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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

New UI huh... Damn they are so bad.

Well I choose stat above block. Some unit maybe it worked, but some not.
Geirolul for Leshia worked because of her defensive nature added with her fast attack speed, it might work well.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

That's true, but it's also not something you specified with your original numbers, nor is it typical, and I'm also sure it wasn't what the other person was asking. Do people even do that? You can make several hundred thousand in a day without them. SCs are a little too valuable to waste on gold maps unless you're a megawhale. But it's a valid point if you do, I suppose. Your numbers were just misleading otherwise. Gotta make sure the person who was asking knows the logic behind your claim if it's not typical.

First off, you never quoted me, you quoted soranokira. And he never said that it was better to to run N, his numbers for X (with some unnecessary assumptions, that made them wrong) were even higher than they are in reality. It was pretty obvious and nowhere stated otherwise that X is better if you only look at gold/Stamina. Therefore I never really understood why you thought you had to straighten this.

The person soranokira reacted to was purely asking for DCs, the info about golden armor was purely additional information because he wanted to be nice.

If you misquoted back then and ment to quote me (completely unrelated to the discussion above;I asked whether the drop rate on N really is 61 % as stated in the wiki, which would make this map way better than H and X): I was asking purely for myself and even answered for myself. Not my problem if anyone reads something wrong into it.

Those are the things you got wrong. Now back to SCs:
Yes, people do it. At least I do and I know several others that do so. No, not whales, people who didn't spend a penny on the game. When you start a new account you seriously lack tons of gold. Therefore it's a good idea to spend maybe 5 to 10 SC on gold farming to be able to level and Awaken your first core team units to be able to clear content earlier. Helps a lot more than one or two gacha pulls that may very well be two silver units and 40 RC...
Even if you don't want to spend SCs, as a newer player you really need this charisma (be it to farm unit exp or AW orbs). Getting so little less gold per stamina but have a good amount of charisma to spend on other things is a great deal. If you have played more than a year and 25 AWed units obviously you don't need the extra charisma and can just go doing X until you have no excess Charisma and do H. A person like this would know this though and not ask what the best map is.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Going to pop in a bit to describe what the AW2 valkyries is and why they have been designed this way. You really need to know your Aigis history to understand this line of thought.

History on Valks Aigis Wise
Valks is one of the basic class of aigis in the same level as soldiers and archers. This mean they have been introduced since the very beginning of the game. Keeping that in mind, Valkyries have also changed quite a bit since the start of the game.

The original duelist
Valkyries defined the original duelist role. Back in the early days, your only choice of duelist (1 on 1 engagement) was either Valkyries or Princesses. Princesses outside of Themis was quite rare but they did well since mdef doesn't exist until later on. (The earliest mechanics cut magical damage by half were magical crystal puddings which no longer exists due to being replaced by Gazer)

You start the game with Carry as opposed to Bashira (who's still as bad as she is now though she does improve after aw) Mischa was highly regarded due to attack effection and she has known as 'knee' due to horribly drawn knees. (But veterans loved her to death since that +96 attack was worlds better than +200? hp - memory fuzzy)

At this point min-cost Mischa is 13, her max cost is 16.

Phasing out of the duelist role
After the introduction of new, and very strong duelist classes, specifically the dragon riders, new princesses (majin doesn't exist yet), heavy armor block strategy and later on paladins (Cornelia redefined the class) valkyries were slowly phased out in favor of those.

They were still popular early med deploys, specifically Mischa making it to every map event wise with ease on low rarity strats and Thetis popping in all over the place. Do note, Kurisa was a joke at this point due to lack of saw. Her skill only regens her hp by 45% at max level with a bad timer.

Balance Patch
With the above in mind, Valkyries got a major uplift in terms of reduction their stats (yes really - but only by an insignificant amount around 5~10%?) and reduced their cost by an hilarious -5.

This major patch made them completely different early deploy/cost farmer/sub-duelist. Along with the introduction of saw later on which gave them double cost regen and hp regen which defined them to the valks we now know.

Kurisa won the cookie saw wise (x1.5 atk/def) and fixed her back to a 2nd tier duelist, but still was rated as a low tier black because other blacks does spectacular things.

Mischa at this point went down to 8 cost at min cost and Thetis at 11 (or 14 at max cost)

Somewhere in between
Kurisa got her current saw patched into a ramp skill. Her raw stats becomes hilarious after the first ramp, and it fits her theme well successfully popping her into high tier and a 1st tier/good duelist. But metas for demanding duelist were low due to majin maps and furfur walking by.

Second Awakening - Now
Here's where we are at now. The two classes for AW2 wise, Reginleif is actually a 'back-to-old-school duelist valkyrie' as a nod to the original design and extrapolation of the stats if their original stats were kept. Valkyries have amazing stats growth and it hasn't changed since day 1 (beaten by Princesses with ease btw)

Geirölul is a completely different beast that can be classified as a vanguard strategist designed for combat as opposed to support/cost reduction on deploy. There's only 2 (4 actually ...?) possible Geirölul and they have the same role as a vanguard with a sub-duelist extension following the new design during the balance patch.

Now that we got the history out of the way, Reginleif is the old school valkyrie duelist, while Geirölul is the natural extension of the balance patch valkyrie cost farmer.

Deploy cost when unit 0 deployed -3; recovers cost when defeats enemy; completely restores cost when retreats; magic resistance raised (+10).

Kurisa as Reginleif is a top tier duelist. For a very old-school player like me, I didn't hestiate a second to aw2 her under this role since I still have the impression (faint) where valks = duelist = tanks strong bosses.

Lesia as Reginleif goes a long way to fix her low attack stats and actually makes her attack speed more valuable. She's pretty much a pre-aw2 Thetis in nature and indeed, as others mentioned her mdef will make her quite useful as lightning rod. I judge her much more valuable as Reginleif.

Dahlia's actually pretty tasty as a Reginleif, having 25 mdef and doubling it during skill (50) makes her a hard counter to a lot of magical enemies. At least I feel like Dahlia will perform better than before considering the stats boost even if it's just for 15 seconds. (or an awesome amazing 70 with Grace)

Meiling is no comment. There's really ... no real reason to raise Meiling unless you really wanna or wants to cost regen off of flying enemies. Ah wait, there's that 25 second wait time.

Carry wise. *sheepish* that's a lot of attack there for a gold unit. Super bandit Carry go - no Carry's semi-decent now. Remember her skill mod gives x2.2 attack and x1.6 defense is quite impressive though 72.5 seconds before it's ready.

Deploy cost when unit 0 deployed -3; recovers cost when defeats enemy; completely restores cost when retreats; attacks all blocked enemies (2).

Kurisa wise, rather than a cost regen, she's like a super vanguard. She's still cheap, and has no problem blocking two after first skill ramp. This might lead to interesting situation where she's blocking a slardar (elite minion) yet still making short work of regular enemies or have no problem blocking the important boss. Cost regen of course is a nice secondary effect.

Lesia wise - Please note due to having Kurisa and Thetis, this view is horribly biased. Farms goblins at twice the speed of lightning. What more can you possibly want? - Sorry, I never farmed much for Lesia. She's better off as Reignlief unless you wanna farm goblins at twice the speed of lightning (why!? You have Ralph for that!!)

Thetis is the new gen cost farmer valkyrie. It will take some getting used to of course, but in early stage first deploy (however, vanguard first deploy or soldier first deploy is more popular) on maps with goblins or kappas, Thetis's has a really strong cost-regen. Then she can be retreated for full cost return once stuff she cannot tank hits the field.

Let's pretend Emilia doesn't exist. I think they think that x2 stats means she will do fine against 2 enemies - No she's not fine. Reginlief's stats pad would have been her salvation - but Devs said no.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hmm, I've tended to use Thetis as my main Duelist rather than cost regen. I wonder if she can still serve in such a position. Either way, raising some more Duelist options is probably a good idea. I already have a million options for ramping that I'm trying to figure out how to handle as well.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I have 150 SC saved, which premium button should I use?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

*cough* unnecessary assumptions. My purpose in making that post, was to inflate X numbers for simplicity's sake (dude, you're not going to get 10.8 armors in 2 runs, it's either 10 or 11), then put X and N side by side and let people see for themselves whether it's worth running X or N.

again, the key takeaway from that post, was basically
3 N runs = 81k gold from 72c/6s
2 X runs = 102k from 160c/6s
1 G run = 52.5k gold from 80c/6s

the resource consumption comparison, vs the gold you get. I was lazy to do the exact numbers per SC consumption, but I'm fairly sure I prefer saving 88cha every 6 sta (and losing some gold in the process) in order to use it to farm other stuff, like orbs and story missions.

Similarly, it's not flat out better to farm BSII now because there's maps like the 66 cha jungle map (or even the highest level makai map which I haven't gotten down to doing) because while BSII probably still provides the best unit XP per charisma, the lower level fodders = more gold will be consumed in the long run.

I am not saying any map is flat out best, just depends on what you want and how you want to make use of your resources, and just adding in stuff that people sometimes do not know of.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It does not matter what you choose initially, you will end up in a new screen with 4 tabs. The first two tabs are the premium summons costing 5 SC, 3rd is SP summon, and 4th is regular 2000 g summon.

As to which premium summon to go with, most people tend to choose the one with highlighted units that they want.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

*cough* unnecessary assumptions. My purpose in making that post, was to inflate X numbers for simplicity's sake (dude, you're not going to get 10.8 armors in 2 runs, it's either 10 or 11), then put X and N side by side and let people see for themselves whether it's worth running X or N.

Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to be rude or anything.
In hindsight it was actually smart doing so, because it allowed you to do the math without a calculator and still maintain a good enough result.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It does not matter what you choose initially, you will end up in a new screen with 4 tabs. The first two tabs are the premium summons costing 5 SC, 3rd is SP summon, and 4th is regular 2000 g summon.

As to which premium summon to go with, most people tend to choose the one with highlighted units that they want.

Do you have any recommendations on which premium summon would help me more. My current team + some cc55 silvers.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hmm , IMO for Lesia Reginleif is better
Strong Stats , quickening like skill (ASPD) , Lightning Rod , TOKEN~ XD
Dun care if You DED~ XD

Thing is , My Lesia is only CC26 or so
Meh.... AW a Black is consume too many resources
If it were Clissa , it would be fine tho
It's just that Lesia doesn't feel worth it all those resources
And another IMO , Dahlia is better at this than Lesia
Sorry Lesia >.>

As for Thetis , hmm I read the comment she is a good cost regen and all
And it might be true

But for Me , better Use Jerome - Katie or better yet Jerome Totono for cost ramping on Subjugation / map with no UP regen gimmick

Probably I'll not AW2 Thetis , for now
Not too mention there is no AW Sprite change >.<

Damn , it is already weeks since Priest get their AW2
I wonder why the Dev not releasing any New AW Sprite since
They could done it like FKG atleast , 3 New Girl - 3 New Bloom per 2 week rotation
Atleast release 1 New AW Sprite per month for previous new AW2~
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Do you have any recommendations on which premium summon would help me more. My current team + some cc55 silvers.

If you recently started, you may not want to to do too many premium summons. There is nothing wrong with holding back if there is nothing that interests you. Aigis is always coming out with new units to keep interest levels up, so there is always next time. Also still nearly 3 weeks left for upgrading stamp cards.

Also, if you have not already done so, it is highly recommended that you purchase the slots to expand your barracks as well as the 2nd the 3rd barracks to store all the excess units. With 3rd barrack you get a free storage for spirits and armors as well. If you already have 3 barracks, then ignore this part.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Perhaps it's schedule conflicts with the artists? Since it was comiket recently. I wonder what their planning schedule is, two month or less to implement new idea?

Although the half-cost failure state was implemented just one week after the collaboration with oshiro project which has half-cost failures makes me think their management isn't elephantine.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Can someone tell me what the options are? I assume something to do with storing fairies, but I dont wanna delete them or something, thanks.

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Can someone tell me what the options are? I assume something to do with storing fairies, but I dont wanna delete them or something, thanks.

the buttons on the right take all faries and tin cans from the respective barracks the one lebeled all will take everything that can be stored and do so the left allows you to select specific ones to store
like theres 49 somethng in barrack 2 clicking the right button the one with the line will take them all out and store them then you can swap tabs on the top to see what all you have stored all sorted very neatly up to 99 of each

also quick question im running out of space quickly eta on silver barracks or is this to far and will never happen
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

also quick question im running out of space quickly eta on silver barracks or is this to far and will never happen

no hints on silver barracks or anything like it, so all i can say use up your silvers for exp during x3 silver exp, especially ones where you have more than 15 of a specific class. unused silver classes like bishops, alchemist and bowriders can be reduced even further.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Can someone tell me what the options are? I assume something to do with storing fairies, but I dont wanna delete them or something, thanks.

First off, there is no way to screw it up and lose your spirits, so it's ok to test and figure out what is what. The only way to delete or lose spirits is if you specifically choose discharge to sell your spirits.

Having said that, your image shows the default tab when you click on the spirit storage icon. Think of this as the deposit screen. It shows that you currently have 12 spirits in main (1st) barrack and 49 spirits in 2nd barrack. The right blue button is "collect all". Clicking that will collect all spirits currently in barrack and put them in storage. You can collect all from each individual barrack or all 3. After you hit collect all it will ask for confirmation, left is yes, right is no. the left blue button is for manually depositing spirits individually, it's not very often used.

The 2nd tab shows your current spirits and armors in storage, and also where you can withdraw spirits back into 1st barrack. Clicking on each of the numbers means you are taking that many spirits back into main barrack. For example, if you have 24/99 gold spirits, and you clicked "x 3", it will take out 3 gold spirits and place them in 1st barrack for you. The pop up dialog is asking whether you want to withdraw more. Again left is yes, right is no. If you want to keep withdrawing in multiples of threes then keep hitting yes. If you are done, click no.

You can store up to 99 of each type of spirits. The only ones not allowed are the Bonboris from revival events because they each have specific skills for the current revival unit. If for whatever reason you want to store bonbori spirits you have to do so in barracks.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

no hints on silver barracks or anything like it, so all i can say use up your silvers for exp during x3 silver exp, especially ones where you have more than 15 of a specific class. unused silver classes like bishops, alchemist and bowriders can be reduced even further.

i was just in hoard mode i didnt think of the sheer number of silvers i had and that i only need at most 6 of each class for a single aw so ill trim them done to around 15 maybe 16 for even sakes then go through and cc them to where i only have 8 of each for space sakes and thatll help thanks for putting it in perspective
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Dev should add option to burn some excess Gold - Silver
Like , make an option to exchange Silver to another Silver + 50K or +100K
I ran out of Healer , while having too many VH - MF or any other


Konoha tornado keeps locked to target even though it already more than half map away >.>
Interesting , but I will not roll~
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Welp, decided to make an alt. Wanted the experience to use a different black unit other then black iris. First roll that wasnt scripted nor the black ticket was Towa.

Its looking good for this alt >_><_<
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Welp, decided to make an alt. Wanted the experience to use a different black unit other then black iris. First roll that wasnt scripted nor the black ticket was Towa.

Its looking good for this alt >_><_<

Bad move.....
I want to leave My alt but cannot becoz it's quite good >.<
Was want to ask for someone to take care of it
But that person gone inactive for months

And think about it , maybe My Luck is stolen to alt instead~