to feel very uncomfortable, a little nauseous and uneasy. If Jaime feels the same, it doesn't show.

Lena 5/7 FP, 4/8 AP 7!/?? CP
Jaime 8/8 FP, 3/7 AP -SLIMED-
Townswoman ???/??? FP, ???/??? AP -Held-

Trip (1/1) (Action)
Empower Self (Free Action)
Shield Bash (1/1) (Action)
Rally (0/1) (Action)
Orgasm Denial (0/1)

Dark influence of the town tempts the pair. +1 AP

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Heh, I truly am being brave, not faking it right now. These people Need me to be their hero. I can't fake that," Lena chuckled back to Jaime with a smile.

Making their way onward, Lena and Jaime pass through the town and Lena feels uneasy about the fact that there's so few people on the streets. Where could they all have gone? Lena asked herself. When they saw the church in the distance, Lena picked up the pace and broke out into a sprint with Jaime to get there, where she heard... chanting of some sort. As they approached closer, Lena felt nauseous though, and she could only figure that it was because of the darker energies within her, and sighed, trying to shrug it away for now as Jaime checked the doors.

"Hello... please if you're in there, and Not going crazy, I beg you, let us in before they find us," Lena called through the church doors after knocking on them three times, glancing over at Jaime as they waited for a response, and praying that they had a safe haven to rest in after their trek across the open wilderness.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Each knock fills Lena with unease, her knuckles hurt. The chanting seems disturbed for a moment but picks up in fervor afterwards. They make no response at first. Then Jaime steps forward and hammers. "Hey you jerks we're not with them! We're trying to help you! Please!"

Silence breaks, some quiet chatter once again then a voice rings out. "Forgive us please, but we cannot open the door! Not again! Please understand, and stay away from the keep! Flee this place and send for help! Don't draw them to us please!" The chanting resumes moments later.

"Damnit...!" Jaime shouts, glancing to Lena. "Well, what now...? I don't think they'll let us in. I could get the door but..."

Lena 5/7 FP, 4/8 AP 6/?? CP
Jaime 8/8 FP, 3/7 AP -SLIMED-
Townswoman ???/??? FP, ???/??? AP -Held-

Trip (1/1) (Action)
Empower Self (Free Action)
Shield Bash (1/1) (Action)
Rally (0/1) (Action)
Orgasm Denial (0/1)

Lena's genuine desire to be a hero seems to make her darker presence quiet a bit! -1 CP!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Dammit come On... Answer us please!" Lena cried as she pounded on the door again, before they finally heard someone from within.

After the woman answered from within, Lena sighed and looked to Jaime, shaking her head a bit. "Oh come on, I'm Lena Weiss. Hero of Farnshold. If you Really want them to not find you, then you'll need to shut the hell up in there, because we could hear you before we got onto the grounds," Lena called back to the priestess within, before looking to Jaime. "And my friend needs help that only holy magics can perform. Please!" Lena then called to them, wanting to help get the thing off of Jaime before it did too much for Jaime to resist it any longer.

If they refused to open up after that, Lena would sigh again and look to Jaime. "Alright, we need to go. Now. We're too tired to fight this right now, and we'll need help. I... have a couple of ideas, but you won't like either of them. And... I think now you deserve to hear something that I've been keeping a bit of a secret for a while now. But first, let's get out of town, come on," Lena would tell Jaime if they weren't allowed inside the church, taking her hand and leading the way back out of town, heading towards the town that she and Jaime went to with the other group of mercenaries before.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

There's a long period of silence talking, voices raising and lowering. Eventually, there's a sound at the door and it opens. Three men stand there, armed guards of the town it seems. They eye you suspiciously. "It is her," once says with a sigh, perhaps relief? "Come in then," They wave you in. Jaime looks to you then enters.

As you step through the threshhold the feeling of naseuau doubles. You feel weak, and sick, and you need a moment to catch your breath when you step in. The guards look at you with concern as they shut the door.

Inside is a dozen and a half people, two clergy, a nun and various towns folk of ages and gender. They all look terrified, sitting in a circle near the altar.

"You said you needed magics, I'm afraid we've none here save our faith which has seen us through, what can we do to help you hero? Have you come to free our town from her evil magics?"

Lena 4/7 FP, 4/8 AP 6/?? CP
Jaime 8/8 FP, 3/7 AP -SLIMED-

Trip (1/1) (Action)
Empower Self (Free Action)
Shield Bash (1/1) (Action)
Rally (0/1) (Action)
Orgasm Denial (0/1)

Lena loses -1 FP due to sickened feeling

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Oh thank the gods," Lena panted softly to Jaime as they heard the doors unlocking to open up and allow them inside, where she grabbed Jaime's hand and quickly jumped inside and helped bar the doors back shut.

She felt sick to her stomach, more so than before, but she Had to shake it off. She Had to be strong for these people to keep faith that they would make it through this. "Yes, we found the den where the cultists that are causing this is at, and they captured us, but we escaped. So... that's the plan, to try and free everyone. We only just Barely escaped from there though, and we didn't stop at all on our way back to here to warn everyone. I was afraid we'd be too late though," Lena replied to the nun with a sigh. "Jaime here was in the process of being converted into one of them when I saved her after we were captured, and has this... slime thing on her. Do any of you possess any sort of magics, holy or otherwise, that could help pry the thing loose from her? If she doesn't get it off soon, I'm afraid that she might not have a chance against any of those cultists when they begin showing up," Lena then said, looking around at anyone in there in hopes that they could get that thing off of Jaime, and soon.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

The watch her for a moment, but as Lena describes the thing attached to Jaime color drains from some faces and they immensely uneasy. "I'm afraid we don't and we hesitate to try, many of those who did not make it to safety have things like that attached to them...! As they lose control they infect those turning them...mad...!" The guards don't get aggressive but they take on a wary stance.

Jaime looks a little disheartened and looks away. "Lena it's okay." She lets out a huff and turns to step towards the door. "We shouldn't waste time, I don't think they can help us here. We should hurry to the keep, put an end to this."

The figures whisper, one of the priests, a young man steps forward. "Wait, we have some food, and water, You can rest here for a time, recover your strength it's the least we could do." Someone goes to protest and he turns. "Her friend seems in control, I trust them."

Jaime glances back, seems a little brightened. She looks to Lena and whispers "Did you say you had a plan?"

Lena 4/7 FP, 4/8 AP 6/?? CP
Jaime 8/8 FP, 3/7 AP -SLIMED-

Trip (1/1) (Action)
Empower Self (Free Action)
Shield Bash (1/1) (Action)
Rally (0/1) (Action)
Orgasm Denial (0/1)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Damn, well there goes that plan out the window. Sorry hon, we'll have to find some other means of getting that slimy thing off of you," Lena grumbled, before looking to Jaime, patting her on the shoulder.

"Thank you all, really. I'm positive that we can win against this. We just have to keep faith. Not just in the gods, but in ourselves as well. And yes hon I do have a plan. After we rest some, we'll try and sneak into the keep, because that's where their leader will be most likely, If I had to guess. But, if we're unable to get in there, my backup plan is one of two things. We either go for help from the one of the larger nearby towns or cities further into the kingdom. Or we take a chance, and ask the orcs for help since they're Much closer," Lena replied after a few moments of thinking it over.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Jaime waves her off. "Don't worry about it. There's more important things going on right now, I'll be okay." She stretches out and takes a deep breath.

"We sneak into the keep." She says firmly looking straight at you. "Remember how the orcs kidnap people and try to make them their sex slaves? They're basically this cult. They're the reasons this town has huge walls. Absolute veto, I'm not dealing with them again, blugh." She makes a face. "I'd rather go in land to the kingdom to get help."

They scrounge up some food for you, nothing too complicate, some bread and cheese with some fresh water. It's not a lot but it helps. You feel yourself relax, if only a bit. The illness fades with time. Most of the people give you guys, Jaime specifically, wide berth.

A sense of anxiety hangs, how much time do you really have? After an hour, Jaime speaks up. "You ready to go?"

Lena 7/7 FP, 2/8 AP 6/?? CP
Jaime 8/8 FP, 3/7 AP -SLIMED-

Trip (1/1) (Action)
Empower Self (Free Action)
Shield Bash (1/1) (Action)
Rally (1/1) (Action)
Orgasm Denial (1/1)

Rested up!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Yeah... that's the problem with the orcs. But nobody can deny their strength and stuff. But I wasn't going to just Let them into the town That easily. I was going to make them an offer that they'd be stupid to refuse. Something that would benefit both them and the town. They could help supplement the guards when it comes to protecting the town and outlying lands, and in exchange, the town could trade them some food and whatnot, which is one reason that the orcs raid like they do. I can't help but feel their plight some too, after being among them some," Lena replied to Jaime, knowing that Jaime probably wouldn't listen, but it Was a fairly sound plan in Lena's mind.

After that, Lena would rest with Jaime for an hour or so, her eyes drooping a little after her sickness faded enough for her to take a short nap. When she woke, Jaime seemed ready to go, and Lena nodded softly. "Yeah... let's give it a go," Lena replied softly, shaking her head, splashing her face with a bit of water, and preparing to head on out. "Alright, lock these doors behind us. And for the love of the gods Do Not go chanting again. If we could hear you, then Everyone could potentially hear you. Alright. Find somewhere further inside, maybe near the bell tower of the church, and hide there so you can have a good view, but stay out of sight as much as possible. If we don't come back, then I swear to you all, that I Will bring help from somewhere, no matter what. I won't let Farnshold be harmed if I can help it, and while I still draw breath," Lena told the others confidently, as she and Jaime prepared to head out.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Jaime watches you but shrugs. "I think they learn the town is in dire straights. They kidnap or kill you, march into the town and join up with the cult, then terorize the countryside under a revenge version of martial law." She sighed. "I don't know I'm just worried I guess. Bad feeling."

As they make to leave. They nod at your warning, but Lena maybe considers that it could be likely their faith and chanting is what kept that dark presence from pervading inside this place? Maybe it was the building itself.

They leave in high spirits and move swiftly through the town towards the keep. The forbading erotic presence returns as they lose site of the church and travel through to the center of town where the stone keep rests. They have a couple options. It has two floors, with a third serving as storage and attic. The only entrance they know is there are two side doors, the main entrance and perhaps windows? The roof also likely has access but reaching it would be tricky.

Lena 7/7 FP, 3/8 AP 6/?? CP
Jaime 8/8 FP, 4/7 AP -SLIMED-

Trip (1/1) (Action)
Empower Self (Free Action)
Shield Bash (1/1) (Action)
Rally (1/1) (Action)
Orgasm Denial (1/1)

The dark presence tempts the pair. +1 AP

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, maybe, but... we wouldn't know until we tried. And I'm willing to bet that they wouldn't follow those cultists, because Ira didn't seem the type to follow someone else's orders," Lena replied with a shrug.

As she prepared to leave with Jaime she considered that the chanting was perhaps what was protecting the place and frowned a bit. "Well, if you feel the need to pray and chant, try and do so a little more quietly, or in the basement if you can take one of the altars down there perhaps. Just... a thought," Lena told them before she and Jaime left, where she made sure that the church doors were barred shut behind them, and then she and Jaime headed on.

She kept Jaime close, and made sure to take the lead here, so in case another woman jumped them, Lena, being the physically stronger of the two, could shove her off. As they leave the church grounds, Lena felt the erotic presence in the air hitting them again, and couldn't help but shudder a bit, and she also couldn't help but worry about Jaime too. As they neared the keep though, Lena sighed as she looked it over, and looked around for any possible means of getting to the roof, as that would Likely be the safest route to take to get inside. But barring the roof, she knew that a window on the upper floor would suffice most likely, so long as it was in a bedroom or something, and not in the middle of a hallway.

"Come on, let's see if there's any means of getting on the roof so we got a good view of everywhere around," Lena whispered softly to Jaime, leading the way around the keep to survey it some before making their way inside.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena finds no immediately available or easy ways to climb the walls of the hold, leaving the side or front doors. There is nobody outside, but the closer you get the worse the sensation is, it's definitely the source.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Damn, looks like we're going in through a window. Come on hon, I'll boost you up," Lena whispered to Jaime, finding a window on the first floor that they could use for Lena to then boost Jaime up further. "Come on, I'll get on this windowsill and boost you up to the next window... at least I think you can reach it," Lena whispered once they got up to the first floor window.

If they couldn't reach the second floor window, Lena would slip inside on the first floor window they climbed up too and take a quick look around before gesturing Jaime inside.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
Reputation score
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Even with your boost the hewn stone give Jaime no purchase to try to scale into the second story. As you approach the windows you hear a clammer deeper inside the keep, obscured by the stone wall and narrow windows.

It's a tight squeeze but you manage to pull yourself through the windows by scraping your arms and squeezing yourself in real tight. You drop into a long dining hall. The room is dark, almost too hard to see, save the light the exudes from the halls and the two entry ways that lead there.

The noise is a little louder but still indistinct, the heavy presence ways on your, its effect growing in intensity but you persevere, as does Jaime who as you both move through the room stubs her toe on the heavy oak table and muffles curses for a solid minute until you reach the hall.

Nobody is patrolling it. The noises sound...a little like moaning? No it must be chanting again or...wailing? You step through the halls, moving around to the entrance into the room where the sound is coming from, a minute later the sound is distinct. It's sex, it's people crying out in pleasure, wailing in distress. It's loud, so many voices, so indistinct.

You peek around the corner into the grand main hall to which the front entrance leads and you see...it all.

The people of the town, the adults have gathered here, most if not all of them packed into a room that is a chaotic MESS of people, limbs upon limbs entwined in countless carnal acts. Each furious going at it in their own way in chains, in pairs, in trios and more. Some by themselves. All of them are trying desperately to get off, and in the long moment to stare perhaps in horror or fascination, not seem the be able to.

Dark sigils, a massive circle, is carved into the floor around all participants, dark sigils dug into the stonework floors, with an imperceptible soft glow.

The scent hits you, it's not as it should be it smells sweet, desireable.

The effect of the spell is next, almost staggering you. There is nothing else for you but to join this, you have to join this! You have to cum, right now, nothing else matters!

You realize you've already begun groping and toying with yourself in mounting excitement for the act.

Jaime grabs Lena's shoulder. "H-hey, steady..." And it snaps you out of it, you drag yourself back and pull your hands away, but the desire is there if subdued momentarily.

Up the massive ornate staircase stands a somewhat familiar figure with a long dark familiar robe. A feminine hand extends, the other holding a fancy staff, and beckons you over as she turns with a swirl of her robes and vanishes into the room behind the top of the stairs you know to be the room of the duke who calls this hold home.

Jaime turns back to the sight of...what can only be described as a massive orgy, horror on her face.

"...What now?"

Lena 7/7 FP, 5/8 AP 6/?? CP
Jaime 8/8 FP, 5/7 AP -SLIMED-

Trip (1/1) (Action)
Empower Self (Free Action)
Shield Bash (1/1) (Action)
Rally (1/1) (Action)
Orgasm Denial (1/1)

The dark presence tempts the pair. +1 AP
Lena attempts to resist the ritual. --b+. +1 AP
Jaime attempts to resist the ritual. +-b+. Resists. Pulls Lena back.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Finding no means of getting into the second story with any measure of ease, Lena sighs and eases up into the first story window and pulls Jaime up with her after they peeked inside. The strange aura within was growing stronger by the second on them both, and Lena did not want to stay any longer than she had to, especially with Jaime already potentially in dire straits with that slimy thing on her crotch. As they eased their way through the room, with Jaime bumping her foot on a large heavy oaken table, Lena's hand darts over to muffle her curses until Jaime was done doing so. "You alright hon?" Lena asked in the faintest of whispers.

Hearing the moaning and other sounds growing louder as they made their way towards the great hall, Lena gasped as she peeked around the corner to see nearly the entirety of the town's adults within, all of whom were fucking like wild animals almost it seemed. "O-Oh shit, Jaime..." Lena whispered and gasped as the scent of sex nearly knocked Lena out as Jaime steadied her, and pulled her back as she nearly gave in and walked straight in to join them all.

Glancing back around the corner as she held her breath, Lena saw her, the leader of the cultists standing on the staircase leading upstairs. "Jaime... I have to go upstairs after her. If I can subdue her, then maybe this spell will be lifted. I... I need you to do something for me though, okay. And I want you to listen good. I need you to go find a rope, or tie a bunch of sheets together and get a grappling hook or something, to get up to the roof, and work your way down to the duke's bedchambers just up those stairs there. You see them there? When you get there, I'll need you to be ready with your bow, and just... reach inside yourself, and do what you did when you saved me from those girls in the cell back in those caves, okay. And shoot that witch with one of your arrows. I don't care where you aim, just shoot her with one of those arrows. That, felt like holy energy I think, what you did back in those caves. I Know you can do it again though. Okay? Go... back out the window, and sneak back in from the roof, it's your only chance of making it past that orgy there. I'm sure that she'll let me through, if only to make an example of me, or something," Lena whispered quickly to Jaime, having come up with a quick little plan that Should work, and giving Jaime a look of confidence as she tried to rally her some more with a brave smile. "If this works, this time... you get to be the hero. I love you Jaime, and I trust you. I Know you can do this," Lena added after a few moments in another soft whisper, before she kissed Jaime on the lips and prepared to set off for the stairs leading up unless Jaime had anything else to whisper back to her.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
Reputation score
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Jaime stares at you openly shaking her head as you go down the plan. "I don't know what that was, it just, I felt this presence fill me and I...you can't go alone, you can't...I...I don't want to leave you. I'm not worried about me...but I can't stand...what if..."

She trembles and steps away as you kiss her, she turned it briefly but it clear she's upset by this. She stays silent and soon her fear, the terror of the thought of parting ways with you gives way to a sudden anger.

"Okay," she whispers, her voice steady and determined. "I'll be back soon. I'll be ready. Go on and give her hell. We're gonna stop this madness. We're gonna bring this town back from the brink."

She turned on her heel. "We'll have to think up a proper reward for one another when this is all done with," her voice tries to sound lighthearted, normal, it's a good effort but you can see there's a weight on her shoulder. She darts off down the hall, swift, agile and silent.

You turn back to the main hall and brace yourself for the site. There's no way around it, you need to make your way through the mass of people before you can get up those stairs. You try to stick to the edges, move quick, careful and quiet while those locked in carnal pleasure ignore you. You feel that presence in your stir, demanding that you stop but you press forward in spite ofi t, entering the magic circle as you had to do has aroused it's presence greatly, but you're better than it.

You don't make it far into the crowd before attention turns, in part to you from those you're near as you pass. Hands reach out, grabbing, groping, teasing. Caressed from all sides as you pass. With the height of the spell upon you, every touch sends shivers down your spine.

You make it half way before pair grab and tug at you, knocking off your balance as hands find their way past your skirt, groping at the undergarments beneath, freeing your throbbing member, trying to taste it, please it. You pull away and scramble over an entwined pair with a third trying to help, free yourself of their hands. There's no time to fix your clothes, your cock peeking from the hem of the skirt at times.

But you're almost there!

A woman throws herself at you, clutching to your side, legs wrapping around your left one slowing you as she grinds her bare groin against you. She pleads for you to give her release. You try to pry her off, but in that time another knelt in front of you, take hold of your cock and desperately pulling it into their warm waiting mouth suckling, grabbing, stroking. It's more than you can bear, you find yourself stunned for a moment, all too much to take and feel a powerful orgasm rock through your body! At the very height of the pleasure...

it stops. No release, no rush of delight, it stops and you just feel...frustrated. A need begins to grow. More of the crowd begin to move towards you, just a few individuals. The pleasure arcs again, and you can feel yourself begin to sway, thoughts of continuing start to fade but you perservere and push your way off the individuals, clawing your way past the remaining group to the stairs that you rapidly ascend, catching your breath as you fix your clothing and try, to little avail, to calm yourself.

The door lies ahead.

Lena 7/7 FP, 4/7 AP 6/?? CP -Denied-
Jaime 8/8 FP, 5/7 AP -SLIMED- -MISSING-

Trip (1/1) (Action)
Empower Self (Free Action)
Shield Bash (1/1) (Action)
Rally (1/1) (Action)
Orgasm Denial (1/1)

The dark presence tempts Lena. +1 AP
Lena attempts to resist the ritual. b+++! Success.
The orgy assaults Lena! ++-b! Success, 3 AP! ORGASM!

Dark ritual prevents joy of release! +4 AP! -1 FP! Gain one stack of Denied! Max FP temporarily reduced by 1!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Aye, We will hon. This plan Won't work without you hon. And Jaime, before you go... I love you, I just want you to know that before you go. And... I think I can think of a few things we can ask for as a reward maybe. Perhaps... a little bit of land to have a manor built maybe later on, when we get enough money saved up and stuff from adventures," Lena whispered to Jaime before she rushed off down the hall, flashing her a wink before she went.

Lena moved after that, making her way through the great hall and skirting the edges of the orgy that was going on, and hope that she can make it across before anyone noticed her. Her luck didn't hold out though and about halfway across, she was grabbed by several hands, that caressed and teased her body, and before she knew it, Lena's cock was exposed to the open air. Her body was hot and bothered, to say the least, and her cock was twitching with need as she kept shrugging her way through the crowd. "C-Come on, let me... Through," Lena grunted as she pushed through.

When the one woman grabbed her left leg and practically started humping her like a dog might, Lena stopped to pry her loose and push her away, with the promise that she would later. However, in that instant, she felt a pair of lips wrapping around her cock and begin sucking on it, where she gasped and moaned aloud. Lena's legs trembled as she felt quite a powerful orgasm washing over her, and she nearly collapsed right there, and likely would have if her seed had shot out of her like it Should have. But thankfully, and frustratingly enough, it didn't, and she felt her balls almost swell slightly in response with even more cum. Lena saw others coming towards her, but she shrugged by them and made her way to the stairs and rushed up them as fast as she could, and glanced back to see if anyone was chasing her.

Lena knew that she wouldn't need her clothes for much longer most likely, but she righted them as best she could before she opened the door and shut it behind her, making sure Not to lock it just in case Jaime used the door instead of the window. "Hello? Are you in here? I saw you come up here. So I know you're here somewhere," Lena called into the room as she went inside.