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A Sophisticated topic.


Feb 12, 2009
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Welcome to my humble topic, ol' chums!

Please, sit and enjoy a cup of the ol' Earl Grey and a couple scones--served by my butler, no doubt!

Why, I heard most interesting news the other day, an ol' chap of mine told me a rumor of a certain bloke not far from here trying to invent--get this--a horseless carriage!

I believe he's calling it an auto-mobile, oh how delightfully fanciful in its utter ridiculousness!

Perhaps you have a story or two you'd like to share?

Re: A Sophisticated topic.

/me sits courteously, sipping some tea and nibbling on a scone.

"I've heard that someone is planning to break the Human Speed Limit, can you imagine? Everyone knows that if a human body goes over 45 miles an hour it will explode from the stress!"

*Chortles heartily*
Re: A Sophisticated topic.

I heard I'm not even supposed to exist!

Fancy that.
Re: A Sophisticated topic.

My good sir you don't exist! You are simple a figment of mine and Shrike7's imagination! I believe you're what the children call an imaginary friend. Fancy that hmm? Q.u
Re: A Sophisticated topic.

My my, I've heard Baron von Pickwick was trying to make tea in bags, how does one think of such absurd products? Surely he was joking.
Re: A Sophisticated topic.

*monocle drops*

Tea in bags? What a preposterous idea! Why, soon they will start cooking berries and calling that tea as well! Preposterous, ladies and gentlemen, simply preposterous.
Re: A Sophisticated topic.


Jean was her name, but I called her Atkinson
Re: A Sophisticated topic.

*monocle drops*

Tea in bags? What a preposterous idea! Why, soon they will start cooking berries and calling that tea as well! Preposterous, ladies and gentlemen, simply preposterous.

Speaking of tea, my dear wife got into a fight with some travleing asain the other day. The man was in the market making this stuff called "Green tea" and selling ingredents to make it. The man said its better then Earl Grey! Madness! Only a street urchine would prefer this " Green tea" over Earl Grey.
Re: A Sophisticated topic.

Oh you know how backwards the Asians are, good chap. One step above the savages of Africa. *sips on Earl Grey after regaining his monocle*
Re: A Sophisticated topic.

*delicately nibbles a scone* Haven't you heard? Oriental fashion is extremely popular. I would tut tut your apparent lack of class, but it isn't as if Earl Grey isn't my tea of choice! Ho ho ho!
Re: A Sophisticated topic.

The Orient may be backward, but they are able to produce the sweetest opium and other spices this world has ever seen. If only I could abscond with some of their working practices for my new venture. I have invested in several individuals who wish to construct a wooden bird! They have drafted plans, however, they will require much labor to flap it's wings.
Re: A Sophisticated topic.

A wooden bird? My, what waste of money and resources, everybody knows humans will never be able to fly, if we were meant to do so, we would have wings of our own.

*Sips tea*
Re: A Sophisticated topic.

Then what say you in regards to those kind young men from Ohio? Granted their design lacks a flapping wing so it will never fly, but their gliders are impressive.
Re: A Sophisticated topic.

Greetings, my dear fellows. Perchance I could ask a cup of tea?

I say, that reminds me of a delightful tale I had heard out of the Continent. It seems that a German man has thought up a wild new type of balloon-craft. The contraption looks nothing grander than a cigar!
Re: A Sophisticated topic.

A balloon craft? My word! That is even more preposterous then that horseless carriage idea! Some chaps come up with the most ridiculous ideas.
Woodsworth! Fetch me some more tea.
Re: A Sophisticated topic.

Oi, get this chaps! There's a man running around trying to get people to put a rolled up leaf in their mouth, and then proceed to set fire to it!
Re: A Sophisticated topic.

Why that's just preposterous! Why would one want to set fire to something in their lips, especially a leaf??
Re: A Sophisticated topic.

Well, pardon me, gentlemen... But shouldn't such discussion be confined to the smoking room? You chaps ought to be ashamed of yourselves.. I don't see a tweed jacket among you! As for your choice of tea.. Pah! Pah, I say! Pah, I say again! I'd be surprised if one among your pathetic number even -knew- how to drink Earl Grey!

Damned Yanks. They're everywhere these days, you know, Aika my dear old chap. Getting into everything, these colonials. They just want to be like us so desperately - it's a relief, you know. To know what we're doing in India is right - it just proves, deep down, where it counts, at the sticking point.. everyone wants to sing God Save the Queen. And not some god-awful bunch of queers singing about Bohemians, either.

Re: A Sophisticated topic.

You may be true, but that young chap Freddie Mercury is going to go places. Mark my word!